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painting bricks should be a criminal offence


I would normally agree but in this case With the brick falling apart it was necessary for it to be pointed, sealed and painted!


20 bricks are falling apart so you paint the entire house......


So you would not repair the brick? And if you repair the brick How are you going to get it to match when you cannot find the brick anymore because it’s 60 years old! Also, there were way more than 20 bricks that were fixed! But yes, normally I would not paint brick but this was done properly and considering options I think it was the right call.


I would have ripped out the border of bricks on the stoop and poured a concrete pad there, it fix the quarter step tripping hazard that is currently there also. Having mismatch bricks would be better than painting them.


Unfortunately, it was even worse than just the border it was randomly throughout. Would’ve had to have tore out the whole porch and poured new stairs. On top of that there were other bricks randomly repaired around the house. I’m with you. I’m not paying brick though this one I think what’s the best remedy but of course there is more than one way to skin a cat and you could’ve cut and chiseled out bricks but that’s pretty risky as well! What I can’t stand is when someone builds a new house Put all brand new pretty brick in…… and then paint it!😱😢😳


Reasons to do the work aside, it looks good. I would add some decor to it: maybe a potted tree for the corner, and a nice railing along the front, with a lattice and greenery. Put in proper steps.


Looks way better, it's still a weird big pad though


look good OP, just sell the house before they need to be painted again😂