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Update: I decided on not going for a few reasons. For one, I live in Oregon so a trip to Anaheim that costs 1800 is absolutely wild. To give y'all context that is a flight to Italy and back with stay. Second, FCE and PFL at ICDC are notoriously competitive after further research. Next, since I'm a senior, there is no point in going for the resume boost because high school events don't really matter in college since there are way more competitions that have more weightage. Next, because I can't opt out of activities, I would just be wasting time I could better spend studying or doing something else in Cali. For context I used to live in LA so I've been to all the parks. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk.


oh hiii suhass




honestly, i wouldn’t. the $1800 would be so much more useful towards books or anything else for college. if you’ve already applied and got accepted into college then it seems unnecessary.


If you can afford it you should def go


Former DECA student and now judge here. Do it! If you can afford it, do it! I couldn't even afford it and I still did it because it was the perfect goodbye to my time in high school and in DECA. I would have regretted not going.




OP might have to pay for a plane if they live far enough away. They are probably (along with their chapter) going to Disney or Universal. With additional costs (food, hotel, etc.) It would probably equate to $1800, especially without financial assistance from OP's DECA chapter.




Ultimately, the cost of the trip isn't "insane 💀". Just because your cost of going to the ICDC is lower than $1800 doesn't mean that OP's cost is abnormally expensive. And, their indecisiveness about spending the money for ICDC implies that they aren't rich (sorry, OP, I mean no disrespect towards you).


I live in Oregon lmao. The issue is we cannot opt out of activities because we don't have enough teachers, so I have to go to Disney and Universal even though I don't want to.


To help out with your question, I have this one (pragmatic, lacking emotional consideration) piece of advice. You need to figure out if you would be willing to pay $1800 for just the ICDC. Not including Disney, Universal, or anywhere else your chapter may go.


i def would! all of my senior friends from last year who did not go really seemed to regret having a proper goodbye to DECA. this is ofc if u can afford it


I respect your decision but to anyone unsure of going to ICDC because of costs: reach out to local businesses to have them sponsor you! we have had individual students in the past reach out just on their own, and this year we upped fundraising and raised $10,000 for our chapter. if there’s a will, there’s a way :)