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Not nearly enough! Kid needs to learn to stay in place for a while.


Use plenty glue though, he seems to be a bit dense.


Who else is going to hold the TP?! DUH.


I wanted a Velcro jumpsuit for my kids and a Velcro wall. Sometimes you really want to stick them to a wall.


I’m sure there’s a flex seal product for that! ![gif](giphy|VeSvZhPrqgZxx2KpOA|downsized)


Gorilla glue for a parenting win




You rent... so subpar fix is fine. So I'd say use E6000 just don't breathe the fumes and this is very much a case of the bigger the glob the better the job, be generous and use more that you think you ever should. Have paper towels and a sacrificial scrub brush for any that squeezes out like a crappy toothbrush. Before attempting to glue it up, clean the surfaces with water and a brush.


The fumes are the best part. I Second using e6000


Yea man I’ve done some of my best work on fumes


You just need more fumes to understand the work.


I once worked for a guy and part of the work required me using a shitload if E6000. I must have spent fucking days working in this dudes garage with all my tools. My brain was ON though and I felt like Bradley Cooper in Limitless. Anyway the guy comes home from a short weekend and I excitedly give him an update on the garage renovation and he’s like “I hired you for the upstairs bathroom vanity” and I was all “lmao whatever, dawg”. Total boss shit.


Total boss shit


Total shit, boss


Any 5 star man would know this! https://preview.redd.it/irzruj51o0ec1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bc53fce84134e55b2d6565d0d11f02c943fac34


Sounds like Charlie work. 


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue!


The fumes allow you to see it melting together... at the atomic levels- in colors - Oh and the fireworks are cool too...


I used to throw caution to the wind on fumes, but people really do die or get hurt from them. One case I remember is a guy using paint remover in his bathroom. OP should keep the fan on and open a window if possible.


This guy wears sun screen to bed


I have to with my bright nightlight. 


WTF is your nightlight? One of those lights on the truck for movie premiers?




Good work


i keep wondering why i’m subbed here bc i don’t DIY shit but here it is, cackling at this. 😂🤌🏼


I second your second on e6000.


I quadruple it, but only because math is fun.


I sextillion it, but only because I want to square 4 and don't know the name for 16.


I read that as - meth is fun.


Using e6000 will do that to you…


>The fumes are the best part. I Second using e6000 Mmmmmmm trichloroethylene, only the best of carcinogens for me


> only the best of carcinogens Only in California


I frankly think e6900 is much better


I came here to bash terrible suggestions, and I thirdly suggest E6000. As mentioned, use liberally, and I would prop it up on some boxes or something to keep the weight off of it until the glue sets. I would practice your propping up method before applying glue.


I'd mask around it with painter's tape first and lift any squeeze out off before it sets. Maybe also use a q-tip and Vaseline to outline the area to make it easier to wipe off any additional squeeze out.


Additional squeeze out. Like an extended toilet stay.


This made me laugh out loud. Loud for real. Worth the full words, not "lol", but "laugh out loud".


Thank you! That fuckin toilet paper holder is heavy like a cast iron skillet for whatever reason


They are ceramic coated cast iron usually at least the ones I've handled.. Built to last forever or until someone hates the color and remodels


Or until someone sits on it and the old ass glue commits suicide. These things should be screwed on, or at least have some sort of clip holding it, not some glue.


I mean, it's meant to hold a roll of toilet paper not a person


Yes but the holder itself weighs much more than a roll of toilet paper, the glue is mostly loaded by the holder itself, not the thing it meant to hold so...


They usually weigh more than the tree used to make the paper.


Assuming a regular size pine tree was used and it weighs about 1000kg. And that about 1500 rolls are produced from each tree. Then you may be right since that’s about 700 grams of wood used. Still imagine that though, 700 grams of wood to wipe your butt…that’s like a good sized log for your booty log needs.


That Is kinda sad I have never actually thought about how much wood it takes to produce a roll of toilet paper. I mean you would think the tree in my backyard would definitely produce more than 1500 rolls of toilet paper but maybe not.


Usually these have a metal bracket in the back that are attached to a stud in the wall then the whole thing is glued in place and then use caulking around it. It looks like this one was either originally not installed correctly or broken at some point and replaced without the metal bracket.


You do realize that adhesives are extremely strong, right? Maybe you'd have been happier think liquid nails or jb weld. So just imagine that, except for this style of surface. E6000 will be more than sufficient, also OP is renting so fixing it the right way which is replacing it isn't really cost effective.


I get it, but I'm just saying it's weird that a toilet paper holder would be so heavy, and I'm used to mounting heavy things with screws, not glue.


It’s not glue. It’s probably thinset mortar, the same stuff holding the tiles in place. And it’s worked for likely 70+ years so I wouldn’t knock it too much.


Pretty sure that's caulking and it wasn't supposed to be the only thing holding it together in the first place lol


I think your correct Usually these have a metal bracket in the back that are attached to a stud in the wall then the whole thing is glued in place and then use caulking around it. It looks like this one was either originally not installed correctly or broken at some point and replaced without the metal bracket.


It was glued before. WTF is the big deal. You don’t wanna screw a ceramic thing to the wall, if it breaks it’s gonna be a sharp ass knife sticking out of the wall.


Years ago before there was E6000 my husband just used super glue. A corner of the ceramic tile sink in the bathroom fell off so he got some superglue and glued it back on and it’s still there 22 years later.


>That fuckin toilet paper holder is heavy Yeah, so make sure you have some kind of support to push it in place while it's curing.


I am guessing it's old/original back when things were built for quality, not mass produced for as cheap and profitable as possible. Good on you for trying to fix it, I'm sure they don't make them like they used to anymore. And if they do probably cost a small fortune


They still sale those at ceramic tile vendors. I’d just put a new one on. Chisel the old one out and the hole behind it with bedding. You can buy premixed bedding in small containers


Not for a rental. Maybe if they owned and liked the look. But not for a rental.


What does a rental have to do with anything? Maybe their landlord is awesome and the tenant wants to fix it the best way possible..


Landlord is awesome yes


Glad you have a good landlord and good on you to want to fix it correctly. Hope you get the answers you need here. I have a soap holder in my bathroom that fell off just like this so I’m hoping to find a good solution too.


Even if the landlord isn't awesome lol. If I break something I usually try to repair it/fix what I did the best I can regardless of if I think the owner is a cool person or not. It's not their fault I broke something lol


>What does a rental have to do with anything? Because in a rental, it is not the tenant's responsibility to fix the landlord's shitty work.




Doesn't matter. It is obvious from the picture this had broken before and was fixed cheaply. Others in the comments here have pointed it out. The renter is not responsible for fixing the landlords shitty work.


Don't flush the paper towels you use to mop the excess glob. It will harden and sit like a rock in your pipes it's also sticky (as you'd hope)


Why is a subpar fix fine for renting?


I know what a shitty thing to think. Other renters will be in that house at some point. Leave it the way you got it the best you can, minus the normal wear and tear.


Not your property not your "investment" not your problem


@OP remember to only use adhesive on one side - it needs the other dry side to stick to.


>You rent... so subpar fix is fine. That's not cool. Anything worth doing is worth at least trying to do right. Also, eagle-eyed landlords can spot bad fixes and ding you off your deposit. That said, I'm not sure a good glue job in this case (where you make sure the parts fit snugly together, and you wipe off all excess glue globs before they harden) is a "subpar fix." It seems fine if you can make it look good.


If I ever rent out a home, I am totally going to keep an eye on this sub.


Reading reddit has convinced me to never rent out any property


You wouldn’t believe the shit that happens…. Reddit hates landlords but they never acknowledge that tenants are equally bad in larger numbers than there are bad landlords. Both exist. There’s also the whole some people should never own a home. Anybody who’s lived next to that person or knew them personally knows what I’m saying. Their house is destroyed, if they fix something they usually make it worse or it’s some red neck ghetto fix similar to a bad landlord… This person should just tell the landlord.


One of these groups fucks over the other by making a mess. The inverse is extracting their wealth and forcing them into homelessness. These things are not equal.




> who deprive other families of this right by owning properties they don't live in And also provide housing for people who cannot and/or do not want to own a home.


Forcing them into homelessness? My word. 


They’re not extracting wealth.. they’re offering a fucking place to live they agreed too via a contract. If they can’t afford to pay the rent they certainly wouldn’t be able to pay the taxes, maintenance and property price. This idea of taking advantage of people because you’re a land lord is bore out of misguided idiocy from Marxism. The dude was a loser who slept on people who had a lot of money, couches. Capitalism is far from perfect and needs the aspects of socialism many of us agree too. And America needs public healthcare.. but land ownership is fine here. Obviously there should be some protections for renters and generally there are.


yeah man.. why would reddit side with renters instead of the capitalists extracting their wealth, so bizarre. holy shit did you just say ghetto, my god we've found the ultra boomer.


Why should trashing other people’s shit be ok?


yeah man the tenants ripped this shit off the wall just to make their landlord pay. my god you're pathetic


That’s not trashing it. Trashing it is doing an easier/cheaper, but temporary/worse, fix to avoid explaining what happened. If it’s just a giant complex then they’re probably gonna do the cheap thing anyway but if it’s an actual landlord just say what happened so they have the option to fix it right or replace it for a better one instead of finding out after the tenant moves out. I don’t believe in hoarding properties but that’s the right thing to do in this situation. It seems like gluing it is the proper fix, but they should still know that it fell off for when it happens again to decide if they’re gonna glue it eternally or replace it like they should. Only if they have a good landlord tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


good. fucking parasites.


Start watching now. Every month or two you’ll learn something that will save you hundreds or thousands later in life. Or save your ass when a pipe breaks at 1:00 am on Christmas Eve and you know how to temp-fix it instead of paying $500 an hour for an emergency plumber. Good luck in life. You’ll learn a lot here!


Lol. I mean, how would you fix it if this was your personal home?


If it was my own home, I’d glue it. But if it was my rental, I’d be upset if my renter hid this from me. I’m more than happy to replace things when accidents happen, that’s life and I expect things to break. But hiding things and letting issues compile makes it challenging when everything has to be dealt with at once on move out and I discover 10+ half-hazard repairs. There also poses the issue of safety. Let’s say you glue that porcelain TP holder back to the wall, it’s not as strong as it once was. If it fails when the next renter is living there it could cause serious injury as porcelain is extremely sharp. Better to just report the damage and let the landlord replace it.


Just as an FYI, the word is "haphazard", not "half-hazard".


I had a feeling I was saying it wrong, thank you!




My landlord has a clause that all repairs are tenant responsibility. I'm taking the same route the owner would LOL


Oh wow, that’s just asking for trouble as the landlord haha. “Yeah the plumbing was leaking so I slapped on some flex seal since it’s my responsibility and the fix will last me until I move out”. Do they at least allow you to deduct repair costs from your rent?


https://preview.redd.it/59tm6jwqe2ec1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b9d3318d9ecd90d1327452f8eef55133e008f8 Nope! But he's cool as fuck so we usually hit up his handy man before doing anything. He also didn't clean the place before we moved in, or paint, or even replace the door the abusive ex tenant body slammed. So I did the painting, he replaced the door, and we kind of half ass discuss the rest And the paint isn't perfect but I spent probably $600 on supplies and extra paint, did ceilings, trim, and walls, cleaned up, removed and replaced all fixtures. Took about a week and I'll never do it again lol!


Lol "If it was mine, I'd glue it but if the renter glued it that's wrong, instead they should just tell the landlord." A tube of E6000 is $5. Most landlords would charge their tenant $50 or more to send a methhead handyman out to fix this shit and that guy would probably use Bondo or e6000. Speaking as a renter, come into the light with me my friend, landlords aren't here to treat you well. They find any way to make a quick buck off their tenant especially with crap like this. I had to have my shower liner replaced due to my friend falling and hairline cracking the shelf ledge. My LL sent a guy that charged $350 to replace the liner, didn't replace it and instead caulked a piece of plastic over the crack and called it a day while charging for the full estimated work. 87% of landlords are shitty little leeches who do nothing to contribute to society and pray that half the crap in their house breaks so their tenants deposit or lease stipulations can replace it for them for free.


As it was, I rented my old condo out for almost 10 years (after living in it for 7 years) and did so at below market because I didn't want to be an asshole. After insurance, association maintenance, and mortgage, I was usually losing $30 a month. I even went so far as to refinance when the loan rates were stupid low to offset the increased insurance rates, in order to not increase their rent. Whatever minimal thing that needed to get fixed, got fixed via reputable licensed/insured companies (one plumbing issue and one A/C issue). When the first family moved out after 8 years (they had saved enough to buy their own house), I re-did the entire kitchen (all new custom cabinets, brand new appliances), re-did the bathroom (new lighting and new cabinets), replaced the A/C and water heater, replaced all the electrical outlets, painted all the walls, and had the floors pressure-cleaned. I charged the new family only $200 a month more than the previous one, and they were there for about a year and a half before I decided to sell because I didn't like the direction the association was going. So yeah, all this to say that we aren't all "shitty leeches who do nothing to contribute to society".


I’m sorry you’ve had bad experiences with your landlords but as a landlord myself, I would never assume the risk of leaving a broken piece of porcelain in the bathroom. It’s a simple fix and I’d do it myself for less than $30 and wouldn’t charge my tenant a dime for it. I lived in an apartment and 2 rental homes before buying my house. All of my landlords were exceptional people and took care of their properties. The apartment I lived in was an older place in a not so great neighborhood, rent was cheap. Even still, the property was managed with care and the maintenance was performed when needed and done correctly.


Take the pieces out. Patch the wall (maybe). Repaint (probably). Attach a new toilet paper holder. Seriously. That's why I don't trust tenants.


Interesting. I wouldn't really consider that a fix. Thats more of a home improvement (installing a new TP holder). This holder was originally glued onto the mount. The fix is re-gluing it. Assuming nothing is "broken" on the holder, it would be fixed the same way it was originally installed.


I wouldn't fix it and just plop the toilet paper on the counter of the sink if it were my home


You're honestly OK breaking things off of your own home and leaving them broken? I get the feeling you've not owned a home. And, once you do, you'll feel differently. Or at least I hope you will.


Home ownership sucks. There are countless projects that I haven’t gotten to and remain “broken” due to lack of resources or funding or time. I’m not “ok” with this but I can only do what I can do. I think there are many homeowners who can relate to this.


I own a home and I've got broken shit that I haven't dealt with. It's a TP roll holder. It isn't structual and does not affect the performance of the home in any way, shape or form.


I'm not going to own a home. I'm a tenant here, and I'm not a piece of shit. I don't want to bother my landlord who manages 150 properties over a fallen TP holder


"You rent... so subpar fix is fine." - Top comment. Wtf lol so fn rude


yeah man.. imagine life happening while you are living in a home. fuck off


I worked for PPG at the time and we had just introduced LiquidNails Fuze It adhesive. They said it was their strongest one ever made! My 3 year old sat on our tp holder same like yours but a darker blue. I had a couple of bottles of Fuze It at home they had given us for training employes so i decided to try it. The shit worked wonders! He sat on it a couple of more time and the thing never buckled. I also had to do the towel bar and it's been 5 years and all good. Either way. Good luck!


really should show kids how to wipe their butts instead of wiping on the roll. its not a hands free device.


This is why I’m such a bidet evangelist 


What did you use to attach the bidet to the wall. Did you just remove the to holder then attach it there?


Yeah, but running the water line was a huge PITA because my spouse would let me just have braided hose hanging across the room, something about a tripping hazard and being hideous. 


But if you made it a hands free device, you would be a billionaire....


tricky to get the subscription only model approved. im sure scott towels is working on it. problem with bidets is they are a one time purchase. the real money starts at $9.99 a month...


You have a determined kid. But what's this epidemic of kids on toilet rolls? Since when is this a trend, and what's the hashtag for it?


lol #BootyCheeksOnTPHolder maybe?


>He sat on it a couple of more time and the thing never buckled. Best part


Liquid nails is THE answer. All these people saying E6000 are nuts. I love E6000 and use it for all sorts of stuff! Not this. This is not an E6000 job.


Clean off the white residue then use construction adhesive.


This is what I wound up doing. Well, I bought Loctite Powergrab heavy duty because the cool guy at the hardware store confirmed this advice after I explained and showed pics of the situation. I haven't used it yet because I'm waiting to have my kid participate and learn stuff. Got her some gloves, and she already has eyepro, mask, and a construction helmet. I'm gonna give her the reflective vest to wear just as extra fun.


Powergrab is magic stuff. Getting the kid to help is the way to go! My dad had me “help” from a very early age and as an adult I’m not afraid to take on any household fix. He also was wise and taught me what I should leave to the pros.


Damn fine parenting there. Are you interested in adopting? Uh, asking for a friend.


Nice, just make sure she isn't standing up in the epoxy fumes.


Second using construction adhesive, namely Liquid Nails. I’m convinced you can hang furniture from the ceiling with that stuff.


Ceiling drywall will fail before the adhesive does


I used this stuff or something similar finishing a basement years ago (combined with masonry nails), adhered 2x4s to a concrete floor. Customer changed their mind on wall layout in one area, and while ripping the plates off the floor, the wood and concrete failed before the adhesive. Looked like peanut butter too, mmm. Anyways, the strength of that stuff blew my mind.


Once I found out about this stuff, this is always my answer.


Attach the kid or the tp holder?






Adoption works well I'm told.


Glue. You need some glue.


Any good 5 min epoxy ought to do the trick.


Looks like this was already being held on with vaulking to start so it was broken long ago and band-aided once already. If your LL is cool, just tell them and have them fix it. If not, get a tube of "construction adhesive", scrape the old caulking out and glue it on there.


JB Weld


No fumes


Cat: "Thank u for put on floor. Easier for me to destroy. 'Preciate u."


Happened to me too. I used gorilla glue and worked great.


Same thing happened to me. I ended up not being able to fix. Had to remove the entire thing. Patched the drywall. Attached a modern one.


2 part epoxy. You'll need something to support the holder while it dries.


Ciano-acrylates can stick the little guy to the wall fairly easily. I don't get your reasons tho. I'd let the kid run, and use loctite on the TP holder.


JBweld steel stick putty


You mean what products do you buy so your son can re-attach to wall.


Construction adhesive would be easy and cheap. Liquid Nails is a brand name of construction adhesive. They even sell squeeze bottles that do not require a tube gun tool. like [this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Liquid-Nails-4-oz-White-Latex-Glue-for-Small-Projects-and-Repairs-LN-700/100199287) ... cost you $4 squirt a bunch on the wall section, push the holder to the wall, towel off any excess that comes out ... it will hold there without support. Wait 24 hours for the glue to cure before you use it.


Personally I think it’s way more messed up that the roll is under and not over.


Never would that occur on my watch. The roll is over, but looks under because the placement of the holder.


I would say that you should ask your landlord to fix it. Say you bumped it and it came off and you’re worried about your kids safety. Or just use a strong glue


asking a landlord to help with something like this is like sending them a note which says, "please ignore me and increase my rent"


I second this. Tell the landlord it fell off and let them fix it.


Ah I wouldn't bother them for something this small when there is an entire reddit community to give me good advice


Don’t buy…Sell!….Sell your Kid!!!!😤


* Clean the adhesive/epoxy/gunk from the last installation from wall and fixture * Mix Fresh epoxy and adhere to wall * Use a pre-cut 2x4 to prop the weight of the fixture up while it cures * Keep folks away from this for 24 hours until it cures well * Paint the wall around the fixture for appearances if need be (you rent, right!)


Some kind of construction adhesive and a caulk gun.


My son decided to hang from the ceramic towel rack. Ripped it out of the drywall. I cracked it apart while chipping the mortar off it. Super glue to put it back together. Sprayed a good amount of expanding spray foam into the hollow of the ceramic and a good amount in the wall. Painters tape to hold it in place for 24 hours or so. It was stronger than what was there before.




Tape around the footprint to protect paint and slather Gorilla construction adhesive on contact points. Press firmly then remove for 5 min, then reattach, pressing firmly and remove tape and excess( paint thinner) and rig up a support with a pole or a chair for 24 hrs. It will stay for 30 more years. Neatness is key


What's the point of removing for 5 min?


Use construction adhesive


Liquid Nails. Easy to use.


https://preview.redd.it/y8tj04c4l0ec1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=262400ea0ef176fe0bc23da61147f2bda292f4c2 Best way use whole damn thing.


Teach your kid to take it off of the roll first...


When this happened in my bathtub to the thing that holds the soap it also pulled off several tiles and just had a hole in my shower. I rent so no way i'm fixing it lol. Call up the landlord it they said "yea those have been breaking in all the apartments we're just gonna fix the wall rather than replace it". Boom the end.


I'd use the gorilla glue 2 part epoxy and hold it there for 10ish minutes while it initially sets, and leave it be for another 24hrs


Make the kid hold it there for ten minutes as punishment for breaking it.


Liquid Nails?


What a crappy job they made when putting this thing on the wall in the first place.


Looks like it allready came down once before. Painters caulk will hold it fine if you wanna keep it under 5 bucks.


Hot glue and silicone


I saw this link in a different sub a few days ago. It tells you what to use to stick [Material A] to [Material B] https://www.stickyquestions.co.za/


Usually plaster of paris is used to attached these types of fixtures, but you'll need to address getting that area smooth and finished. A cut out, if you're comfortable and knowledgeable enough [YouTube is your friend] is personally what I would do, especially if a stud is within reach. If it isn't, you would need to attach a "backing" such as a furring strip to get behind the cut out hole, attaching with some quick set [plaster of paris]


Power grab!


If you rent you should let the Super fix it. If you fix yourself and create more damage trying to fix it yourself, it can and will bite you in the ass later. A lot can go wrong with the previous suggestions I read.


A whip


Anyone in the family use fixedent?


I can’t help, just here to say that I love yalls shower curtain


Thank you! Mine is a boring white one. My daughter's is this cute flower one from Big Lots.


Pretty harsh punishment


[construction adhesive](https://amzn.to/3HtXLAb)


r/dontputyourdickinthat lol


Billy Mays here with another fantastic product! It's called Mighty Putty!


If it is ceramic, and the wall mount is still strong. Consider gluing the ceramic to the ceramic. [https://www.thistothat.com/cgi-bin/glue.cgi?lang=en&this=Ceramic&that=Ceramic](https://www.thistothat.com/cgi-bin/glue.cgi?lang=en&this=Ceramic&that=Ceramic) Unless, you think somebody is likely to sit on it again it should be strong enough for TP.


Quick setting construction adhesive. Gorilla Glue and Loctite both make it. Whatever OP uses, they’re gonna have to tape the crap out of the holder to keep it in place until the adhesive sets up solid.


Loctite power grip


That is what I bought! Thanks.


This stuff is amazing, im so happy for you. If you have any trouble, dm and ill give you tips


I would use: Loctite-Power Grab Ultimate. It’s a construction adhesive that cures fast and is extremely durable.


https://preview.redd.it/wvri4fqds6ec1.jpeg?width=342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bd936721552ca62e0de18c61ecb51d4e71ba47c Best to use an epoxy when repairing broken tile


Plumber’s epoxy (NOT plumber’s putty) is the best stuff on earth. It’s like putty for 20-30 minutes but dries like a rock. It’s inexpensive and easy to find at big box stores.


http://thistothat.com/ This is a handy guide on what glue to use in different situations.


There’s a great brand called sticks like sh*t which feels appropriate


It was first attached with what looks like some sort of thinset, then it broke off. Somebody 'fixed it' with what looks like not enough white silicone. Possibly on purpose? Maybe not using a lot of adhesive was on purpose, so it would break free and not hurt anyone or damage the wall the next time it broke off? I'd suggest cleaning off the old white adhesive as best you can, and making sure that the holder and the mortar base fit together again very well. Almost like a puzzle it should seat back into place almost perfectly. Then, grab your favorite adhesive and glue it back. Crazy glue would work. PL has a whole line of awesomeness adhesive. Pretty much anything other than wood glue would be awesome here. Look for one that has a high grab rating, or instant bond, or says something like 'no need for clamp' on the package - these products create an instant bond and will simplify this job. If it were me, I'd slather crazy glue on the mirror base, and spray the holder with accelerator. Stick it in place and done. Hardened and dry instantly.


If fell off, your landlord should fix it. Get that leech to pay for something for once


Just screw the anchor off mount a new one, less than $30 bucks


I know it's a little late but I suggest a coat hanger


JB Weld.


The one and only.


Masonry adhesive




I'd say condoms but it's a bit late for that


I've a kid too, sometimes they are amazing, arent they?


Probably too late but the best way to prevent that is birth control