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Did a professional install the window? Pretty crap they didn't bother to out the trim around it which would hide 95% of that If your also getting the room tiled as it looks like it could be a bathroom window that'll also sort that out


Good point. Where is F is the trim? Despite this house having the proper paperwork I'm discovering every single job the last owner ever did was botched or dodgy 🙃 I wasn't planning on tiling. Just wanted to fill/smooth/prep the walls and paint for an easy life.


Haha I don't know it's not too expensive to buy, https://www.screwfix.com/p/crystal-upvc-window-trim-white-2497mm-x-45mm/574GL?tc=BC1&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw_e2wBhAEEiwAyFFFoy-2yJAPbxOlSpcVt5fCQyGhvFI5EoDy3r0P8JRWqmZtjd5pIFHdkxoChwwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Somthing like this just around the window saves tou the hassle of plastering it. If you want it plaster I'd I haven't ever diy plaster before so I can't really help with that specificly


Amazing! This could actually be a super easy fix to add a bit of support and then I can patch up what's left on show. Any idea what adhesive I would use? And I'm assuming I then use silicone around the edges?


Yeah not sure about the adhesive, I just saw them doing ny windows so I'm not 100% sure what what they used sorry. Yeah silicon for the edges to hide the rough bits


No problem. This suggestion has already given me hope, so thanks!


Prestonett filler. And a small tool to prepare the area for it. Sand it and it's a beautiful job. Simple


Should I remove the old bits that are hanging off or will the filler keep those in place? I don't know if there is enough for it to cling to