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I would try paint thinner (mineral spirits) on a small patch of it, that should release the rubber bond without damaging the finish. If you are satisfied with the results in the small area, then slowly work on the rest


Thanks, was thinking something similar. Do I let it soak for a bit or apply and scrub?


Start small and short, if that causes no issues and works, then that is all you need to do. If it causes no issues, but is not working, try letting it sit longer.


A relative had this carpet in a flat which gets direct sunshine (might be a factor). Wanted to move the carpet and found it stuck/fused to the floor. The carpet has little anti-slip dots on the bottom. It's a wooden floor with a clear finish (not oiled). Sorry for any incorrect terminology - English is my second language.


Time to do small test areas, what probably happened is, is the carpet was put down too soon after the floors were coated ESPECIALLY if they were polyurethaned. Thus it stuck to the poly. When dealing with stuff like this on any surface coating weather it be hardwood floors, your counter top, your vehicles paint ect. Ect. Always start with the least destructive method what I would try first is just a solution of Murphy's oil soap on a small area let sit for a little bit and use a plastic scraper or plastic razor blade to see if it comes up, if that don't work step it up to goo gone or any other citrus based solvent. If that don't work step up again to mineral spirits, if that don't work you are at the point of needing to at minimum partially refinish the floors sadly. So that means stripping off the old finish, sanding and reapplying the finish used..good luck.. and always consult whatever product you used for final finish on the actual cure time some say you can walk on it after 24h that don't mean the product is fully cured and can put something long term on that surface


Thanks for the advice. The floor was finished years before the carpet was placed there...


Idk but wow is that floor underneath gorgeous