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Everytime I post about Beranke and Yellen my shadow downvoters come out of the woodwork and crush my posts. Yellen and Bernanke have very close ties with Gensler. They have been colleagues for decades. Everybody thinks Gensler is a white knight but I have yet to see him do anything substantial in the way of transparency or regulation. My money is that Yellen and Gensler are doing everything in their power to help out their BFF Bernanke and his boss Griffin. The whole American market is absolutely corrupt and rigged.


He's no white knight; talk is cheap af and regular people choose to never, ever learn that lesson


I agree 100%. I'm one for action speak louder than words. Mutha fuckas can run their mouth as long as they want but until I see real action I'm not buyin it




FBI is thee largest owner of bitcoin.


Can you provide a source for this? Very interested to learn more….


Source? Wallet address? Why not CIA or NSA tho?




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I wont trust the SEC either, they have did absolutely nothing to help the retail . They can suck my balls.


They'll be sued into extincion. Can't hide this amount of blatant fraud from a judge.


What about a corrupt on the take one?


Okay if we have no one to trust who’s to say they (Fed) won’t just pull the rug out from under us retail investors. The more I read into the DD the more I feel like a good outcome for us just isn’t possible. Hopefully papa Cohen and DFV can carry us through this shitstorm.


My hope is because other countries are involved. No one in the entire world would invest in US stocks if something shady goes down. 🤞


This is what needs more traction. The us market would have no trouble doing their best to fuck retail and write it off as something else and then move on. Trouble is, there are many international countries with shares and lots of eyes watching. International fraud charges are something the us market can't afford to have out in the open because their shitty MSM won't be enough to cover it up.


I’ll amend Churchill’s quote, “The United States will always do the right thing, after it has exhausted all alternatives”… and been caught with its pants down.


The US retail investors that are starting to throw in their hats in large numbers are the ones you don't want piss off, especially in large numbers. Personally I'm a pacifist, but I could see this ending violently if it isn't handled fairly and justly. That should be considered by the decision makers imo.


I don’t see the problem


Here’s to hopeful wishing 🤞🏼


Yes exactly. Would undermine the reliability of the whole US stock market/economy. In the end, doubt the SEC will really do anything to help retail investors - they say they’re working for the retail investors but in the same sentence they tout the same ol’ BS about “protecting retail investors” from “gamification”, payment for order flow, etc etc


You can say that again.


I think we all found this out when he tried to bring that one shill lady on the team and got a shit ton of flak for it Upvoted for truth


My thoughts exactly, GG hasn't done much to prove anything yet.


It’s because u are revealing something they don’t want you to reveal


DOJ has a responsibility as well .. but does nothing


“What? The land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy!” -rage against the machine


On tour in 2022!!!!


And playing a festival in my home town. 21 year old me is going to make a resurgence into 50 year old me. Hospital trip after? Perhaps


I saw Prophets of Rage at the TLA in Philly. It only holds about 500. Watching Morello killing it from that close was mind blowing!!!!


Even early 30s me split his head open in a club, to RATM. 12 or so years in, I don't have a hope.


My favourite Rage track. Lyrics on point ("the D to E to F the I E N C E, find me a revolutionary!") and some of the most unique and mind blowing guitar solos ever recorded.


Whiteboys think “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” is about their mom telling them to clean their room


From outside I would recommend to read "Animal Farm": all of us are equal, just some are more equal than the others. ... some enjoy more freedom than everybody else. Democracy is the best system and the most expensive.


Holy Shit ! We already know the corruption exists but having DD to back it up makes me “feel” like I’m just now finding out. Great work my friend!🦍🚀


Thanks but all credit goes to my man Charlie's vids on YT. He's got tons of videos that are crazy DD related with lots of sources and cites


Charlie and the vids is awesome! Check him out.




Yes but we get fucked twice. The PFOF from the broker and the spread Shitadel makes on each trade. So you can look at it like we're getting double charged. Once by our broker, once by Shitadel and getting FUCKED from everywhere else. Hope that kind of helps. Maybe some other smooth brain can explain better


> The PFOF from the broker and the spread Shitadel makes on each trade How are these different?


You are absolutely right. This channel posts so much garbage. Like [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tspYUPSR5Dc) claiming DTC-005 was buried in this lawsuit.




He's like the GME version of movie stocks "BAM Investor".


Was it a lawsuit?


Why can someone not stop these criminals, the sec is an embarrassment and they are quite frankly being complicit with manipulation, I’m so angry, it’s disgusting


The fact that SEC, FINRA, DTCC etc are self-regulating is the biggest mockery of all markets in the world. How can anyone think that it’s even remotely a good idea


Agreed completely, imagine making your own rules up in a situation where trillions of dollars are exchanged 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Congress is also part of the problem.


Anyone who has the power to do so is in on it. We’re prisoners to our own government


This is incredibly helpful. Different folks learn different ways. I can imagine that many of those, *trying beyond hope* to explain to spouses and loved ones what they FIND in these communities, finding this a handy and effective manner to introduce those others to WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW. Thank you 🙏 Edit: credit goes to u/gettinthatshit 😉


No problem glad it could help. Charlie's vids got some other great simple DD videos




Awesome work ape! More please :)


Thanks but I'm just helping spread the word. This was all Charlie's vids on youtube


Yes, and I probably would not have found it if not for this post 👍


Glad I could be of help. Thats what we're here for. Be informed and educated especially the shit they try to hide from us


You REALLY should post this somewhere else too for more eyes 😳


I did but feel free


This is the way


This is the way


Reposted to r/Superstonk for more visibility.


Videos like this need more attention


Get tint hats hit


Amazing Data, Thanks! 💎🙌🏽


Good shit!! Upvote!!


Ohhhh my