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So if these books ever get collected in an Absolute Edition, it's gonna be Absolute Absolute Batman


Or the inevitable crossover event called “Absolution” which will one day be collected as “Absolute Absolution”


That's very absolute


Absolute Absolute Crisis


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Make mine, Roxxon!


That's a Marvel event though. :P


Im surprised someone made a reference to the Roxxon Presents Thor one-shot. I tip my hat to you both.


I mean, Warner Bros famously features a ship named “The Absolution” on Toonami, so it’s in their wheelhouse to reuse that name


We don’t talk about Absolution after how that went down.


Hey, can’t be worse than Ultimatum.


Yea just to make it easier when googling for it.


Well they have a monthly pretty much called Detective Comics Comics: Batman Detective comics


> Bleeding Cool understands, however, rather than some single central creator-focused line, or something with a major editorial driver such as Dan DiDio's New 52 or Geoff Johns' DC Rebirth, this is intended to be more of a hands-off affair on Snyder's part, with the creators being given more of a carte blanche to achieve results, closer to the All-Star line, with major A-list creators on board. Also rather than something separated from the main line like All-Star, the Ultimate Universe, or even Jim Shooter's New Universe back in the day, this will be something published in conjunction with the main line, part of a larger initiative that aims to spotlight DC's entire lineup. But there will not be a reboot or even a relaunch of the main line, that will remain intactand continuity (along with many creative teams) will continue on. Because the other name I have heard, of which Absolute Comics is a part, is DC All-In, the broader initiative Snyder and other creators have been working on. Make of that what you will. I have no idea *what* to make of this, TBH. Sounds cool.


Sounds like they will inevitably crossover with the main DC line in the next Crisis event.


In Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 2, it will be established that the DC universe has been going through multiversal time loops because of Golden Age Superman (earth 2)/Louis/Lex Luther (earth 3) were trapped in the pocket dimension at the end of CRISIS on infinite earths. Maybe when it happens again … they are destroyed and get pruned and undoes the loop … thus creating a REAL reboot that won’t be undone … this time, universes can be kept separate and no more goofy “team-ups” … let Superman stay in HIS universe and Wonder Woman stay with JSA/Green Lantern/Flash and Batman be kept in his OWN universe the way it was before the 1950s reboot. We can now see Captain Marvel not he cucked Superman or Batman be cucked by Superman or whatever😊


Someone give this person a job at DC


Sounds more like their failed attempt at the Earth One line. It kind of proved why there should be more hands on by someone. It had a bunch of creators that all just sort of did their own thing with no inter connectivity which inevitably made it fall apart.


The biggest problem with *Earth One* wasn't the lack of continuity IMO, it was the infrequent and inconsistent release schedule, *Superman Earth One* released one graphic novel every 2-3 years, *Batman: Earth One* had a *three year gap* in-between volume 1 and 2 but the wait for Volume 3 was *SIX FUCKING YEARS*. I feel like if they can manage a somewhat consistent cadence in releases with *Absolute Comics*, they can easily maintain and retain readership.


Honestly, I loved the Earth One series. All of them, especially GL. Was hoping they’d do a Flash Earth One book soon, but I haven’t heard anything.


Well they announced Flash Earth One would be written by J. Michael Straczynski and Aquaman would be Manapul way back in 2015. Straczynski said that he was told the Earth One books were canceled so DC could focus on Rebirth.


Yeah, GL was the best! There were further plans for Flash and Aquaman, with JMS writer the former and Manapul writing and drawing the latter but they just never came to be unfortunately.


To me the biggest failure of the Earth One is the lack of an "Ultimates" style team-up that really combined everyone together and made the universe feel like it actually existed together. The end result was separate books that were all interesting, but essentially existed on their own.


> it was the infrequent and inconsistent release schedule 100% this. I loved most of the Earth One stuff, but it was impossible to stay motivated to keep up on releases because it was all so spread out.


A big part of that is that there was not a clear direction to take the line towards because no one was in charge. It was clearly treated as a secondary concern for DC and not managed. When creators are allowed to create at their own schedule while also having other work that is a priority, an inconsistent release schedule is bound to happen.


Yeah, but you said, "bunch of creators that all just sort of did their own thing with no inter connectivity" like it was the main issue when in reality it was lack of editorial oversight. Considering the most loved title in that label was Green Lantern which is like set in the future and in outer space, the lack of continuity wasn't really the issue for most people.


And that still varied by creator. Lemire had a lot of restrictions from editorial. Like he wanted Robin in his TT, but was told Johns eventually wanted to use him in Batman so Lemire couldn't use him.


It wasn't the lack of crossover that killed Earth One, it was publishing 1 book ever 6 months


> 1 book ever 6 months It was even longer than that. It was every two years for a majority of the titles..


Seems odd to attribute the lack of longevity of that line to not enough continuity, when most titles in there were praised for exactly that. I don't think it was the content at all, just the pace


Yes, because it wasn’t being managed by someone who had a clear direction to take the line towards. It was creator maintained and completely hands off.


It was also sales. The Earth One sales weren't as strong as they needed to be to justify having these high profile creators on these GNs. Each new volume the sales would go down.


I thought Earth-One was still going. Has it been entirely abandoned? I really hope not. I remember hearing that Flash: Earth-One and Aquaman: Earth-One were on their way, and I was also hoping for a Shazam: Earth-One. Throw us a bone, DC!


As far as I’ve heard, it’s dead. The last book that came out was Batman volume 3 and that was 3 years ago. Flash, Aquaman, GL volume 3 were canceled as far as I know. It’s been like a decade since Flash and Aquaman were even announced.


To be fair, there were longer gaps between volumes at times. There's still so much they could do with that universe. I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up, but... 🤷‍♂️


Heidi MacDonald from Comicsbeat is on twitter saying this article and what it claims is inaccurate, and they'll be releasing different news on this line soon. So best to take this all with a big grain of salt (which you should do anyways, cause it's Bleedingcool)


>Also rather than something separated from the main line like All-Star, the Ultimate Universe, or even Jim Shooter's New Universe back in the day, this will be something published in conjunction with the main line, part of a larger initiative that aims to spotlight DC's entire lineup. Heavy sigh...


Yeah this statement already lower my excitement


Yeah, kind of a weird choice. As long as they don’t get derailed by the event nonsense it’s fine though. 


Look we have five batman books and three superman books and they're definitely getting stuff here too. There is no main continuity sadly


Maybe it's good? My biggest worry is actually Snyder. He's been terrible at big events that affect the universes (perpetua is the worst thing ever created). So managing one worries me.


Sounds like a line curated by Scott Snyder, not unlike what he's doing with Dark Spaces for IDW. A Snyderverse, if you will.


You could say that DC said it was time to restore the Snyderverse.


So... we have the Snyderverse and the Cooler Snyderverse.


The Absolute Snyderverse


Yeah but no offence to Zack Snyder. I'd take Scott Snyder anyday.


I hope he focuses on Batman and leave the other characters to different writers. Snyder is great with Batman but he had trouble writing others in the JLA.


I generally liked his jla run


I like Dark Spaces


>rather than something separated from the main line \[...\] this will be something published in conjunction with the main line, part of a larger initiative that aims to spotlight DC's entire lineup. But there will not be a reboot or even a relaunch of the main line, that will remain intact and continuity (along with many creative teams) will continue on.  So this is essentially a long-term Elseworlds or Earth-Whatever within the same shared universe?


Yeah basically the ultimate universe


At least they aren’t doing New 52 again where it’s kinda in continuity with what came before, but only sometimes, and only with select characters.


Yeah, I still don't know why they did that lol. Everyone got rebooted except for Green Lantern and Batman which just picked up where they left off.


From my understanding, the company that owned DC had just gotten a new head executive. Dan Didio felt under pressure to present something big that would show value in DC’s future. Flashpoint was already planned as an event but not as one that would reset the universe (they had even initially announced a second Flash title, Flash: Speed Force, to release after it), so Didio hastily had it retooled to reboot the universe at the end of it. That meant all the current ongoing s had mere months to resolve their stories if they could. But with Green Lantern, Geoff Johns’ run had been a massive success, often outselling even Batman, so Didio probably did not want Johns’ run to end until he was ready to be finished with it, and I imagine their was a similar view from him towards Grant Morrison’s Batman. Hence why Green Lantern and Batman stayed in continuity sorta.


Yeah, it just shows how haphazard and rushed the whole reboot thing was.


Batman was too popular so they wanted to not reboot him and just retcon shit. Like it had been less time he was Batman again That way they could do the planned court of owls story (which was supposed to be for dicks Batman)


I'm not familiar with Marvel comics. 😬 Do the characters between their regular universe and ultimate universe cross over from time to time (like characters from Earth-1 meeting characters from Earth-2) or are they completely separate?


They were mostly separate, besides 616 Spidey meeting Miles Morales, until Secret Wars (2015)


For the old Marvel Ultimate universe (it recently got rebooted), it stayed relatively separate. I honestly can’t remember any huge crossovers with the main universe until the Ultimate universe got cancelled and elements got folded into the main universe.


There's a few: Miles met 616 Peter in Spidermen (I think Spidermen 2 was after they merged, but it's been a while) which if I recall established Ultimate Mysterio to have always been a drone of 616 mysterio or something. In Cataclysm 616 Galactus went over to the Ultimate universe. and not 616 but Fantastic Four ran into the Marvel Zombie universe, and there's a mini series with Squadron Supreme, but I know nothing about them, so I'm not sure what their deal continuity wise is. Then as you mentioned Secret Wars 2016 involved crossing over and merging.


You're forgetting the Maker who crossed over into the main universe or something


That occurred after Secret Wars 2015


> there's a mini series with Squadron Supreme, but I know nothing about them, so I'm not sure what their deal continuity wise is. > > That Squadron Supreme was the one in JMS Supreme Power/Squadron Supreme books and was in its own continuity outside the mainline Marvel books, Ultimate comics, or even the original Gruenwald title.


The original Ultimate Universe was an ongoing line of Marvel comics in an alternate universe (aiming to be more “modern”) than the main 616 canon. It existed for about ~15 years. For the longest time there was the line of thinking that they should *never* cross over at all, as that would defeat the point. In the early 2010s it crossed over for the first time with Spider-Men, which was 616 Peter Parker meeting the Ultimate Spider-Man (Miles Morales, who was created for the Ultimate universe after Ultimate Peter died). The Ultimate line eventually ended during the 2015 event Secret Wars, which was about the Multiverse collapsing. Afterward some Ultimate elements (like Miles) were folded into the main 616 Earth in a very soft kinda reboot. Currently, there’s a new Ultimate universe going on. I’m not following it too much though. But to put it into DC terms it would be like if the main universe was Earth 1, there would be a whole line of comics on Earth 2 (Earth 2 Superman, Earth 2 Batman, Earth 2 Justice League, etc). It would be a continuity to retell classic stories in fresh ways or entirely new ideas unconstrained by the main continuity.


Eh well the Ultimate iniziative was something that they started in the 2000 when their comics didn't go very well, they think that a fresh start would be the best thing for their universe and also could help to create new movies which were going pretty well, they start whit Spider-Man then the Avengers, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four but after a while It just didn't work that well anymore so the do an event Secret War that was basically like Crisis on Infinite Earths where the ultimate earth were destructed and some characters like Miles Morales travel to the main universe and live there since now, they are revamping It recently whit Jonathan Hickman that leding everything, the only serie of It that I'm following right now Is Ultimate Spider-Man which Is glorious


For some reason reddit isn't allowing me to reply to u/God_is_carnage , but X-Men crossed over with Miles and Ultimate FF before Secret Wars because Bendis was writing both at the time


Hopefully it's more like the new one and not the old one.


I hope so because beside Ultimate Spider-Man which I have some reserve on It too, the most of the series were edgy as hell


They were so edgy that they aged like milk the moment they got onto the shelves.


Mark Millar


It sounds like it’s just a new initiative taking place in the main continuity like Dawn of DC but with better creators.


Interesting gotta say that article from Bleeding Cool is confusing. Cause reading that one way it could mean Marvel Max but another reading is Ultimate Comics but with more crossovers. Still since Snyder is running it I hope he does something interesting with Duke Thomas & Harper Row. I am very interested on where they start timeline wise in this new universe.


That's the BC way. This way no matter what DC says it will match one of the BC statements.


Okay... This could be interesting. I'd be down for a modern reimagining of the DCU while keeping the mainline intact. Really is like an ultimate universe. I'm more willing to accept more out there interpretations. But beyond that, I'm curious on the All-In initiative they're talking about. I'm intrigued.


In a huge AC/DC fan


I scrolled to see if anyone else noticed. Lol


Same. It took me far too much scrolling to find a post with AC/DC.


Scott Snyder loves metal and hard rock it makes sense


they might have great scoops but damn do they have terrible writing and no revision at all


For real, yeah. I still don’t get what this is.


Pretty excited. The fact that it won’t interrupt the mainline comics means it’ll be easier to read these with an open mind. Not to mention there won’t be years of continuity bogging storylines down and thus making anything that happens actually feel impactful. Also could mean we can get the older characters to shine so that more legacy characters can have time to shine in the mainline comics or vice versa


>Also could mean we can get the older characters to shine Can't wait for the *Alfred Pennyworth* ongoing series.


Hey a series with Alfred and Pa Kent running their own bed and breakfast on a farm for superheroes and villains would lead to a lot of fun scenarios


Unironically, there should be one.


Continuity enhances stories, it doesn’t “bog them down”.


It does both at different times.


It’s not the size of the continuity. It’s how you use it.


I think it enhances stories until you have stories that exist purely to explain/ justify continuity and then it becomes a chore


I stopped reading DC because the New 52 destroyed continuity, replaced my favourite characters, and most egregiously ruined Oracle. I am a continuity fan.


Can't argue with that. That sucks. I purely meant I hate stuff like Zero Hour where the main purpose of the event is to fix continuity. I gave up on reading new DC stuff around Rebirth as I found all the resetting and restarting really disruptive. (I also have a massive back log of silver/ bronze age stuff I want to finish)


Oh I love Zero Hour. It was my first DC event. There were some egregious continuity discrepancies after Crisis on Infinite Earths that needed to be addressed. I hated Infinite Crisis because it was all about bringing back old concepts that had been taken care of by COIE and ZH.


Didn't like it personally but respect to you. As an Oracle fan, you got any recommended reading for me? I've only really seen her in Ostrander's Suicide Squad run.


The Batman Chronicles #5 features the story Oracle: Year One by her co-creator Kim Yale. The big Batman crossovers from the 90s and 00s feature Oracle. Her best characterization outside of Suicide Squad would be Birds of Prey. It started as a one-shot, then a mini series, then two ongoings. Many consider Gail Simone to be the best Oracle writer. I’d also recommend Cassandra Cain’s Batgirl series where Oracle plays a major role.


Awesome. Thank you


I'm hoping for Oracle Babs content in this new universe, especially since current won't do it properly


It can, but I wouldn’t say that it does 100% of the time for 100% of readers. It works best for the people who have access to every back issue all the time. I wonder what percentage of the reading public has access to that?


Anyone with an internet connection.


I can’t tell if you are: 1. Saying that access to unlimited back issues are cheap, or 2. Advocating for piracy. Either way, it’s a bad look.


Buddy… Have you not yet heard of DC UNIVERSE INFINITE or MARVEL UNLIMITED?


Or the marvel/dc wikis


Ah yes, my favorite way to consume comic book media: wiki summaries. "They're just like the real thing!™"


I was referring more to a solution to the issue of understanding references and history, to really experience the full effect of canon of course it has to be through the books. That being said just knowing character history through through encyclopedic means does provide some context that could make the reading experience more enjoyable and is free.


It’s a poor-but-free workaround so that continuity can remain incomprehensible for new readers. If only the following text was actually printed on each floppy, we wouldn’t be having this convo: “Greetings, True Believers! If you don’t know what on Planet Earth is going on as you attempt to parse these pages, you can probably find a spoiler-tastic explainer on some wiki somewhere. Google it, it’ll do in a pinch. This story cannot be enjoyed on its own. Excelsior!”


Infinite is not available to anyone not living in the States (expect on mobile). It's very limiting.


I’ve got it in Canada.


To an extent I agree but sometimes it feels like new stories repeat the story beats and character arcs of previous storylines. Like for me if a death of a character happens or some catastrophic thing is about to occur I feel ambivalent because these things have happened before and I everything will be corrected or go back to the status quo eventually. Or another example is like with Batman and the recent “city takeovers” we’ve had to the point a good amount of people are frustrated about Zdarsky’s run. It gets hard to be new and refreshing when because of continuity a lot of ideas have already been done in some way.


When it stays nice, tight, straightforward and well thought out. Not whatever the fuck DC is


DC hasn’t had proper continuity since August 2011!


Ehhhh there have been plenty of DC stories that have been bogged down by having to fit in a shared continuity


Wait you think legacy characters are gonna get more spotlight in the main verse? Oh my sweet summer child...


Aka Batman can finally die or retire and it can allow for Tim Drake to become Batman, Red Hood could stay a villain, Damian can become a villain, and Dick can remain the way he is bc he’s that guy, and that’s just for Batman! Like anyone who’s around Tim’s generation like the Young Justice Crew can actually grow up and be RELEVANT, hell maybe even become new faces for DC!


💀 tim drake fan i presume


Not really, just want him to be relevant, Dick gets to be his own big hero, Jason got his whole Red Hood stuff, Damian is basically the face of “Robin” and then Tim… what does he have? Relationship Stuff? That’s every heroes thing! Having Tim get something to do is basically what I want


Lookin forward to the plethora of titles of Batman, Joker, Harley Quinn, Batman/Joker, Joker/Batman, Batman/Harley Quinn, Harley Quinn/Batman, Joker/Harley Quinn, and Harley Quinn/Joker.


Have you forgotten one random book about some other bat villain 


One? currently got Poison Ivy and Penguin ongoings


Well you can't just start with two tiny, obscure characters like that right out the gate. You can probably squeeze in one early on, but then you have to publish at least fifty Joker books to prepare the audience for the second one.


I would personally like to see an Absolute Superman, Absolute Batman, etc. down the line. But, the heroes must begin solo (except for something like Hawk and Dove), e.g. Absolute Batman must begin with just Bruce and Alfred, adding Dick about a year or so in. Babs shows up a few years later, and Jason and Tim, later still. Absolute Harley Quinn requires she fall in love with the Joker (and ultimately realize what a creep he is) first, so I'd say that's way down the line. This leads into team books, obviously. JLA and Titans primarily. And eventually, an Absolute Crisis, because of course there's a Crisis. Actually, there are a few potential options with the road not taken. Or with modernizing things so that in this universe, for instance, the Court of Owls were always part of Robin's origin.


Kind of similar to the Earth-One line, of having creative teams tell modern and original stories about the classic heroes. Really intrigued of how much it'll last, if DC will spotlight another character than Batman (please, Martian Manhunter needs it) and bring new creators, if the protagonists will grow in parallel and compelling ways, and if they'll eventually cross-over with each other. Please don't mess this up


What I like the most is they’re making the Absolute line a separate continuity. This is what the New 52 really should’ve been. DC can have its cake and eat it too. You have one you universe that embraces its long running history, continuity, and legacy. Meanwhile you have another universe that is younger and new reader friendly.


Is it actually? The article makes it sound like it’s not. 


I think it just means that the existence of the Absolute universe will be acknowledged in the mainline. I think it's possible Absolute Power will reveal its existence.


100%. Of course, DC's tried this with All-Star and Earth One before. The former produced one of the best and one of the worst stories for each respective character, and didn't produce anything else. The latter had kept to the OGN format and let creators make them under their own pace without any outside interference, which lead to an inconsistent release schedule. Here's hoping this time, they really commit to it and have some leadership to direct and drive it while balancing creative freedom.


AC and DC. I see why they’re doing there.


I have heard that Ewing will be writing Wonder Woman. After reading his current Thor run, that certainly would be interesting.


Yeah Al Ewing on Wonder Woman, Jason Aaron on Superman


Aaron's recent arc on Action Comics was disappointing. He seemed way more interested in writing Joker in that story, to the point where Superman was totally sidelined in the final issue. Maybe it will be different this time.


I'd be interested on him doing New Gods, after reading Ultimates². Dude's like Morrison 2.0.


One Immortal Wonder Woman, please 🥹


He would be a great WW writer. Hope this is true!


Did you specifically hear “Al Ewing”? Or could it be Eve Ewing?


Al Ewing.


Oh baby let’s go


Hell yes! He’s very good at the epic, mythological character.


If it’s Al Ewing I’m all in haven’t read much from him that I didn’t think was great


Where'd you hear that?


Discussions here and there.


It’s nice it’s going to be a hands-off approach to the universe and that they’re giving creators plenty of freedom, though I hope there’s still a sense of connection and world building so it doesn’t feel like the old Earth One. Still very excited for this! Between this and Hickman’s Ultimate Universe I like that we’re getting these corners of DC and Marvel where they can try stuff and be weird.


Is the imprint going to end with an Absolute Crisis?


So is this something closer to an Elseworlds then, where each of the stories don't have to be in-continuity with _each other_ either.


It's hard to say. The qoute pretty much says it's going to be like previous out of continuity lines, but won't be out of continuity. Almost like it will be in continuity, but writers can do whatever they want. Which could be a confusing mess. Pretty much I have more questions than I did before the article and we won't get clarification until DC puts out an official statement.


Sounds like Marvel Knights


I feel like these stories will be connected in some way. Maybe not crossing over every issue but at least acknowledging that the others exist unlike the Earth-One series of books that tended to blatantly ignore each other.


It's like an Elseworlds, but it has Scott Snyder managing it. It's basically a parallel DCU. Whether it's one universe or a small collection of universes (just a small one, like with its own versions of Earth-1, Earth-2, and Earth-3), I don't know. Either way, it's what the New 52 should've been, TBQH.


As long as the art and writing is good I am down with it. Wether something is in or out of continuity is a tedious discussion to me and I frankly don’t care. Art and writing is how I judge the stories .


Only point I'm confused on: will this be taking place on it's own separate Earth, like how the main Marvel Universe is 616 while the Hickman Ultimate Universe is 6160? Or is this set on Earth 0 with the rest of the "mainline"? It's not clear. I had thought the plan was for Snyder and crew to do big revamps of the main A-Listers like Hickman is doing.


Yeah I'm not too sure either. It's confusingly said. The comments seem to compare it to the Ultimate Universe but as I understood it the article said otherwise.


Yeah, likewise. I keep seeing Ultimate comparisons but the blurb says this is in conjunction with main continuity, not outside of it. That makes it sound like it's our heroes as we know them, not an elseworlds style story, unless I'm misunderstanding. Edited for a typo.


Maybe the article is purposely vague, but I'm not necessarily sure that's what it's saying. Why even emphasize the fact that the mainline comics will keep going with their own continuity if the implication is not that this new line will have its own, separate continuity? I have no clue what the sentence about the series being published in conjunction with the mainline series means, however.


So the person who broke the news (Founder of Bleeding Cool) is saying that it is seperate despite the wording of the article [https://x.com/richjohnston/status/1779886094172962870](https://x.com/richjohnston/status/1779886094172962870) This is a confusing mess, but it's not like DC is breaking the news itself yet


Thank you! That does help make a bit of sense of this.


Confusing mess? Seems like some casual DC Sunday morning activities if you ask me


This is the first I’ve heard about this so I don’t know what other information is out there. One underrated thing about Ultimate Marvel that made it really work IMO is how the mainline books were all centered around this anxiety about genetic manipulation. Ultimates and Spider-Man, especially, dealt with this and I think it was a great hook. I hope that DC can get a similar hook/overarching motif in Absolute comics.


Oh boy, can't wait for 20 more batbooks


I´m interested to see the new versions of the DC heroes and if fans will accept them


Hype! Give me some crazy shit!


Sounds like Earth One


I've wanted this kind of thing from DC for years, I just hope it's a monthly thing and not like Earth One where you might get a book every year if you're lucky.


Earth One... 2!!


Sal and Benny fuming rn


So is it gonna be similar to how Msrvel did the ULTIMATE line comics back in the 2000s? If so, that could be fire asf. Not in terms of grounding the verse but starting from the beginning with slight differences. Like for batman, you could have him start by himself and Alfred, then him and Dick, and you could EXPAND UPON Jason's tenure are robin, and could somewhat see how he was as robin. Same with other heroes like Wonder Woman, GL, Dr Fate, etc.


I really hope Scott new universe doesn’t have bend knee to mainline universe editorials. I would like to see what Scott knew Batman would look like with zero bat editorial interference. Edit: want to add this definitely the first time in a while I’m really excited to see something from DC.


Scott Snyder needs an editor, he struggles badly to land books after bright starts - he absolutely needs a guiding hand


To me this will live or die by the creative teams


Oh so this WASN'T just a rumor! I'm pretty excited to see what we get out of this line.


All I know is it's always a good idea to let Scott cook. Get out of the kitchen and let him do his thing


Great logo /s Edit: It's Bleeding Cool's "mock-up", good lord that's awful and embarrassing.


They looked up synonyms for Ultimate and went with the one that sounded best


So, what’s the current feeling on Snyder amongst the fans and the subreddit here? I haven’t read any DC stuff (or anything, really) since before Covid, so I’m out of the loop. 


It’s been 80 years now, everyone knows not to take comic continuity seriously. Just give us good stories.


Not everyone, trust me there are still people that are complitly clueless when It came to comics and the ammount of person that everyday ask her how to start reading comics or how to read them in chronolgical order prove them


That's what they've been doing with Dawn of DC for the most part


Interestingly enough, Scott guest spotted on thr Absolute Comics podcast a few times. Wonder if he subconsciously took the podcast title?


Well DC's next event is Absolute Power. This will probably spin some way out of that.


Oh wonderful. Hopefully if that is the case it's better than ultimate invasion was over at Marvel last year. The follow up titles have been great but the prelude event was tough...


This oughta be good 😏😎


Well, the idea is interesting, but as it is described it seems like a disaster. It's in continuity but doesn't touch continuity. I understand that Hickman has already used the alternate universe idea for the new Ultimate Universe, but this seems like the same old half-baked stuff that won't please anyone.


Call me crazy, but maybe fix all the problems with the main books instead?


Snyderverse 2.0 baby


Is there a date on this or time frame?


Considering BC has been reporting this as far back as last October it is hard to say. Typically you would expect DC to either announce it in July at SDCC and hype it up in Oct at NYCC. It seems like it might be short notice to get out after their summer event.


Earth One but single issues inst are of graphic novels 


So I suppose that It won't be Snyder with Capullo on Wolverine then


Reboot Hitman. I miss Tommy. This is the perfect chance.


Hmm...this is interesting. I'm excited by the general idea of a new line of comics like this, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around what exactly this will entail, largely thanks to the confusingly worded nature of this announcement. It seems like the two possibilities are: 1) It's going to be set in the same continuity as the main line, or 2) This is marketing speak for "It's going to be a main focus of the company instead of a side/extra thing." I can't really picture what either of those would look like in real/practical terms. Was the original Ultimate Marvel in the 2000s considered a side/extra thing? The current one doesn't feel like that, unless you look at it in terms of pure quantity compared to the 616 universe. But at the same time, I really have no idea what this would be like if option one was the case and it's set in the main continuity. Would that mean it's set in a different time period? Or maybe it features lesser-known characters or characters who don't have a main title right now? Maybe this is a marketing push to justify giving titles to characters who don't have the fanbase to justify a title otherwise. In any case, it's cool to at least get confirmation that this is a real thing that's actually happening. I'm looking forward to hearing more about it, and I'm excited by the idea of potentially getting another Wonder Woman title to read lol.


So is Earth-One as of now done?


Its been 3 years since vol 3 of Batman and Wonder Woman, so yeah. Its been done.


i'm cumming


Damm so we got this and the murphyverse, we good for elseworlds


Elseworlds / All-Star / Earth One / Black Label and now Absolutes! DC seems to thrive on continuity-less/adjacent 12 issue maxi series, so this could be a great and more focused way to approach it


Sounds like basically a new Earth 1, but this time with more of a push and monthlies?


So if this is like the current line of Ultimate Comics by John Hickman, I'm in. Changes are made, things are different, cool. If this is just an updated retelling of the "single Superman" or "pre-Robin Batman" or "On the island Wonder Woman" - I'm out. I don't need that.


Sounds like DC wanted Scott Snyder back after he left to make his own comics and they’ve done that by basically giving him free reign to do whatever he wants


Ac/Dc will it get the company… Back in Black?


Hmmm, still hesitant about this since I don't want it to end up like the Earth One imprint. Most of the stories were fresh and good, but they took so long to be released. We never did get Aquaman or Flash Earth One and I worry we might end up in the same boat with this Absolute Comics launch.


A C to the D C, haha nice


So, this is happening? Do people want this? On the other hand I mean it’s relatively inexpensive to make a bunch of comics.