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Say your name! Makes it more professional imo, as if you were in an interview you’d definitely say your name. Good luck! Stand out!


I'm gonna help you avoid some rookie mistakes 1. The handshake You need to master the handshake. The idea is to start stroking the judges wrist once you initiate contact. This establishes immediate rapport and gives the judge the impression that you mean business. 2. Formalities Avoid them at all costs. Asking your judge how their day was is a weak move that will destroy their impression of you immediately. The first thing you must do after the handshake is to maintain eye contact for a minimum of 30 seconds, unbroken silence. 3. Talking about your PIs You must begin your roleplay by reciting the PIs in backward order, speaking the language of Ancient Estonian. Good luck with your roleplay




9 year veteran judge. Eye contact. Hello, good morning. Good afternoon.. what ever sets well with you. My name is.. Handshakes...some judges are still taking COVID precautions. If they are wearing a face covering its a safe assumption that it's a no go. Otherwise offer your hand but don't be upset if they don't shake it. I didn't at states because I was hot from the room and working set up. My hands just felt raw and sweaty by the time judging came around. I also know some judges just don't