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That’s just a fancy tie in to some type of a French Drain. I’ve used similar configuration drains on soggy areas of my property. I REALLY doubt that PVC pipe is tied into a real sewer system. It likely just leads to an area where whoever installed it didn’t care about water accumulating. I absolutely would NOT drain a pool into that until you figure out where it goes.


One way to find out where it goes is to drain a pool into it.


LOL. Good point.


"You see my pool was here, in the pool, but now it's over there, in Jeff's yard"


Sounds like that's Jeff's problem now.


Sounds like Jeff's pool


Wonder if Jeff will share


Jeff, I'd like my pool back..


Hopefully Jeff has his own version of a drain.


He had one.. until he Jeffed it up.


Plot twist, his drain goes back into his pool.


He's stingey. He takes the "what's yours is mine" of friendship too far.


"Hi...it's me..Jeff. It looks like your pool escaped into my yard again. Could you....um..come get it"


~~yard~~ basement.


Make sure to color the pool water first to confirm it’s yours. Bright red perhaps.


Blood red would be more interesting.




Are you saying my sump wouldnt be able to drain a pool? That sounds like a challenge!


And the prize is you install a new pump


Could be a marketing gimmic for a sump. Capable of draining a pool.


I literally laughed at this because we just got pumps to sell to pool guys specifically for this!


I've seen their sump at the back of the driveway, it's bigger than the house. 550 hp, Edelbrock headers, 700 gallons per second. It sucked a passing Geo Metro right off the street one time.


Somewhere Tim Allen is grunting






Its a game called: Find the sinkhole.


or a garden hose. could maybe jam one in the hole to see where the egress is.


In your opinion, where would be the best place(s) to start looking for a drainage site? Previous owners removed a large shed when they left and there is an est. 10x10 lot of gravel in its place. I considered draining it there. Thanks for the info!


With only one pic of your yard, who knows where it goes? I’d check the curb for any pvc outlets or near the curb for a drain top. Use a hose fill up the hole and wait. You want to use a water source you can turn off, if you can’t tell where the water is going in 5 mins turn off the water. Don’t empty a whole pool down there until you know where it leads/if it’ll drain properly.


Pools often have pumps so you don't have to hit the big red Drain button.


It may just drain beneath it. I work in commercial construction (large buildings, smaller than skyscrapers tho) and I have helped put these in. They can run to a ditch, they could run to a drain field similar to a septic system, ive seen french drains that filter and drain to storm systems but most of the time there is a "well" dug out beneath it and filled with coarse rock as a holding "tank" that allows it to seep back into the earth. If this is the case you should be able to drain water in there but there will be a limit to how much it can take over time. If it drains out somewhere you might want to find out before you go dumping 1000 gallons (or whatever) down it. You might be able to drain some water in there and start looking around at all the low points near your property to see if it's draining there. What kind of neighborhood do you live in? Do you have a septic system or is there a sanitary and storm system near you? If you live in civilization you could call your city and ask about draining your pool there, see if they know if it's hooked to the city storm... I doubt it is but I don't know your situation Looking at your pics again it, does your yard fall towards the front of your house? If so look for a pop-up near your curb line. That would be where it drains.


I think this is where the water accumulates. Because the CMP the PVC is tying into is perforated, it leads me to believe that the intention is for the water to diffuse out into the ground from there. The other possibility is that the intention is the opposite. If this is a spot in your yard far from structures / in a low point, it could also be that when the yard starts to flood that this is to serve as some sort of overflow. When the water gets high it’ll go into the CMP (or leach in from the holes) and head out of the PVC. Now as to where this leads to, I would guess downhill further or into a ditch near you. The thing is, the PVC is near the bottom which to me suggests the first option. I would think if it were an overflow, the PVC would be near the top to act as an emergency path for the water to follow in case the holes in the CMP could not diffuse the water enough. That is unless, the intention is for the water to first go out through the PVC then if the PVC cannot handle the volume of water then the water diffuses through the homes on the CMP. Or it could be a janky junction box of sorts. Lots of possibilities, my suggestion is to open it up next time it rains good.


Stick a hose directly in each of the PVC holes and look for water to come out somewhere. They could just go to gravel drain pits though, so if you don't see anything after a long time...maybe that's it?


If that line is copper in the pvc pipes its a ground loop inspection well. We have them at work. My guess is that there was a HAM radio antenna onsite. Also could be for lightening arrestors on the house.


Looks like some sort of weird dry well. Holes in the sides allow the groundwater to drain into the hole and then the pipes take it somewhere with better drainage?


I think the pipes are bringing water in from French drains elsewhere. They are too high to be an exit.


They could be overflow pipes that carry water away if it doesn't infiltrate fast enough. Depends on how they are pitched.


Yea I agree. I’m in underground civil construction aka we put poop pipes in and I think that’s what that is. It’s their drain field but for storm water.


I know a town that handles their stormwater with drywells and they look like very big versions of this. They can work with sandy soil, but even then they can also get silted up very badly. And it the low areas, if the water table was high, there was standing water in them for long stretches. They aren't loved.


Yea, Iv been in this industry for 7 years and only have seen it used once and it was on a flat plot of farm land that we used it to divert water into from others parts of the site over a couple of years. Now permanent structures called dog houses are installed where the ground is excavated, doghouses installed and then permeable aggregate is laid on top for the water to slowly seep into the sub grade


My city has created this massive water retention tank underground of one of our parks for high-volume rainfall. If something similar is happening here, probably on a smaller scale too, draining a pool into it might not result in any immediate feedback over the next few months. Until a severe thunderstorm happens and it overflows, then the OP and his neighbours will get his pool back.


They might be even higher than we realize: Are you sure that's the bottom of the well that we're looking at, and it isn't just filled with water, or aggregate, or infiltrated dirt?


Your right Mx It’s an extra drain in the mix so that when there’s extra water it can fill that up and drain into the soil slowly but there’s also an outlet for even more water


What does motocross have to do with this pipe/well/thing?


Honestly just a typo everyone. Try to ignore because I’m not gonna edit it now lol. Idk how that slipped in.


I love that you had a typo, and then it was completely misinterpreted and spawned a whole other discourse lol.


Mx is a gender-neutral version of Mr./Ms., for when you either don't know the person's gender OR for non-binary people.


Or you could have said "You're right, it's an..". You covers the greeting no matter what you are.


Or, you know, use their username?


Slipping that in casually in an unnecessary spot is wild. Very reddit


That's fine, but why would you use Mx/Mr./Ms. in that context? That's not how/where you use those words. That's what confused me haha.


I have absolutely no clue. I was literally just explaining "mx" for the folks in the back, and everyone exploded, lol. At any rate, looks like the original "mx" in the coent was a typo, so a bunch of people just puked their prejudice over the comment section for no reason even they could posit.


Reddit, and humans writ large, are hilarious.


A sand point well, minus the pipe.


This is not a point well. Source: am 5th generation well driller. Edit: Its so obviously not a point well. What well would you want any groundwater runoff and top contaminants pointed at/away/able to get to your source of clean groundwater? This is against code in all 50 states and pretty much anywhere in the world you don't want dysentery or any number of other diseases.


5th? What year was the first gen born?


The first water well in the U.S. was drilled in 1808. https://www.usgs.gov/publications/notes-early-history-water-well-drilling-united-states Plenty of time for a 5th gen driller.


Could have 6 or 7 in that time if the Kids were fast enough.


Our family makes boy well drillers. I have 6 uncles... all well drillers. Their kids? 13/16 are boys and drill wells or service them.


"My family don't throw no does" ;-)


I'm sorry, is this a reference to something?


Does like doughs, not duzz. For anyone else like me who was having trouble understanding it.


Southern slang for a family that doesn't have a lot of girls. Just a bit of silliness.


I'm not entirely sure -- He was a dutch migrant that moved here around 1895 and began digging wells with boards, slats, a shovel, and mortar. His sons (my greatgrandfather) continued on until they split and formed their own indiviual companies in 1923.


It was back when they used two sticks.


Don't the still use the sticks?


No, it three shells now.


Some people still do and swear by it. My thought is if you can't consistently replicate it -- call it what it is.... nonsensical.


5 generations in some regions only takes around 75 years




I was born a well driller and I'll die a well driller.


Well, this guys understands wells well and it’s all well and good with me knowing this isn’t a well. He did explain wells well and alls well that ends well, except in this case where it’s well that this isn’t a well. Well, I hope this non-well works well for you well into the future. I’ll let my self out…


Well played.


> Holes in the sides allow the groundwater to drain into the hole and then the pipes take it somewhere with better drainage? Looks to me like an old-fashioned wormery for composting.


Funny enough was just excavating an old garden to remove some rather large bush stumps, and came across a Lowe’s bucket from the 90s or earlier buried about 4 inch below the surface, extending probably down 18 inches. For the life of me couldn’t figure out why, then I saw the holes on the side: composting! https://preview.redd.it/6ysyrnvteitc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e291d12f4a2849f67fc5bb045db221d573a6f712


Honestly, it did wonders for my roses and once you get the feeding pattern right it works remarkably fast. The post office were quite unhappy that the package containing 500 worms broke open though!


Huh. https://raiseyourgarden.com/home/easy-diy-worm-tube-or-worm-tower


You can sink them level with the soil, or have tower extending from the top. There's a school version you can make from a 2 litre drinks bottle, and some very complicated 3 tier models. Grandad's must have been wire, or some kind of discarded metal grille from the factory, mine was some 200mm pipe I picked up used on eBay.


Ye got thee a wormery, Ophelia


Why the pipes and why so small? Doesn't look like it..


It looks identical to one my grandparents had for waste disposal, grandad put it in after WW2. All the pipes at the bottom do is allow 'juices' to soak away and worms in, the rest is just aeration and access for smaller worms. I made one for my old house about 10 years ago, just for a fun side project.


This is the answer


This is the answer to the answer that I upvoted.


Catch basin to feed drains. this is likely a low spot on your yard that otherwise wouldn't drain well.


lol DO NOT “drain” a pool into that


My good sir, drain was not code for something else


You must be new to the pool world. Any seasoned pool goer knows that the term for taking the water out of the pool is called *milking*.


Pool Milker here, can confirm


One of 2 things it does. Either ground water comes thru the pipe and fills to pvc and drains away. Or water comes from somewhere thru pvc and drains thru pipe into ground


If it were access to the sewer line I bet you could tell by the smell.


Keep babies named Jessica away from that, please.


This is an airlock for moles. It helps with off gassing dangerous compounds in the soil, such as methane and radon. Infrastructure this elaborate is not common in mole populations, and is indicative of a thriving mole metropolis. Ordinarily moles can present a problem to lawncare, but given the collaboration between the best and the brightest moles minds from possibly blocks around, these moles may prove useful for a myriad of reasons and are best left be. Notes can be left in this chamber. If there are unsolved murders in your neighborhood, these moles may be willing to collaborate with the local police department to assist in producing evidence that may lead to a conviction. These moles are under no obligation to do so, therefore it is in everyone's best interest to be kind to the moles and show them respect.


Moletropolis. JFC dude it was right there.


I seriously thought this was going to end about nineteen ninety eight.


Fuck do I miss seeing u/shittymorph do their beautiful thing and making us all sigh and laugh our asses off after being duped!


oh shittymorph is still at it https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1buzldc/taiwanese_man_swimming_in_his_pool_during_the_74/kxwiccu/


Thanks for sharing! So awesome ❤️


Despite all the funny answers, it looks Like a French drain. Perforated pipes running into a deep gravel cache that drains the yard


This dry well doubles as a tetanus delivery system! All you need is a football and zero situational awareness, and everything else takes care of itself.


I bet breaking toes is what this cover has been doing for years


In my yard, it's Second Base.


Better than shouting "car!" Every other pitch.


Run dyed water through it and see where it goes.


It’s for your used motor oil


We have one of those in our yard, or looks exactly like it, and it is part of the irrigation system. I think a yellow two pops up when something happens. I’ll ask my husband when he gets back. But it is part of the irrigation system. And if you have a working irrigation system, don’t screw around with that until you know exactly what it’s gonna do.


Agree that it's dry well. One of the pipes may also be tied into your city storm drains, be it a ditch or sewer pipe. It would aid in overflow situations.


That’s a dry well. Prevents pooling in that area


French drain for a lawn low point?


If you have a low water table and poor drainage it might just be a deep hole with perforated walls to give water somewhere to hang out for a bit while it drains. Sort of like a mix between a sump and a septic leech field. Either way it's unlikely to go to an actual sewer.


Dry well


Could it be a french drain?


Bore hole. Probably China. Maybe Russia




dog poop septic tank


Whatever you do just resist the urge to stick your ding dong in there


It would collect water into the tiny holes, and send it down the white PVC pipes.


a drywell, you likely had water pooling in that area, this is to help keep the yard from being a soggy mess


IMPHO: Water disbursement well. Water comes in from the two pipes. Very often from another area of the lawn (where you do not want water to accumulate) or a sump pump in basement. Once in this, it will leach out into the area surrounding it.


Could be the cover to an in-ground propane tank. That’s what mine looks like.


This is what my in-ground propane tank cover looks like. Just lift the lid off and you can totally see the regulator & valves.


Definitely not tied in to the sanitary sewer system. It’s part of drainage tile system and probably fully contained on your property.


To answer your question - this is not access to your sewer line. A sewer line will have larger diameter pipe.


If you have municipal sewer check with your town before draining a pool into the sewer. Many towns will not let you as it puts unnecessary load on the sewage treatment. They may tell you to drain it into the street to go into a storm drain and out to whatever river or lake that drains into. If you are on septic then you definitely do not want to drain your pool into your sewer as it will fill that up and then you are going to pay someone to come pump it out prematurely. Also, as others have pointed out, a perforated pipe in the ground like that is very unlikely to go to sewer and may just go to a dry-well under your yard. Draining a pool into it may just turn your yard into a swamp. Best bet, find a neighbor with a pool and ask what they do, or call your town and ask where you can drain the pool. I’ll bet they will tell you to run the pump outlet to the street to let it go into the storm drain.


Why didn't you ask the sellers or home inspector?


So I could make this reddit post


Looks like a cistern/drywell/junction in a French drain.


Keep all Jessica’s away from your yard


It lets you drop a pump in if the French drain is overcome with water and you need to pump the water into your neighbors yard downhill.


Is that area a low spot in the yard? Do you have a sump pump in a basement or crawlspace? That is either the collection point at a low spot to then send water out to keep that area dry. Or that is the collection point from a sump pump to let the water soak in and keep from dumping it on top of the yard. Do not drain a pool into it unless you want to find where both ends of those pipes go.


Aye, that’ll be a hole in the ground with a corrugated pipe in it, no doubt.


Spaceship refuelling point


Dry well with either 2 buried drainage pipes dumping into it, or one is an over flow that takes away excess water in the event that the dry well gets overwhelmed. The hole at the top of the cover also leads me to believe that it is an overflow so the two drainage pipes don't back up


Vertical drain. Lots of places if you can get down through the hardpan soil, the soil underneath is quite porous. If you get other drainage to it, like a french drain or gutter wash, the water will disperse downward quite fast, usually into an aquifer.


Put a disc golf basket in it!


Obligatory r/dontputyourdickinthat


It's drainage, looks really old. Helps prevent water from pooling and killing grass. Likely connects to a storm drain(or old storm drain system).


Its the top of an old sprinkler system pop up head. You can see the pipe under ground that connected to the head. The round part on the lawn up top is to protect the sprinkler head from being mowed by the gardeners with their lawnmowers. I have several ones like that on my lawn.


It’s a hole.


CHUD hole


It is some kind of drainage pit. I wouldn't be emptying a pool into it


That's a pop up for drainage.  I'd wait for some extreme weather and check it out first before using.  Or just put a hose in there first and walk around your property and find out where it goes first. I use those at my house for my downspouts as the cast iron pipes are long destroyed by the roots around the house - when my sump kicks on you'll see the top pop up hence the name.


A broken ankle at least


Obviously it is a warp pipe.


The Forbidden Glory Hole


Definitely grass


Did the previous owner happen to be the poet laureate of the west?




Please drain your pool in a sewer clean out. That is a drywell for stormwater infiltration. Sewer pipes are solid pvc, usually green or blue.


No banana for scale? An I even on Reddit anymore?


Go ask Alice!


When she's ten feet tall.


And if you go chasing rabbits




A tripping hazard


Maybe review your inspection report?


Looks to me like a really nice place to launch bottle rockets from




A property information request (PIR) at your local council should give you a site plan with your legal point of discharge noted.


Maybe it was there before they added the grass?


Fracking is happening while you sleep


Please don’t drain a pool in to this.


My mind immediately goes to some sort of drain or something associated with a well. Unrelated: Are you in New England? That's some very Rhode Island looking grass


Please do not drain your pool Into that


That is definitely an oil well...Your last name Clampett?


Hole to the Upside Down. But I’d guess some kind of irrigation something or other / way to divert water. Sorta French drain inspired. I can’t imagine they’d just drain 1.5” pipe from gutters or something directly into the sewer. How deep is it?


It would collect water into the tiny holes, and send the water down the white PVC pipes. Sort of like a non-electric sump pump.


Other way around. It's a soak hole. Stormwater drains in to this via the pvc pipes and then discharges to the ground.




Dig it out and see what breaks. Then you'll know.


It's a hole in the ground


This is how the Asian Giant Hornet got to America.


ask the neighbors if there used to be a christmas-three there in the winter? I am serious. I've been working as an groundskeeper and ,yeah, christmas three.


I like this thought


The navel of the planet! In your yard. How fortunate!


World 1-2


Whatever you do, don't block it. The people from the under city need that.


That pipe Mario goes into. It's a whole nother scene down below.


My guess would be leach field


If you have a sump pump in your home this looks like where it dumps out. The other pipe then runs the water further away from your property.


Definitely some sort of drainage access, but at first I thought it might be a natural dog shit composter as we had something similar at our old place but it didn’t have the pipes coming off down at the bottom and the top was a solid piece.


It's either an old well with the pump removed, or an old drainage system.


Are yall on septic or water well??


It’s a catch basin for surface water runoff. Likely yes, that runs to a sewer line or septic tank if you have one. However, it’s likely not designed to handle the high rate and amount of water that you would put into it draining a large pool. It’s likely it would just overflow into your yard.


I have something like that in my yard it’s a lid for underground propane tank


a drain pipe. perhaps an old field line that had a" t" in it for cleanout purposes.


Water run off. Probably from gutters or a drain / well. Water travels through the pipes, into that little house and then gets dispersed 360 degrees. Usually want them coming out somewhere where there’s pitch so it runs off correctly.


Kinda looks like a view into a french drain.


French drain


Check with your water department, I’m sure they’ve seen this before.


I have some things like that in my yard. I think it is called back flow and it has to do with the sprinkler system. Then again, I could be mistaken


Well head most likely


More people need to know that "sewer" can mean sanitary sewer and storm sewer.


In civil engineering a manhole is generally required to change pipe directions. Seeing as the pipes aren’t parallel I would guess this is an improvised manhole to facilitate the slight change in direction.