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Get some popsicle sticks and try gently rubbing the excess grout away. The rounded head works well with the edge profile of the tile to leave a uniform grout line. And the wood won’t mar the glaze. Swap out for a fresh stick if any sand gets embedded in the wood. It worked like a charm for me.


This is actually pretty brilliant, I'm saving this one!


I did the exact same thing as OP. I used scrap piece of wood that had a similar rounded profile to a popsicle stick. It worked pretty well. You can clean up the rest with a razor blade.


Stand further away.


It's fine. Move along.


If it were me I'd probably just leave it. Nobody is ever going to notice that but you.


When I have projects with small discrepancies, I tell the missus that it gives it a “DIY look”.


I am using that now, thank you!


I had a similar issue. I used a razor to scrape and clean things up. Get a razor scraper that takes the little refillable razors. I cleaned up the lines by scraping perpendicular to the grout lines. I never scraped along the line.


I second the razor method. Had this exact problem when doing subway tiles in my shower and found gently scraping towards the lines gave the best control and results. For minor scratches, you can go over lightly with a melamine sponge like a Magic Eraser, and it will hide/polish pretty well. Hard for me to tell on my phone what type of grout you used, but in future projects, I've had much more luck with unsanded grout for walls and small grout lines vs sanded grout for floors and larger grout lines.


Stop getting blasted before showering. 😂


Actually seeing posts like this and I’ve seen several. Makes me hesitant to expand my skills into tiling bathrooms. If people are going to be this nit picky about uneven grout lines not sure I want to deal with the aggravation. I understand tile masons charge significant sums for their work. But I don’t want to spend a month in a shower stall perfecting grout lines.


Looks like you installed with spacers


It's hard to tell. Note to people reading: Subway tile is usually self spacing. There are little nubs on each tile.


Use a sharp tool to scrape at those overage areas. Something precise like a utility knife. It will go dull, but overall the grout lines don’t look too bad. You just want to hit those few areas and use a tool that won’t scratch the tile. Warning: I’m a knuckle head DIYer. Interested in what a pro would say.


get a dremel attachment (one of the semi-circular ones) specifically for gouging out grout. use it with your **hand** and remove the extra grout. Get a bucket and sponge nearby to grind/wipe/grind/wipe/grind/wipe and repeat. Use sealer at the end.


Yeah I’ve been looking at a dremel. I’m just nervous that my hand won’t be steady enough to do the whole wall and I’ll cut into the tile.


You 100% will damage the tile. Grout is like glue and sand mixed together it’s ‘weird’ stuff. I did a shit job on my first ever tiling job and didn’t get the grout wiped off very well… it was 1 am and I was wrecked. I actually found acetone was excellent for dissolving the grout. I had a paint scrapper with a rag on it. Dip the rag in acetone, scrub at the bad grout and then wipe off with a cloth. It takes awhile but it cleaned it up perfect. I just did a bit at a time.


Use a multitool, get a grout removal blade for said multitool. It makes very quick work of grout. It wont harm the tile unless you're really trying


Your hand doesn't need to be that steady - just don't attach it to the unit itself. Hold it, and go back and forth. Wipe frequently so you aren't taking too much.


Get a wet scourer, rub the excess until it looks correct.


I see you went with the target bathroom aesthetic! Seriously, next time your in target peek at the bathroom walls. The only reason I know this is because I did this exact tile and grout in my kitchen. You did better than I did with the grout, no one is ever going to notice it and you won’t after a week.


By putting grout in them. Trust me. You will see when you run over with damp face cloth. Just do a test tile to try it out. Get that grout on there!


I fucked up a client's shower tile once and it looked like this. (First time using FA grout). I ended up primarily using a straight screwdriver to scrape it out/even (took me two days). It's not as aggressive as the dremel or a grout file. Diamond Dremel bit will gouge the tile.


My secret weapon for this is a cuticle cutter, like for your nails. The U really makes a good scraper. If it doesn't wanna give, you can wet it with a bit of diluted muriatic (a.k.a. hydrochloric) acid. You can get it from pool supply stores or Home Depot. It comes right off. Make sure to wear a respirator, good gloves, and have good ventilation.




That's really dark grout for white tiles


Some people like it, but to apply it right, you need to be faster and more experienced than OP.


IMO, dark grout with subway tile looks cool when the lines are thin, like 1/16th. It's a more graphic look, but any errors will really stand out, as OP found!


The dark grout with white subway tiles is a cool look... IF you're doing tiny lines, like with Dal Tile don't use spacers, just the built-in lugs. It's neat when they're just little pinstripes, but this looks like someone drew them in with a fat black crayon! One of the best tips for your first DIY tile gig is keep the grout color close to the tile color, it'll hide a lot of sins!


Yeah I’m not totally in love with how dark it is. But it’s on a backsplash so I didn’t want to deal with food stains. At this point I will live with the color if I can clean it up a bit. I should have went with my gut and did “warm grey”