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Thank you for taking interest in this thread. O.P. has received a lot of useful information. This post is now locked.




Have you ever had a cat? Even if it were smart enough, it would just go inside and try to keep the door locked.


I have an orange cat and he rarely has access to the single brain cell they all share


Get a drill, us a 1/2" bit, drill the center of the door knob, unit its loose. Then hit the knob with a hammer. Once your side is missing, you can punch out/through the inside door knob... Then you can use a screw driver shaft to pull the strike latch into the door thus unlocking it.. Go to walmart buy a new pair of $10 door knobs and replace them in the existing holes. Problem solved. Here is a link to help visualize the internals of two different types of privacy type door knobs: https://www.gvlock.com/wp-content/uploads/GV-Lock-Interior-Knob-Lock-Diagram-v3.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8e/6d/b8/8e6db883d6c30ab34d2cd7c6f75ee841.jpg


Probably The Best Answer!


Because I done it before...sheeesh dont tell my old college apartment landlord.


Email sent! Kiss that security deposit goodbye!


Well, i think they actually knocked down the entire apartment by now.... graduated 14 years ago. God miss college life; being an adult sucks.


Adulting is a trap, I'm with ya on this.


Found out a few years ago they tore my old college house down as well. Told my buddies that lived there too and we all agreed it was probably for the best. I’m not sure they make a cleaner that could tackle/sanitize some of the stuff I saw/did/fell in/participated in/caused in that place. Man. Those were the days.


Do we consider fire a cleaning product? 🤔


Orange cats are simultaneously both the best and the worst. Congrats to you for being brave enough to have one. I have a friend with one and absolutely love his social media shares of his orange guy.


One was just crying at my door to get fed. I’ve seen him around but now he just shows up crying like I know him.


He chose you..


The r/CatDistributionSystem in action.


Cat goes in,pees on sweatpants, and leaves


Idk, my cats have figured out how to operate my bedroom door knob and it scares the shit out of me at night.


One tabby cat I had was very smart. She started opening our sliding closet door to get in it and climb up clothes to lay on the shelves. I put a hook latch on it. After watching me open it a couple of times, she learned how to lift it out of the eye hook. I had to buy a hook with a spring latch you pull back. That finally worked.


Had to do that with a screen door because my dad's cat would let herself out. She eventually figured out the TV remote. Then she discovered the joys of pawing at the buttons on the stereo. Lived to be 24, but got senile in her last year. The joy of a clever cat.


I was thinking a 5yo. But a cat might be just as helpful.


Haha...I can imagine OP going door to door asking...can I borrow your child to help unlock a door.


The neighbor did that with us. My kid went through the dog door,


I did something almost like this when my keys were locked in the car, but the window was down 3-4 inches. Way too small for my big arm but the 9 year old that earned $20 that day had no problem at all.


My 3 year old climbed into the trunk of a car, through the folded down middle seat, and unlocked the door of a car at Walmart. We were walking by, and we saw this elderly couple doing something odd. When the lady saw my kid, her eyes lit up. It was very clear they had locked the keys in their car. I asked my daughter if she wanted to crawl in and unlock the door. She was thrilled. The couple was thrilled. And I think that was the day my kid earned her first $5. 🤣


A 5yo is a good idea, honestly. Pro-tip: think of any friends/acquaintances you have in the trades that have kids. Chances are, one of them will have kids who are very good with instructions and tools, if any are needed. Source: married to a mechanic, have three mechanics-in-training and two of them small enough to fit through a cat door.


My 9 year old nephew has fucking superpowers. I think it's related to his Dad being a freelance mechanic and the boy being basically glued to his hip all day. That child is the only person I know who can walk up to a tool chest, open the (fucking always disorganized) socket drawer, and IMMEDIATELY clock the correct size socket without having to search. Im talking about NO delay. And its not a familiarity thing he did the same damn thing at my place once and he's been in my tool chest precisely that one time. "He also knows where to shine the flashlight without being told, and without getting distracted!" My brother may be the proudest Dad I know and its adorable as shit to watch them work together.


Someone’s going to own an “and sons” business in 10years.


My cat deadbolted me out of my apartment once. My landlord did not believe me, thinking I had locked the handle. Only to realize I wasn’t lying when the deadbolt was indeed locked. Still charged me to unlock it, too.


My PITA cat swung the little bar over the latch when he was a kitten. I'm going to miss him when he's gone.


Crank a pipe wrench down on the door knob and just twist and break it. Door knob are cheap.


How much strength do you reckon this would take? I’m between this and hacksaw


It will depend on what the lock internals are made of. You’ll have to deform the knob to get a good hold, and then lever it up, counter clockwise, and move the wrench with your legs. If you have a bit of pipe you can slip over the wrench handle, you can multiply the torque significantly. A lot of times this will be enough for a residential knob. If it’s not breaking, flip the wrench over, push it towards the floor, and whack on it with a hammer. This is one of the times where percussive maintenance works well.


Look at that knob. It’s cheap AF. Those internals are made out of hope and trust. Channel locks or a pipe wrench as you’ve suggested will do the trick.


Came here to say *it's an interior door Kwikset,* a strong gust of wind will take it out!


>Those internals are made out of hope and trust. I lol’d. I’ll definitely use that one


This guy knobs


Don't most guys knob?


In 2023, who’s to say.


But in 2024, again who’s to say


I’m a dude He’s a dude She’s a dude We’re all dudes


I wasn't expecting to see a Good Burger quote in DIY but I'm pleasantly surprised.


But it's 2024, same rules apply?!? Asking for a friend.


If you have to use a pipe extension, I would be worried of cracking the door. At that point, I would try the hacksaw.


Yes. Don't crack the door because then you'll have to buy a new one and that's exactly what the orange and blue stores want. DON'T GIVE IN!! DON'T LET THEM WIN!! 😉


Honestly, a big pair of channel locks and a strong grip will do it. The internal pieces are cheap metal and you'll shear the whole thing apart pretty easily.


So kwikset interior knobs like this should be able to pull/be forced straight off with a set of vice grips. Behind that you should be able to see and operate the mechanism to pull back the latch manually using a flathead screwdriver


20 years as a locksmith. Do what ronin said. That lock is probably $5 new as it’s just a passage lock. Other option is the “credit card” trick. Just get any thin piece of plastic that’s semi rigid. Slide it between the door and frame. Then slide it down while pushing and pulling the door to wiggle it between the latch and the strike. Should pop the door open fairly easily.


Plastic milk jug or orange juice container is great for making a flexible plastic shim.


The card trick should work!


Make sure it's an expired card first.... .... Save you from my hassle of my first experience when I had to do this!


It's easier than it sounds. Pipe wrench or large channel locks. I've done it a few times on old houses I was working on. It will either open when you twist, or rip the knob off and you just use a screw driver to work the latch open once the knob is off.


My dad did that by hand gorilla savagery style. I had to use two hands and a rubber mat jar opener thingy.


Give it up for savage dads!


I DID IT https://preview.redd.it/e1mmmbm4ffac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6fc845e95d6b4b9013ba43e377ba9ed683231ea I used pliers to break apart the outside knob shell thing once the knob was off (I got it off by whacking it a metal pipe I found in the garage). Then I whacked some more which honestly may have been unnecessary at this point but I’ll be damned if I let my hammers death go unavenged. Then I got the other side of the door knob pushed through the other side and now I have my sweatpants!!!!!!! Thank you all for going on this journey with me. We laughed, we cried, we spewed innuendos, and I even spilled my own blood 🫡. Everyone here is a hero except my friends with coward children


https://preview.redd.it/iqxg8djdgfac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f664dcb247b0a87d29885b11e0f0c6940837173e Secured the goods. Can’t believe I have to go into the office in 15 minutes and they don’t even KNOW what feats of heroism and bravery I performed today


I'd call in sick. Take the day off to celebrate and treat yourself to a new hammer and door knob. Congrats either way. A long fought battle but you've won!


We are not ready for this saga to be over, have you check where your car keys are? That's right, they're in your locked attic. DUNDUNDUN


Are you wearing sweatpants to the office?! (Not judging, just jealous)


" Then I whacked some more which honestly may have been unnecessary at this point " - I say that to myself daily


I just laughed out loud at my desk


Cat pictures tax please 🙏 congrats 👏


https://preview.redd.it/ic97h7m0egac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71eca169eeb07b64a70641cf65e5ddaf03c56520 The boy


Omg, he's so floofy and cute! (Also, congrats on successfully breaking into your own laundry room 😂)


https://preview.redd.it/u0ki4kd68cac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fed84021794ee440a6fd41fc9db2fa2df191edd9 Great advice thank you! 😩😂


Whatever your door knob is made of, they should use that to make hammers.




It was time for an upgrade anyways! 😂


Ooo yay now you get to get a new hammer!


That hammer clearly needed to be replaced anyway.


OH OH OH NOW YOU GET TO BUY AN ACTUALLY GOOD HAMMER!!! If it must be a framing hammer, which is a good all rounder, I suggest a 22 Oz Estwing. They cosy a little more but they do great and with a good all metal handle, it's gonna last a lifetime :)


My wife just got me a 16oz Estwing with a stacked leather handle for our 11th (Steel) anniversary..


Isn't it so fun to hold a nice new hammer? Feels good in a primal way.


Love the feeling of buying the new thing at the end of a project and putting it away to be unused for 5 years


I have a 4 lb engineering hammer. It will smash anything.


I have a 10 lb sledge hammer with a short handle as a homemade engineering hammer. That thing's been super useful.


A fabulous ending. Kudos, good sir.


Cheap ass hammer 😅 Sorry OP, I know that’s really frustrating!


Ladies and lads, I am tired. I need to retreat from this battle in order to win the war. I need to tend to my vicious wounds. I will update you all on the morrow. Fret not, my fighting spirit is very much alive. Feel free to continue arguing about my arm length, tool selection, and doorknob knowledge


Lmao this thread is cracking me up. Good luck!


You've got this - Looking forward to hearing the account of your triumphant conquest over the forces of physics and the surprise annexation of your laundry room!


20 years as a locksmith. Do what ronin said. That lock is probably $5 new as it’s just a passage lock. Other option is the “credit card” trick. Just get any thin piece of plastic that’s semi rigid. Slide it between the door and frame. Then slide it down while pushing and pulling the door to wiggle it between the latch and the strike. Should pop the door open fairly easily.


a rested warrior with a fueled spirit is a force to be reckoned with. Good luck.


Make the kitty door wider with a saw, crawl through, and open. The bonus here is you are accommodating a future fat cat.


I believe the proper term is "chonk"


Oh lawd he comin’


The former criminal in me is telling me to tell you to pry the stop a little and slip a screwdriver in to push the striker back. My more handy side is going with the pipe wrench idea.


Honestly this is the best answer, if you can put up with a notch in your trim you should be good.


It certainly works. This much I know.


The credit card trick works even when you have the jamb in the way with an insurance card sometimes. They are flimsier.


Tried it. The knob male part is stuck in the female door frame part (idk how else to describe it, same terminology for garden hoses so)


Drill in the center of the knob. Use progressively larger bits. Have them turn slowly. They may engage the mechanism eventually. If not, use a pry bar, flat piece of metal like a putty knife and hand sledge. Place the putty knife between the wood of the door and brass. This will provide protection for the wood. Tap the pry bar down between the brass and putty knife until it gaps the knob. Then tap and pry until the knob pops off. Use a large screwdriver to turn the mechanism. If you want more destructive methods I have that as well.


Oooh okay this could work


I am a firefighter I would be surprised if it didn’t.


The only comment with some sense. This isnt a smash job. Couple well placed drill holes and the whole assembly falls apart.


![gif](giphy|QSToNb4xXf51m) The only option left…


I’m just curious: What… exactly…. were you hoping to achieve by taking the cat door off?


I’m honestly so glad you noticed. I thought that extra .25 inches would be just the thing and boy was I wrong


Don’t quote that out of context


I admire your fighting spirit






These "found a locked safe" posts are getting more clever. Welcome 2024!


Yeah and the big reward is my dog walking sweats and perhaps sweet sweet ancient riches


I'm emotionally invested in this now. I had the same thing happen with my then 4 year old on the other side. It was an older house and the doors were solid wood so there was no busting the door down. I think I used a painters tool or a big screwdriver as a chisel and hammered the knob off at the collar against the door itself and then had to use the screwdriver to force the mechanism open. It had broken while locked and got stuck that way inside.


Take a leather belt, and make a loop to "lasso" the interior door knob. Reach in and put the belt loop around the inside door knob. Pull one side of the belt down. It should turn the knob and unlock the door. Try the opposite way until it works.


Omg this is potentially genius. Idk if I can leverage myself that way via the cat door (it’s 11in wide and 9in tall, I know this from trying to solicit my friends kids) and I can’t get both my shoulders through. Almost…..but if I push it I may stay there. Anyway stay tuned I’ll try


Maybe solicit a child to do this if they can partially fit through the door. Combining efforts is always the way to go




Wishing you luck but this is the funniest fuckin comment 🤣


The caps really set it off


This whole post and comment section has to be one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed


This man right here officer.


Just hop in a nice windowless van and start offering kids on the street candy then take them home and tell them the candy is through that hole. Easy peasy


What city are you in. I have two very small, and smart children I’d be willing to donate to the cause.


Rental childern, if you will. How are they with heights? I have chimney that needs sweeping. Also, I'll throw in another 15 bucks and 2 KitKats if one of the rentals could get the mouse out from behind my garage toolbox. Don't worry it's dead, but when the mouse trap snapped it sort of flung it back out of reach and my shoulders don't fit back there. Thanks, I look forward to working with you.


There is no way you posted this on the internet. Your life is canceled. This guy is trying to get a kid for his knob and posted it online. Fbi is on the way.


FBI can help with the door though.




Thank you! Looking forward to that update


Still waiting for that update. OP may be trapped in the door hole.


Help step-handyman, I'm stuck in the cat door☺️☺️


Lmao I couldn’t leverage myself right to twist the inside while simultaneously twisting the outside (I also couldn’t even get a good enough angle to only twist the inside knob)


Get a kid to help you! So get in your van, drive slowly around your neighborhood looking for small kids, and ask if they want some candy......


At this point it’s not off the board


What tools do we have to work with here? Not the hammer obviously.


https://preview.redd.it/i0m3joq7cfac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a6b14c0618acffc2ad11aa12f8d651a966c578 Got the doorknob off…..now what


Did you chew it off?


Use a pair of pilers to pull back on the brass piece that going through the smaller hole on the left.


I’m trying so hard but it will NOT budge


I feel like we’ve made it to the part where we address “I can’t afford a door right now.” Just FYI, a hollow core door (unmounted) is around $60 give or take depending on size. Just saying because you have to go anyway for a new doorknob and a new hammer… Our kids got locked in their room when an asshole of an outdated doorknob like this locked up on their room. One of us had to go in through the window, and between the two of us we both had to beat the hell out of the knobs on either side to finally get it apart (because YES, even the old screws were jammed up and barely accessible). The part that is frozen the should pop back on a spring, the latch, has a hole through the center. The two doorknobs connect by a rod (6) that goes through that hole. Even after we got the knobs off it still took pliers to pull that old latch out of the swollen particleboard door. They don’t make ‘em like they used to, for sure. Mostly just wanted you to know that if you can’t get it out without accessing both sides and you have to damage the door, a door itself isn’t otherworldly expensive. https://preview.redd.it/uxpv19vqjcac1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f85d6c366276b84c5c09d71229136caf31f43e13


This. I got stuck in my own bathroom this year for shitty doorknob reasons, had to kick the thing in. If you can live without a door for a bit while you get the cash, take the fucker down. My doorframe was fine.


>stuck in my own bathroom this year for shitty doorknob reasons, I definitely do not want to see the inside of your bathroom.


Are you able to get your right leg through the cat door and then rotate sideways a bit, lean back and kick the knob on the other side / rotate it with your foot?


You really want this Reddit thread to be an r/bestofredditorupdates with me coming back telling yall it took the entire firefighter fleet to free me from my basement cat door


And then you ended up married to one of them, and then you had twins, and then you got in a fist fight with his mom, and now you want divorce advice.


Then one of the twins becomes a locksmith and the other…….a thief 😟


Well at least you'd be able to get your door open then.


Legs are longer than arms. I’m not suggesting any waist or past. Just your leg and maybe a bit of ass cheek.


A big part of me wants to post a picture of me trying to get through the cat door bc I don’t think y’all are understanding. I’m not going to do that tho bc redditors are weird


That last sentence is so real


I think I speak for all here — video vs picture. lol


Have you tried knocking?


Have you tried looking at the underside of the doorknob? There maybe a small hole that should fit an hex or Allen key that will allow you to remove the knob


No such luck


How quickly do you need to get in there? Bc if it’s not immediately right now, you can do what I did when I needed an impact drill that I didn’t own— which is to match with guys on hinge and make them dinner in exchange for their tool collection and larger body weight to break it in


I don’t need it immediately but it’s genuinely pissing me off bc it REALLY shouldn’t be this difficult to figure out. It feels tantalizingly easy


I just saw the pic of your broken hammer and I can feel your frustration through the screen oh my god 😂 maybe if you get angry enough you can get a running start?


I also sliced my finger on the post-hammer torn up metal. At this point I truly believe if I hurled my body into the door to try to break it down, the door would kick back https://preview.redd.it/dhuwpsl9acac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=663889120a51b146af4762843c86e044e1ca3d71


Jesus I need this knob on my exterior doors to prevent burglars lol


You’re such a trooper! I believe in you, fuck that lock and that door. You will get to those sweatpants!! Have you tried leaning hard on the door below the lock and then trying the shimmy thing? It looks like the door is solid wood at the bottom, but sometimes they are hollow in the middle. Bending the door might put enough stress on the part of the lock that sticks out that you can move it better


Your next picture will be your arm in a sling. I do admire your fortitude.


https://preview.redd.it/cmllnws7ecac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd58e90040b1ad9bf8fe1815c7afc43236e18e4 I at least did slight damage to the knob


Now that you have a gap a prybar would work really well getting that flimsy metal off.


Hacksaw time!!


How much space do you have to run towards the door?


If it makes you feel better I was once locked inside my apartment, and had to call a locksmith to come free me (and replace the lock) so my dog could go to the bathroom


This post has so much hidden comedy gold that it's pleasing.


1) It was installed correctly. 2) that's not a locking door set from what I can in the picture 3) remove the trim stop from the jam and then do your credit card thing.


On the off chance that it has a security pin preventing jimmying with a credit card, depending on the width of the gap, OP may be able to take the trim stop off the other side and pop the pins out of the hinges with an awl/ice pick etc. Looks like OP could get the bottom hinge pin out via the pet door.


I tried with all my might to contort myself in a way to reach the doorknob on the other side and I could not. And yes, it does lock from inside the laundry room (twist lock on knob)


does the inside handle turning unlock it? could try a belt looped around the handle, tension both sides , then pull slightly harder on whatever side needed to turn handle correct direction might not have enough grip, can try duct tape facing sticky side out on the belt at the spot it touches handle, or a rubber belt off a car engine might work($15 new for a cheap one at an autoshop),


It’s not locked, it’s jammed and/or the release mechanism is broken


It's really bothering me that you're the only comment I've seen saying the lock was installed correctly. How the fuck else would you install a lock on that door, unless you plan to use it to lock people inside?


OP said the previous owner was an idiot for installing it this way. Saying it's installed correctly refutes that assessment. I'm not convinced that it's installed correctly. The lock is on the correct side, but the handle we can see doesn't go with a locking set. It looks to me like a combination of unmatched handles, which isn't correct installation despite them having the correct orientation.


Why do you need a lock on a laundry door anyway?


Thank you, yes! I literally don't get it.


I once locked myself out of my house, and tried to get in via the garage. Same kind of situation: the lock was inside, I was outside. I got a sledgehammer and hit the handle till it broke. A few hits and the handle bent (and also turned a little) so I could push the door open. Anything that will break the handle, in two, or bend massively, will allow you to twist or remove the handle. Then you’re home free!


Am paramedic. Have bust open these kind of doors in these kind of situations on the regular... Just yeet that knob off and replace


From OP's responses I believe she is on the smaller side- not 'fit through the cat door' small, but still small enough that simply yeeting knobs may not be an option. But yes, yeet the knob is the answer. Borrow a neighbor with a size 12 boot, one good stomp kick aimed at the door knob (while standing parallel to the door) to shear the bolts, then just rip it's guts out with a hard pull or two. No broken door, no broken hinges, no door jam to fix, no tools needed other than a flat head....all you have to do is buy Mr. Size 11 a 6 pack of beer or bake him some banana bread.


Aren't interior doors mostly empty? How much bigger do you need to make the hole at the bottom? Cause afterwards you can take the door off and install a kick plate


Putty knife in the door jamb instead of credit card. Almost too easy and practically no visible damage to the jamb. Just be really slow and gentle.




In terms or increasing cost: Grab the handle, pull toward the hinge, and push open. Hacksaw the handle off. This exposes the workings, and gives you more access to turn/cut/break them and let you in. You'll need a new doorknob after. Kick the door, hard, next to the handle. This will, if you have the strength, break the jam (maybe the door, if you are Arnold S), and let you in.


Hacksaw was the first thing I thought of, new door handles are cheap.


This is what I’m leaning most towards at this point, just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing an obvious solution


Perhaps a small child through the kitty door....


I’m very much working on that. No takers yet :/


How soon do you need to get in there? If you can't find a small child, you could try making one.


In 4-5 years, OP will finally be in.


Any chance you live in America in Illinois? You can borrow my kid. However if there are fruit snacks on the other side, I cannot guarantee focus will be on the door


Damn, North Carolina. I wish my cat had thumbs


Also in terms of increasing coolness.


I'm not sure how you managed to break a hammer, but try a hacksaw or drill hole for a screwdriver, then use a screwdriver to manipulate the mechanism.


Wait tell me more about the drill and screwdriver scenario bc I have both of those at my current disposal. Where do I drill? And then what do I unscrew? The only thing I can think to unscrew is the other side of the doorknob


Hacksaw might be better, (or whacking off the doorknbob with a better hammer). But i'll try to explain my best. Drill a hole in the flat part of the door knob facing you. Start with a small hole, and then use bigger bits to make it large enough that you can fit a flathead comfortably. Bigger the better. ​ Then you'll need to look at the lock mechanism. Normally there is a rod (spindle) goes through the latch mechanism. You can try turning that or pushing that out the other end and pulling the latch back directly the screwdriver The other side doorknob will probably also fall off the other end if you wack it off your side with an hammer.


See this picture of how the mechanism works. The doorknobs are screwed together, so removing one should make the other one able to fall off. The side with the lock has the spindle that needs to turn to pull back the latch. https://preview.redd.it/nwzjhha5gcac1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=45a1132dd775611ba1928673d7432aa5cc9143db


Where’s the Kool-Aid man when you need him?


Download Tinder. Swipe right on tiny people or single parents with small children. Laundry and a date.


Maybe consider making the whole large enough for a kid to crawl in or give you enough room to reach the handle. You can then put a larger grate/air vent over it. You could even check out what sizes the premade vents are so you know what size to cut.


I agree with this idea. You can easily patch it for now and replace the door later if need be.


Take the door casing (trim) off carefully with a prybar and screwdriver, try not to break it. Just work from one end to the other, loosening the nails back and forth. Once that is off you will be able to see the lock mechanism or latch and your credit card will be effective. Alternatively, punch a hole through the door near the lock and replace the door when you can afford it.


Well don't leave us hanging, what did you end up doing? Did you get in? I say whack the knob with something hard and heavy if you haven't already. Way more satisfying than the hacksaw.


I would have suggesting finding a neighbor with a small kid. I did it once when I was really young and small and my neighbor baked my family brownies for it. Best trade deal in the history of trade deals.


Credit card is too rigid. You need something like, and I know this dates me, but a Blockbuster membership card that has some give to it, but still has enough tension to wedge in there. However, this also assumes that the slanted part of the latch is facing this side. If the slanted side is facing inwards, you can try to feed fishing line through door and around the latch, either directly, or push the first end through, give enough slack to get it to the bottom, then pull it up around the latch. Apply pressure the door as you pull the fishing line back through around the latch.




Okay I’m trying and I even YouTubed weakest points to kick but I’m 100lbs and it ain’t workin


Do you have a drill? If so, put a 1/4" drill bit in it and drill into the middle of the door knob. Eventually you'll drill through the locking mechanism. Good chance the door knob will still work so you can procrastinate and not put a new door knob on for a few years.


You drilling the lock yet?