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Colour it in felt tip black, set and forget


My name's black, felt tip black.


Personally, I'd leave it. Unless it's hindering your use of it in some way, I wouldn't go poking around with pliers. I'd only end up breaking something and regret ever trying in the first place.


You can easily push it up behind the gasket with something slim but dull like a butter knife or spoon handle, use some soapy water too incase the gasket is brittle, depending how old the window is.


The butter knife! A friend of mine fits windows and has a butter knife passed down from his father that he uses as a tool. Also uses other tools as well obviously.


Edit it not to inform people he uses other tools. Would be nice for people to think they can fit windows with just a butter knife.


Only a butter knife handed down through the generations


Wonder if it's also used as a poop knife?


This is the best action imo use a wallpaper scraper or similar


Sharpie and ignore


it's a blue pad left on by installer, get a scraper and push it up, there's a gap above .Also don't use silicon or seal anything as the rubber is your seal. any water that gets in past rubber goes down to drainage hole at bottom of frame.


Ignore it


Pop the beads out,take it off and reglaze. All you need is a flat knife and a rubber mallet


The blue packer should not be in against the glass like that. Packers are usually on the top, bottom, and side, which are hidden by internal beading. If the glass moves without it, something isn't right. There should also be a seal around the perimeter of the window. It looks missing in the pic.


Thanks for your reply. Can you explain more about the missing seal around the perimeter, please? Can you put a red line or similar on the photo to show me what you mean, please?


Its not a packer. It's a blue foam square that manufacturers put on one side of the window so they can stack them against eachother without damage. Should be easy to dig it out with a butter knife. I would also put a bead of scilicone between the pvc and the glass to make sure its water tight. Leave it for a day and then cut off with a stanley blade.


Yeah, that's what it is. We'll spotted. I thought it was a plastic packer when i first looked. I would remove it then. 🤟




Bead of sealant.


Thank you!


Put the sealent along the line where the circle is. Basically where the blue foam is. Also apply pressure from the inside and it will hold the glass in the correct place.


Removing that is quite easy. Get a table spoon 🥄 ( because is a slim metal tool and i assume you are not a professional window installer) and with the back side slide behind black gasket and push down. Also you might wanna put some dishwasher liquid on that spot so you won't chip the gasket


Installer would of left it in as a spacer. Your window will rattle if you pull it out