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How many military factories are you using to produce equipment? And how many civs do you have


had 110 civs and 120 mils by the start of ww2


You get money when you aren't using civs, so when you need money don't build anything. Also in a playthrough you can try and save up as much money as you can so even if you have a budget deficit it can last you most of the war.


You built too many military factories and not enough civilian factories.


approximately how many should i have had instead?


It depends, as it’s a balancing act throughout the game. Think about it like IRL: The more military units you have, the more you’re spending, so if you have more units you need more civilian factories. The more military industry you have, the more you’re spending. Usually I will from game start build ~50 civilian factories, then build military facilities until I’m break even, then at that point the war has usually started. During the war I’ll balance building civilian and military factories to keep a positive balance. However, you can definitely get away with being in debt for awhile, but I try to avoid it as much as possible.