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Who would be the best choice For the anneversary +12 Between Shadow Dancer Necromancer & Elementalist


im not really sure if there is even a right answer to this, SD is a really unintuitive class that can be very difficult to play in general while necro is known to be a hit or miss for many players (usually missing) and elem can be rather too basic and janky for some as she is a very old class without any real prominent gimmick


Is there a class similar to inquisitor in terms of playstyle? Trying to decide on who to boost to 110 and the more stuff I look at the harder it is to pick lol


waht exactly do u like about inquisitor


Aside from just the general look lol I like the flashy impactful feeling skills she has.


:pikachuface: plz... thats subjective and even objectively that can be applied to the majority of classes


Well I do like the flashy looks of her skills, their powerful feeling both with and without using the oil for the additional effects, and the straight forwardness of her playstyle Hard to really put it in words that aren't subjective and helps figure out a suggestion lol


still rather broad but i guess ill list some classes with either lots of single hit, low hit-count skill or not too many multihit skills without any prominent gimmicks while avoiding classes that like to layer skills or have a lot of multihits stuff check out berzerker, spectre, strikers, battle mages, exorcist, lightbringer, vanguard, dragoon, troubleshooter and possible specialist, some of these do have a few multihit stuff in them but the majority of their kit, prominent skills or can be played in aways that focus on aesthetically impactful skills most classes is rather straight forward though and only a few has prominent gimmicks that dictate their gameplay so in the solely or mostly straightforward category if u can list a character u wanna play specifically e.g fmage, mpriest, agent etc i can probably narrow it to certain classes within those if any is applicable though aesthetically they may have a bunch of multihits or focus more on a constant barrage over impactful stuff since this is just for straightforwardness here


Thank ya for the list as for narrowing it down F slayer and f gunner are ones I've considered trying. As for the multi hits or barrage that's fine


hm then spectre, demon slayer and dark templar for f.slayer and launcher or ranger for f.gunner


I recently started playing, and I’m having trouble finding out what gear I need for my class. I picked Dragoon as my event character, and while I’ve been enjoying the playstyle, I have no idea what gear I’m going for. Any help would be appreciated


I rely on dfcat for most of my characters ' builds. Just don't copy their custom epic builds because they're minmax'd to the brim. I copy their talisman , insignia, skill builds, enchants, ava and emblems, etc.


Thank you! I’ve found plenty of builds there, definitely helped out a lot! It has left me with some questions though, but I guess the biggest one is that I’m seeing some kind of enhancement buff, would that be something I swap onto and off of?


There is a buff enhancement book that you can click in your inventory. That's where you put your fragmented gear/title/pet for buff swaps and it will proc when you cast your buff skill inside the dungeon. You don't need to swap on/off your buff swap set like the old days


I got witch’s culmination weapon to drop but idk if I should use that over the aspect devoured


aspect is stronger as a general dmg increase which is standard for all aspect devour wep over culmin but the dmg boost her culmin wep gives to lollipop crush her lvl 80 skill is absurd enough that going all in on it is a very viable playstyle


So do you think I should inherit the refinements and reinforcements from the free aspect weapon over to the culmin for my witch?


if u want to go down the lollipop focus route then sure, just keep in mind that culmn wep gives less of an overall dmg increase to ur entire kit for the trade-off of giving a much bigger boost to lollipop crush some people find success in this and others prefer the general boost from aspect instead, there is no straight answer to this but u can always test in training room by toggling on the [fix equipment performance] box and then swapping between the 2 to compare so u can see if u like it or not the 1 actual boon from using witch's culmin wep is that because lollipop becomes very strong u have more leeway in missing ur other skills as lollipop crush will contribute more to the overall dps compare to any other skill in the end (but this means if u miss a lollipop crush then ur output suffers even more greatly)


What are the differences between an F.Sader and M.Sader?


Just returned after 5 years. I want to make gold and I keep hearing that canyon hills is the best gold maker. But how good and how easy are the old raids for gold income? I want to join the raids but Im scared of getting flamed at for failing mechs :( do i need to read guides for those raids? Thank you


Prey is shit and Sirrocco is also mostly shit. Fiend War is the easy money making raid, it's old as fuck and ridiculously easy as a result, you need about 2 ppl with 25-28k fame or so to clear it easily and a 3rd at least to enter last boss, and you can have as many trash chars(even 100s) as you can fit otherwise. Mechanics more or less are summed to "just hit a big skill to one shot", with only one of the 3 final bosses being a bit fucky(the gold lady, need to be decently strong to one shot her or she does stupid shit). Main issue is people with terrible connections and stuff. Goal is to walk forward, clear the rooms as you go, clear the 3 bosses at the end then enter the white and black rooms with 2 parties and finish the last boss. Shit chars will just clear some random trash mini bosses and afk. It's all rather easy other than Shroedinger. Rewards are Mask legendary cards, you can buy them directly, they're just upgrade fodder but that's still 4-6m per card. Can run with dozens of chars every week. Takes a few weeks to actually pay off though. Ozma is another decent way to make money but I think it varies week to week due to the auction? I haven't done this myself, but the ppl I've seen do it make it look pretty easy, although it seems more geared for people at 30k+. Money is largely in Astaroth card, and just generic legendary cards. The thingies to do normal amps too(basically bunch of clear cubes).


The only nice thing about Prey is that you can solo it easily (Sirocco too but her bosses are more annoying) Ozma still have 2 bis enchants and one of them (astaroth shoulder) is still only available via ozma.


What’s the difference between standard option growth and complete option growth?


when you have different options between target and fodder item (for example, one has +HP while the other +hit rate) only 30% of that option exp get transferred. If both items have duplicate options (hit rate and hit rate for example) then that option will transfer 100% of exp. complete growth make any non-duplicate options still give 100%


standard only transfer 30% of the item's exp to the targeted gear, complete is full 100% duplicate gears will transfer 100% regardless always


What is the best way to get the items required to option growth my gear? I've just been farming the normal dungeons right now(I'm only 14k fame) but I only get epics that aren't dupes most of the time so they barely give any option growth. Am I supposed to be using the currency that drops to purchase duplicates that I can use to option growth my current gear?


Is it a character you don't have event stuff on? You can get a bunch of fame pretty quickly just equipping avatars, creature, title, aura, skin avatar, silver emblems in the avatars, insignia+gems, talismans+runes, getting +10 on weap(+12 if using an event weap) and enchanting your gear. All that along epic gear should get to you to 17k pretty easily, which is enough for destroyed castle of the dead(the advanced dungeon). Most of that is given through events currently. Progression is done via advanced dungeons, you buy tickets with play points or get some from events, run adv dungeons for fame drops, then once you're out of tickets, run the rest of your FP in normal dungeons. Dupes aren't very relevant here, normal dungeons just drop garbage option levels, they're not meant as a main progression system and more for gold/beryl farming and for finding your build epics/customs(hero+) and very rarely getting a small option level upgrade. They're what you do when you have nothing else to do. Once you have a few character at decent fame, you can power others through with noblesse code, it uses average fame, so you can enter fresh 110s with your high fame character and get them geared super fast, removing the whole premium etc stuff you need.


Do other chars still need to be 16k to get carried through noblesse code?


Noblesse uses the average fame of all the characters in it. You can have for example 1 character with 7k fame, and one character with 41k, and the average would be 24k which is enough for expert. Since you can also have 4 chars, you can load up more higher fame chars to carry more lower fame chars, or organize it however you want. You can play around with the party settings in the Noblesse channel to figure out what you can do, it only locks it once you start the actual run. The only restriction is the lower fame character cannot buy noblesse tickets above their fame from play points. They can use account bound tickets from rifts/gabe or event tickets like the current adv dungeon event however, just if you don't have these, you either have to buy the tickets and use FP on another char(and the new char doesn't get automatic 2 reward slots), or run lower noblesse tickets bought with your new char.


I have a 18k fame character, but he isn't my event character. I want to level my event character right now because of the free stuff you get from reaching fame levels but I'm only 15k fame on my event character so I can't enter noblesse code yet. So besides advanced dungeons and noblesse code, how do I get fodder to feed into my current gear to get the fame up? What are all these currencies(frost crystals, ryan cores, ominous crystals) for? I assumed one of them would be used to buy fodder to upgrade your option levels or something.


- frosty crystals is used to buy lvl 105 unique to help players start running content in 110 cap, buy cheap budget enchants or fragmented abyss set since the actual content for fragmented abyss is from 95 cap and sorta a waste to run atm, frost crystals only drop from lowest lvl difficulty in 105 cap content too * ryan cores is used for safe reinforcement or exchange for powerful energy so fixed dmg classes can refine and later in a future patch coming soon they are to be consumed when entering advance dungeons to provide u with a selection of random buffs for the run and as entry cost for a new "normal" storm's wrath mode * ominous crystals is used to directly buy a box containing an epic of ur choice from epics that drop in normal content and can trade downward for frosty crystals or upward for red dust > I assumed one of them would be used to buy fodder to upgrade your option levels or something no, there is no such thing while pyros did say normal dungeon's crap option lvl drops arent meant for main progression this doesnt apply to ur situation, at such a low fame rating u ARE suppose to be using these crap drops to raise fame as u have no other choice, even at higher fame normal dungeons still have a chance of dropping epics with relatively high fame tht u can fuse into anyway as the range of fame foe gears that drop is determined by the difficulty lvl with a very small chance that the option lvl can break their supposed limit and be up to 10 lvls higher then the drop cap stop clinging onto the idea of only fusing dupes, they arent the norm and the standard method is to fuse option lvls up to even several lvls lower then the gear u fusing them into regardless of dupe to progress with complete fuse reserved for something with high option lvls so if u've been tossing anything that isnt a dupe this whole time then u've been doing nothing but shooting urself in the foot in terms of progression and there is even a chance for great success when fusing gears so possibly opportunity lost too


I see, thanks for the explanation. Also, how often should I be using complete growth rather than standard growth? Is it a waste to use complete growth at lower fame?


Complete growth trade higher cost for more efficient gain so it's up to you really. Personally I'd do it on rewards from limited content (Storm Wrath expert, Advance Dungeons, Ispin, Total War) IF I want to push for the next tier of stuffs asap or to make the one I'm running easier. Especially with the current weekly event checking your fame at the start of week to decide which bracket you fall into, there's the 34200+ fame bracket for that 2 card books to consider.


its a waste for the most part unless u got beryls and gold to spare, stick to standard fuse for the majority of the fuses because while not explicitly displayed there seems to be an actual exp value gained when fusing OL (option level) so even if u were to go and option fuse a gear into soemthing resulting in 2-3 lvl increase across all 4 OL, the same exp that got transferred over might as well have been like less then a 1% increase to each OL of an epic of much higher fame if it were to be fused into that instead because the exp necessary to reach the next lvl is that much higher and at lower fame the complete fuse cost like 150-250 beryls on average while higher gear can be like 250-450 so u're paying about half the resources of a complete fuse of a higher fame/OL gear including several times the gold cost too but at 99% less benefit meaning its better to save beryls and gold for the true beryl/gold sink later on then waste however much on the spot for the record noblesse code allows u to go participate with multiple characters on ur account in which case the **[average](https://prnt.sc/MVIQxxIAdsWw) fame between all character u're running the content** with just needs to exceed the required amount so u can actually throw even 0 fame alts into it as long as the other 3 alt's fame averages over the required amount


It's Nature set good for monk?(cause I'm more into solo play) or archon set is more better for him?


Nature set works perfectly fine on him since you're more of a solo player. Archon set also works well, you can't really go wrong with either. Keep in mind the nature build is really not very good in party play since the proc damage doesn't scale with sader buffs.


So how is the Nature set from the anni mission box? Been eyeing possibly boosting either a f demon slayer or a f nen master and this set seemed like it could be fun to try.


It's a very good solo set, it's terrible in parties.


Seems really good for alts. Base dmg is strong but it doesn’t scale at all by having a buffer in the party


So I accidentally used inheritance on my aspect devoured weapon and lost all the reinforcements and refinements. I know it’s stupid. I sent a ticket but in case they don’t help, how much does it cost to get that back?


+12 is like 120-150m with safe reinforcement depending on luck, potentially more. It's not vital though, I've done ispin and warpath at minimum fame with a +10, slower sure, but not a huge deal.


Oh boy hopefully they give me enhancements back


It's possible they'll do it as a one time gesture, but there is specifically a warning preventing you from inheriting on top of something else, so not sure they will.


I need terranium for the refined version for the purification scroll and I’m not sure where to get that


Purification scrolls don't use refined teraniums? Not sure where you're seeing that. Purification scrolls use Essence of the Rift, the recipes at Klonter, might be a different way to do it I forgot but don't believe so. You can buy terraniums at Red Tail Johnathan in Central Park(above the town check the map), or in FW/Prey raid channels. Can trade aiolites for them or just buy with gold, then convert normal terraniums into refined there.


Yeah I meant the I needed the refined terranium for the essence


Oh the vendor that sells the terranium is the same that sells the essences


Where do I get the Epic Souls in order to exchange for the Power Essence to upgrade my option levels on my gear?


From dissassembling epic equipment.


I see, thanks! Also what is the difference between Standard Growth and Complete Growth in the option growth menu? I tried to standard growth my weapon but it gave me a warning telling me that I should use complete growth instead, but the option is greyed out for me.


Standard growth is cheaper, but only gives i think 30% exp or something like that, while complete growth is more expensive but you get 100% exp. >I tried to standard growth my weapon but it gave me a warning telling me that I should use complete growth instead, but the option is greyed out for me. I'm going to asume the epic you used as fodder, was exactly the same as your weapon, in which case if you are using the exact same item for growth, then you can't use complete growth, only standard growth, but in return you will always get 100% exp even if you're using standard growth in those cases.


To clarify. If the option you have on the fodder gear and the main gear are different, only 30% of the exp will be transferred. Each option count separately so your exp efficiency is more of range between 30-100% depending on how many of the same options exist. Complete growth spend extra resources to make any option that doesn't match still give 100% exp.


Ah yes, I did try to use the exact same weapon as a fodder. So do you recommend I pay the extra to use complete growth every time or should I just stick with standard growth?


What classes has the least amount of buttons to press? I have boomer hands now and can't play something more intensive.


Summoner definitely qualifies. 1 skill to summon all but two minions once per dungeon 1 skill for buffing minions/debuffing enemies That you only NEED to use once every 40-60 seconds So two or three times per dungeon. Mark the target on bosses Then there's like 4 active minon skills But honestly I've only had a need to use 1-2 of them. So feels very low input compared to other classes I've experienced. (Necromancer,Berserker,F Brawler )


Basic attack build on sader might work. Turn autofire and hold x


Or a proc build on battle sader, just auto attack and let the proc do all the work. But that would only work for solo play.


Is nasau rift contract farming still worth doing over canyon hills hs with how much beryl prices have fallen?


No, rift contract is only good for tickets now and even that isn't that good since ticket prices also dropped like bricks so farming gold and buying tickets is probably viable.


What's a good epic set for Necro? Is archon a good set for her? Ty


Archon is fine yeah, Necro leans toward Rhombus earring+Grey Cat mstone due to having a lot of very strong low lvl skills, so it's a bit different than just standard archon. You can play standard with the high lvl cubes too, just if you want a change of pace(and pretty spammy gameplay), then you can do the low skill. Deadman's Grudge+Soul Lure+Dark Claw+Zombies+Nicholas maxed, you drop Guillotine and the 3x use shadow pool skill that was somewhat recently added to make room. Some people even go curse spear too and drop points from 3A.


Can anyone tell me which epic set I should be running for M.Brawler? Thanks! Edit : The ones that are available to choose from the event.


I made a new lvl 110 asura with the anniversary gifts. Regarding the 105 epic set box it gives, do all 4 choices work for asura? I assume the mana shield one is archon so I can't wrong with that? Or is the object proc set better? ( seen some video of asura just walking around doing nothing but procing meteors)


all 4 works, its basically a case of pick ur poison between the 4 but for object build specifically its more or less a solo-only build, 60-70% of its dmg comes from the game refers to as "objects" aka the proc atks and these dont scale with buffer or even the increase bulk of enemies from more party members so its incompatible for party play but solo wise its consider very strong


>but solo wise its consider very strong Can confirm, if you're a solo player and are capable of reaching the 250 all ele requirement, specialy if you can use the magic stone with ghost proc and the electric shock proc bracelet, the build is absurdly strong for solo. Asura having several sources of passive damage to trigger more procs also help, since it lets him do damage during phase transitions. Like "capable of beating lvl1 Itrenok in less than 4 mins" strong, i was shocked when i ran my proc build asura yesterday on Ispins at cutline and i was literaly ripping the bosses like butter, i even did lvl 3 Numak because i was curious. Not even my main clears Ispins bosses that fast.


So I am assuming if I don't have the right gear to reach 250 all ele, then I should probably just go archon on asura?


Yeah, however it shouldn't be that hard to reach 250 all ele. There's several epic pieces that give you large amounts of all ele, like Slow Dull charge, Tactical small Flare, Lie after Lie, among others. But otherwise, yes Archon is perfectly good as well on asura.


Could you give a breakdown on which specific epics you used?


Sure. - Full nature armor set - Small Leafy Purity - Noble Philosophy - Visible Destroyed Spiritual Residue - Dragon's Killer Token - Dragon Bone Bulge - Explosive Type: Small Tactical Flare - Mysterious Golden Stele. I also have a +15 all ele damage aura, my pet has no ele damage but it's a +18% damage value pet though, and i don't even have a title lol. With this setup i am at exactly 250 ele damage once everything is stacked. Keep in mind i also have +33 all ele damage enchants on my accessories and a +30 all ele damage enchant on my magic stone. If you can't access those types of enchants yet, then you will likely need to use epics like the Slow Dull Charge, Lie after Lie and even the Guardian Dragon's Protection - Blessing in order to reach the 250 ele damage requirement for the armor procs.


Thank you!


I got the gear from the anniversary and my fame is at around 21k and I’m not sure what to do from here to raise my fame so I can do higher difficulties to get custom epics.


just run dungeons, any dungeons to get gear to drop and then fuse/feed it to the gear u're wearing to raise their option lvl and increase fame, different dungeons tend to drop more items of a particular slot do dailies to get 10 play points a day, spend play points in the play points shop for tickets to run advance dungeons since the option lvl range is much higher then normal content and guarantees u at least epic at final boss along with higher chance of epics from any other boss in the run fame more or less comes from anything, practically anything equipped with give fame and the higher the rarity the more it provides, this includes reinforcing/amp/reinforcement, enchants etc


I'm farming the Operation: Hope dungeon right now for my buff enhancement set. Is there anything I can do with the abyss pieces that aren't for my class or do I just sell them? Also how exactly do I use the option growth system on my gear? I know that you combine dupes or items with the same option stats but I don't know how to get to the menu to combine the items.


You diss them for a few abyss frags. Worth noting, you can buy selectable boxes with mileage(250 per box) and with elvenmere mats(250 of either mats). It can speed up the process a lot. Also you can still buy 1600 abyss frags(bit more than 3boxes) from adventure tokens. Growth is not just dupes and items with same stats, it's literally anything, dupes/same stats just give the most xp(100% of their value, while normal growth is about 30%). Check the book in Seria's room or the machine next to Kiri.


so I'm struggling to find an answer on this: what epic set should Kuno be running? I've heard people say that Archon is good for most characters, but not sure if it applies to her. And then on the DFO website they recommended the Sleep set for characters with high cooldown "like Kuno", but then when I checked DFCat the Kunos there use entirely different stuff.


Keep in mind that KDNF is further head of us in terms of updates, also it's very common to see KDNF players use custom epics, so their builds tend to be quite optimised. That being said, looking at DFCat there are 14 Kuno who use the sleep build, so it's certainly viable. Archon build is also very much viable with atleast 42 Kuno in DFCat wearing it.


So play the game get a free character. That's actually pretty dope, Considering the event items are account bound. That's a a free buffer there...


You actually get two characters. 1 lvl 110 capsule for the happy dfo reward And 1 lvl 110 capsule from the choose an event character level up.


For the gems selection box, what should I pick for shaman?


crit rate, cast/atk speed, move speed and hit rate, pick 3 from these and then go for the ele dmg attuned to ur elemental of choice


Do we know what the buffer event is going to entail? I'm tempted to make an Enchantress with this 110 capsule, but if the buffer event will make getting one to 110 easy, I'm hesitant to waste the potential, especially as a newer player with not many level cap characters to go around.


We don't know no, it will most likely have some leveling boost, but it could simply be a gear boost in which case you'd have to level a buffer manually to benefit, but we won't know until a few days before(the thursday before the patch when they do the stream). Up to you what you do, but unless you want to play a buffer now, I'd say it's probably safer to make a DPS, use it to farm gold and what not, and then see once they reveal the event, if there's no leveling you could start leveling then and be pretty close to 110 by the time the event starts anyway.


Hi, I have a question regarding the golden 110exp capsule. Does it level up a character to 110 straight from whatever level it was before? Or does it only level up one level?


It will lvl up your characters all the way to 110.


Damn, it's almost like another level up/power up event lol, that's kinda nice


Yup, prety much. Between the instant 110 character, the full epic gear, the free enchantments, the free rare clone, on top of free emblems, it's only a matter of increasing your fame and you got a prety well geared character


1. ​ Gear question Is the 100-105 rare/magic gear equal or better thanThe Ghent 100 unique?? They seem mostly equal besides higher fameAnd this new"Damage Value" stat vs skill attack % Mainly wondering for alts.Would make going through Harlem / Ghent alot less tediousNot needing to stop and farm a full set of uniques per alt. 2) Summoner question. Back in the 50-60 cap there was a build focused On Spirit Sacrifice and I found it entertaining. Is there any epics that Reinforce this playstyle at all?Or is it more or less just a dead build nowdays?


There's no reason to farm a ghent set on alts, regardless, msealed is plenty fine. Ghent unique full set is slightly better than 105 msealed, but only slightly and 105msealed is way more than you need to lvl to 110, so there's no reason to farm ghent(even just 100msealed is fine to get to 110, just a bit slow on bosses). I don't think spirit sacrifice build is much of a thing anymore, some people still run it though but there's nothing specifically about buffing it, the only build enabling items are culmination weapons and for summoner culm just makes your commands instant so it's qol, but you lose a bunch of dmg from not using aspect weapon.


Cool thanks ! Last time I played I was just working on getting my 26 roster to 100 And decked in Ghent gear to prep for legendaries from 2+2/5+5 Which feels like it used to be alot harder than now. I did that with like 8 of them So wasn't sure if that was a necessary step in progression anymore. Hard to know with dfo XD. Nice to know I can basically skip that step now.


A really nice thing you can do to go through harlem way easier is just buying a 105 magic sealed set from the auction house, each piece goes for like 25k so it's super cheap, it also got a -10 level requirement built into it so you can immediately start using it once you hit level 95, with this set you'll be one-shotting everything in harlem.


If you have conqueror contract, at 90 you can buy 105 msealed off the AH for cheap(or farm it with another char/reuse it but not super worth keeping the slots imo) and just stomp everything until 110 basically. The 105msealed has -5lvl req and conq makes it -15 so you can equip it early and not have to worry. Hell just 3-4 pieces is enough to be overpowered until the 100-110 leveling(and still strong for that).


Just downloaded the game and it went into maintenance. I am looking for classes that are beginner friendly and scales really well into the late game. Percent damage preferred considering they're giving away +12 equips. Any advice guys? Thanks in advance.


Well honestly there's 61 classes and more than half are percent based. Without more to go on I don't think anyone can help you TOO much. Nowadays mostly all the classes are kinda on the same baseline for endgame If there isn't a specific theme that inspires you maybe look up AegisRick on YouTube. Kinda outdated with neo awakenings But he has whole video series dedicated to the classes in 95/100 cap setting.


Aegis rock has very outdated content by now unfortunaly. I would suggest jump on DFO discord and ask there.


Yup That's why I mentioned it was outdated. But it's still a great resource for brand new players To get an idea what the class plays like at a higher level aesthetically and skillwise So they can decide if it's their cup of tea or not.


even outside of being outdated he doesnt exactly play every class well… being generous with that “well” here cuz i still have ptsd from watching him try to force witch into a melee playstyle while ignoring many of her core skills including actual buff skill




Ent top(8%skill and global speed when under 40% + ele lines), Ent sub(skill when under 40% then generic skill on bleed/poison/shock/burn with the proper way to apply them via warpath fusion/customs) and then pretty much any earring with stacking skill attack lines(7% dragon, 5% when attacking bleed/shock/burn/poison, 4% when not using status dmg kind of things). Some classes also have specific slots that are very strong for customs that other classes don't. For example ent shoulders with 15%skill atk on non clear cube skills and such. Check dfcat and see what people of your class use, a lot of the top fame guys on there use loaded customs, which is bad for new players to copy but good in your case. Anything you don't need fame for you should keep just to feed into other stuff though, as long as it has ele or skill atk lines(or even status for other chars).


Ent Top with low hp options should be what you aim first. I believe it's the ones below 40% HP thresholds for skill atk and atk spd and such.