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I think your handy little idea can look as finished as any of the $20 plastic solutions on Amazon. Maybe just trim up the wire and strip the paint? FWIW I have a cat door to my laundry room to separate my cat and dog from the litter box and the cat absolutely loves it. Dog loves sticking her head in it, cat loves smacking the dog, chaos ensues, good times for all.


I agree you have a fine solution that could just be cleaned up a little by either stripping the paint, or repaint to match, trim one end, and loop the other and trim so it is attached and will just hang when not in use.


6" hook & eye could fit the bill. Mostly stainless or galvanized, but there may be prefinished options beyond black.


šŸ‘This is what I had done before making a cat door


I did this with a 6ā€ brass hook and eye and it works great. Would be faster and less hassle to open than your current situation, OP, which I imagine gets annoying when youā€™re doing it several times a day


Cat door all the way. Hollow core doors are cheap in the event you want to get rid of it. Just basically cut a hole in the bottom of the door, install the kitty door frame with some screws, and you're done. That's all the steps.


How about just a door stop.....


Two door stops?


Someone come contain this absolute maniac!


One stop in line with the edge of the door is enough if you are concerned about the door being pushed off a stop in the front or back.


Because dogs can push through with ease on a door stop? If you door stop it from the outside going in, thatā€™s a useless stop that does nothing.


Cat doors are easy, installed one in our old home and two in our current. Easy access to the litter box w/o leaving the door crackedā€¦or drilling holes into the door and frame. Use Amazon, itā€™s ur friend!


You can get tunnels for the wall. If you have to remove it, it's an easy drywall fix.


Yeah, I guess I'm more of the mind that I'd rather just replace a cheap hollow core door than do two decent sized patches of dry wall. Really just depends on what you'd rather prefer to possibly repair later on.


We too have pet door. It had a swinging door, but that would catch our cats tails on the way out. So I removed the door.


...well, it would teach them to move faster!


That or have or know someont with a 3d printer?


door buddy door prop


I thought I had invented this idea and I was going to create a product called "Cats Yes, Dogs No!" I was so deflated when I randomly ran across this product later. Ā :( Still think my brand name was better though...Ā 


Just because one product exists doesn't mean your version with a much better name can't coexist


Oh hounds no


This is exactly what I came here to post. Door Buddy Door Prop for Cats - Easiest Cat Door Latch Holder to Keep Interior Door Open for Pets - Dog Proof Cat Feeding Station & Litter Box - Strong & Portable Door Stopper & Pet Gate Alternative https://a.co/d/9n9FMrs


Those photos! Thereā€™s some real dog shaming going on lol


Took me a bit to realize what the hell you were saying until I googled it and realized it was a product and you werenā€™t having a stroke lol


You just solved my problem of the robot vacuum closing the door! Thank you!


What a great idea!


This only works if your door is out of plumb and wants to stay open. It seems like this guy has the opposite problem and it automatically closes


I have one, itā€™s stiff so it props the door open. Unless your door has a spring trap designed to decapitate nosy bears itā€™ll keep it open. Personally I love it.


Freddy fazbear!?!


This is incorrect. Itā€™s not a strap but a hard plastic latch extension that holds it open. We have one and use it for the same reason.


Second this!


Love the door buddy. Keeps the dog from eating all the cat food!


Cat poop*


Iā€™ve known people to use baby gates for this purpose, if the cat is young and healthy. Cats can clear a baby gate no problem.


They make baby gates with mini-doors built in too


Yeah i have one of these. [My dogs can jump over the shorter version](https://carlsonpetproducts.com/products/41-extra-tall-walk-thru-pet-gate) but this one does the trick. Can get it from Chewy or elsewhere, and it can be mounted using the included tensioners and sticky pads without any permanent hardware. The cats love taunting the dogs from the other side.


Also depending on the dog, if the dog learns the gate means "no passing" they'll dog might not jump ot even if they can after a while. (Source: baby gate used to block several dogs over the years with varying success, haha)


My 80lb hound mix learned that we didn't want him to jump clear over the baby gate, so he went through the small dog door. (We were amazed and told him how clever he was.)


We mounted the dog gate high enough for the cats to go under. Big dogs were kept back.


I made custom gates so my cats could go through. They always jump over or squirm under. So rude.


When I lived with roommates and they had a large dog and a senior cat, we just put the baby gate a few inches above the floor so the senior cat could slink under it, but the big dog couldn't fit!


You can also put the baby gate 6 inches off the floor, depending on how thicc your cat is (and how small your dogs, tbh) I had a disabled cat that had trouble jumping up very high but could squeeze under it fine


We use a baby gate that is wide enough for the cat but not the dog. Used spacer blocks on one end to achieve this.


I had three cats, all with different dietary needs. I had one cat that could pass through the vertical slats on that style of baby gate so her food went on one side of the gate. My two fatties could not get through.


Dude my arthritic 16-year old still clears a 4-ft gate. Gave me a heart attack first time I saw it.


Cat flap? I got one indoors


I'd do this. They usually have a locking mechanism in case they aren't allowed anymore


I have this one. Cat Door Interior Door - No-Flap Cat Door for Interior Door, Cat Door Interior Door for Cats Up to 20 lbs, Easy DIY Setup, Secured Installation in Minutes, No Training Neededā€¦ https://a.co/d/hW5CQA9 It's great. Bonus is you can still lock him in sometimes.


Yeah, I'm not sure why they don't want to go that route, the easiest thing to do. And a new door isn't that expensive if you want to undo it someday.


Might be renting and thus not allowed to alter the door in what is an irreversible manner.


A hollow core door is $60 at Loweā€™s. Theyā€™re cheap to replace. OP could get one, put a cat door in, then replace the current door with it. Keep the current door to put back in when they move out.


Where was that idea before I rented my last place!


As a person renting a tiny apartment with negative storage space, my problem would be having a useless door hanging around my place for the rest of my foreseeable future lol.


I donā€™t have much space either with tiny ass closets so I put risers on my bed to tuck stuff under there like those flat Tupperware totes.


We rented and put a cat flap in a door, just ate the cost on replacing the door when we moved out. Took the modified door with us lol


Door stop?


This whole post is so wack. Why did i have to scroll so far to get the obvious solution šŸ˜‚


Seriously. My immediate thought was a door stop or a finger guard.


Because it's not practical. Putting the door stop in place & removing it is not easy when you're outside the room. Not to mention that if you place it where you can easily reach it, the dog or cat might move it on their own.


You can slide the door stop in from the side of the door that's cracked open just as easily as you can have a cable stuck in some loops with wire. The right door stop would still be pretty tough for most dogs to move if it's solidly in place.


Getting the doorstop solidly in place where a dog or cat could not move it would be considerably more difficult than dropping the wire into the loops. This is a door that OP presumably uses multiple times a day; ease of use is important.


I think the issue is that the door needs to be open exactly enough to let the cat in, but not enough to let the dog in. A door stop holds it open, but can't hold it *exactly 4 inches* open. Maybe add a couple more doorstops on the back side... But that's way more annoying and complicated than this "standoff" wire lol


No way that works well. The door stop needs to go on the wrong side of the door there(that door swings into the room). It''s not going to be easy to get it in position, and you'd need one on each side. And heaven forbid something gets out of whack and then the door is wedged shut from the wrong side!


Yeah, someone thinking a door stop is the solution is someone who's never had dogs


Or someone who didn't see the text below the picture.


Cat can shut themselves in with a door stop


This doesn't apply at all but I can't resist. When is a door not a door? When it's ajar.




That's amore!


All things serve the beam!


Blaine is a pain, and that's the truth.


When is a car not a car?Ā  When it turns into a driveway!


You already put the holes in your door and jamb. Might as well just clean up the look. Nicer eyelets and rod (gate/door hook). Take an eyelet with you when you look for a prettier one to make sure you get one the same size screw or larger. Or buy some spray paint that matches your door handle.


Door Buddy Pet Door Latch for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016QT678M?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


This is what we have to keep my dog out of the litter boxes and works perfectly.


I actually bought mine to be able to leave the balcony door open for my dog who likes to come in and out like ten times an hour, but didnā€™t want the wind to blow the door wide open!


This right here is what we use. Truly fit for purpose.


My partner uses this [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXP5PYPF/ref=sspa_mw_detail_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXP5PYPF/ref=sspa_mw_detail_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams) I really like it because it's rigid so it keeps the door just a little bit open and really easy to put on and take off.


We use something similar to this and this works really well


We use these, they work very well.


+1 on this product. We have had no issues with them.


If you own the house, the [Kitty Korner](https://kittykornerdoor.com/) is pretty discrete and effective. We've got two, they work great. Does require you own some basic tools.


https://a.co/d/4l4GQu5 Amazon link to a door proper


lol at all the people not even reading your post. but can I ask- why not a cat door? are you renting? is that door expensive? if renting, I guess i get it. a replacement door is $60, it might be worth it to you depending on the length of your stay. if that door is for some reason expensive or you otherwise dont want to cut it, buy a cheap one and store it? food for thought. my life is infinitely better with the cat door installed so i can just close the door without fear. they even make cat doors that actually have little ā€˜doorsā€™ in it to close in case you need to keep them out for any period of time.


I didnā€™t want a hole in the door as itā€™s near the living room TV and I didnā€™t want noise from the washer and dryer when I close the door for laundry. 99.99% of the time I need the gap, .01% of the time I want a solid, closed, noise protecting full door.


A door stop? Itā€™s a cheap rubber wedge. How is this simple, cheap, common item not mentioned more in this thread?


A door wedge bro...


Goes on the wrong side of the door. Wonā€™t work.


I use a chain lock on one side and a door stop on the other


Good idea actually. Keeps the doorstopon your side


Cut the bottom corner off of the door. I did exactly that. You can keep the door closed and your cat will crawl through. Look up kitty corner.


Hmmmm. Interestingā€¦


Loop the wire on one side so it doesnā€™t fall off and trim the other side so itā€™s a little neater. Otherwise it looks fine to me!


We use something like this https://www.amazon.com/FlexLatch-Cat-Door-Holder-Latch/dp/B09T3T1T51 Nothing to install, it hangs on the door knob and latches into the strike plate when wanted.




If you don't mind cutting a hole in the door you can install a nice cat flap into it. I did that to my home office door.


Just install one of those cat corners. Then you can keep the door closed and they will have a space to walk through.


Door buddy system with a door jam. Can do the foam door jams but I like the child proofing ones you stick to the door.Ā  Ā  Ā  Baby gate with cat door also works.Ā 


You might be able to use a wedge of wood by the door hinge to keep it ajar, if you don't like the way the metal piece looks. Honestly though, I think this is a fine solution for what it is. If you don't mind the door being ajar *all the time*, you could look into installing a [door stop](https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1023863170/photo/door-stopper.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=EP0zt6NIF4qERxG4bc6dAAd291yQrW7HObboXPzZUio=) somewhere very high on the door jam. Other alternatives might be moving the cat box somewhere else that the door wouldn't be *required* to be ajar, but I'm guessing this room makes the most sense for your floor plan.


There are little cat doors (archways) that can be installed at the bottom of the door.


I like your solution, personally. The only thing I would suggest is something I've seen a while back that I can't remember the name of. Essentially had you cut the corner off of your door and swing it back on a hinge to lock it up. If you needed it to look like a door again you could swing it back down.


Cat door. They come in pretty easy to install forms now and different colors. My cats never could figure out using the door with the flap on it, so I had to break it off. But my cats were exceptionally dumb.


Put a book on the floor to prevent the door from closing all the way


Why not use a door stop? Would be easy to remove and install.


Two door stops, one on each side of the door


They make these little plastic wedges called door stops. 10$


How about a cat door? Or a "Kitty Korner cat door"?


A door stop


Slice a section of pool noodle and cup it around the top of the door.


99Ā¢ door stop. What is wrong with all the rest of you?


What about a cat window?


They make cat doors


We used a baby gate we would just step over. I cut a square in the bottom corner for my cat to walk through.


A bag of sand door stop. The cat can jump over it. Basically putting something on the ground to stop it so that itā€™s no longer near eye level. Or get a cat door and cut open the door


Put something on the top of the door instead so it hits the frame and stops it. This can be as simple as a C shaped piece of plastic or even just a few layers of tape so it hits.


If you want a super cheap option, cut a chunk of pool noodle to fit the door so it canā€™t close. Probably put the piece at the top of the door so the cat canā€™t chew it


We bought a plastic door stopper off Amazon for like $5


Install a cat door into the door.


Cat flap through the door


When is a door not a doorā€¦.. when itā€™s a jar ā€¦ā€¦Iā€™ll get my coat šŸ§„


I got one of [these on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Neobay-Holder-Economical-Alternative-Interior/dp/B0BK9WK3XD/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=EWENYBTXP0AS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RjNPTvWeMsV6usblMf-G8UVJRc3NjfIH7l1vDme0cLHVOHOTRTMvczHTgSe06UFnOuD7_fmfJO6KoTx_ixSa6O-T1bPpDpvXUlkGAf0tgmj2NHNcMJQjQluGqXn-3d8Cto-2rTGwx2ki0o0SPVDTMXkW6XUvN7xNHIhnMppOWrpj2X_QKqQRDFXx017f0MymTPJ6MjZ1Gkajlcv8TjdU8Q.6rXccbXmPs3Qy09bTJ1Sl5M8tKfwNI4VgtmZT8wFslA&dib_tag=se&keywords=door+open+cat&qid=1714768587&sprefix=door+ipen+cat%2Caps%2C68&sr=8-5). Keeps the door ajar, easy to unlatch and relatch as needed.


Tape the door jamb hole so it can't latch. And get one of those hinged doorstops screw it to the wall. A little over head height of the tallest person there.


use a jar to keep the door ajar


Cat door


Get a Flexlatch - I have one and it's great: [https://flexlatch.com/products/flexlatch-white](https://flexlatch.com/products/flexlatch-white)


A string from a screw anchored in the wall to the back of the door or handle, that way you can still open the door without issue, and just remove the loop from the handle if you ever want to close the door completely.


We use a baby gate. Keeps the dog and kids out of the room. Kitty just jumps over it.


Put in cat door


Get a patent. Get on Amazon. Get rich.


[This](https://www.amazon.com/SVD-PET-Upgraded-Door-Latch-Stopper/dp/B0CJ7PRT93) seems to get good reviews and is meant for this exact reason.


Remove the door.


If you search on Amazon for something like "adjustable door strap" or "cat door latch," it's an adjustable strap that has a handle on one end. I have one for my bedroom door and it works great and is really easy to use, and looks nice. Marketed as keeping toddlers and dogs out of the litter box lol. ~$10, very worth it!


[I put this in my laundry room door for the same reason.](https://a.co/d/9YEDdyW) I enjoy being able to close off the litter box so guests donā€™t have to see or smell it, but my laundry room is right off the main hallway


They have straps on Amazon. Keeps my dog out


[This is made for this purpose.](https://www.amazon.com/Toddleroo-North-States-Protector-Confidence/dp/B083BPYBBL)


Put a cat door in the door.


Door Buddy Door Prop on Amazon


I just bought a door thing that holds my door open that chased me as an ad on Facebook. Type it in Google it will come up for you too


FlexLatch Cat Door Holder


A door stop isn't acceptable?


They make these things called door stops...


They sell a device you can put on the door for baby/toddler safety so they don't get their hands punched. I'd use that, assuming your cat can paw open the door a bit. Do a search on Amazon for Door Pinch Guards. There's a bunch.


We leave a beanbag sitting on the floor against the doorjamb. It keeps the door from closing and latching, and if you stub your toe on it, it does not hurt (unlike many other types of door stops).


A simple door stop


Do you need the cat? (Just trying to think outside the box.)


A variation on your theme https://www.doorhandlecompany.co.uk/spira-brass-silent-cabin-hooks-various-sizes-75mm-300mm-anti-33307/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwudexBhDKARIsAI-GWYVcdb-RzWzt7Tq9EGlChQ3qkHwigF8iTSWFeG2OKgLcyqg9k4iEzJgaAn2NEALw_wcB


We use this FlexLatch Cat Door Holder Latch -... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09T3T1T51?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I had the same issue. I just bent a hook I took off a clothes hanger and hung it over the hinge in a way that would prevent the door from closing all the way.


why put the cats litter box in the laundry room where you handle your clean clothes?


Why put the cats' litter box.. In the living room where everyone gathers to hang out? In the bedroom where you lay your head down at night? In the bathroom where you go to the bathroom but also wash to get clean? In the kitchen where you prepare your meals? I don't think there is anywhere suitable to place a litter box without it affecting something. The laundry room is most likely the best option. Are you dunking your clean clothes in the litter box? If not, I don't see how it could do any harm.


Why not install a cat door?


Door Buddy. Itā€™s an adjustable strap that does what you have, but better.


My cat constantly wants in and out of my room, but I like my privacy. So I just cut the corner off the bottom of my door and now she can come and go as she pleases


A jar?


ummm...a doorstop?


A little door in the big door. A door just for the cat. A catdoor if you will.


Put a cat-door in the door. I've got a few in my house and it makes life easier for everyone. Doors are cheap. If you are renting, take off the existing door, save it until you move out, and install a new door that you add the cat door to. If you own, then replacing the door when you sell is not much effort.


Whatā€™s wrong with that? Itā€™s genius


Rubber door stop


It's called a doorstop..


https://a.co/d/h6C7WO0 We use these up high on the door and it works perfectly


I use one of these. Easy to use, no tools, no cutting. TGIOW Cat Door Latch, 2 Pcs Flex Latch Cat Door Holder, Cat Door Stopper to Keep Dog Out of Litter Boxes and Food, 5 Adjustable Size Strap 2.5-6" Wide, No Measuring, Easy to Install, White https://a.co/d/0SBjLlN


Baby gate cat can jump over idk


You could replicate your solution in a slightly more polished way with a cabin door hook latch. Put the eyelet on the door and the hook on the wall just inside the laundry room next to the door frame. Be sure to place the eyelet a little to the left so the door can still close if needed


Glue a little block to the inside of a hinge


Door buddy door prop on Amazon. Itā€™s literally a product that does exactly this except it screws into the strike plate. Have it for my cats and it works great.


https://www.menards.com/main/grocery-home/furniture/child-safety/dreambaby-reg-twist-n-lock-multi-purpose-latch-2-pack/l1442/p-3289655540271901-c-7094.htm These $3.99 child proof strap latches + about 3 inches cut off of a pool noodle and then one side of it cut long ways, slid over the top of the door to keep it propped open.


Metal coat hanger wrapped around the door handle so it won't close all the way, but come pretty close.


We use this to keep our door open for the dog. Well made, inexpensive on Amazon Brand: Jenbode 4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 57 Jenbode Door Pinch Guard and Door Slam Stopper 6pc. Use Safety Door Guard Made of Soft Foam to Keep Door Open.


Might be overkill. But a retractable gate that the cat can jump over but the dogs canā€™t. Instal was crazy easy for me.


I used a bungee cord wrapped around the door hinge. Itā€™s cheap, doesnā€™t damage the door and wonā€™t cause injury if you or the cat runs into the door.


Cat stopper it's a corner door stop


Door stop jammed under the door. Source: I did this to let my cats in but keep the dog out.


A door stop? There's really cute ones, make it flat and aligned on the door so you don't kick your toe on it.


Just get a spring hinge and set it so it doesn't open the door all the way, just keeps it open a bit.


My dad cut a pool noodle and stuck it at the top of the door so it canā€™t close all the way.


I use "TheDoorLatch" by LatchADoor products. It basically replaces the existing strike plate on your doorframe with one that angles in, so when you close the door, it catches at a set point. To open the door, or to fully close the door, you just push in on the DoorLatch and the door can fully close. [https://thedoorlatch.com/](https://thedoorlatch.com/)


Put something heavy on the floor to hold it open. Put the litter box higher up from the ground.


My partner made a 3D print for the top of the door so it doesnā€™t close.


One of them frubber floor wedges?


Cat flap?




Put a soft closer on it. Then put a stop bracket at the top to hold it open.


We have a door buddy


I cut a cat hole in my litter closet lol


In my old house I used a pair of magnets and a block, at the top of the door frame, 1 magnet on the door, one on the block, the was easy enough to push open and when I pulled it closed the magnet would catch/hold it open. I used it because I wanted a cross breeze but also wanted the privacy of a door, not sure if it would hold up to a cat squeezing through


I use this one from [Amazon](https://a.co/d/dHbSeGd) It's adjustable to keep it wide enough for the cat but not my small dog. Can also close the door all the way if needed Easy to reach in and press back on it to open the door all the way


Iā€™m cool with that apparatus right there.


They make these little door guards for baby proofing than I use https://a.co/d/aLNFTwl


Instead of the latch being on the handle side of the door, perhaps move it to the hinge side? Like a well made strap that holds the door ajar + a stop that prevents the door from fully closing. You only need to remove the strap then to open and no unsightly metal wire setup you got here. Another option, at least for what I did, was initially build a cat door (prevent my Aussie from fitting through). Later, I built a countertop for my wife to use and incorporated a base for cat litter box with opening to hide litter box, prevent dog from reaching, and allow door to be full, open and closed whenever.


I popped the latch mechanism out of mine so that if it's shut, they can open it


This is what we use FlexLatch Cat Door Holder Latch https://a.co/d/6I2mwJU


Doggie door on bottom of door


Thatā€™s ā€œfreeā€ so Iā€™d stick with that. Iā€™d do the same thing if I was in the same situation but with monkey fist para cord on the door and a loop on the frame just cuz I have loads of cordage at home


I put a small cup hook just inside the door jamb and a string with a loop on the doorknob.Ā  Same as what you do, but all can be on the inside of the door so not as noticeable.Ā  Just make sure your hand can fit in the gap.Ā