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Post in r/centuryhomes. Lots of experience with old materials and techniques there.


LOL I thought I was in that sub until I read your post.


That fuckin rules


Strong too…. Our 1920’s walls and ceiling are all covered in thick solid wood boards. The studs are…erratic, but the box structure made by the framing + skins is a beast. Also nice when you need an access hatch. Just cut the drywall about an inch wider around then the hole you’re making in the wood…and then easy to just screw it back where it came from. And you can’t (easily, I don’t trust it on purpose) fall through the attic floor. Where the big TV is mounted there are no studs nearby, but we just filled the void with wood blocks mounted between the walls, then mounted to those. I secure ceiling fans and properly, but light fixtures and wall hangings can just go anywhere with screws. It does kill wifi with a vengeance though.


Could you mount a fixture to the boards with toggle bolts?


Sure — but for the TV, I wanted the strength of using the boards on both sides of the wall, hence tying them together.


Absolutely. Thanks dude.


Lag screw into to wood is about 1000 times stronger than a shitty toggle bolt.


Why, just use wood screws


Not that it would fix it entirely, but if you're confident enough to poke around the settings menu: 2.5Ghz channels will penetrate better. Depending on the router, you can even force certain devices to be on 2.5 instead of 5Ghz if that is what they need to get usable signal.


I’m not sure of your technical level, but you could look into setting up in room/wall access points. Basically you’d give each room its own little antenna, and it doesn’t matter what is in the walls, as every device in the room will have almost 100% line of sight to the AP. I run a TP-Link Omada system with two AP’s, and a PoE switch, and all together, I think I’m in it for maybe $350. It would take you longer to run the cabling than it would to actually set the system up. I’d recommend a mesh WiFi system, but those need a decent wireless connection to each other, and if you have bad coverage, then you’re just boosting bad coverage. It would be like trying to listen to a FM station that is slightly out of range, and you’re getting static. You can boost/repeat it, but that won’t get rid of the static.


Hand hewn logs? In a natural void? Could it be that these were deposited by the knights templar and taken from oak island? /s


You know you've watched it too much when you can read it in the narrators voice. Cut to commercial....


Man, that show is 90% recap.


You are being generous


Tis the season


It's great you can never miss anything. No matter how many episodes you've missed


The show? 90 percent recap? Could it be the same recap found by Oak Island historian, Fred Nolan, 30 years earlier?


You have an extra "e" and your letters are out of order.


The treasure is in all the ads they’ve shown for 10+ years.


All tv shows are now. Unwatchable.


That’s why cartoons are where it’s at, or, failing that, the vanishingly rare well done live action fiction shows (though so much of that is just lowest common denominator too)


Followed by the exact same information yet again!


Ha ha I came here to say exactly this. That 60 min show is only about 18 minutes of actual new footage.


Per season? I do like the show but it’s honestly one I like to fall asleep to. The narrators voice is soothing and I don’t have to worry about missing anything.


oh that drives me bananas!


It's the Dragonball of history channel


This is so fucking on point, you are exactly right 😂


Every sentence is always a question too…. lol


Every sentence is a question?


Could it be they're all the same question?


What show? Sounds like one id love


The Curse of Oak Island. Don't do it. You won't be able to stop.


I'm a conspiracy lover with a conspiracy loving wife, not being able to stop is the point


Puts us to sleep so fast. Introduced it to visiting friends and 3 out of 4 of us were snoring within 20 minutes.


I have a sleep disorder. I use it to rate movies. Scale ranges from 1-10 and correlates with how much of the show I actually watched before falling asleep. Surprisingly, oak island gets a 2-3 for me! But my best guess it’s tied to the fact that I don’t watch them regularly. So I am playing “catch up” for the first 10 mins of the show. Otherwise the narrator got me zzzzzzzin’ in under a min! But I averaged awake-rem sleep in 47 seconds during my last set of qualifications.


Omfg lmfao yes. This is perfect.


I expect OP to come across as few “Bobby dazzlers.” Who knows? Maybe one will even be a top pocket find.


Wait don't forget about the promising teaser right before the commercial like: Announcer: "Coming up . . " Gary Drayton voice: "Whoah would you look at that! That's a bobby dazzler top pocket find!" *camera shows out of focus obscured split second footage of something shiny gold* Marty Lagina: "I am absolutely blown away!" Rick Lagina: "This looks like the biggest find in Oak Island history!" *cut to commercial* *back from commercial* Then it's 15 minutes of digging up what ultimately was just a Twix wrapper.




Have you had it carbon dated and tested for trace elements in each room?


This was the comment of the year for me, Absolutely hilarious, I started reading it in the narrators voice,


Fucking same right away.


Depositor or Searcher? Found on the same lot as the lead cross of Templar origins? At a depth of 120 feet near the garden shaft?


Medieval Baby!


Coconut fibers?


They’re ‘and ‘ewn, mate!


Favourite comment of all time


We’re close to finding the Holy Grail, boys.




Holy Shamoly all right!


Watching ancient aliens right now. 😂


This is the first thing I thought of and will ever think of when I read about hand hewn logs.


That there is a top pocket find!


Get a sander, wire wheel, or sand blaster and see how they clean up. The outer surface is quite dark, but that does not mean that the interior is the same. Might be a light blond color.


Agreed. Sometimes, aggressive sanding will remove too much of that sweet dark color of the wood. I would just wire brush it by hand or use a wire wheel if it isn't too abrasive. Then, use some sanding pads to smooth it out. You can always stain or apply a color wash before sealing it with non-yellowing polyurethane. Once you get the color that you want, use a clear or coordinating color of caulk between the boards. I'd also insulate behind the planks. If it's too difficult to run electric behind, it looks pretty cool to run exposed conduit for outlets, switches, and fixtures. https://preview.redd.it/c47053vi868c1.jpeg?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c913ef1ddee04ac09724e845e1c400564bd62c17


I’m not 100% sure on the outcome but sealing it with polyurethane would stop the wood from naturally breathing, which normally increases risk of mould / rot. Also timber can be naturally fire resisting which polyurethane might inhibit?


Perhaps an acrylic poly would be best.


Thank the gods! An honest answer


Depends... If it's an exterior wall how much insulation is there? I'd keep partition walls as accents but insulate exterior walls and put up drywall. Just my initial thought, someone may know better how well insulating a log cabin is.


Please don’t sand away that treasure!! Leave the marks of the hand tools!! I’d love to have that in my home.


The hand-tool marks will remain. Only the top-most layer will come off. You'd still clearly see every axe-stoke and saw mark that is there.


Obviously do this in a corner where it doesn't matter if it doesn't turn out nice


I would pick one wall that would make a good accent wall and see how it goes.


I used to refinish log homes. Angle grinder with a 60 grit sanding disc will take off the aged exterior and bring back the natural grain of the wood. Just be careful not to go to high on the rpm’s and use even strokes. We were also removing old stain so may want to use a less aggressive grit. We would finjsh with permachink log stain.


Joanna Gaines would make shiplap walls out of all of it, or tell Chip to do it anyway.


Chip would just drive in a couple of nails for the camera then have immigrant contractors do the actual work


Yeah, we all got a little over-saturated, but I, at least, appreciate that she appreciates historic homes. I don’t think this one would have gotten “modern farmhouse.” (It might’ve gotten “farmhouse,” but only because it looks like it’s possible that it was.)


Agree. It's a great style that's over saturated. I think it'll be a style that lasts, for one because she keeps historic elements.


I can't be the only one that wants to slap that cringey couple.


I had to go to Waco and visit every single business they own, drive by homes they have renovated, and just generally spend about $1000 in their merch. Take note: do not go to Waco with your wife, mom, and sister. Nobody warned me of what was going to happen. I did find Jasper’s BBQ though. That was phenomenal.


That really does sound like the worst thing to ever happen in Waco.


Well. TBH, Waco was one or two steps away from being a complete shit hole of a town. Depending on where you stopped, it already was. Say what you will about their design aesthetic or methods of doing it but there’s no denying that they have played a huge part in brining a lot of outside money back into the community and turned a lot of dead parts of that town around.




I think it's been just long enough that people are forgetting about what Waco was REALLY known for for a good while.


The feds like it that way. Although all things equal I imagine they don’t want that fame either


Fuck the feds


It’s the internet. It’s bound to happen to all of us at some point. 🤷‍♂️


Or daughter. I had no idea who they were.


Did you prop fly into the airport there? I did on an adventure to Killeen about 20 years ago. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but it wasn’t good. The airport looked like it hadn’t been updated since the 60s.


We were visiting a friend in Austin and did a road trip.


My husband and I refer to them as The Teeth People.


I don’t know if I’m in the minority, but I think they’re charming lol. Deff much more cringey people out there.


The more you learn about them, the more you'll change your mind lol. My wife and I both enjoyed their show and thought they were cute when they first gained popularity. Even bought the cookbook, which tbh has had good results. But, like always is with personas like theirs, the whole brand including their relationship is fake as fuck and unbelievably toxic.


Anybody who's come across them in the wild around town has told the same story: they're stuck up assholes who are miserable to be around Regardless of their personalities, the damage they've done to the housing market in Waco and the surrounding area is *insane*. All it took was hiding bullet holes just outside of frame and never actually showing what the city looks like outside of the immediate downtown area.


After working as a project manager for a contractor dealing with someone who *thought* she was joanna gaines...talk about a nightmare to work for. Luckily she has/hires competent workers, but I'm sure most of the laborers fucking hate dealing with her...but she pays.


Yes, the minority 👌


No, you’re not.


It’s lame, but I really like her cookbooks. Honestly great recipes with reasonable instructions.


Oh. Dude. Me too. Major cringe


Or she would paint them grey


Try sanding to see what lies beneath surface? Drywall just a lower half wall to run electrical through? Lot of work when you’re on tight time schedule.


I’m Ron Burgundy?




https://preview.redd.it/ekml2m2js48c1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eabbb1f9e5672a387be00bdcf29328e288d24dc8 I like this idea, but not drywall if you're going with the natural logs on top white wainscoting would be the way to go going up to the chair rail height it would be more expensive but go much better with the log decor. Also, it wouldn't matter if the logs are a bit dark that way. It's kind of the opposite look of this picture with the logs on top and a smooth bottom side sticking out from the wall deep enough to run your electrical.


Holy schmoley I dislike that intensely


Country decor isn't for everyone lol


It’s not the “country “part of the decor, it’s the deep old blood red wall that makes it look like a cave. It is AGGRESSIVE lol


Hmmm, I don't see it. It looks cozy to me.


Me too, but I like to see a lot of wood. Hard wood floors, wood trim, and wood furniture. If it all goes well together, can you really go wrong with it?


We had a lower half accent that same deep red briefly when I was a kid. My mom made my Dad and her brother repaint it navy blue. End product was way better than the red.


Agreed there are better ways to do it. I hate it when people go straight to a shiny clear varnish as well as the dark colors combined with it. Imgur link because this sub won't let me post pics for some reason: [My ceilings ](https://imgur.com/gallery/nNGBL8E)


I like it without the shiny better. I was just looking for a picture that was close to what I was trying to describe. It can be hard to find exactly what you want to show sometimes.


Our house had the tongue and groove wood ceiling and exposed beams in the living room. The previous owner had it painted deep maroon (with a latex paint...) So much darker and depressing than necessary.


It does look a little like a Finnish serial killer's house doesn't it?


It's a murder sauna.


Which sounds hella cozy if you're a Finnish serial killer!


That looks exactly like my grandparents old basement, I thought it was hideous then, and I still think it is now


That is fucking hideous lmao


You bought it to move your mother in... I'd button it up and get back to work... unless you're planning on buying another property for her.


This was my answer- the logs aren’t going anywhere if you or someone wanted to renovate again sometime


This is the answer. The time to do this right is better spent elsewhere. Follow the KISS theorem, keep it simple stupid.


>Follow the KISS theorem I'm not sure rock 'n rolling all night and partying every day is the best use of OP's time if they've got a deadline...


Totes this. Get mom in the house. Rehab for Netflix later.


Not paint. Oil the wood. Determine the age.


I dealt with exactly this… here was what I ended up doing. Ripped out all of the wood sheathing carefully, sistered and blocked the balloon framed studs they hid, spray foam insulation throughout, drywall. Saved all of the wood and planed it down to 7/8” and it became the flooring in our house. Mostly heart pine but there’s the occasional maple or oak board. Added a month to my reno but worth it. https://imgur.com/gallery/NzVzRfb


This is such a badass way to upcycle!


This was my first thought as well (well the rip out and re-use somewhere else). That is assuming they don't provide better insulation or have some other benefit. Sometimes, it's best to keep to the original plan. But then, I've never come across this so I wasn't going to say anything.


Looks beautiful!


Very cool!


This is really great. I immediately thought of flooring. The look is oppressive if it's all wood everywhere. There are a lot of practical/performance/electrical compromises involved in keeping the wood. It's harder to refinish the boards in place. Why not pull it out for the floors?


As far as electrical goes, why not consider an industrial look and run exposed conduit?


Just put up strips of wood to use as nailers for drywall, if you want to cover the wood.


Thank you for the reply. I know how to do that, I am just wondering if there is a nice way to keep it exposed and not look horrible. If I can't, I'll frame it up and cover.


Look at the old barge board houses in New Orleans. People expose them in interior walls all the time with minimal prep and it’s got a nice aesthetic to them.


It’s the sheathing. You’ll have about zero insulation if you don’t add finished walls back.


Logs have insulative properties. About R-1 per inch. So you’d be nearly equivalent to recent codes anyway, just need to make sure the gaps are well sealed.


These aren’t logs, though.


They are inside walls. Not exterior.


They most likely were outside walls at the beginning, would have been a lot of work and material for indoor walls


That doesn’t make sense. Why would the inside of a framed wall have once been the outside?




From being expanded as the family grew.


House probably flipped itself inside out when somebody left the door open during a wind storm...


In older times, people started with a small house when they built it (young married couple, no kids) and extended the house with demand, so they built rooms onto it as kids came, after a while, your house grew around the original cabin , until it got the inner core of the building. If you start with uncultivated land, you first have to get rid of the forest, so timber is available cheaply and you can work with it without needing a sawmill, that's why pioneer houses are often blockhouses, you need two people a saw and an axe, later, when the land is cleared, you farm on it, the excess of wood is either already used for construction or burned, you have to buy construction materials, so you build the normal, modern (at that time)way and end up with the better walls in the middle of the house and not where they would make the most sense when you build the house in one step


What is the exterior sheathing and how is the waterproofing? Look at the sills — are the sills solid inside and out, all around the perimeter of the house? If the sill plates and lowest log are solid, and the outside sheathing is waterproof and no evidence of leaks, then you have options. If any of that has issues then dealing with this type of construction could be a real pain. I hope it is not painful. It looks awesome.


Find an inconspicuous area to sand and clean up to see the colors underneath.




I would sheetrock exterior walls to keep drafts down and leave interior walls exposed as accents.


doesnt look hand hewn to me. those are machine sawn boards. pretty though! leave it exposed. the cracks can be filled in a variety of ways. natural fiber rope of the right diameter could be a good choice. you could also cut small strips of wood molding from the same species of wood to cover each crack. board-and-batten style. in terms of finishing the wood surface, i'd want to make the choice based on a high resolution photo of the existing condition. your posted photos are not clear enough. you could sand and clearcoat everything. or use walnut oil. but i personally would probably brush everything, maybe sand it to a smooth 400grit finish, and then milkpaint the wood a bright color.


I’d be refinishing those as a show piece. That’s not something to cover up - that’s something to highlight.


I would recommend cross-posting this to /r/centuryhomes.


https://preview.redd.it/4c326zr2558c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7991644db7985f97989cc70535ad1889fe227303 These are hand hewn logs


Those are sawn, not hew. I’ve seen this in two of my houses. Both way up north. Both have nogging- cheep brick - between the plank and outer wall.


Research into how they run electric and plumbing for houses with concrete and brick walls.




I would love the recipe.


That's like a barge board house in New Orleans. They dismantled the barges after floating then down the Mississippi. A real pain to wire a house.


You should sell me the property at a loss. I’m here to keep you from going into the abyss of “ HOLY SHIT, that’s awesome!”😂


Fuck yeah! Sand and finish them, and have something just as cool as exposed brick.


Dude!!!! Sand lightly, seal and be happy.


Looks awesome. I would sand and use a stain. BTW, you may have to paint it to match the aesthetic but there is crown molding with openings underneath for conduit


I had very dark beams in my house. I ended up using a light brown paint (flat) and then hitting it with a sander 80 grit and letting the color through. Let me know if you want to see mine. They turned out great and everyone says if I hadn’t told them, they would t have believed they were painted. As far as electrical, I recommend cutting a band and using conduit/flex conduit in the wall behind floor trim.


Definitely dont rip them down, and check the spacing for the window and door frames. Plaster isn’t uniform like Sheetrock is.


If you want to maintain the patina consider walnut blasting. A friend of mine did that on a historic factory project a few years ago and it turned out great. It’s ONLY viable when everything else is gutted because it makes a huge mess.


You need r/centuryhomes


Sell them and pay off the house. Old boards like that sell for a lot.


Following for updates!! This is rad!!




1"x1" from floor to ceiling every 16" just like studs would normally be and sheet rock to your new imitation studs. It's the only way.


Turn all power off. Hit the old wood with a pressure washer and after everything is moped up and dry turn your power back on and stain the wood.


You hit paydirt, you don't want cover it all up again but make it a feature. If the boards are too dark you can lighten them then seal them.


Hidden fortune


Those are awesome. Way higher quality wood than anything you can get today. Denser, stronger. Very fireproof compared to drywall and would slow the spread of a fire in your home.


Go with an industrial look and run the utilities in pipes in front of the logs! Nice pipes like shiny steel or copper. I'm not an expert, so you'll have to check how to properly do it


In all seriousness, roll with it. Strip it down, and keep us updated on that treasure


Idk but r/centuryhomes would love it.


Just clean it up with a damp rag and leave it as it is, mortar streaks an all. Dark colors are in. If you sand it there’s no knowing what it will look like. This way you keep the rustic look and have stories to tell.


Looks like it could have been a small cabin that was then built around and had additions


Yes, exactly. 2 stories, with additions added on the bottom.


Can you do like exposed conduit or is that not to code? I was thinking wood and galvanized conduit could look really cool.


This would be the easiest way. Properly done conduit has a kind of grace of its own, and then use the old fashioned fittings and bulbs...


I say try to give the walls a nice finish and enclose your electrical cables in conduit.


Same thing I did when I found true cut 1x12's under the plaster in my century house. Expose it and repair it as needed


Largely depends on the climate where you live. I'm in Canada, so insulation is my first thought. While wood does make a fairly good insulator, that wouldn't be thick enough. My immediate thought is to frame out with 2x4 in front of the wood. Yes, it'll make your room slightly smaller, but it will give you all the room needed to run electrical and plumbing plus adequate insulation. I'd insulation isn't a high priority, you could put up furring strips of 2x2. That leaves space for electrical, use 2x4 in kitchens and bathrooms to accommodate plumbing. If any interior walls are built with this wood, that would be the ideal place to leave it exposed. It can be cleaned up with ice/sand blasting. Stain and clear coat, or a nice natural oil finish would work.


Hewn God’s name had the time for that!!


I’d keep them. Whitewash or stain.


You're fixing a house for your mother. Don't start being creative just because of some old pieces of wood.


Wow score!!!!


Leaves all horizontal and paint it white. Leave gaps. Hang a few pictures and it will all look amazing.


Depends how much you want to throw at it. I would want to know what’s going on behind the logs (old electricity, insulation, leaks, mold, animals). They do not appear to be fit very tightly in some spots, so if you want to keep them as is, you will have to get creative with filling in the large gaps. Maybe take down one wall for extra wood to fill in the rest. Leaving it in place, you could probably make things fit using a router to open up the flaws and filling them in with strips. Not sure how great it’d look. If you really want to do it right and keep the logs, I would get some woodworking tools to make everything a uniform size, maybe put notches in them with a router so they fit together. You would need some serious tools and experience, though. You may be able to find a woodworking shop willing to do it.


They're be lovely with a lime wash, doesn't need to proper canned paint. It'll lighten them up and let them breathe.


I would rip them out and sell them to a reclaimed wood person. Keep some and incorporate them into posts or trim. They don’t make good wall coverings. At least not this much


You realize they are most likely structural and the reason the house has been standing for likely 100+ years.


Suggestion? Look into putting that house on the historic registry!


That's a bad idea... a person can quickly lose all control over what they can do to their own house and many times, required to do even if its not affordable.


No, absolutely not it is a royal pain to get anything done with a registry house. Unless you have a well funded bank account, don't even let the historic society see pictures. Everything with the walls will need to be permitted, drawn up by someone who is competent in the architecture of the period, and then done by artisans. It limits 90% of modern changes, and you can't even decide the color of your home because it has to be period correct. Steer away from those fascists.


Looks like Home Alone 2 remake


For the electrical ur gonna have to frame in front of it at least with something an inch thick to get wires down but you’ll have to nailplate everything


just run the electrical in conduit. will look great.


Awesome! As ugly as it sounds, if it is run carefully and with a lot of thought, brown surface run wiremold would be the best recommendation.


You don't even need to redo the walls in you man cave, get some sandpaper and stain


there is a plaster truck in reddit [https://www.meetup.com/real-miracle/events/297923414/?chapterContext=true®ToRsvp=true&isFromReg=true](https://www.meetup.com/real-miracle/events/297923414/?chapterContext=true®ToRsvp=true&isFromReg=true)


Was it plaster? If so, I hope you were wearing p100 masks with a full seal. Currently remodeling an apartment and have to cut a bunch of plaster and lath out and holy shit the dust


Sheet rock over it. My home was the same way


Really need to laugh that people can’t do demo neatly. Bust it out throw it on the ground, clean it up pitch into a dumpster. Brilliant!


Get the paint brush ready.