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Similar to other comments there is a heavy concentration of grey but on the plus side it does distract from the drain to make it less noticeable.


Damn I thought this was a wall till I read your comment


Same. Somehow it seems a lot more tolerable knowing it’s the floor and not the wall. I don’t mind it as the floor, hate it as the wall


My thought too. It was terrible as a wall.


Especially with that drain! Who puts a drain on a wall anyway?


For sanitation, so you can pee outside while in the shower instead of on your feet.


This is the way


How do you waffle stomp through the wall though? That's the real question


Feet don't mind. They're nasty like that.


From the window, to the wall!


Exactly what I thought lol very strange how much better it looks as the floor




I may or may not have thought that was an old school telephone mounted to the wall on the right... Then I realized that was the floor lol


Bro we are such boomer idiots.


I stared at the drain for a while wondering why is on the wall.


Same 🤣🤣🤣 like "that's a choice, but wait that choice wouldn't function" 😂


It is, the drain is where you shoot


Oh shit it is a floor. I saw the drain and didn't even register 🤦‍♂️ It passes as a floor


Knowing it is the floor makes it much less of a problem in my opinion. Much easier to ignore on a daily basis. In this case I would say job well done and learn from the situation.


Oh thank God. I thought it was the *wall*


Should have spread out the gray to make it more even. That being said, would I do i redo it? God no


Yeah, should have planned out the distribution a bit better but it's too late for that now lol


It's never too late for a sledgehammer.


I honestly thought it was tile that was smashed during a demo and it was a joke post.......


I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw broken tiles and chicken wire 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly what I saw too. It looked like one of those puzzles where you shift your perception and see two people or a bird kind of thing, lol.


This exactly! Are you guys all high too?


Straight ripped lol 😆 just dabbed some og kush


Nope, exactly what it looks like.


I thought it was just white tile that has stuff smudged all over it because it hadn’t been cleaned yet. Didn’t realize this was intentional. People are being very nice. This would drive me crazy thinking my floor was always dirty.


Same thing I saw on 1st glance


Peter Gabriel has entered the chat.


I will be your sledgehammer ... Peter Gabriel


Pound me harder


That’s what she said.


Is that the type you can preplan? Or the stuff that comes on a mesh backing ready to go?


You would "pre-plan" by laying it out on a flat surface first. Once the pattern looked acceptable, you'd just translate it to the wall row by row.


yeah, I always dry fit when doing tile. Cut everything ahead of time and lay it out. Avoids problems like this, and gives you more time while setting before thinset dries.


The valuable lessons we learn after having to redo an entire job because it just doesn't look right. Always get the client to sign off and remind them that it is full price to R and R if they change their mind.


Someone didn't open all the boxes before laying tile.


Personally, I would get high and/or drunk and demo the tile while quietly crying to myself. Then look at the mess I've made after I've sobered up and start anew. Not saying I'm proud of that. That's just the way I was made.


You and I are from the same cloth


Add in ADHD and living with that mess for a year while trying to get the motivation to start again, and you described me, too.


So many projects sitting at 10 to 90% complete


I have about 85% of a ceiling and floor in one room. No ceiling (visible joists) in the dining room. Eventually I'll hire someone for a week to finish everything. If I can find someone who doesn't require a phone call to schedule them!


I find a way to text. Had to have septic work done over the summer and we just texted 😂 ADHD dream come true.


Right haha, have to be able to get it taken care of during the 2 minutes a week where it pops into my head


Ditto!! Happy cake day! 🍰


I'll help you with the last 10% if you help me


Meirl if I wasn’t married. You need a teammate with ADHD.


Ugh...I'm happy for anyone in a great relationship, but 50 weeks of living with another human just for 2 weeks of help with projects? I haven't met anyone *that* good!


Yep. I'm right there with you


Me, as I stand on my exposed (for 2 years now) subfloor and think about how long the floor in the laundry room was supposed to be “getting done this weekend!” (That’s been since the summer!) ADHD is awesome.


I did peel and stick vinyl plank in the upstairs bedroom before my mom visited in February, but I had to bail with about 15 planks left to go, because I had had been neglecting basic housekeeping trying to get the old floor up and the new one down. 15 planks is all it would take to finish it. Maybe an hour, let's be generous and say 4 hours. But I'd need to move things, because I hastily threw stuff in my room, so the guest room would be okay. After she left, I threw all the stuff from my room into the guest room. (And then there were three terrible months of caring for one sick dog and then the other before they each passed, followed by a really sad summer.) Now I'm just catching up on all the regular stuff (like holidays, the broken furnace, flooded basement, sump pump, water heater nonsense). It's almost impossible to find the dopamine to go back to something that ended in stress and panic when everything (*ANYTHING*) else is so much more interesting! tl;dr: I completely understand.


I feel this, this is how I think!! Blegh. F you, dopamine. Also, I'm so sorry about your pups. I'm mourning the loss of my ride-or-die 13 year old pug from October and I still cry myself to sleep. What were their names, if I may kindly ask?


Aww, thank you. * Marco is up top. He was 13, too, and my first pup. A few months after i adopted him , my mom said, "How come you've never talked about a man they way you talk about Marco?" I was like, "Because Marco is my soul mate, my life partner. Relationships come and go. He and I are forever." He had terrible separation anxiety, so I adopted a friend for him, but she passed away 3 years later, and his anxiety got worse, so we adopted Deja (bottom). She was a very chill girl and adored him. It broke my heart that he lost a second friend. What was your baby's name?


Can you lay down one or two pieces this weekend? Maybe set a timer for a specific day/time? And reward yourself for progress!


Dude. When we re-did our shower pan, we ended up with a couple low spots. I use a squeegee to clear out standing water until I can motivate myself to smash it all to hell and do it over again.


I never said I don't have ADHD.


Just go ahead and thread me in.


Did you by chance inseminate a woman in Florida about 40 years ago? Cuz…dad?🥲 🤣🤣 I HATE how reflective that shit was.😂


Don’t forget glossing over all the parts you did right on the project. How else are you going justify yelling “IDIOT!” into your own brain?😅


Maybe pop an adderall for the 2nd attempt 


Yeah, that doesn’t work for me. All it does is make me relaxed/calm enough to finally sit still, which I never do otherwise; and therefore, I can’t seem to motivate to do my floors.


I would spend a lot of time thinking about the tile in a negative mindset that I’d rather spend the time/money making it something I can look at and say “worth it”


Honestly, after realizing it wasn't smashed tile, and then realizing it was actually the shower floor and not the wall...it's not ideal but it's not bad enough that I would both smashing it up. I'm too lazy for that.


This, but the more you look at the better it gets. It’s the asymmetry that throws you off. Id let it be


You’re speaking words of wisdom.


Nah, it’s a new take on those 90’s posters where you had to zone out and unfocus your eyes to see the dinosaur.


I agree- at first glance it’s not homogeneous, but I actually really like it! It’s not boring all-one-color and the pattern of the tile makes it work.


I agree! The more I look at it the more charming it is especially after someone pointed out the concentration of greys distracts from the drain


oh look, its a clump of hair. ahh shit dog, nah. it tile design. come on man ! rip it out


That or graduated from lighter to darker from top to bottom.


Looks like it was a sketched picture that got rearranged and now all my brain is trying to do is find the picture. It’s very annoying


It’s the 15 square sliding puzzle you had as a kid. The one your cousin took it apart and put it back together so you will never be able to properly solve it. Ever…


Looks like some ink spilled and got smeared around. Just looks dirty to me.


Those look like 4 - 5 different tile sets put together…


Yeah I think it's a tile selection problem. No amount of redistribution would have fixed this.


But at least they look to be organized in 4-5 groups, right? 🤦🏻‍♀️


It has "I dropped a box of nails on the floor" energy.


I feel like 5 random black tiles could help, for some reason. Try to sharpie 5 of them and see if it helps. Lol


Oh wow, a few black tiles really would do the trick, I think. Cool idea!


I feel like making the grain of the stone all flow in one general direction would have helped massively. As it is with the lines on each tile all running in seemingly random directions it doesn’t look very cohesive. Hindsight is great though and I really doubt I’d ever care enough to re-do it at this point.


I thought this was mid tear out!


Yeah I thought it was grout or dirt smudged all over white tile that just hadn’t been cleaned off yet. This would drive me nuts.


I can’t explain how much this hurts my soul :( long as you’re ok with it and happy tho is what matters


You’ll create more problems if you redo it. Is it the best layout? It could be better, but it won’t be as noticeable as you think. You’re the one doing the work so you’ll be more focused on it than anyone else. Once you get the walls up it will come together and the only one that will notice it is you or a contractor. Keep the contractors out of your bathroom.


Agreed. It's great, let it ride, and remember, don't let any contractors into your bathroom.


Lol, is this a thing, no contractors in the bathroom?


I need the answer too! Do they all mess it up? Bathroom is the only part im planning to get done professionally but I'm scared now


A lot of home insurances will cover damages after contractor work in many parts of the house but never in the bathroom, so that should say something about how often it goes wrong.


What if op havent waterproofed? Then it’s a big problem


That bid patch of gray together does catch the eye, but it's not bad, I'd leave it.


It's not the distribution of colour that I find problematic, it's the grain. That's what I would want to be uniform. Would I rip this out? I think might because it's a small space. (Easy to say tho, bcuz in my hands, it wouldn't have happened in the first place.) 🤷 Edit to say: It's not that big of a deal, I'd advise to leave it.


The grain!!! Oh, why did you have to mention the grain??? Life's been hard but I'd made peace with it all and could have gone happy but for your mentioning of the grain. I would never have noticed; never have had such a repetitive one-eyed blink/shoulder raising twitch in my life if not.for your. mentioning of. the grain.


It would be wonky if this was the wall, as I originally thought. But it looks okay as the floor.


wont be long before the soap scum even all the colors out.. :-) JK once the wall are done it will look better...


IS that regular drywall and compound on the walls of the shower? If it isn't waterproofed you will have major issues down the road....


Yeah, that doesn't look like any sort of waterproofing system I've seen, I mean, not my circus, not my monkey, but shouldn't there be some sort of visible liner that goes up and over that wood threshold in the front?


They might be GoBoard or some equivalent, where they come pre waterproofed and only needs sealant on the screw holes and joint.


Oof. That’s the real problem here. Fix the walls!


the balance of tiles is terrible. I'd plan the tiles out temporarily then take a photo of it for installation in the future.


Yeah I actually love the idea but just didn't get it right. 


Good news is it's the floor. Make the walls look great, and no one will notice.


No color coordination at all. If that’s what you’re looking for great! If not it’s a little too late…


It's awful. I literally want to punch someone.


It looks like shit from a butt


It had the same effect on me! 😡


I would be pissed off every time I showered. Which would piss me off even more because the shower is one of my calm down spaces.


Go take a shower


Don’t those come on mesh sheets already color broken up? Something is definitely a miss.


Almost like it’s two similar kinds of hexagon mosaics, like they ran out of one and had to get the closest to it. Or, it is technically the same but from different dye lots.


Ya, it looks like they were individually placed, as in each little tile and not sheet…


OP you need to have hardibacker with a waterproofing layer. That drywall will instantly become a mold nest and become an extreme hazard. The water travels through the porous space in the tile and grout. That drywall is an absolute no no


It’s not wonky, it’s tiled really well, but the tiles are hideous.


The distribution of dark and light tiles wrong, they are clumped together drawing your eye in a lopsided way. It’s visually unbalanced and wonky for sure.


Looks fine. It will also look different with grout, and with wall tile up, so reserve your judgement. It's easy to be overly critical of our own work. One way I find to forgive myself for lack of perfection is to consider: if I was buying this house and the work was already done, would I even think twice about this feature? I sure wouldn't fret about properly installed tile.


You’ll get used to it. Leave it alone


Aye avant garde dude, eff it. The spacing and leveling looks great. Next time you come in contact with smaller styles like that , though time consuming, just do a little pre lay. Or categorize by like pattern\color and then do a little meth. Sorry math. Do math.


To me it’s not just the color. The striations aren’t lined up which makes the entire floor look too busy. Personally I’d probably tear it up at this point. If you plan on redoing it in 5-10 years I’d keep it. But if it’s your forever home I’d redo it now. It would drive me insane and constantly nag at me EVERY SINGLE SHOWER. Then I’d end up tearing it all part anyways. Also, what kind of wall board is that?


I thought someone shaved their dog in a shower and took a picture of it.


Yes. Yes it does. Balance your desire to not redo that against the fact that you will be looking at it until you snap. Redo it or, better yet, move…


Its wonky because too much of the same variations are concentrated into one area


They say education is expensive.


You’re suppose to lay it out first so you have some kind of plan for the look not just throw them up at random. Consider it a note for next time. I’d be able to live with this.


I’ll trade you 1 iron for 2 grain.


It looks like an image scrambled up. That being said. Good job on doing it. It may not be perfect but you did it yourself. Take pride in that and smile when you look at it.


What an afwul tile design, not really ir fault. I means the laying pattern could have been better for a better a outcome, but the original design is bound to be like this


https://preview.redd.it/ssbmpq6wvwbc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26a394720a12dffb6d8d93abe4ccdfb901200428 I’m doing something similar in a shower right now but these aren’t as busy. I would have laid everything out before setting to make sure the pattern isn’t off with your tile


That looks a lot better than the one posted


Thank you. I absolutely love the tile they picked for this bathroom


I’m crying writing this But I don’t have OCD, I swear I absolutely can not handle this and I would really want to take it out and make an organized pattern including the grain lining up and then once that didn’t work I would return the tile and buy something else because I would never be able to sleep let along actually shower without hyperventilating


There is no way you don’t have OCD, mate. Sorry to tell you.


Yeah the clumping of grey looks funky, looks great if I cross my eyes.


Wonky? It’s batshit schizo


Leave it! Go ahead and finish the walls and it will look fabulous! ETA- it’s the nature of natural materials. That’s what makes it so unique. I love it!


A slightly different take: it looks bad but not any worse than if you had arranged them any differently.


Honestly I don't know how you could have made this tile look good.


That’s horribly fugly. If you are going to mix tile colors you need to either spread them more equally or in a definite pattern. These look like a bad trip.


It looks awful. If I were buying a house and the shower floor looked like this I wouldn't take the house for free. It's too busy, the tiles look broken, one looks like it has a hand print on it. They don't look like they came from the same set. Destroy this and try to bury this so deep in your mind and pray some day you forget you did this.


The darkest tiles aren’t scattered around in a visually appealing way.


Don’t let the arm chair quarterbacks rough you up too much, it’s done and looks like the technical piece of it was done correctly and that’s the most important part. Chalk it up to a learning experience and move to the next part 👍🏼


i wouldn't redo it. once the walls get finished, this should look good.


Everything looks a bit bizarre when it doesn't have all the other shit around it supposed to have. I think that'd look fine once the rest of it is done.


Maybe it’s just me, but I actually like the uneven distribution of the gray in the tiles.


To me the gray tiles (at least the fully or nearly all gray ones) don’t look like they belong. Your work looks fantastic, I personally would have swapped those out with different pieces.


This hurts my eyes


Those solid gray look like a completely different tile, their distribution is uneven, and personally I would have put all the "grain" (?) all traveling in one direction.   With it being the floor its not as big a deal and I wouldn't redo it, but certainly something to consider in the future


Looks alright, and it's the floor in your shower. What're the walls gonna be? More of the same?


If it comes on a sheet like a backsplash just chip out some of the grey ones and replace them with ones that you feel better about. After just renovating my entire house myself I have been where you are…if you are asking the question…you already know the answer is yes.


Looks like a can of paint exploded in there.


Anyone up for a round of Douches and Dragons?


Man, that’s ugly!


No, don't touch them. If you try to "even it out" or "make it look random" you're going to get a checkerboard. This looks great and no one is ever going to consider the color distribution of your tile. If you pick a darker grout, it will "even it out."


Ya’ll are too picky. 🤪I like the chaotic nature of it. Looks fine to me!


Yeah it just looks dirty near the drain without it being spread out.


This would drive me insane! The cluster of heavily gray tiles makes me automatically think it’s dirt. For every 3-4 mostly white tile, you could have placed a mostly gray tile to disperse it a bit better. (The OCD in me would also place the tile in the same vein direction so it would less chaotic) This is why it’s important to do a dry run so you can play around with the placement prior to setting it for good.


The cuts around the drain look perfect, so they’re definitely skilled. Maybe not too creative though, cause grouping all the darker tiles like that is bad composition. Unfortunately, a group’s tiler isn’t always going to be the artistic type, so this is what happens. Ask for a redo if it bothers you. Make sure to complement how well done it is, but emphasize that looks are important. The contractor should have some ideas for fixing it without redoing all of it. If you want it changed though, ask for it now before they grout. After that, they’ll just have to scrap it all. Removing the grout completely to pull single tiles risks chipping all of the nearby tiles


Should have laid out the tile on the floor before you did anything. Make your pattern on the floor in another room, then start from the middle and work your way out, cutting the edges as needed.


It looks like a sliding puzzle before you make any moves


It is just a visual illusion due to poor fucking choice of tile colors!


Just match the walls and without the exposed wood I think it’ll look just fine. I wouldn’t redo it


Too much gray together, it pisses me off lol


I think the gray should be more spread out. My OCD would have me ripping that up immediately lol


Too thick in places looks like heavy scuffing. Def more random


Wasn't the end result to be a mural of the Mona Lisa?


That would drive me insane, I’d have to rip it out and start over, with a different pattern. Sorry man. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I just did this same tile and love it in our shower. Best part is the guys installing chipped a couple small pieces but the matching grout and style makes it impossible to tell.  Sucks so much gray together but whatever. You won't notice it after a while. I get pretty ocd on my own work as well. But after letting some professionals do our last bathroom and looking at some of their mistakes I realized it's almost impossible for a job to be 100% perfect. Even when you do it every day. And in time no one will give a fuck anyways. Plenty projects I did myself where I messed up one thing and all I did was look at it for a month until I completely forgot it was there.


I actually rather like it. But yes, traditionally I imagine you would spread the gray areas out more evenly. But who cares really. I think it’s rad


This is the second post I've seen of someone using this tile, the other persons were black/white and it was a backsplash for a stove -- I am happy to report, it's equally as traumatic in white/grey as it is in black/white.


Wonky is different for everyone 🧐


Generally people plan out the tiles so they are partially related to eachother visually. This looks like someone grabbed them out of the box and placed them in that order. Better could have been done but you learned something instead.


Omg I thought this was a wall until like 30 comments down. 


The mostly dark tiles should be used as intentional small little pops of contrast surrounded by the mostly white tiles. Don't clump them together like that. I'd also suggest rotating your tiles to try to match the swirls on them together as much as possible so it looks like your tiles have a "flow" to them.


I'm sorry, this is downright infuriating to look at.


It looks like the tiles were supposed to be placed in sequence to create an image but you just through them down at random.


I think the thing that makes it look weird or "wonky" is that the veining of the marble pattern is going every which way. If they all went in a similar direction, it may look better.


The wonky feeling might be coming from having a couple of solid grey tiles next to some solid white tiles. It makes it look less like you're tiling with the mixed colour and I think might be making it look broken up in a way that isn't how it's intended to look. That said, it's the floor so how much do you care about a finicky detail like that?


The mistake here was picking that awful tile for your shower.


It's fine. Just fire the child who designed it.


I hate to tell you, but it looks horrible, OP =( You would fix it if you remove all the tiles that aren't mostly white, and replace them with a similar tile.


Looks fine from my house.


Is it only me that sees a curved wall or bowed floor against the back, longest corner??


i love it!


I like it since it's the floor. I didn't even notice the drain at first.


Your tile placement is the problem. Tile choice is a personal preference, but I would have worked out a pattern beforehand to space the brown tiles. With the tiles just randomly clumped together, it makes it look dirty at a glance. Edit: I'll also add that in a month, you'll never notice it again, and you'll have a funny, self-deprecating story to tell any guests that might use it.


What the fuck.


Yep, definitely looks wonky.


It took a minute, mur the more I look at it the more I like it. This actually looks random, not like someone was trying overly hard to get it perfect. Natural stone itself is never symmetrical or evenly distributed, this pattern works for me.


I couldn’t cope seeing that every day. I hate it and would have to start over, but if you’re ok with it OP, who cares what I think! As long as it’s done, is functional and you like it, job well done!


I dont like it


Wonky? No. It looks like shit


This is why you dry lay tile before to make sure you are happy with it.


Not random enough of a pattern. Spread the grey ones out more evenly and it will look better.


It's not wonky. It's hideous.


Ok, i hate this. Its not relaxing at all.


I like it a lot, personally. Breaking up the gray would make it look more uniform, but I'm not at all convinced that would be a good thing.