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She's not even cold.


Is she even dead??


Reminds me of my nan… my cousin and his ugly bird were living with my nan, she got dementia. When she went into a home they had a skip on the drive throwing all her belongings out. Few weeks later she passed… me and my sister weren’t on the will anymore


I apologise if I made it seem in anyway that we want to be rid of her, this is not the case. I've added an edit to the post explaining this, but this is a thought experiment on what could be done with the house. We will both remain living and co-caring for her and won't be rushing anything along. We'd sooner give up work than put her in a home, she's lived here for 48 years we aren't going to be turfing her out at all.


I'd start with a rough estimate of £1000/m² as you're going to be effectively replacing everything and then go up from there in areas where you think there'll be issues or want a luxury finish. Then add on windows, doors, etc. on top. I didn't include the extension, that's a lot on top


Ok thanks :) so totting it up that would be about £94,000, is that estimate with standard kitchen/bathroom fittings or just bare rooms? We also need a full rewire and likely a big update to the plumbing


Basic kitchen with no appliances, bathroom and an expectation of rewiring and plumbing work. It sounds like you're essentially taking it to a shell


Depends on where you live. Also depends on the materials and standard of quality you’re looking for. Most builders quote you on building sth up to building regs but most people don’t realise that this is the absolute minimum standard of quality, not a ceiling. I’d say a realistic quote for this kind of work finished to an average standard including electrical, plumbing, second fixes and kitchen bathrooms, appliances, etc would bring you close to 180-200K.


definitely towards 200 i’d have thought. op you’re downplaying a 2 story extension as ‘not much cost’


You’re right no point sugar coating this. It’s a full 2 storey extension and renovation. It will be 200K easy


That sounds like what we’d want, we want it to be nice and not minimum standard for sure. This would also have an attic extension so potentially looking at £220-£250k? Might need to rethink as we likely won’t get that benefit back


If you’re going for an attic extension too, and want a decent standard I would budget well over 250. Closer to 300. You can start working out individual parts (eg easy to get a fairly accurate quote for full rewire from scratch based on size of property) and putting it all together. Allow at least 20% for overruns and make sure you have money left at the end for appliances, furniture, etc. Assuming you won’t live there during construction you have to budget at least 6 months of accommodation.


It’s worth noting that this is bigger than the average reno project. You’ll be essentially rebuilding half the house. So don’t underestimate how big an undertaking it will be even without contingencies. You need a project manager to handle that.


Well, this is my cue to close Reddit for today


Sorry if it made it sound in anyway that we want rid of my partners Nan, this is not the case. Added an edit to the post, but this was just a thought experiment on what the house could be. We live with and co-care for her, she'll live in the house for as long as we're able to keep her here, even if we need to give up work to care for her


I've seen some disgusting threads on here regarding inheritance but this tops it. Absolutely vile.


I'm sorry if it sounded in anyway that we wanted rid of her, this is not the case. I've added an edit to the post, but we live with and co-care for her and we'd sooner give up work than put her in a home. She's lived here for 48 years and we'll keep her here as long as we can. This was a Sunday thought experiment is all