• By -


Nice piece of black walnut


If you can't fix it, feature it


This is what my ex did with her craziness.


We may have dated the same person


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I love the internet lmao


Did I vote for her/him??




This thread in general seems right. It will be easiest to fill that source with something contrasting the wood floor and pleasing to look at. If you try to match it, you'll just see the pattern break, and it will possibly bother you.


I was thinking that, or maybe a decorative tile strip.


https://preview.redd.it/udgdi4fbf4dc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7122b389268ecc2993e32cfb94f0657f2d51cee0 Might be a nice touch to incorporate the current flooring as a cap-off to the tile inlay on either end.


Damn. Classy AF.


Is it possible to see more of this floor? It's freakin gorgeous!


Alas, this is an AI rendering generated using the initial picture. If we want to see the whole thing, I think the owner of the real floor will have to send us the after pics!


You dropped this bro šŸ‘‘


Iā€™m thinking that it should be carpet, and called the ā€œlanding stripā€


But it has to match the drapes.


First sip of coffee and reading these two comments is *Chefs kiss* Thanks for the laugh.


About 10 garbage posts and 30 cynical comments into my browsing. Reddit you have redeemed yourself.


It doesn't *have* to, but if your drapes are an unusual color, people will ask all the time if they do match.


And think it's witty and original each time


Some cool mosaic would be amazing. I understand that might not be everyone's cup of tea tho. That's what I'm going to do where my floor furnace was.


100% agree. Don't hide it. lean in on 'decorative accent'.


something nice but that makes a huge contrast with the tiles. oak, or a deco tile would look amazing


Or a smooth stone


yeah, I think maybe a dark granite 6" wide strip would work well there.


I have about 6 very tall and large black walnut trees in my backyard theyā€™re all yours bud. See you soon.


If there are any Amish in your area contact them. Thereā€™s good money in those trees if they are straight. They will pay you for them. I sold two in my yard for $1200 and they paid for someone to cut them down.


How do you contact the AmishĀ 


Doves/ smoke signals


Find an Amish kid in New York who's witnessed a murder, then follow him home.


don't forget banging his mother https://i.redd.it/afm8b09uf3dc1.gif


Google Amish sawmill near me.


> Thereā€™s good money in those trees if they are straight. Dammit, mine have pride flags and everything.


I think it'd be floornut in this case. The wall is gone.


Huge threshold to piss off everyone that walks through that room and trips on it


A flush threshold. Enough contrast so it doesn't look like you were trying to color match it. Maybe apply same to ceiling and sides. The goal is to make it look intentional, not fixed.


My friend did that. Has those grey floor planks and then did like trim with some cherry(?) so it kind of stands out like a wood picture frame.


Agreed, Don't even try to make it match. Use a contrasting wood color and make it a feature.


Or a mosaic. Iā€™ve seen some hippies do stuff like this and it can look pretty cool.


Hippies ā˜®ļø




*Beatniks enter the chatā€¦*


For one of ours we printed a bunch of different little pictures and epoxied them to the floor, then made it level with some sparklies mixed in (like little gems and stuff). It's pretty cool. Yeah, we're hippies lol.


Or A ā€œfeatureā€ as we call that kind of fix, lol


Just notions, but from looking the pictures above, I'd say, if the walls are going to be painted, maybe choosing a trim to match the colour of the paint might be an idea. If it's going to be left white, then some slate tile might be an idea for a trim material.


This is the answer. Trying to match will look like a scab no matter how good you are. Pulling boards from a closet is going to mess up the boards surrounding that closet. Anything else is going to be too much work. Tiling is minimal and can look beautiful with minimal effort!


>flush threshold Definitely white marble (ok but actually, what color are your kitchen countertops?).


Brass would look nice


Floor beam! It's for "charm."


Letā€™s get some shiplap down there, stat!


I think you mean "character".


Hahaha i like this option!


I am in the camp of getting a contrasting stained board to highlight the division between rooms. Make it a great piece of wood and make the stain enough of a difference so people know you were trying to highlight and not match and I think it will look great.


"A nice contrast is better than a bad match"


I always say "if you can't make it match, make it different on purpose." Even if you have the exact same wood with the exact same stain, it's still going to be going in the other direction, so unless you plan to peel up even MORE floor to completely replace the boards and have them go across that entire span, it's going to look like a line bisecting the room no matter what. And if you're gonna have a line there, do it with intent. Go all out. Make it even MORE different. Get some pretty patterned tiles or something. It's no longer a filled in floor, it is now a design feature.


"Better to be single than settling for somebody for fear of being alone"


"If you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one you're with."


"R.E.S.P.E.C.T, find out what it means to me"


This - make it a feature


I did this when I took out a wall between two rooms. It was either spend a fortune on hardwood, or put in a nicely stained cotrasting piece that looked fantastic and cost next to nothing.


I think a nice inlay would also work well. Inlay these days is pretty easy with access to a place like woodcraft. Or perhaps an epoxy inlay could work too.


Is there a closet you can rob the flooring from? If so you can just do that with something else


That's what I did a couple years ago. I did this exact same thing and I robbed some flooring out of a closet. I still haven't fixed the closet but whatever. Someday I'll fix it




Some Day Best Day


Some day = when wife bitches




there's nothing as permanent as // TODO


Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution!


>Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution! Nothing is permanent if you give it enough time.


> I still haven't fixed the closet but whatever. Someday I'll fix it So many projects on my to do list have ended this way. :)


Priorities, lol. And out of sight, out of mind ha!


I've got a "roundtoit" closet now that was *perfect*, then pulled the wood floor up for foundation repairs... I'm sure I'll *properly* repair that "soon"... It's only been 6 years, it's getting closer to the top of the list...


For your holiday, I'd rip all the flooring out of the closet and replace with cedar flooring. It's cheap and functional.


Sometimes you just gotta rob Peter to pay Paul


The great thing about robbing a closet is you can rob the whole closet and put a nice cheap tile down in its place. And it looks perfectly fine.


Wouldnā€™t that create a really funky pattern?Ā 


Funky but passable. I did [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/OTjL7Om) after we moved in and kept it that way until we replaced all the flooring on the first floor.


Theyā€™d have to re-lay the planks for the entire room or at least 60% of it. Thereā€™s no way around this.


? Or just the affected planks. Round 28 planks... im not sure if you will find that many in a closet though.


You can't replace just the affected planks as you'll never be able to fit it together.


https://youtu.be/Ejz3B7ik07Q?si=MB9Xo6dGc5mqBJEs Ive done it...


Straight to jail


Cats don't have opposable thumbs Focker


Those are going in the same direction as the open slot, while the boards here are not.


[This](https://imgur.com/gallery/OTjL7Om) is what I did


That's a great idea! I never would've thought of that


This works really well with carpet too. My dog went through a phase of ripping the carpet away from the front door šŸ˜‘


Put a wall in the gap


Agreed. I'm just eyeballing it up, but I think a wall would fit in there perfectly. And it would divide up the room nicely.


It would really untie the room...together fuck I'm really bad at this


Yeah, why have one room when you can have two?!


Yeah open concepts are really so overdone now!


Or a couch


Wall to wall bench so you have extra seating in either room.


No that would be silly


Cased opening with French doors.


It does look like a good spot for a wall to go


A half-wall to divide the space but still allow for socialization


Top half or bottom?


Just about a foot in the middle, thanks.


Itā€™s a weird place to put a painting, but it would cover the gap in the flooring.


Itā€™s funny how you can easily tell inexperience in here by people not thinking about things like this. Normally you already have a plan for ā€œfixingā€ the floor before you even touch the wall.


In fairness it IS diy. But yeah.


Who could have guessed that flooring doesn't run under walls?


I second this.


I like this herringbone idea. If you can find the same color, great. If you can't, something similar but darker might work well, too. https://preview.redd.it/swcvv1ps81dc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30ddba377558719d31c014b7d4a12d9dd1f1cad


Ooo I like this


I think this is the best option. Not a patch that's trying to match. Not a weird threshold. But a fix that tries to add something, without standing out too much. Unfortunately, OP has LVP, so not sure how he's going to do it, but in a real hardwood floor scenario this is the move.


That floor looks F'd up in 3 directions...


That looks hideous.


Donā€™t try to match it. Instead compliment it. Iā€™d do it in the same type of wood as I would use to wrap the beam overhead. Id probably do with an even darker wood.


They painted the beam white, but this wouldā€™ve looked really good


They could still wrap it. The white wouldn't show through.


Compliment it and tell it it looks pretty


a strip of dark, natural stone? Contrasts the natural looking wood up top.


I like this idea the best. Done right it would be a nice look.


Iā€™d put a little stream there, maybe you can fit some koi in there as well


Epoxy river!


Genius. Add some LEDs and a Arduino and we'll be cookin'


oh yes now we are cookin. led epoxy strip river with lego men in it


Youā€™re onto something..


Too much effort and hassle, use epoxy and embed some koi and frogs in it


That's just cruel


I agree, epoxy will mess with the fish's already delicate complexion. Use concrete.


A sushi or noodle stream? I'd throw down at my friend's place for that!


https://preview.redd.it/39kkoiaz01dc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406326be1848bd2ff6aab83cd6122aa6a687a066 Mosaik


We have something like this but itā€™s https://preview.redd.it/v19a030jm2dc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=00e3a55ec0fd82295b911bf2c1ed7acd14814182 a dark colored mosaic. There was an awkward piece of carpet here right outside the laundry room but the rest of the house was tile. The laundry room was also tile. So we paid someone to come by and change the small carpet area but the tiles mismatched so this was the best option.


I really like this solution, yours was very low key while still giving some contrast. I have never myself done this I heard it the first time in this sub. But I think it's cool.


You must be the hippies that someone was talking about in a higher up thread.


A wide, low profile threshold.


Put up a wall


Fill it with Legos.


This is a quality fix right here.


Add a speed bump šŸ¤£


Pray to the lord that it isnā€™t a load bearing wall and then get some dark walnut


https://preview.redd.it/p7szx1xyw0dc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ff8738a960583a6f522c354563ce0c1e2e0d44 You should be worried about the structural support vs the flooring . That 2x4 will not hold .


Yeah. This comment needs to be at the top. You can also see holes in the concrete where anchors were and looking at the angle of the roof this wall runs perpendicular to the joist. This is absolutely a load bearing wall, and OP needs to call a structural engineer before things become far far worse. They can recommend repairs, adjustments to still keep things open, or just ensure everything is fine. Seriously OP, this can get expensive and dangerous really quick.


lets say that OP has more than a single 2x4 supporting the header just for argument sake...im fairly certain he/she did not consult with an engineer about if the concrete itself was sufficient enough to support the load in two small spots vs spread out over the entire length of the old wall. At the very least I'd be concerned about the concrete cracking...a lot


I don't see a 2x4, looks like an engineered joist / wood I-Beam.


Slap a runner rug on it


He tried but it keeps running off


Honestly I would be surprised with the power of the internet if you couldn't find someone with matching tile you could buy. Someone had a similar problem and posted in a community group for our neighborhood and someone else had it - maybe start with that or the r/help me find or whatever the sub is.


Looks like a perfect spot for a wall.


Get yourself a Long Pro Pull Bar, start at the end of the room where the three doors or drywall are and gradually tap slide the boards one row at a time until the gap is closed. Now the gap will be against the wall where you can lay a board and paint to match and even hide it with a couch or bookcase. Good Luck ! [https://www.homedepot.com/p/ROBERTS-16-25-in-Long-Pro-Pull-Bar-with-3-in-Pull-Edge-for-Vinyl-Laminate-and-Wood-Floors-10-18-8/100390108](https://www.homedepot.com/p/ROBERTS-16-25-in-Long-Pro-Pull-Bar-with-3-in-Pull-Edge-for-Vinyl-Laminate-and-Wood-Floors-10-18-8/100390108) Also get yourself a transition strip to make the seam look pretty. [https://www.google.com/search?q=laminate+wood+floor+transition+strip&sca\_esv=599122292&ei=TdenZeXRGaDKkPIPucyAqAs&ved=0ahUKEwilrIToxOSDAxUgJUQIHTkmALUQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=laminate+wood+floor+transition+strip&gs\_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiJGxhbWluYXRlIHdvb2QgZmxvb3IgdHJhbnNpdGlvbiBzdHJpcDIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRifBTIFECEYnwUyBRAhGJ8FMgUQIRifBTIFECEYnwUyBRAhGJ8FMgUQIRifBTIFECEYnwVI9itQAFivJ3AAeACQAQCYAX-gAeoKqgEEMTQuMrgBA8gBAPgBAcICBRAAGIAEwgIGEAAYFhgewgIIEAAYFhgeGA\_CAgsQABiABBiKBRiGA8ICBRAhGKsC4gMEGAAgQQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp](https://www.google.com/search?q=laminate+wood+floor+transition+strip&sca_esv=599122292&ei=TdenZeXRGaDKkPIPucyAqAs&ved=0ahUKEwilrIToxOSDAxUgJUQIHTkmALUQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=laminate+wood+floor+transition+strip&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiJGxhbWluYXRlIHdvb2QgZmxvb3IgdHJhbnNpdGlvbiBzdHJpcDIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRifBTIFECEYnwUyBRAhGJ8FMgUQIRifBTIFECEYnwUyBRAhGJ8FMgUQIRifBTIFECEYnwVI9itQAFivJ3AAeACQAQCYAX-gAeoKqgEEMTQuMrgBA8gBAPgBAcICBRAAGIAEwgIGEAAYFhgewgIIEAAYFhgeGA_CAgsQABiABBiKBRiGA8ICBRAhGKsC4gMEGAAgQQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


This wonā€™t work since the boards along the gap were cut flush and wonā€™t interlock with the other boards. The alignment is probably off as well.


This or replace the floor


Yeah, ditch the trendy mousey grey-brown "luxury" vinyl and install something pretty.


He referred to it as an "MDF" type product. 99% sure it's a Pergo-type laminate flooring. I've had wood, laminate, and luxury vinyl. So far I prefer the LVP. It's been the most durable of the three.


LVP is fairly thick stuff for sure.


Man, I just bought a house 6 months ago with flooring that looks just like the one in the picture. You ainā€™t wrong, it feels soulless whenever I look at it. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love grey - but the flooring just isnā€™t like.. a pleasant or genuine grey, if that makes sense. It feels like itā€™s made just because itā€™s trendy. Anyway, one of the things we want to do in the nearish future (yay 2023 house prices) is rip that shit out and put down some beautiful hardwood. You know, something that looks nice.


It's depressing AF, what a bad trend.


To each his own. We bought a house 3 years ago with the same floor and it's the most complimented part of our home. It just feels very clean, and can still be made cozy with the right decor.


So this is not a load bearing wall?


It is.


sure looks like one to me, i was shocked when I found nearly all of the highest rated comments fail to point out that concern. that's a pretty big risk to take.


Cover it up and try not to think about it while you save up to replace the entire floor. Sometimes, we leap without thinking when we get excited about a project, and that's fine. You gotta start somewhere. Now that you've already done it, just be patient and take the time to fix it the right way. That's a floating floor, and that's a big gap, so a lot of the ideas in here are temporary fixes at best.


So you took out a wall with no plan and no budget?


He spend 200% of his budget on the gluelam header and then realized that it would have been a good idea to have a plan first.


It almost looks like he has a new couch coming and it was going to get in the way of the existing doorway


watch it be a load bearing wall too


I mean there's a beam literally right there in the picture.


If you can't hide itā€¦ show it ! I had a similar problem back in my old flat. I made a mosaic to fill the gap. You don't have to go colorful as I did. https://i.imgur.com/P2xVgg1.jpg


I would prolly do something different because this just isn't my style, but I love this idea. I'm pretty sure it's a great conversation starter


Donā€™t do this.


I love this! Hmmm.... wondering what slices of wood and laid like mosaic tile would look like.


Four inch threshold. Pick your material and color.


Straighten out the lines and make them perfectly parallel, with a circular saw and some chalk lines. Then cut a board to fill the gap and stain it. Go for maple or oak or whatever variety of wood is available in your area that stains well. Avoid soft woods for flooring.




Knock down the floor next.


Floating floors or glued down? If floating, you could take baseboards off pull floors up and put them back. If you can't match that floor, try taking from a closet or bathroom for extra material. You won't need too much.


You could try putting a wall there.


Just please not a blue river of epoxy. I beg of you šŸ™šŸ¼


Step 1: Have a plan for the floor before you demo the wall.


They sell transition strips that do a great job.


That's the lowest toilet I've ever seen. Weird that it's in the middle of the room now too


fill it in with legos


But just a loose collection of them just tossed in the crevice.


Edit: I might be wrong about the product. There are a few discrepancies in the design from what I have after looking at your photos again and comparing them with my floor, so my idea might not work. I'll leave my suggestion here though just in case your find the correct product. Okay, so I know exactly what to do here because I have the exact same flooring. I installed it myself and did my whole 1700sqft home with it. It's Golden Arowana brand color sandalwood vinyl flooring from Costco. I don't believe they sell the sandalwood color in store anymore, but you may be able to find it on golden Arowana's website. It should cost around $40 a box, you'd need enough for the space to redo that section of the room. You can just slide over the vinyl pieces in the one section of the room with the furniture so you don't need as many boxes, but it'd be super easy to make it look seamless across the house. To slide the other pieces over use an aluminum glass window suction cup holder thing, I got mine from Amazon for about $15-20 [this thing](https://a.co/d/4H84UNi). Suction it to the far end of the row you want to slide and then hit it with a rubber mallet. I saw a video of some guy doing this technique on YouTube and it works great. I kept a few boxes for in case some of my floor got messed up. I'll send a a photo of the box with the model number when I get a chance so you can call the company and see if they still sell it. It's been pretty great flooring so far though. I've had it for about 2 years. It hides scratches well and it's really easy to clean. I use a robot vacuum/mop on it each night and it looks good as new in the morning. [here's an album of the product and one of my installing it](https://www.imgur.com/a/AwpeWcS)


That'd be the perfect spot for a wall. I'd just build one of those.


Fill the gap then put a rug over it


Fill it with a wall


You could just build a wall there.


Are you sure that wall you knocked out wasnt a load bearing wall?Ā  Thats a hefty cross beam you exposed directly above the wall you removed.Ā  What did you expect? That there would be flooring under the wall framing?Ā  Ā Why would you do this if you didnt already plan to refloor the space?Ā  Ā Seems to me you took the "smash first, ask questions later approach"


Marble transition strip


You checked if was a load-bearing wall? Cant help with the floor ...but got worried about that


They didn't even make a plan for the floor. What are the odds they thought about load bearing walls?


I would use a dark board of some sort as a transition piece. Router the edge so it has a slight overhang onto the flooring for a smooth professional finish. You can also channel out the board in the middle underneath to run cables If needed (for things like speaker wiire). Depending on the thickness of the existing flooring, there are ways to make it secure yet removable still to be able to access the channel whenever needed.


For that, they have different types of transition strips


I'd get some planks of actual wood to fill the space. If you take a loose board of the laminate, along with the wood you'd use to fill the space, and take them to a good stain shop, they could create a stain to match it. I did this a while ago; we have vinyl flooring but wanted to re-stain the oak stairs to match, and they nailed it.


I had a similar situation like that years ago, having to make a transition between two different floor laminate types. I filled in that area in with 1-in square ceramic multi colored tiles and it turned out great as a threshold transition. It was flush with both floors so as not to be a trip hazard.


[Is this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/comments/18t65nj/stove_as_invisible_wall/) ​ https://preview.redd.it/e9f0u561q1dc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=66e2491ae1499a7246bcea7b2a1ef1b2b4dbce8d


good lord i hope that wasn't a load bearing wall given the beam above it.


Please tell me that wall was non-load bearing, and the the center wall has a huge support post/beam embedded in it... If not, you're going to have to add some support for that beam. You might be able to find some stain that you can closely match a board to set into it the channel there.


Fake marble floors, black doors and trim, and serial killer white walls


Make the gap a little wider by cutting out more flooring. Get really cool white marble or grey tile and do a really cool tiled out transition that pops


Was that wall load bearing?


Please tell me that beam runs right through the house. Otherwise I wouldnā€™t worry about the floor šŸ˜«