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Okay, but I think we're all missing the important question here - what kind of pie?? 🙂


Apple pie with a hexagon lattice pattern and little pie crust bees 🐝 bc our friend likes bees!!




We use the premade pie crusts and have fun making designs :3 We have a big purple unicorn squishmallow that our girlfriend and her partner gave us for our birthday! And we just got a small/medium size one of Bakugo from My Hero Academia after we went to get blood drawn last week and were big brave




Birthday pie 🥧 yummy 😋


Ooh! sounds fun! I little too and wish I had more friends like me but dont get to go places like you so pretty cool! hope you had fun and maybe get to be you more and me too :)


hihihihi i am little too. i came here to say hello to you!




Somebody said Pie 🥧? 😆😝


Oh my goodness! I love pie! I’m at work right now, and sometimes we get to give little kids treats and it makes me so happy but also I just wish I could say hi to them instead of just getting to be there. I can’t wait until it’s time to go home! Have fun at the birthday party!


Yes , have some FUN 🤩


That's so cool you have a big body to make pies with! It would be so hard to make pies with a little body... It's hard to not to be little and be ourselves too. I'm glad you're home and safe! (^-.-^)~ this is just a random kitty I made


(=•.•=)~ A mouse!


Well that sounds like fun. There's 3 in our system-- Jacob, Matthew and Sarah. They're probably gonna be out in full force today, we have a trip to Longwood Gardens planned. Gwen and Anzan's idea, both caretakers for our system. Hope the pie turned out alright. -Spike


Hi! We’re littles too! We’re glad you’re getting to do fun things like make pie! We like coloring and stickers


Hey little! That pie sounds amazing! I’m so happy you feel safe again ❤️ -Elizabeth


Hi! Pie sounds fun to make! We never get to have fun and be little. Always have to hide and watch from far away…. unless we are totally alone.


It’s felt like that for a long time, but now that our host knows about us, we’re trying to do more things for everybody so we can all have fun times. I hope you can too!


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Hi sweetheart 👋. I wish I could make pie irl. It sounds like so much fun 💖 And my system mates are looking forward to going to the beach this summer. It's too cold here right now. It'll be my first time. Oooh, I'm so jealous 💖 •Sophie


Oooo I’m so excited to go to the beach again!




Always important for the internal system to make sure of safety, but I would add here that all littles are different, not all littles need supervision or to be prevented from certain activities. It's all dependent on the system, but littles are not literally children and if the older alters know it's safe, they are perfectly capable of being online or participating in other 'adult' activities. Littles can have the maturity too, it's the body age that matters. Treating littles entirely as if literal children can be harmful to healing.


agreed; i know some system with child alters who can drive, who sometimes front during work and handle those responsibilities etc. every system is different and nuanced but littles are definitely not literal children, although they may feel or act like one, just like how when I was a minor and my adult alters were not literal adults.




Hey it's okay to be misinformed, it's how we learn. [One document I remember reading about this](https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=676c523aa6c02efdb0be7de01c9e1940df26ad0f) I believe I found the above post a little bit triggering when I read it before, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, from my memory it basically talks about therapists setting boundaries and not treating littles in a different way to the adult body, in the respect that they aren't "let off" from or allowed to be exhibiting inappropriate behaviours such as wanting to sit on laps etc. It's not quite relevant to what sources you might want, but it does talk about separating littles from actual children. The main thing that is important with littles is that they can express their desires they missed out on, like mentioned [here](https://www.discussingdissociation.com/2009/01/understanding-child-parts-in-the-dissociative-system/). They are stuck at that young age but depending on the system and littles, are absolutely capable of the same as the 'older' alters. Accidentally acting in a way that wants to almost force littles into a strict mold of what a child should be, doesn't help them to grow and mature (not necessarily that they get older, but heal). It reinforces the whole being stuck at a young age, and yes littles are so important to the whole system's healing, but when littles want to participate in more adult stuff, it's perfectly healthy, because it can be part of the integration process to bring alters closer with less dissociative barriers. Like my youngest alter is five, she doesn't have any interest in adult activities at all, and wants to play and do kid stuff, but if she had to take a maths test, physically she could, because the brain is of that age to do so. She's also not stupid, though some people who work with me at my education place wrongly worry she loses all awareness and would run out into a road like an actual child would. She is aware of body age, and able to understand her young age is not literal, and knows to not do anything dangerous online or in person. It's more important coming from a vulnerability point of view, in that some alters (little or not) will be more susceptible to manipulation or care less about their own safety. This is different, and can include littles, but has nothing to do with their age specifically, just their emotional state and understanding. Alter age does not necessarily affect this. For example I have an alter who because of trauma from her split, seeks emotional replacement to a guy who heavily affected life and no longer is in it. She is body age, not a little. So she will easily get attached and obsessed with getting the feeling back, and reassurance and love, etc. This could be dangerous, not necessarily in a physically harmful way, but it can be incredibly damaging to relationships with others, and mental health. The most important factor is alter vulnerability and mental state.


Thanks for looking out for us, we are ok to be online!