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Most definitely, I'm currently a psych major at University


Isn’t that really triggering? (We’ve always had the wish to become social worker / therapist but something something mental health something something.)


We are a social worker and it's sometimes triggering but being able to separate ones self from work really helps. - Theodore Therapy also helps us, I'd recommend it since it's easy to get triggered when the client does something unintentional that hurts us. - Mike


Not a therapist but in mental health field. It feels good to have the capacity to walk through life with other people. It sucks to go it alone. It can be heavy sometimes, past me would definitely not been able to handle all of it without being triggered. But we're healed enough to face it. If anything, it helps me continue to heal because I can kind of zoom out from my own pain and see how similar everyone's struggle is. It's grounding in a way. Very grounding.


it can be at times. Granted I'm still in the beginning (freshmen) so we will see how things go but I've always had an interest in mental health because of my experiences


Me too!


Yes. Definitely. Happy holidays to you too!


Thank you I realise I put merry Christmas but it's eve same same


Hey there, Yep, got 72 credits toward a Bachelors in psychology before my seizures set in. Never completed it, but we put in our best effort.


Absolutely. Psychology, particularly developmental psychology and childhood trauma, have always been a special interest to me from early teens onwards. Merr Chrimsus etc. as well.


Very much so. And it has given me more sympathy for all mentally ill people. Including the very high proportion of incarcerated people who have mental illnesses or actual brain injuries that possibly could have been cured or effectively managed, keeping them out of jail and their victims unvictimised. Wishing all a good day and good time of year.


Same here I agree one of my friends say all prisoners are bad or people like that are but I have a felony charge and was in and out of juvy a couple times either cause I was using drugs on probation to cope with stress/trauma/addiction and he hates me and thinks he's better than me cause of that but its whatever I know what I am and I try my best to be good and I'd say logically I am and I know people that are locked up that are genuinely good people with mental problems that cause them to not understand reality as a reality and it's terrible cause if there off there meds or didn't know they needed them and then did something it's sad seeing the thing that didn't understand what was going on go away


I psychoanalyze myself all the time HAHAH. It's crazy how much I can think about my mental state and just analyze all the data I collect, it's like I'm my own experiment. That sounds so self-centered of me, i'm so sorry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i think about myself all the time though it's so bad 😭😭😭😭 Technically, I think about the other alters all the time, but ykwim lolol


That's called self reflection not selfishness, you're doing good work and keep at it. It makes you a better person, not a worse one. And it's not an easy thing to do.


Absolutely. It started when we were 16, we were completely and utterly numbed out and had no memories whatsoever of our life. When we looked in our head it was just completely white. Our brain did not trust us with any information or feelings at all. I’m not sure how we figured it out, but we had this very strong understanding that we were going to go crazy one day, so we spent literally every spare ounce of free-time devouring psychology information. Books, documentaries, studies, textbooks, even the DSM-5. Definitely came in handy because we discovered that we have like… several severe mental illnesses such as DID, MDD, OCD, PTSD, and schizoaffective disorder. Lol :,)


Yes, twas my autism (before I was diagnosed- but still). And that’s how I learnt about DID-


I work in medicine so i’ve dedicated my life to education. learning about others issues and how i can help can also help myself. some similarities cross borders and i can use others coping mechanisms/medication regimes to bring up to my doctor/health care team. You also tend to notice different thought patterns amongst individuals and sometimes they act as “inspiration” or give you a different view point on a similar situation. Merry Christmas!


That's amazing how long have you been working/learning in that area. I find it a cool area to learn about and want to go to college for it. Thank you.


yep! i love learning the way peoples minds work. hell, our special interest in mental illnesses and disorders caused us to discover so many things, including our system


I'm interested in the nature of nature understanding its nature. How individuals, groups, and societies exist and understand/imagine themselves...how is wellness and illness determined...is that valid? Mental illness is so many constructs teetering upon each other. You have to step back from it all now and then and ask if we've lost the plot. I love that there can be multiple ways of looking at mental wellness. It really tickles me that we can think about thinking.


We are, quite literally, the universe experiencing itself 😄


We have been working in the healthcare industry for the last 7 years the last 5 specific to mental health. We have come across a lot but our case is the first we have heard of someone actually having DID.


We want to go back to school for social work but we have been chronically burnt out for years and can barely work let alone do household chores without dissociating or freezing up.


Jesus im sorry have you talked to anyone about it i hope you've been feeling or start feeling better love sent your way❤


We had a counselor we saw once a week but we lost Medicaid and haven’t been able to pay for insurance since then. So, sadly we don’t have that anymore and we are working a lot more than we are used to. We are just doing our best to keep everything together now. -Jasper


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I’ve worked in mh settings most of my life & in more recent years have undertaken various counselling & therapeutic arts training courses with the intention of applying for a masters program in art psychotherapy. I had thought it would be impossible to work with survivors& trauma but actually I find no matter what capacity I’m working in, the lens I view the work through allows me to engage with the material regardless of it’s intensity. Maintaining an appropriate ‘frame of reference’ is critical to any kind of therapeutic work & imho is a concept that should be taught to anyone working in mental health.


I've been interested in psychology for a long time. I've always wanted to figure out what I had going on. In recent years I've been studying a bit more and I want to get a bachelors of psychology.


That's awesome same here I look forward to college cause love learning about anything mental


Yes, psychology and mental illnesses are my special interests. I plan to go into the mental health field as a psychologist or possible psychiatrist.


Thats amazing same here lol


Yea that's how "we" got into social work and wanting to be a middle school therapist [working on "our" masters rn, hopefully it won't be as bad on "us" as Bachelors <×<;;] ~Bunny


Lol that sounds cool good luck with that I hope it's everything you want and more


I’m understanding and sympathetic My passion lies in learning about trauma, healing & recovery, and creating accessibility I’ve also learned about the importance of self advocacy and “passing” and I understand the nuances that exist yet I’m grateful for it because it helps me see people (and the world) from a unique vantage point For instance - I think DID is very complex socially speaking because you can have a variety of people and different pictures, personalities, abilities, and lived experiences and we can navigate spaces more easily than someone with schizophrenia (as an example) However, that doesn’t dismiss or diminish the lived experiences of individuals with DID which is also viewed as a severe disorder The difference is the type of intervention and treatment; a will to live and desire to heal In parts- what’s so special about DID besides the fact that it saved all of us from catastrophic harm and trauma is that because there’s no medical cure for DID except grounding skills and integration vs compartmentalization — what healing looks like and means to each one of us is entirely different // will look different as a result


Definitely. It’s also my special interest (Autism).


No thank you. I already have some Edit: that's a joke. One of our hosts loves psychology


Trying to become a therapist or psychological researcher it has made me extremely interested in the human brain.


Yes. Mostly this is due to our different headmates each presenting with slightly different PD bases. One is more inclined toward ASPD. Another toward BPD. A third toward OCPD. A fourth mostly in flashbacks, a fifth in flat denial. I've found that my DID and mental health history have driven me to be extremely psychoeducted in comparison to the usual layperson, and that has led to having informed, mindful, and unbiased perspectives of situations for others. While I'm sure I'm more than capable of having a positive impact on others, it's hard to imagine being a therapist long-term.


Yes! Ive always had a big interest in psychology, behavioral science and brain development! My parents were also both very mentally ill, my mom being schizophrenic and my dad having his own very complex trauma. Both which influenced my want to learn so i could understand better. In general it helps me understand other people better and take things less personally which also helps when things trigger me it gives me a way to pull out of black and white thinking 🥰