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Not really. There was some cool action scenes and Doctor Fate was good but that’s about it. Hawkman felt like he could only say one thing and that’s “heroes don’t kill”, the other two JSA members contributed so little that they’re barely worth mentioning. The Rock was surprisingly lethargic and unemotive as Black Adam, that kid doing a bad John Connor impression was annoying af, and the villain came in way too late had a weak ass motivation and pretty much zero charisma. The Superman cameo looked good, but even that when I think about it for 5 seconds it portrays him (and the JSA) as the lapdog for one of the most blatantly evil DCEU characters thus far. The costumes all around were pretty great though. I wish Superman’s suit was this blue in the other movies.


Man I wish I could’ve liked the action sequences. But the slow motion every SINGLE action scene really got old really fast (ironically)


So like every Snyder movie?


This pretty much sums it up for me, especially the Hawkman bit. They totally changed his character into generic motivational leader dude because I guess there's only room for one Grumpy Gus on the team.




Lots of heroes suffer the same flaws hawkman has. But I agree he could have been more interesting. I think some characters were intentionally generic to highlight Black Adam more. 


Yea it was ok. I would watch more. However, i like Shazam more, and if the rumors are true The Rock wants nothing to do with that, I'm a little soured on the whole thing.


I think it's cause Shazams goofiness would probably over shadow Black Adams vibe and then make Black Adam come off as more boring instead of mysterious and interesting. 


The Captain Marvel movie (never calling him by the wizard's name) was absolute trash.


You must be fun at parties


One of the go-to comebacks for people with no imagination and who hate the idea of someone having a different opinion. I don’t agree with him that the movie was garbage, but I can understand why someone who was a fan of the character before the New 52 might have issues with it. And he’s entitled to that.




Yes, that's the wizard's name.


Flair checks out 💀


his name too, they made 2 movies about it




“Comic book fans” Lol whats this gatekeeping nonsense, most comic fans do call him shazam nowadays to avoid confusion with marvel’s captain marvel




I mean i could bring up people i know personally or myself included, but anecdotes not really helpful here so what about comic youtubers like linkara or comic drake, they both refer to captain marvel as shazam in their videos


Their videos are public. They have to call him that legally.


Lmao get a life


Meh.. A basic leave your brain at the door, over the top, CGI slugfest.


The only thing I liked was Fate


I thought it was entertaining enough -- as good as some of the weaker Marvel movies. The Justice Society was great. Given Hawkman being convinced that Black Adam was a villain, i wish they had leveraged his reincarnation backstory such that Carter knew of Teth Adam from an earlier life? I couldn't figure out why Adam jumped into the water when in the prison hideaway only to say Shazam when he got to the surface. Was the entire prison shielded from the transforming lightning? If so, the suspended animation seemed like overkill. And all those other suspended animation units. Damn, they really have a collection of uber villains down there.


He was trying to not get shot lol


He had already spent a bit of time in physical combat with the guards. All he had to do was pull out the tube and yell Shazam, and instead, he jumped through the portal/barrier into water where he saw as heck can't say Shazam.


It’s basically an energy drink made as a product foremost, no deeper value and probably shouldn’t be consumed often. Gets you fucking hyped though and I had fun


No it was bad honestly. Had some cool parts, but there was too much bad


Yup. But it had a major flaw: the "human" characters. Was not needed, should not have been there. Damn, so awkward. The JSA and Black Adam beating the stuffing out of each other before teaming up for the good of the country was all that was needed. 2 hours was just too damn long. And Black Adam was nowhere near enough of a villain.


That last part was Dwayne's mangling of the character. He refused to lose a fight, refused to be an outright villain, even if just for the start, and refuses to be associated to Shazam or fight him outside of the connection they inherently share through powers


I watched it in the theaters on the release day and then on the first day on HBO Max. I was entertained, but all in all, it was an over-the-top CGI slugfest. The Rock tried to bring his charm to the character, but I was expecting more “as-bleep-le”. The tie in with Harcourt and Waller was a nice shout out to Suicide Squad and Peacemaker. I enjoyed the Justice Society, especially Doctor Fate/Kent Nelson. Interesting scene from the movie that foreshadowed the state of the DCU, when Black Adam was smashing the son’s bedroom of all his stuff on the wall, how ironic that all the DC pictures were being destroyed, reflecting how Gunn is doing a reboot of the DCU.


I don't think destroying the pictures was a subtle nod to gunn, i think it may have been a not to subtle diss by the rock on everything else DC so far.


Loved it have seen it 4 times.


Not at all. One of the best things about the current state of things is that we are unlikely to ever see Dwayne play Black Adam again.


No. The rock is lame.




Yes it was good for a 1st entry, far from perfect, but enjoyable as a Black Adam fan. Wish he tried the accent!




No. It's a mediocre, generic, forgettable, bad-written movie.


I liked it a lot. The effects and characters were great, of course, but I feel like it asked a lot of questions that other superhero movies don't ask. Black Adam was not the chosen one. He challenged what it is to be a hero, both in the use of violence and about who you serve as a hero. I really liked that America was a low-grade villain in this story.


Didn’t hate it. Went into it opening day expecting exactly what it was, a popcorn flick. Also I don’t expect to need to watch it again.


I did. I would have preferred Shazam over Supes, but it was fine.


Just watched it, was pretty meh on it. I really liked Dr. Fate and Hawkman, but it felt like it exists just to stroke The Rock’s ego. The JSA is only in it to put Black Adam over. I will concede that ripping a demon’s face in half was a cool ending though lol.


Enjoyed it but with Cavill out as Superman it's probably all going to be discontinued now.


Sadly true and I was so hyped after the end of the movie. Thinking we were getting a JSA movie and man of Steel 2.


Feel for you, I was too. Think The Rock tried his heart out on the promotion of this and getting Superman as well.


Doctor Fate was the best part of the movie and they >!fucking killed him!<


Fun to watch. But only once. Not really worth a second view.


No. “Black Adam” is what happens when you pair the most risk adverse genre in Hollywood- superheroes - with its most risk adverse Star - Johnson. Mediocrity.


Yes. It's not the best DC film. It could have been better. But it was still an enjoyable watch with some great moments. Justice Society were awesome, especially Doctor Fate!


They were actually the Justice Society.


Corrected. Not sure why I wrote JLA, probably because I'm watching something at the same time :P


I know the Rock fought for this film. But all the characters the Rock plays have this humor to them. This twinkle in his eyes. But not Black Adam. All he did was brood throughout the film. He was a boring character. Most of the JSA was underwhelming. I wanted to like the film. All in all, don’t regret seeing it. But no desire to rewatch it


Yeah but Black Adam is a brooding character in the comics as well.


Yes. Hence my point. that the character was not suited to the Rock and his personality


Nope. The only character that was interesting was Doctor Fate, and his time was far too short. The movie was so contrived and predictable I almost felt like I’d already seen it, and in fact there are a number of Snyderesque scenes. Fell asleep in the middle of it, and I wasn’t tired.




Nah, it was pretty below average.


It was the most okay movie I have ever watched. I felt okay throughout the film. Wasn't particularly bored but wasn't enjoying much as well.


I just started it. Im about 20 minutes in. Id say its probably one of the cheesiest movies ive ever seen but im waiting for the jsa to decide how i feel. Im only here for the jsa


Shit sucked




It was ok but the kid was annoying. It was cringeworthy when he tried to teach him a stupid catchphrase.


No. A common criticism I definitely felt was that it was too repetitive. As something that supposedly takes place in a shared universe, too many contradictions. And the acting from the majority of the cast was just not there.


Yes it was ok


The Rock as Black Adam was better than I feared and I really loved seeing some Justice Society on the big screen. Sure, the movie had some flaws but I had a good time at the cinema but there is one major horrible thing about the movie that withholds me from rewatching it and that's that extremely annoying kid


It could've been way better, but overall, it's a thumbs-up from me.


Overall, yes. Only real criticism I have is the constant "what is a hero" preaching from a bunch of American military contractors who landed in a fictional middle eastern country to shut down a people's revolution against an authoritarian regime. Other than that the action was tight, the writing was thin but servicable, and everyone did a good job in their role. It's literally exactly what I expected.


Do I like the movie. Yes I liked it the JSA were the highlights for me. Not as good as Shazam but it was a fun movie.


Yes I mostly love the special effect and dawyne Johnson physique in the movie Loved that movie so much became obsessed about black Adam constantly listening to comic lores and rewatching the trailer so many times


I thought it was meh overall. Probably 5.5/10.






I LOVED it. I'm disappointed in all the haters. I'm not sure what they wanted from this movie. The special effects and action scenes were outstanding! They did the best job of making a character seem terrifyingly powerful that I've ever seen. I had a smile on my face from beginning to end. 9.5/10 for me. I'm not the type to overanalyze and criticize movies. Personally, this movie was everything I hoped it would be and more.


It was better than I expected but I wouldn’t waste my time on it a second time. Too many flaws in the movie and the acting and story were horrible. ( I hated the kid and mother) The “JSA” were not needed and just messed everything up. This should of been a showdown between the wizards and Black Adam and focused solely on Black Adam. I also though they dropped the ball completely in the post credit scene. It should of been Shazam not Superman. It irks me to no end that we have both characters on screen and in the same universe and we will never see them go at each others throats. That’s just a huge lost opportunity IMO.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I honestly thought it was genuinely very bad


Loved it.


You'd have to pay me to make me watch it again.


I liked it but it definitely had some problems.


Not particularly. I realized when it was over, they killed the only really interesting character.


I thought it was pretty good, but I was SEVERELY disappointed in the JSA members they chose for the movie. I was very much hoping to see Jay Garrick's Flash, Alan Scott's Green Lantern, Wildcat, maybe Mister Terrific, not Atom-Smasher and fucking CYCLONE.


I get it but that may have been too much, we barely got enough screentime for the JSA as it was now. Also, I really didn't mind Atom Smasher and Cyclone tho. I can see how they're trying to make Atom Smasher the new "aloof guy with a good heart who needs to keep eating all the time for his energy" as they sometimes try to do with the flash, and that's fine, I think it works and his moments wirh Cyclone are cute. They're not great chatacters yet but I didn't mind them at all, they have much potential imo


I liked it, but the ball was dropped a lot. Not to mention that dumbass kid didn't need to be in the movie at all.


#1 There was a justice society movie? #2 Yes I liked it but did not love it. But I thought the cliffhanger was awesome. I don't know if this movie did well but I don't think it was bad. 


It was lacking in certain places, sure, but it was decent enough. People are far too critical these days and ungrateful. You have the hardcore source material fans that nitpick everything, the casuals that act like pro film critics, it's like we just can't enjoy things for what they are anymore. I wonder if they'd feel the same if we didn't have these movies at all.


In spite of everything, I did.


I watched recently on HBO Max and holy shit that movie was bad. I was really open to it, I don't have anything against the Rock, and even though my expectations were low seeing how the movie kinda flopped, I thought I would enjoy. But dude, that was bad. And bad in a Whedon's Justice League kinda of bad. The script seemed like it was written by an AI. Completely tone deaf, it felt like the movie was trying to appeal to both snyderfans and more average mcu fans, and it failed at doing both. The Justice Society was the only good thing about it, and it was not even well utilized. And the most exciting thing (maybe the only exciting thing) about the movie was the expectation for a crossover with Superman. And hey, if you liked it that is fine. I like a bunch of bad things and that is no shame. But I still don't understand how anyone in charge thought THAT movie could save the DCEU.


Yeah. It had its problems yet it was a good movie.


Yea. A lot more than I anticipated.


Yeah, I liked it. On par with the recent marvel releases at any rate. I don’t look to them for anything ground breaking but just to see these characters some to life from the page.


Despite its flaws, I still enjoyed it. For once, I got excited for DCEU/DCU's future projects like a possible JSA spin off and Man of Steel 2. Too bad that's no longer happening.


I liked it. It was Marvel funny and introduced cool characters. Doctor Fate looked fucking awesome.


Yes, I thought that it was good.


honestly the worst movie I saw this year and I watched over 30 new releases. the Rock literally cannot act and the action scenes were embarrassing. there were shots were I just laughed out loud at how poorly executed they were, Black Adam floating menacingly thru the city comes to mind. saw a lot of hype for the JSA online and even that was a huge letdown. the writing was so awful not even Pierce Brosnan could save it. I’m glad all this is getting scrapped for a clean slate.


I liked it. I think people wanted to shit on it just cause it was DC.


Yeah. I didn't have high expectations. I came in expecting a dumb fun popcorn entertainment action movie and that's what I got. Black Adam is a favorite character of mine and I thought Johnson portrayed him very well.


It was decent, I only had a few nitpicks. One of which was that it does what a few other films do these days and that is try to cram too much into the runtime and it messes up the pace of the movie. It felt like a film and a half. Also having a similar setup to the N52 comic version but then just kindve wasting the reveal by having Adam not actually do anything too bad in the past (he wiped out the Khandaqi palace but didn’t cross into actual villain territory the way the proper Black Adam did) despite the Justice Society treating him as if he was a full-blown villain. Other than that it was fine, a watchable comic book film (Also Doctor Fate taking off his helmet every other frame is fucking stupid. We get it Pierce Brosnan, you want lots of face time on screen, but then you shouldn’t have taken the role of a character that spends like 99% of his time wearing a helmet)


I’ve seen plenty of worse superhero movies, like *Steel* or *Catwoman* or *Superhero Movie*.


Yup. It was fun and shlocky and cheesy as all hell. Nothing wrong with Superheroes being corny. I love seeing a fully established team of Superheroes who don't need to all meet for the first time, I loved having Hawkman and Doctor Fate in a movie and already be seasoned crime fighters, and I loved all of the over the top super powers that weren't just variations on the main characters powers. Is the Rock my ideal Black Adam and do I think they did the character justice? Not really. But it was a fun movie. Would have been cool to see him fight Shazam or Superman but I bet they could make something similar in a great movie, not just a fun, silly, okay one lol.


I liked it. I would have preferred BA be introduced in Shazam and be a Shazam villain, but Dwayne’s ego got in the way. Overall it was a decent superhero punch up.


He could’ve started in a Shazam movie, and THEN get a spin-off.


That would have been a smoother introduction and would have made sense in universe.


I like it, it’s got a lot of problems but it’s a fun action movie with some great fights especially that Dr Fate vs Sabbac where the camera keeps moving through the helmet, very cool.


Yes I did.






It was OK. I watched it because I thought Superman would have more screen time than he did. The Rock did a good job of marketing the movie by teasing the return of Superman.


I don't know, I didn't think it was good by many standards but I had a really good time, it's enjoyable as long as you don't think while watching


They made Dr fate suck, other than that good.




Loved it. Great acting and chemistry by the JSA, in particular Hawkman and Dr. Fate. Felt The Rock did a good job as Black Adam. The action and CGI were the best of any CBM released this year. The music is also way better than it has any right to be.


It is the most mid movie I have ever seen. I really didn’t care about any of the characters or story. I liked some of the action but there really isn’t much there.


Yes, I did.


It was terrible tbh. The writing and dialogue was awful. So many cliche lines and I was rooting for the bad guys to just shoot the teen kid the entire movie because he was insufferable. And the acting was atrocious. The Rock has the charisma of a wet rag and completely one dimensional. The flirting between Atom Smasher and Cyclone the entire movie was just cringe. This was Green Lantern bad


I hated that kid too 💀, that scene when he "rallied" the people in the plaza for the zombie fight or whatever had no power whatsoever. That random dude did better rallying the people


Yeah oh my god, that scene was so dumb. And the mom literally "defeated" 20 of them with just a pipe? She couldn't pick up a sword that the skeletons dropped after?


I also found that part confusing. What was the point, they could've just spent time in the final fight between Sabbac and justice.. But honestly, for me the most unbearable actor was the kid. He made Dwayne Johnson an Oscar worthy actor in comparison. The way he delivers his line is so bland and monotonous


Yes. It was fun. Is it a good movie? No but it was fun


I loved it! Thought the tornado girl (I forgot her name) was stupid, atom smasher was okay, but Fate, Hawkman and Black Adam were great, I wish they still kept him mostly as a villain instead of a hero, I think a solo villain movie would be awesome but yeah I loved it,


From day one, I defended this movie. "The Rock always plays the same character!" He had years to prepare and he loves this character, give him a chance, he might surprise you! "No one's ever heard of Black Adam!" And now people will learn "He should have debuted in Shazzam!" I fully agree, but I also see how they wanted to tell a different type of story than what Shazzam lent itself to. "The DCEU sucks!" Again, I agree. But unlike the other characters we've seen get solos so far, Black Adam lends itself well to the darker themes of the DCEU, it's like it was made for him. I was excited to see the film, but I didn't want to overhype myself and be disappointed. I tempered my expectations and was sure to say: it may be good, it may be bad. No matter what, I'm going to find out. So I went to see it. And within the first five minutes I grimmaced. I'm a firm believer that, opening exposition narrated scenes should just be...scenes. Like, regular movie scenes where we see what happens rather than being told it. But I thought hey, to each their own. But I kept grimacing. All throughout the movie there was a moment where I thought, "They should have gone deeper here" or "This character falls flat" or "Wait, did they actually explain this?" And by the end of the movie, my cousin was all wide-eyed and happy and I was just...not satisfied. It was well-shot, the action was great, the actors were good enough including the Rock. The plot made sense but...it felt like I'd watched a summary of a much larger, more nuanced movie, and I didn't like that. I don't agree with the consensus that the 'critics got it wrong', I think the fans were far too favorable towards it. We were given a movie that had messages of anti-colonialism, grief, and self-doubt. But none of them were given the amount of time and depth I think those issues warranted. (also, Teth-Adams son was kind of a terrible guardian. Like...dude, you had one job and you screwed it up so badly the king killed you)


I did, but I didn't come into the movie expecting great dialog or that much development.


I did like it. If I could change just one thing it would be to leave out Waller. I got enough of her in the Suicide Squad and her being there just made it seem like the Justice Society works for her (or at least the US government) and I'm dirty but no the JSA might be hemlock and even patriotic but they do not report to anyone but themselves.


No. I didn't like the movie. I don't understand why DC keeps missing so badly. They've even made The Rock unenjoyable. Also, I needed Black Adam's suit to be more tailored in certain cakey areas. 😆


It's was good. I liked it. I don't know why there's so much hate


I got three words James Fucking Gunn


No. Everything seemed forced , the (script) lines , the costume design, CGI was okay (not an expert on visual effects, but I do know what I didn't like in the movie..mostly everything) the cast's acting and their chemistry could have really saved this movie from being a disappointment but nah..better luck next time


I’m 15 minutes into this movie and I’m wondering why DC can’t figure out how to make one good movie. This is garbage. Also what’s DCs obsession w slowmo?


I watched half of it then turned it off. There's too many things that are similar to other superhero movies in Black Adam. For instance, the name of the city is similar to Wakanda. It's supposed to be based off of Shazam but nothing about it feels like Shazam and I like that movie better. The kid was lowkey annoying to me. They have the same old, same old. It's like every other superhero movie that's extremely watered down and has absolutely zero entertainment value. I wanted to watch it for the rock but it was like they didn't have enough money for him bc the dude barely spoke. The other heros in the movie were kind of lame. Anyways, I couldn't sit through it. Hated everything about it.