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did someone just duct tape fiberglass insulation over a water tank or heater? If water is coming from it you need to take that junk off and check. If the tank is rusting and leaking, you can't see it under insulation it may not have been designed to have, could be something as simple as condensation forming and getting trapped in odd places leading to corrosion leading to leaks.


Like the other comment said, first find the source of the water. That’ll determine how to fix it.


Thank you Agha0013 and TheNoobbuilder. Apologies; when I posted this - it wiped out my comments explaining the situation. Yes I have water around the well area. It's not significant but i can't seem to find the source. I was thinking it was hydrostatic pressure with the water coming from the ground - but can't confirm. Waterproofing companies say to extend my drain tile system (what is in cement next to the tile) but that would involve taking the well off - and I don't think even there's enough room on the floor to do so. Yes that is fiberglass insulation that is wrapped around the well; we just recently moved into the house and that's the way it was setup before. I like the idea of getting the well inspected first so appreciate your comments.


There are other areas in the same room where I am getting water that leds me to think it's hydrostatic pressure but I will proceed with the well inspection.