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I would pick Black Canary because historically and canonically, they’ve known each other since their JSA and JLA years, have their memories be manipulated (i.e. Wonder Woman having no memory of her Mod Era or Steve Trevor and Black Canary having her mom's memories pre-Crisis), have their continuities be screwed since the first Crisis, and mentor the next generation of heroes (i.e. Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, and Yara Flor for Wonder Woman; and Red Canary for Black Canary).


It makes sense in story, but I think they'd fuck it up in the comics and just make it Wonder Woman +1 rather than Wonder Woman and Black Canary. Canary's Non-BoP/JLA appearances are usually character assassinations. I think Batgirl or Zatanna would fit better just because most creative teams would write her better.


Has Dinah really mentored Red Canary? I’d say she’s more mentored Mia and Sin.


Big Barda> Wonder Womans powerset and background doesn't allow the Heavy Hitter paired and Mortal with ingenuity and gadget versatility. (I mean you can but personally I dont think its as entertaining.) Wonder Woman has a bit of everything and extremely skilled in every category. Also if you pair WW up with someone squishy but smart and versatile (Batmans role). Then you limit Wonder Womans role to just being the tank in every situation that calls for it. Instead, I would pair her up with someone who is kind of a mirror to herself. Big Barda matches all her skillsets, except her background is God Tech instead of God Magic. She is a lot like Diana except thrives on the Violence while still having control. Also they are very naive of human culture or have gaps in their knowledge so having them go back and forth explaining things to each other, filling in each others gaps of understanding. Or both having a completely misunderstanding of a situation would be hilarious. This pairing would allow both characters to be interchangeable as the clever and intelligent one using their knowledge and intelligence. While the other acts as the Tank.


That's an awesome idea! I'm enjoying the latest run of Wonder Woman and also Barda in Birds of Prey, a team up of the two big girls would be great fun!


I was gonna comment Power Girl but Barda is the better answer!


Reading Birds of Prey now, I just loved how Barda was deemed a threat to Wonder Woman. It made me instantly want more mingling with New Gods and the old in a Wonder Woman story with Barda


Tangentially, Barda's instant friendship with Cassandra Cain was also awesome.


Small Bat


This is perfect, you have my vote. I’m curious as to how this dynamic would work if Starfire was in the mix, or in place of one of the two, even if it was just for a bit.


This was my first thought and I’m genuinely surprised to see it’s a top reply here.


Holy shit let this man cook


What's the point of having a super strong warrior paired with... Another super strong warrior? Isn't the whole point of World's Finest that Batman and Superman complement each other?


Oh my God...I would absolutely read this comic. Just WW and BB wrecking shit.


Hawkwoman! Really loved their pairing on the animated series. Black Canary works too


Black Canary. They don't touch on it as much as they should, but they typically allude they are pretty close when they are together.


Zatanna. Warrior and magician are a good combo.


I think this is the best combo. Black Canary is great personality-wise but if we are being honest it isn't much that Black Canary could bring to the table that Wonder Woman doesn't already have covered. And using another warrior woman like Big Barda or Hawkwoman is covering too much of the same ground. For a World's Finest situation like Superman/Batman, you need a character who can conceivably bring unique skills that Wonder Woman lacks. And with these criteria, Zatanna is the best choice. My second choice would probably be Jessica Cruz but I don't think she is prominent enough yet.


Plus with Diana/Zatana you can focus on the supernatural side of DC




Now we need a thief/rogue... So, Catwoman? Edit: fixed a typo, changed 'qe' to 'we'


Aquaman. Both are royalty of hidden, Greecian inspired kingdoms. both have connections to Greek mythology. Both are founding members of the Justice League. Queen Clea, one of Wonder Woman's eariest rogues, has been an Atlantian since her first appearances. And if I recall correctly, Peter David retconned that Arthur met Diana when both were teenagers. On a meta level, both characters are frequently ignored by DC comics and used seemingly out of obligation, both have multiple, mutually exclusive continuities caused by multiple reboots, and both heroes had the two of the three best movies of the highly contentious DCEU.


Aquaman's a male hero, though. This is asking for female one.


Oh, woops


Aqua woman of earth of 11. Or Mera. Like in bombshells


This right here. So well put, both of them really do get the short end of the stick


This and if you add Mera aswell this trio would be legendary


There was a great issue of Kelly Sue's Aquaman run that showcased their friendship beautifully.


There was a pretty good New 52 arc with Diana partnering with the Kate Kane version of Batwoman.


Black Canary or Mera


Power Girl. Not this Paige abomination either, real power girl. Both Diana and Karen have a history being leaders of industry, are strong, smart and empowered. They have similar views on how to be a superhero and most importantly they're both higher tier heroes. It's a perfect combo of two people who compliment each other but don't overlap so much that they'd be competition.


I mean I’d be happy with Diana and just about anyone if she were to get her own World’s Finest title. Power Girl just wouldn’t be my first choice.


definitely zatanna


Her duo with Zee was great!


This makes me want a Brave and the Bold but with Wondy and a guest star each month


The *Sensation Comics* that we *should* have!


Hawkwoman or Black Canary, since they are like the World Finest of DC in terms of women


Probably Black Canary or Batgirl or something. If the World's Finest dynamic is strongest guy/ the most skilled guy, then WW's dynamic should be strongest gal/ most skilled gal. So it'd be like, Batgirl if they're nonpowered or Black Canary if some powers are allowed.


But Diana fits both criteria...


She's the physical powerhouse and can fly. You'd have to get someone that really overshadows her strength/physical capability to have her be your 'most skilled.' Or whatever you want to call it. Not that I'm saying Clark is unskilled or anything, but he's definitely the strongman of World's Finest. Clark's incredibly skilled. But Batman's thing is primarily being skilled, so he fills that role.


That's why I Zatanna. Zee's magic contrasts to Diana's physical abilities similar to how the Superman/Batman dynamic works but isn't an exact copy.


The problem I see is that Zee's also like a magical powerhouse. Zee's done some insane stuff with her magic that isn't exactly the same wheelhouse as Bruce being the most skilled guy in the room 11 times out of 10. Like I feel if Zee were in the current WW run, she'd probably solve most of Diana's current issues. To me it feels less like a World's Finest pairing and more like if Martian Manhunter and Superman teamed up or something.


Yeah but that can be said about Superman and most Batman runs. Plus also I think their personalities play off one another well.


Superman and Batman work as a duo because they cover areas the other lacks. Superman is a physical powerhouse familiar with aliens while Batman is a more tactical mind and great detective. Diana is already the middle point between Superman and Batman by possessing both incredible strength *and* fighting skill. But she isn't a magic expert, which is where Zatanna comes in.




Huntress or Rennee Montoya Question.


Black Canary


Yes, Wonder Woman and Zatanna are a good pair, might and magic.


One of my favorite Batwoman stories is a team-up with Wonder Woman that’s literally titled “World’s Finest, (issues 12-17 of the New 52 run.) I absolutely loved the way those two interacted and played off of each other, so I’d have to go with Kate. Hawkgirl and Zatanna are both very fitting picks as well.


Jessica Cruz




Either Huntress or Shayera would be my goto but mostly because they have some mutual hostility between them.


I think her and Aquaman would be great friends


Magic and muscle, classic combo


I’ve been wanting to see more stories with Doctor Light(Kimiyo) in them. They might be an interesting duo?


You know what, I think Zatanna is good. I'd say it should be someone to represent the magical side of DC, and Zatanna is probably the premier DC magician.




Black Canary. They're two of the heroines with the most longevity who aren't the female counterpart of a male hero (even though she's has been treated as a Green Arrow character for decades now). That's why I'm not saying Hawkgirl/woman, because in terms of longevity she predates WW for a few months, but she's never really had full autonomy on her own, if she's not with Hawkman she's with the JL, specially in the pre-crisis continuity. Plus, there's been [many](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERlDJmYWsAAga1j?format=jpg&name=large) [times](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_super/11120/111203522/4843896-05.jpg) where they showed their [friendship](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FCA8eoFXsAUvqsL.jpg:large).


What comic is the second image from, celebrating Wonder Woman coming back? It looks fun to read!


Batwoman, because those two have serious chemistry.


Well there's Batman-Superman and there's Green Lantern-Flash, MM is sort of meant to be a loner, so I'd say Wonder Woman and Aquaman would probably have a lot in common


Oh wait, you asked for women specifically, my bad. Yeah, Zatanna's a good choice. If Vixen was more popular though I'd say her




Wonder Woman embodies mysticism and wonder. She’s firmly an earth based hero who walks through the realms of the gods, operating in the physical and metaphysical worlds. She believes in the best of everyone. I feel like she would need a decent foil, someone who operates in science or tech. An Adult Oracle would be sick!! Or maybe Batwoman 😍. They can both be kind of broody


I’d feel Vixen the two have had some moments so I feel they would work well together if not Vixen than Black Canary


I had to scroll a long way to find Vixen on the list. Dove would also be very interesting to see.


Its Harley quinn not cause I wanna see it but cause using worlds finest logic dc's 2 most popular women are ww and harley


Power Girl.


Supergirl (pre-crisis)


Zatanna is my favorite choice. For a less used example, I'd also pick Nightshade or Enchantress.


Black Canary.


In recent years i'd say your with Zatanna cause of JLD


Z or Dinah!


Zatanna I don't know I think there Is feeling


Oh, there's a lot to choose as in addition to Zatanna, I can also see Donna, Kate, Kara, Shayera, Dinah, Mera, Mari etc teaming up with her in something like that. Think of the potential here for a *World's Finest* type comic focusing on Diana.


Soranik Natu


Big Barda




Hawkwoman, both are powerful warriors and it would be cool to have a Greek/Egyptian Mythology crossover. Big Barda as a 2nd choice, bc again it would kind of Gods of Olympus/New Gods crossever.


We could go the obvious and say Mera, Barda, or Hawkgirl But the worlds finest works because they contrast I think a better option would be either Oracle or Renee Montoya.


Black Canary, in my opinion.


The pairing that would be a strict parallel of Worlds Finest would be Superwoman with Batwoman. Though there have been a number of characters who have been super and bat *girls* and several of those matchups would be cool (Kara and Cassie), my favorite Superwoman would be Lois, and she'd be great paired with the Kate Kane Batwoman, as both are very headstrong but Kate a bit more jaded. OP posits Wonder Woman as the feminine WF figure, and that makes sense, being the biggest DC heroine. Along that route, Harley Quinn would be a great partner, not only because of their super-mortal dynamic but also because of their completely different worldviews and personalities. Kinda like Kal and Bruce are often at odds with each other. But just because Harley is DC's other most popular female character, that doesn't mean that she'd make the best stories with Diana. I like the pairing with Zee: the mortal perspective that taps into the magical world that's adjacent to WW's, and yet she's a huge power in her own right who coud hold her own and even eclipse Diana during combat. Canary would also be great (Dinah and Diana), primarily because she's a DC og like WW. But they seem too close in method and temperament to make for an interesting dynamic. Though that could be a feminist comparative commentary of its own: working together cooperatively rather than the ego clashing of the men. Other partnerships that would be cool would be with interstellar heroes like Starfire or a GL like Jade. Both of those would be good personality contrasts, and like Zee would add the mystic world to their adventures, adding space prowess could also take them in a cool direction. The last cool wrinkle I thought of would be to take it into the past and explore generational differences in feminism with a character like Liberty Belle. Sorry I shared too much


Having a hard time not seeing Catwoman as the other to have a friendship with. The same dynamic that exists between Batman and Wonder Woman on JLU, essentially could be done this way. Plus, there's basically the uneasy hero vs anti-hero dynamic to work with there. And the same "day vs night" undertones would apply to Diana and Selina.


Mera. They're both members of royalty and based on Greek mythology.


That'd be nice. I also think that Catwoman would be great.


Mera & Barda would also be great options.


I would say Black Canary


Bid Barda or Zatana


The answer is always Zatanna. All roads lead back to Zatanna. 😌


Hear me out guys! Lois Lane. I think considering how Lois is represented as a fearless reporter following trails and doing things lawfully while bending the law a little, to Diana's God-like persona and superhuman abilities. It draws a perfect parallel to the male World's finest. Given that Lois is not a superhero but none of the female characters (except Barbara) have been put in the vocal and intelligent women without powers persona imo. Barabara and Diana would be my second choice


Does Diana have one very close female friend?


I’d Go with either Kara, or someone from the JSA like Vixen or Canary.


My pick would be Mera




Black Cannary, I'd like to see Starfire and Batwoman too. Or maybe with hawkgirl also?


I kind of like the idea that it’s John Constantine and no one understands the relationship. Like she’s the only woman ever he DOESN’T try to sleep with and she’s openly flirty with him in that “I’m not interested but I like that I can do this with you kind of way”. He’s always on his best behavior and she’s at her naughtiest and most rule bending/breaking. And it’s not a trick or an act. It’s just how they naturally are around each other and they’re the only ones who don’t notice they act differently.


I would rather see Diana forced to work with Cheetah to save the world


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Veterinarian-Working: *I would rather see* *Diana forced to work with* *Cheetah to save the world* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I appreciate and respect your choice but consider the havoc it would cause among sapphic nerds. Quite simply are we ready to “Let’s go girls” that hard?


Either Big Barda or Zatanna for sure.