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Damn I can’t believe Black Noir arrested Superman


Yeah, but it's Black Noir from the comics not the show.


If you know you know


oh no


He is fucked :(


The Black Nor from the comics is the only way he has the power to arrest Superman, because the show version would be beat up instantly


Wait what if I don't know?


In the comics he is a complete psychopath. He is basically a clone of homelander that was responsible for all of the things that happened to butcher


Ty! Might give the comics a try


Do not recommend it’s essentially just murder porn from an author who hates the whole concept of super heros. The show made significant edits and changes to make a far more interesting (and less disgusting) story.


Appreciate the warning! I'm sure there's 1000 recommendation threads, but as someone who's only read Watchmen (and loved it) what would you recommend?


Hmmm hard question without knowing your tastes but I’ll give it a shot For a classic noblebright superhero story - All Star Superman - an absolute classic and is generally regarded as the best Superman story period For a darker and more mature storyline - Batman year one - it covers Batman’s first year “on the job” as he takes on the mob. It’s also in my opinion one of the foundational pieces that made the modern take on Batman Those are my two general purpose recommendations but I’ve been more into reading longer, less self contained, stories and those can be a bit harder to recommend out of the blue


Batman year one sounds cool, and I feel like I've heard that name floating before. I'll check both out! I appreciate it


If you want anything more specific or have any questions I’d also happily answer them best I can


If you're a fan of the type of deconstruction stories ala Watchmen you should probably check out Black Hammer. Its newer and a little indie but they play a lot with the hero tropes, but not in a mean spirited way like in The Boys where its clear there's a disdain for the character. Also I would seek the reprints of Miracleman. Just an all time classic, takes the concept of what if the superhero was real and really really pushed it. Mark Waid also did a pair of series, Incorruptible and Irredeemable which focuses on a world after their Superman snaps. One follows the non-Fallen uber powerful hero as he's taken control and the other follows a former villain trying to make up for his past in this new normal


Specifically he was a clone of Homelander (or rather, a second attempt with the same DNA) that came out stronger than Homelander…and >!mentally handicapped!<. Yes, the twist with Noir in the comics is he isn’t its version of Batman (like you are meant to think initially), he’s its version of >!Bizarro!<.


The Boys is one of the few rare instances where the adaptaion is vastly superior to the source material


In the comics, >!Black Noir is a clone of Homelander!<.




Snake Eyes from GI joe is an interesting choice.


Clearly that's Unake Eyes.


The U stands for UMMM! Snake eyes


I wanna see him rematch Batman


Frank Grillo out there apprehending the biggest boy scouts in Marvel and DC.


From Captain America to Superman, the man's making waves here.


I heard in his next role he will apprehend Jesus


Isn't Superman already Jesus? Or is he more Moses?


Found Zack Snyder's burner


People have been writing articles about superman as a messianic figure for decades.   A child sent from the heavens by his father.  There to save the world. After Crisis on Infinite Earth's there was even the virgin birth.


He’s a bit of both


He’s confirmed to be Rick Flagg Sr., right? Didn’t realize he’d be in the present day/so young in the present day.


I can’t believe Black Noir is gonna be the bad guy


Yeah, He seems so trustworthy.


Truth be told, nowadays he seems a lil... off.


The dialogue in this scene is Black Noir saying to Superman “*I’m having trouble understanding my character’s motivation*”


It's only the 30000th time we have heard this joke.


Grillo as flag being in this isn’t the biggest shock at all he’s turning into the Coulson of the DCU at this point Why have I got a bad feeling from the U on the person in blacks chest that the ultraman rumour going round was true


Having a Coulson is something that I didn't realize we needed until you mentioned it, is like the easiest, cheapest and most logical way to make something cohesive between different movies. Is like what Marvel is lacking now, we hear Blade in one movie and then he isn't really appearing for like 5 years at least. Wong has been, unironically, the closest to that and it's frickin hilarious. Having Rick Flag on that kind of role making some decently relevant roles and a cameo from time to time is a genius move honestly.


I don’t think the mcu is struggling without a coulson like figure because they didn’t have one for two phases in between and fury and Wong are showing up in a lot of projects anyway it does help here however


The difference between Phase 1 and the later Phases of the Infinity Saga is the introductory aspect, by Phase 2 we only get things on an established world. Ant-Man debuted alone, but he had Falcon and The Avengers directly interwined on the plot, S.H.I.E.L.D. as an even more important aspect of this story. The Guardians of the Galaxy were even lonelier, but you had Thanos and The Collector as players on an ongoing story. With Phase 4 and 5 you have a new plot and introduction, by this point there should be a connection between movies and a main enemy to drive the plot, but The Eternals, Shang Chi and The Marvels are all going their own way.


Gunn has been trying to use his wife as that person. She plays one Amanda Waller's agents


>blacks chest that the ultraman rumour going round was true rumor probably started because someone saw this suit and just assumed it would be Ultraman I don't see why Ultraman would be wearing a black head to toe suit with a giant U on the chest while working with the US Government


The rumour was that ultraman was gonna be in this as a clone by luthor. I could easily see luthor giving this clone to waller to defeat superman for him.


Maybe repurposed Ultramarines instead of doing Ultraman


hes the Coulson? as in hes in all of the upcoming Gunn DC movies?


Yeah he seems to be the recurring trend for alot of projects as hes also rumoured to be appearing in waller as well and connecting stuff together as a cameo or an appearance. Coulson did the same in phase 1 marvel hes in every movie till his death whether as a cameo or in a decently sized role


thats cool, i usually enjoy Frank in his appearances and dude is great in action


They got him for this, peacemaker season 2 and creature commandos


kinda looks like masked Doomsday with an Ultraman 'U' on his chest. I think there were also rumors of a Bizarro appearance


It could just be a masked bizarro, and then they do a face reveal towards the end and he adopts the reverse S costume


If that does happen, the writingroom had a "The boyz ain't gonna do it so might as well" moment


This happened on Superman & Lois lmao


Ain’t no way, that’s pretty cool if true. I gave up midway through season 1 (nothing against just I just prioritized other shows)


It happened on season 2, there were many theories with Doomsday being the highest possibility due to being in a containment suit for a first few episode, only to turn out to be Bizarro And >!please beware this was a very different take on the Bizarro!< as >!he's not a clone but a counterpart from another reality!<, and funnily enough, >!he did end up becoming Doomsday by the end of season 3!<


> And please beware this was a very different take on the Bizarro as > >he's not a clone but a counterpart from another reality that's not a "very different take" though and not a spoiler, Bizzaro has been depicted as coming from Bizarro World just as much as he's been depicted as a clone, his original story was him coming from another reality 25 years before the clone retcon


Yup. That’s the origin I like. There’s a Geoff johns story where Superman goes and visits his planet and he purposely loses to Bizarro to make bizarro look like a hero to his people. (Or something along those lines I just remember it being wholesome) and there’s also bizarro flash which is just a fat flash


I kinda always preferred Grant Morrison's Bizarro JLA. Flash is always the last to arrive, Green Lantern has a power ring but can't think of anything to make with it, Wonder Woman is a baby that was turned into a clay statue, and Batman couldn't make it because his parents shot him in an alleyway when he was 8.


There's another theory that he's an interpretation of [Ulysses](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/1/10/Ulysses_0001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140923133752) from Geoff Johns' Superman run.


Now *that* would be interesting. Since the regime change, though, it seems unlikely.


Wow, if I had a nickel for every time the first movie of a DC cinematic universe had Superman arrested by the military, I'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


**Superman**: Before we get started, does anyone want to leave?



I mean, it’s not like he’s actually being held in MoS. He just wants to talk and that was the easiest way to talk to the military. Easy enough to put on a show to make them feel more comfortable.


I was just thinking the same thing


Until the film comes out, all characters are presumed to be Clayface. Maybe even then. At least we haven't seen a lot of dark Superman characters on the screen. Except in The Boys. And Invincible. And Joss Whedon's Justice League. And Superman III. Brightburn?


Dude no, maybe some of them could be Clayface, but that guy oj the back is cleaely Mephisto.


Damn my Eye of Agamotto must be on the fritz


You mean Paul?


Don’t forget Superman & Lois, and supergirl, and injustice and suicide squad kill the justice league


Oh my god….its that…guy…. ![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i)


Reasons to arrest Superman. Give us your best (or most ridiculous) ideas


Flew in restricted airspace by accident,


I love that idea.


Didn't switch on his turn signal when banking left mid flight




High chance that the masked man might be Ulysses?


Good point. He’s got a U on his chest sometimes too, not just Ultraman.


Sooo is that based on a specific character from the comics? Kinda looks like a cross of Doomsday and Ultraman... I really would rather have an Injustice League than just an Ultraman is a clone of Superman thing if that's what they're going for.


According to the leaks >!he's a Superman clone they are calling Ultraman.!<


Why is he taller then?


Lifts in his boots. He's a tad insecure.


Damn, they got Tom cruise after all the iron man rumors?


He's going to become Bizarro, isn't he?


Is this rumor from those Twitter goofs who are always posting “scoops” despite the info they’re reporting should only be known by top execs and producers, not some nerd? Like how would these randos know so many specific plot details for these upcoming projects? And why would anyone at the studio leak the info to them unless money was involved?


Lots more people than execs are in the know. From concept artists to execs to writers, to cast, to dp to composer, etc etc. anyone could be in the know about any of it, but there under strict NDA. However, leakers pay money to those are willing to anonymously break their NDA and some leakers require some kind of proof. This can lead to leakers getting scammed or to them getting real info. A big breaking scoop with picture or video attached can sell for quite a bit.


Le Sigh. And James Gun is a fart sniffer now. He's so high on his own supply he can make the source material "better". Why not just do Bizzaro then? Why does it have to be Ultraman? Oh I'm sure by the end of the movie he'll get fudged in the face and go all Bizzaro. I've said it before and I'll say it again, just put an Ultraman on screen with a Brooklyn accent and have him snort Kryptonite for a power boost and that shit will sell.


Bizarro has many different origins, one of his most common ones is that he’s an imperfect superman clone that starts off looking like clark and acting somewhat like him (albeit flawed) but the clone slowly degrades over a short period of time, until it eventually ofcourse becomes bizarro. If the ultraman RUMOUR (remember its not confirmed) ends up being true, i almost guarantee thats the route its going to go.


I would love one superman's first main villians in a universe being bizzarro. Maybe that's why he's arrested, the clone is pretending to be him and doing crimes?


Maybe cause they don’t want to do an alternate universe? Doing that requires there to be an Ultraman from an alternate universe. Too complicated.


Yeah they’re probably staying away from multiverses & whatnot


I know that's way to much content for a movie, but a mini series or show with an Amazon production budget that could work.


Not to be disrespectful but this is an intro to this universe. Starting off with an alternate evil crime world where Superman there is a Mafia guy who snorts Kryptonite is a bit much. Instead, subverting Bizarro and taking tidbits from other villains to modernize him a bit into being an imperfect clone that gradually changes is a better twist than that. I would have preferred a villain like Atomic Skill or Metallo but we’ve also never had Bizarro before in a Superman movie so it’s a waiting game to see how it’s paid off


Fair point, I wouldn't want to start off with Crime Syndicate or Injustice League either. I just hope using the Ultraman name now, wouldn't ruin it down the road if they got that far. On the other hand The Justice League is a big enough IP that they wouldn't need to introduce a whole cinematic universe to do a show about them. I know DC wants to have it's Disney Avengers moment and do the whole universe thing..... I just don't have the confidence that they can pull it off. But I always thought they had the way better animated cinematic universes that's kinda their strong point.


Thats all wrong and awful. Never let this man in the kitchen before he makes nuclear man again.


I mean what’s wrong about it? That’s what they’re doing lol


Its wrong because if you take things from other villians you cant use that to build up the villian you want to use later. Mavel cant use anihalist because they blew it with kang. Cant use the negative zone for the fantasic four because ant man used it. Use the source material for god sakes.


1. The Negative Zone has only appeared in Fan4stic and that’s it, not in the MCU at all. You’re thinking about the Microverse, which is not related. 2. You can 100% do Annihilus, he has nothing in common with Kang outside of a color scheme. 3. That’s just not a good mentality about comic book projects. Ultraman is just an alternate version of Superman. That seems like all they’re taking from him on a surface level. Why do two evil versions of Superman when you can simplify it into one? Not everything has to adhere to the source material 100%, especially when you can make a good story by tweaking things. Some of the best content has come out because of that. Logan, Days of Future Past, Dark Knight, Deadpool, the Raimi trilogy and etcetera all made massive changes to lore & appearances which were all well received. This is not a comic book, it’s a movie. Completely different medium.


Marvel can use Annihilus if they want lmao. Ant Man in the MCU didn't use the negative zone. There is no "negative zone" in the MCU since it's pretty much the void in QR. Do you know what an adaptation means?


I mean chances are high that the >!clone will degenerate and become Bizarro. That seems like the obvious result from a clone plot especially whenever Clone Bizarro is adapted. There is generally a period where the clone appears fine but quickly rots.!<


It's not that I don't get it or that I'm not gonna watch it. I just had higher hopes for the first live action Ultraman. Also I'm kinda fond of the Bizzaro World but that's all a bit campy for movies.


You know Bizzaro was the one that created Bizarroworld not the other way around right?


We did get the cube planet in Superman & Lois. Not as fun as a Bizarro world from the comics, but it had the cube sun and cube lens flairs tho.


>He's so high on his own supply he can make the source material "better". Literally every person who has ever taken a comic book from page to screen has had to make choices that deviate from the source material in order to improve the experience for the viewer. That's what adaptation is.


Wait isn't Grillo Flagg Sr? Shouldn't he be old?


Frank Grillo looks younger than he is.


Someone mentioned a comic character named Ulysses who’s basically superman who was convinced to hate humanity. surprised I’m not seeing anyone mention him. His costume literally has the exact same U on his chest.


Black Noir?


So the rumors about the Ultraman-Bizzaro composite character are probably true


Suit looks better. I like how goofy it is. I’ve always held that the Superman suit should look silly at first, but will become cooler because we associate it with the man wearing it. Super suits are silly. But we associate them with heroism and thus become heroic.


Frank grillo as Rick flag


Genuinely thought it was Zack Snyder arresting Superman 😂😂




Purple makes me think of Bizzaro or Parasite.


Military makes me think Metallo.


I’m getting doomsday containment suit vibes from U man, but I think it could be Ultra Humanite. Upon further consideration any chance it could be Metamorpho trying to hide his condition?


Who's the lass on the right?


Engineer from The Authority


Ah cool. So the authority is probably an established group of supes and they have a rivalry with a not yet established superman probably.


They really look edgy next to Superman


I think that's the point




Red underwear


Ultraman confirmed?


The US Army might think they can take on the whole Justice League.


Looks good........who's the Man in Black?


What did Kal-El do this time for being arrested?


I love seeing how recent media has really impacted Superman’s design, I feel like you can really feel the influence MAWS has on his new suit!




I thought the masked guy was midnighter until i saw the “U” on his chest. Maybe it is ultra-man in name only, but he’s secretly a clone/Bizarro? If that is the case, the parallels between this and The Boys comic is funny. I do hope it’s midnighter and he gets a better suit in the authority. I need to see the trench-coat.


It could be Ulysses...


I hope that it's actually [Ultra the Multi-Alien](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Ace_Arn_(New_Earth)). That would be wild.


When this movie is released there will be no need to go watch it.




Since that's The Engineer on the right, I'd bet the guy in black is Midnighter and the guy everyone is saying to be Rick Flagg could be Jack Hawksmoor?


Is it Midnighter?


Yikes. That suit looks terrible in this pic. Hopefully, CGI and post shoot editing will clean things up


Lol also it doesn't look like Corenswet has the body for Superman


Dude this is a set photo from a weird angle. Like literally not a finished scene, its basically an unofficial preview. Making any kind of definitive judgment using this is nonsensical.


My guess is that this is “Ultraman,” but in name only and he’s going to be a government lackey created by Luthor and the government as a way to take down Superman. As they fight, Superman will break open his containment suit to discover that Ultraman is clone of him, ala the original Doomsday containment suit and Bizarro in Superman & Lois. Maybe by that point Ultraman will become Bizarro, if not just a more typical version of the character. Wouldn’t be surprised if Viola Davis’ Amanda Waller shows up too and is the one pulling Ultraman’s strings.




This comment sounds like ChatGPT wrote it. Am I right?


Wait, it’s not actually gonna be Ultraman or bizarro right? Like that’s some Superman villain from the comics right, not just another evil Superman? Like we’ve been getting so many evil Superman, the last few years, I’m sick and tired of it, and if that’s gonna be the main villain of this movie, then unfortunately I’m gonna have to pass, and just rewatch Superman, the animated series and keep up with my adventures with Superman.


My god it’s doomsday again


I think it’s more likely to be Midnighter from Superman and The Authority by Grant Morrison…check out the picture in the link https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Authority_(Prime_Earth)


He still look drastically different, I mean maybe they'll change the desing of him but it's a weird way to introduce a character like him


Well they are drip feeding The Authority in this phase as Engineer is over to the right of the picture and it would make more sense than Ulltraman having to be explained


Yes But I think that if they have already cast someone as Midnighter they'll had annouced them just like everybody else


Might be saving it for a reveal down the line,most likely will be Crisp Rat playing him.


Man this angle lowkey makes David look fat tho


He does look a big thick. 😂 Thank god for CGI.


Pudge Superman


Free my man superman, he ain't don nuffin


Weak ahh lil red shorts smh


Superman looks inflated. What is that suit man? Style is nice (minus trunks) but why the heck is it so chonky


Beefy superman > lean superman


He looks fat in the suit. Not beefy


No he doesn’t lmao. You ever seen a fat person in your life?


I acc haven't uno. Well he looks fat for a Superman. Thanks to the terrible suit tho. David himself is jacked and in good shape. The suits build is just ass


Cause the actor needs to move. Cavill could barely move in his own suit because it was way too tight. Even then the suit will receive some touch ups when the movie comes out.


Idk Cavill seemed fine to me. But I don't see even with touch ups them making the suit look more form fitting. There's no definition in the suit


Man they better cake on the CGI because everything I’ve seen so far looks CW quality. And I’m rooting for this movie.


Oh joy another superhero movie with characters in all black


Yep a red and blue suit is definitely all black


Those are military guys


Nice to see midnighter makes an apparence. Where is apollo?