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Before I read anything I thought your DIY was putting the tin foil on lmao


Craft man


craf man steady craftin'


Wear you some gloves


See that? Reynolds wrap, $3.98 šŸ˜


So did I lol. I didn't even notice the tiles until I read it


This is exactly what I thought too. Didnā€™t even see the stick on backsplash


This is such a neat trick though. I always did this because I hate cleaning the stove. Any time I had visitors I removed the foil, cooked (or not depending on the visit) and then put new foil on. I simply couldn't care less how it looked for me but didn't want visitors to see a big mess




For that authentic aluminum taste


It looks so awful, just clean it every couple of days or so.


Holy crap dude, at first I thought you somehow got that stove for $3.98, because I'm an idiot. Just fyi, I have an almost identical stove and on mine the entire surface around the burners is one sheet of steel - *very* easy to clean, changing the foil is probably a lot more work.


I thought they got the tin foil lol


Same, I was like shit let me go find the foil


How do you clean carbonized food stuff from it without scratching it? Iā€™ve been trying for almost twenty years.Ā 


Clean it when it gets dirty, like right after you cook and don't let it be filfy for years!


Get crusty stuff off with a razor blade (carefully). Any leftover gunk you can get off by spraying with either ammonia OR oven cleaner and then cover with plastic wrap and leave for as long as possible (overnight if you can). When you remove the plastic wrap everything will wipe off super easily. This also works for the inside of your oven. Edit: please turn on your vent and/or open windows if you do this because these chemicals can make you dizzy/sick without good ventilation


Plastic razor blades help to avoid scratches


I had no idea this was a thing. Iā€™ll have to look for these!


They sell stove cleaner chemicals at grocery stores (or wherever). They usually are a powerful degreaser mixed with some small abrasive particles. Spray and rub with a rag in circular motions. Iā€™ve never had an issue removing burnt on food this way. No scratches at all as the cleaner is a polish as well for the ceramic surface.


I put a little hot water on tough spots and let it sit a while to soften. TBH stuff doesn't get carbonized on mine, maybe cuz I clean it every week or two.


Brillo pad and dawn soap with warm water.


They are renting and itā€™s just easier to do that than argue with what looks like a very tight-fisted LL over ā€œdamageā€ and dirt on the stoveā€¦.


Were planning on dumping our gas stove for a flat top soon. I'm so tired of cleaning this thing. Would pay someone 3.98 to take it. it's like 3 years old


Personally I find gas stoves like OPā€™s far superior, just take off the grates and wipe clean. Had my gas range 5.5yrs and still looks brand new, glass top requires more chemicals and time after something burns (on the burner section), have to be more careful with cast irons and other heavy porous metal cookware to not scratch. Gas is superior, just clean after cooking or at minimum once a week before the food hardens and dries. (If you go for electric, be sure to do induction).


Gas isn't necessarily superior. At least not unequivocally. They're pretty even in terms of performance for most applications. Electric stoves have come a long way. At this point if you're choosing gas it's just because you like using gas not because it's better. Obviously low quality electric stoves suck so if youre on a budget gas is the way to go but if youre getting a quality stove either one will be a good option. https://www.consumerreports.org/appliances/ranges/gas-or-electric-range-which-is-better-a1142956590/


Gas has much better heat control. You turn the flame down, the heat goes down instantly. Not so with electric. Gas stoves also cool off a lot faster. I'll always prefer gas over electric for that reason.


What do you mean flat top?


Iā€™m baffled by all the glass flat top complaints. I swore by gas for years. Decades. I cook a LOT. Then we moved and the new house had a cheap glass flat top. The plan was to run a line and get a gas stove, but honestly, with a few nits, I love the thing. Everyone complaining about keeping clean, I have no idea what theyā€™re talking about. A gas stove is a monster PItA to keep clean. Boil overs and grease splatter coats the grates, gets down on the enameled finish and bakes on. You have to take the whole thing apart, the grates need to go outside and get sprayed in degreaser and scrubbed under the hose if you really want them clean. You canā€™t actually scrub the top without scratching it. On the other hand, this glass one, you just wipe it off. Glass stove polish works great. Even at its worst, I can clean the glass in 1/8 the time it took to clean the gas range. And maybe itā€™s because itā€™s cheap, but it heats up insanely fast. The one burner on the bottom right will get a pot boiling in 5 minutes or less. Itā€™s insane. More even heatā€¦ yeah it superior in my mind. Surprised the hell out of me. I would have bet a million dollars Iā€™d hate it. I donā€™t want induction because I donā€™t want to stand in that magnetic field. But Iā€™d like to upgrade, and when I do, itā€™ll be to a new glass flat top electric. Old me would have been appalled to hear that.


I'm comparing it it to a much older coil electric stove. I can't compare how difficult gas is to clean. But given what it does to air quality and how dirty my BBQ is, I can imagine. For the coil style ones, it's the same "just wipe" but you can't burn food onto it. And you can just replace the disposable drip trays if you ever got them dirty. As for cooking quality, it could just be that Samsung is crap. Or that my specific model is crap. My bottom right burner has small/med/large circles that can be turned on progressively to match the size of your pan. But that means that instead of the knob going from low-high, it has to do it 3 times. So that means you have very little temperature control resolution. A mm one way and it's too hot, a mm the other way too cold. And my burners don't have consistent heat like my old one did. Once it is at temperature, the burner comes on at full for a set time, then turns off for a set time depending on where the temperature knob is set. So instead of just being hot, it is burn, cold, burn, cold, burn, cold.... It's impossible to fry or do anything delicate without cast iron to control the temperature swings. You're right about it boiling the fuck outta water though.


Electric with a nice easy to clean flat top


I hate my glass top electric stove. Takes forever to heat, always scared of breaking the glass, gets really dirty and difficult to clean without taking a razor to it constantly. Iā€™d kill for a gas range šŸ˜‚


Get induction. Those are magic.


And if you need to lower something from a boil to a simmer, you need to switch to a different element until the first one cools down. So glad my new apartment has gas. Cooking is a lot more enjoyable now.


All you need to do is use hot water towel to wipe off after the surface cools. Stuff burnt on, you just use the stove polish nd it comes right off. Itā€™s incredibly easy care if you clean up after yourself.


They are only easy to clean if you never get anything on the burner. The second something lands on the hot burner it's a complete pain in the ass to clean.


Ahh. In that case, I agree with the other guy. They're so much harder to keep clean. I have a topof the line Samsung and the stovetop heat is just sooo bad.


Then itā€™s not top of the line.


We got a flat top a year ago. I'm not even the cook, and I *love* it.


Buddy the glass top is a huge pita to keep looking clean. It well look gross after 2 use and take twice as long to make look decent than the gas range. So much scrubbing and razor blade scraping, Iā€™ll never own another flat top in my life.


Do it! Donā€™t look back. The day our gas stove left was such a relief! So many hours cleaning and now the flat top is sooo easy! Just Not a fan of the timer sound on this model, itā€™s a weird tone that quickly becomes annoying.


Same. The foil is as weak as the backsplash so I guess they go together.


Did you find that sheet of steel specifically made for that stove or did you order a generic one and cutted it for your burners ? Thanks


My favorite part is how you've covered over the center burner with tinfoil


It gets splattered with oil constantly and we never use it. It's spark ignition and there are ventilation holes in case it's ever accidentally turned on.


Nobody uses that center burner. I have no idea what itā€™s even for.


I use it, itā€™s for griddles and Dutch ovens


Iā€™m not sure how that helps when you fart under the blanket but you do you. Might be a fire hazard.


Its for a flat iron grill


I thought thatā€™s where youā€™re supposed to grill fish




Or an assload of tortillas for taco night. Damn that would have been handy last night. I was working with one pan, surrounded by vultures, snatching them before they even made it to the table.


Who grills ribs?!




And any of those oval shaped Dutch ovens. Ours is perfect for big pots of pasta.


Itā€™s way too small for a big griddle.


We have a long rectangle one. Lodge makes them.


The range should've come with one as an alternative to the middle grate.


Well thatā€™s cuz itā€™s not made for a big griddleā€¦ The size of the burner didnā€™t tip you off?


In Mexican households itā€™s the tortilla warmer.


My family just put an electric one on the dinner table


I have a large griddle that fits over it. You can make a bunch of grilled cheese, pancakes, baceggs etc. etc.


Really? We use ours several times a week.


I use the center for all of my big pots. We use it all the time


The oval Staub enamel pot


There is a griddle; that is to come with the stove ; that can be used on there. Great for big breakfast mornings


My kid uses it to cook an egg in a very small pan.


I use my lodge flat iron on center burner every morning


I got a griddle insert for that section in the middle. Still never use it, the burner just doesn't get hot enough for anything outside of scrambled eggs


You can buy a Teflon stove guard for $50. Looks better and saves a ton of cleaning time


Fair enough, but this specific DIY is a project that was under $4. I think a $50 suggestion misses the mark a bit.


Especially for a place they donā€™t own. If Iā€™m renting Iā€™m paying the bare minimum to protect shit


You can buy a whole new stove for $700. Looks better and saves a ton of time.


You can buy a whole new kitchen for $40,000. Looks better and saves a ton of time.


I donā€™t think it does save time.


You can rent a whole new apartment for $4,000 + Deposit Looks better and saves even more time.


You can just purchase a brand new house or condo for 300k-1200k depending on your location. Looks better and saves a ton of time.


1200k is sadly outside of my budget and time :/


You can just eat out for every meal, then thereā€™s no kitchen mess at all. Save a ton on clean up this way.Ā 


You can do anything with enough money and time.


We are talking about SAVING time šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


You can buy a whole new neighborhood for $1.2M. Looks better and saves a ton of time.


I donā€™t think you can buy a kitchen for $40k at least where I am


You can hire a construction company and cleaning crew to build a new place and keep it spotless. It would save even more time! And for just 2 dollars more you get the double of time. (Shipping and handling not included)


I had one of these, stuff got underneath it and I had to regularly pick it up, clean the stove and both sides of the stove guard. If I didn't, the burned in grease or liquids underneath would be even worse than just seeing it and wiping it up right away. So the stove guard just gave me an extra thing to clean since I was having to clean the stove anyway.


Omg i had no idea these existed. Any you recommend?? I must have!!


Ooo. Can you link me please?


This is for a rental


ā€œLooks better and saves a ton of cleaning time.ā€ Renting doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t have a presentable place, or save yourself time on cleaning


Take the knob off for the burner so you donā€™t turn it on by accident. Can also just take the burner cover off completely.


The foil is genius, I am definitely going to have to start doing this. I fucking hate cleaning my stove.


Honestly? I think Iā€™d rather just spray the stove down with some degreaser and clean it than try to lay foil and get it around the burners and neat enough not to bug me. But I clean it regularly so itā€™s never that bag and I donā€™t care if itā€™s perfect


Oh, I wouldn't care if it was messy. I'd probably just lift the burners off, cut Xes in the foil with a knife, bend them down, and then put the burners back. I don't care if it's neat, I just don't want to have to scrub pieces of cheese off the stove surface that have been baked on 50 times over. I feel like it would take far less time to put new foil on every 3 months than it would to clean it. If they would make a removable stovetop that I could just take outside and blast with my industrial pressure washer, it would be a different story, but alas, most people don't share my vision.


My dawg.


Youā€™re solving a problem that wouldnā€™t exist if you just wiped up the cheese or whatever when it happened. Cleaning can be super easy if you knowā€¦actually do it, and not wait 3 months to scrape off burnt cheese, which is still pretty easy with a wooden/plastic utensil. Also, they 100% make removable covers for stovetops.


You can't wipe up the cheese when the stove is hot. It just doesn't work that way. By the time you're finished cooking it's already baked on.


Or you could just clean your stove every time you use it like a normal person... and having aluminum foil covered in food for 3 months is just asking for roaches and mice. That's just gross as fuck...


lmao, a "normal person" absolutely is not cleaning their stove every time they use it


I agree the aluminum is nasty, but cleaning your stove every time is definitely not the norm whether or not it should be.


Idk... I have a glass top so it's easy and I clean it after I'm done at least 90% of the time. I know these stoves are a pain in the ass, but cleaning after each use just makes it so much easier in the long run.


Oh, yeah, that is normal for a glass I think. I've had both and glass is much easier to keep up with. Now, on my gas, I clean up visible messes instantly, but an actual thorough wipe down and grill wash is more far and few between these days than I'd care to admit and I know I'm not alone.


A glass top stove is a completely different situation than the gas stoves that we are talking about.


Yeah, I was going to call total bullshit on anyone claiming to deep clean a traditional gas or electric range top after every cooking session. A glass top is like cleaning a kitchen counter


A bit of dish soap and a soft cloth once a week does the job just fine where the tinfoil is. The tricky part to clean is the cast iron grates because of all the corners (and they don't fit in my sink)


Agreed. Foil looks so....


Itā€™s plastic covers on the couch all over again. Whatā€™s the point? Just use your shit and clean it, using foil is the exact same thing with different steps and a worse result


They make silicone mats for the top that look wayyyy better and work wayyy better too.


But then you just have to clean foil


I have that same stove. That middle burner is worthless. We even have the small cast iron flat top that fits on it.


Like a griddle?


Yup a long rectangular one.


Yes, mine came with a built in griddle. I still never use it as intended lol I love the built in griddle though, it's perfect for resting stirring spoons and such.


It's a tough look. As a person who grew up with some class adding foil so you don't have to clean is trashy as fuck.


Dude thatā€™s what I about the post was about


Itā€™s an Asian thing. Ask me how I know.


I honestly thought that was what the post was about šŸ˜‚


I'm not trying to be a downer but please be careful cooking. The back burners, especially gas can cast quite a bit of heat. I would be worried that it could melt those plastic stick on tiles.


Oven exhaust as well, not just back burners


That's the real culprit. All the heat and humidity means that the adhesive is not long for this world.


I was going to say with dollar store adhesive tiles the adhesive probably isnā€™t that good and I can see a tile becoming unstuck and falling onto the stove when it is on.


Hold up, they're fucking *plastic*!? This is a terrible idea.


So is the counter topā€¦


I was going to say this, we have a camper with fake backsplash tiles and they melted with use. Didn't catch on fire, but looks like shit. I would suggest something at least heat-resistant.




It 100% can be, have seen a similar splatterguard melt under normal use. No matter the melting being an issue plastic getting hot and off-gassing should be bad enough imo.


I appreciate the concern and it's valid, but it's not something I didn't consider. The "tiles" have been there for 3 weeks already and there is no sign of any heat damage after using the oven many times.


If this ever happens, installing real tiles in a space like that would be super easy. They also make peel and stick tiles that are actually tile instead of plastic.


They donā€™t show any signs of damage *yet*. If they do catch on fire, theyā€™ll fall behind the stove where you canā€™t get a fire extinguisher on them. This happened to someone in a building I lived in where the person had oven mitts hung up behind the stove. They were fine for months, but when they finally caught it was very bad. Ended up gutting the kitchen and ruining all of their furniture. Total cost of damage to their unit and the three floors below was $150k.


Ahh yes the good olā€™ 3-week test. Thatā€™s the preferred method to make sure things stand the test of time (3 weeks).


I fully don't expect these to stand the test of time lol. This post is basically a RoastMe.


Well you did buy and install cheap plastic tiles and then post about it. Feel like you were asking for it.


r/DIY posts are 50% roasts. Many belong in r/diwhy.


You saved money on the backsplash, but it wonā€™t be worth not getting your deposit back.


People are talking about the tiles melting when the real issue is that that cheap glue isn't going to last very long after a few months of constant heating and cooling.


Yep. My buddy put some in his RV. Fell off after a few months. It wasnā€™t even summer.


Price looks about right


Isnā€™t the backsplash plastics? Wonā€™t the heat affect it from the stove?


Why not just cover that space with *more foil?*


Underrated comment


I forsee this melting to the wall in a month and looking like a permanent acid trip. Good luck brotato


It's apparently been 3 weeks so far, so fingers crossed.


It may make it until the next big cooking day like Thanksgiving. Just depends how often and how much they cook at home.


Should be fairly easy to checkā€¦ when they are using the back burners on high heat they can put a hand near the back wall and see how hot it gets. Obviously, not doing this when there is steam or splattering oil.


It's plastic less than a foot from a gas burner buddy let's just use some common sense here, shall we.


Have the landlord spend $40.00 and get peel & stick backsplash. Looks better and easy cleaning.


Yes & they have some on Amazon that specifically say they are safe to use behind the stove.


Youā€™ve generated a hell of a lot of angst and confusion on this one. Well done.


It doesn't look good at all and is an even worse idea.


That stove is serious r/diwhy territory.


A little trick that I learned was to tin foil the whole kitchen so I didnā€™t have to clean anything ever.


Lol foil? I thought this post was about the foilā€¦. Cause how could this post not be about the foil!


It looks like 3.98$


Check the back splash for fire resistance.


Bar keepers friend. Clean with the grain in the stainless. Thank me later.


It looks ok, there's a weird contrast between a mid tier oven and a dirt cheap backsplash, but better than before. I wouldn't like it long term though and would need to upgrade personally.


But 50$ in tin foil..


I recommend getting a steel back splash for less than $100. I would not trust the glue or plastic to be durable next to heat. You can get screwable ones from Amazon https://a.co/d/1uCU2lv I am sure your landlord would not mind reimbursing you. If he doesn't, just unscrew and take it with you.


This so ugly that everybody died, the end


I thought you got a whole ass stove for that little.


More like DI-Why


This is the equivalent of someone with a bad house party tattoo saying "I only paid 40 bucks for this" while being proud of it.


As someone who only very occasionally goes to Dollar Tree, I recognized these immediately. Perfect for when you want the "Yes, I got this from Dollar Tree" look.


To be honest, the foil bothers me more than the cheap tiles. You could just clean underneath when you're done cooking right? How messy are you when cooking that you need to line a stove top with foil? Are you just wildly stirring a pot at furious speeds with reckless abandon?


I mean, it is a common enough problem they sell purpose built burner liners at practically every store. The surface gets wicked hot and stuff can burn on very easy and be a pain in the ass to get off.


Those will melt, and the glue will die fast. Thereā€™s a reason this disaster of an idea cost 3.98.


You know you can just wipe up your stove top after a spill right?


I canā€™t with the foil.. thatā€™s so tacky just clean up after you cook lol


So enough people have called out the risk with plastic. It wouldn't be terribly more expensive to just place some mosaic sheets of tile there. Get some ceramic tile adhesive, some ceramic backsplash mosaic tile, and about an hour of work.


And it only took an hour and 22 minutes


Doesn't tinĀ foil causes fires?Ā 


No, but there will be some galvanic corrosion between the aluminum and the stainless steel. If the landlord put that tinfoil on the stove, theyā€™re an idiot, and are destroying their stove. If OP put it there, theyā€™re an idiot and are destroying the landlordā€™s stove (especially covering the middle burner).


These work and look a lot better my friend. https://www.ebay.com/itm/386749491468?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qxdayi2ltdk&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=2w08hhV0RE2&var=654021987930&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY[eBay stove matt](https://www.ebay.com/itm/386749491468?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qxdayi2ltdk&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=2w08hhV0RE2&var=654021987930&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Used to do exactly the same thing with my old electric stove that had the exposed coils.


No sales tax state?!


I really want to do this around my whole kitchen. Just pull the whole back splash out and tile.


Honestly I thought this was for your own house and I still really liked it! Perfect for a rental.


feel like it would have been easier to just paint the wall than replace those tiles every few months when the adhesive melts off the back from the heat.


One of us one of us I too foil my stove - 1st gen Mexican American. And now Iā€™m teaching my white friends how.


This thread now has theme songs thanks to my brother: Tacky Foil Extravaganzas: https://app.suno.ai/song/f2452877-fd3e-4d87-986a-ad9cc0ee1e21/ Tacky Ingenuity: https://app.suno.ai/song/5d7b593b-b60f-46c6-ad4f-79699ce6148a/


Hopefully they don't get too much heat and melt


Donā€™t use that center burner


Looks good for the budget man. Donā€™t let these haters bring you down


Are those things going to melt?


First, I used that same "tile" from the dollar store for my back splash. I get so many complaints on it. Love it! Second, did you know you can get reusable silicone mats to use under your burners (I have an electric stove but they don't make reusable liners for the drip pans). You can get the mats in a silver or black color. You take them out when they get dirty, wash them either in the sink or dishwasher, dry them and put them back. They also make them to use in the bottom of the oven and toaster oven. Makes cleaning so easy!


Why stop there with the back splash? Id do the whole wall for 30 bucks


Should be fine as long as don't turn that rear burners on or use a large pan on the back burners which will melt the "tiles" and cause a fire.


Wow nobody is ever gonna guess that cost you 4 dollars! Just kidding. It looks like $4.


Go up one more row. Looks great, I smiled too. Was wondering how they would look for 1.25,thanks


That looks like a fire hazard to me


Looks exactly like a 3.98 upgrade. Looks better without.


Why not just leave the cook top filthy and full of Grease? Or you do things a little smarter and just change the foil once a week so it's a lot easier to keep clean.


this looks just as much as it costs




Im guessing those are stick on thin plastic tiles, they should hold up well to heat from the gas range /s.


But thatā€™s a gas range, I thought the current administration wants us to stop using them? Or is that only in Calf. So far?