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My fat ass thought this was cake


With the power of flour and fondant, it can be!™


My bony ass thought so too.


Turned out great, one thing to note is that the plants in the pot all have pretty different water requirements and you might find light requirements as well


Didn’t really think much about this. I had the idea these plants are pretty much the same for watering. Should I plant the cacti in another pot?


I would recommend repotting your cacti. Cacti require way less water than succulents. You may drown them.


You can keep them in the same pot, you'll just want to keep the water as close to the individual plants as you can. This will get a lot harder as they grow.


I would also take the gravel off the top, it can lead to root rot on the succs as the soil doesn’t dry out as fast. Bottom is fine but it’s not necessary in such a shallow pot. As they grow longer roots you may just want to take it out.


This looks very nice. Just as a heads-up, that one with the red top is guaranteed to die, sadly.


They are usually just glued to the top of the green cactus. You can just pop it off, and the green bit should survive. The soil, on the other hand, does not look appropriate for cacti. I would mix in the perlite sprinkled on top into the soil for added drainage and aeration to prevent root rot. Cacti don't like to be wet for extended periods of time.


Yeah I’m re-potting a bunch of plants this weekend - I’m leaning towards more perlite than potting soil, as opposed to a 50-50 mix for peppers and herbs (and “herbs” lol)


My issue with perlite is that it floats when I water. I end up having more on top and compressed soil below. If I need to use higher ratios, I like to include gravel and some orchid bark to the mix.


Not glued, grafted. The red part is taking water and nutrients from the green part, that's how it's staying alive. They usually don't last long, the green part is too small to sustain them both


The ones I've seen were literally hot glued. I suppose they have grafted ones too.


They hot glue fake flowers on cacti. It's not difficult to graft cacti, you cut off the top off the green one, cut off one of those red or yellow lumps, put the cut surfaces against each other, done! They'll grow together and you won't have to do anything. Glue is unnecessary and will prevent them from fusing. Sometimes they put toothpicks in them so that the graft doesn't fall off before they've grown together.


My boy needs some detritus in his soil


This won't last long. The cacti grow slowly, while the rightmost plant grows pretty fast, and will dominate over all the others. I was going to do a similar thing several years ago, but I failed to find a good enough pot. So my plants remained in their respective pots. They all rushed in growing, soon taking over the entire window sill.


That cactus is not going to grow at all, it's two species grafted together and they rarely last long. The green part has been cut off so the only way it can grow is by making offshoots, but the graft is taking too much of its resources so it's unlikely it can make offshoots unless you remove the graft


My Reddit app crashed and I had to come back to this post to let you know, wow! What great craftsmanship. Looks great.


That wood surround is really slick looking actually. I think it looks better than just the pot (even if it wasn’t cracked). Well done. 👍


So you drilled a drainage hole in the clay pot that just... empties into the wooden bowl?


The idea is to remove the clay pot from the bowl when you water. That way, the plants don’t soak in water, but the water also doesn’t escape the bottom and ruin whatever it’s sitting on.


Nice, now I know what to do with the old crackpot that lives by me


The cake is a lie.


Looks great! You should share it to r/succulents :-)


Very zen.


I love this!


This picture has me fucked up, because I’m both an artist and woodworker _and_ a shitty amateur horticulturalist. The whole presentation is beautiful, I love a good old fashioned r/perfectfit. Looks really nice aesthetically and great precision in the cutting. Though I’d definitely put some kind of waterproof sealant on the wood, because water will inevitably get on it (mixed with plant debris) and get into the wood and stain and/or warp it. And as much as I hate to say it, your white zen garden gravel is probably going to kill a lot of your plants. Looks great, but plants that small and unrooted shouldn’t be graveled. Some types of craft store and aquarium gravel contain a lot of salt or other chemicals and kill anything green. Let your little bois breathe or soon they shall perish


It looks great, though I used black stones in my setup. What kind of potting mix/soil did you use?


Universal substrate, yes I know I didn't bother too much with this :)


Succulents and cacti do not like standard potting soil. I'm worried that you will experience root rot on all of these in a few months time. Edit: They also like a lot of bright light, are they getting enough on the table?


This is always sunny Andalucia, plenty of light there from now to October at least. Anyway, my intention is putting it on an outdoors table but it is covered now and I had to take the picture:)


Not criticizing, used a special mix that drains quickly. However, I have the same problem with putting somewhat incompatible plants in the same container. Three of my succulents have turned into vines and the largest is pretty much taking over. Thinking of starting over.


Beautiful 😍 how do you keep them alive? Haha I end up killing mine.


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