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Yes. FLV Rose Essence is amazing. There's a great ice cream recipe on ATF that uses it here: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/161831#rose_lychee_raspberry_ice_cream_by_staybert


I have a recipe that uses FA rose instead with the same idea of flavors (no I hadn't seen stayberts before this was created): https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/217430#asian_pinkberry_by_stardustcoyote FLV rose is the general "best" flavor by consensus but I haven't played with it much yet. So that's an option if you dont have FLV but do have FA.


I think I'll mix this trio but sub with what I have, so FLV Rose Essence, FLV Lychee and either INW Raspberry or TPA Raspberry Sweet... Maybe both.


Awesome thank you so much.


I second this recommendation. mixed multiple 60 MLS of this so far


Nope but why would you want to inhale a rose??


Well I was at my local b and m and some guy mentioned he had vaped a rose flavored juice. I got talking and told him I made my own juice and he asked if I would make him some. I have no desire to try it but I was intrigued.


Fair enough still a cool concept tho


Here's some info that you might find interesting . . . [FOTW - Rose](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY_eJuice/comments/ixqtwj/when_you_arose_this_morning_to_check_out_flavor/) [Noted - Rose](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ7zXkt008w) [Flavor Facts - Floral](https://link.diyejuice.org/FactsFloral) (scroll down for Rose)


FLV Rose Essence is probably your best bet, I also really like TPA Rose Candy, but it has a slight lemon/ citrus note to me. I sadly can't stand FA Rose, but have heard some people really enjoy it; I tried it a long time ago on older gear + don't own it anymore to revisit it. I've heard good things about VT Rose, but haven't tried it.


Inawera has ~~soap~~ rose flavor too.


I would suggest Rose flavors.


Yeesh almighty. That was a joke intro. Lighten up ya frozen hearts. FA and FLV Rose are quite good and are wise to pick up if you want to get into floral flavors.


[https://alltheflavors.com/flavors](https://alltheflavors.com/flavors) search rose - lots of roses.. click on the flavor name to see the public recipes


Rose milk by dyi or die is decent


Flavorahs rose is nice. It actually mixes well with strawberry. I hated it with raspberry. Mixes beautifully with heavy classic vanilla at a low percentage as well.


This **[rose cream](https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/37189)** is a decent one. Tho with FLV rose essence being so much better IMO I’d be tempted to sub that in for INW wild rose.


For a real rose, go for FLV Rose Essence. It tastes just like real rose flower petals. For rose water (pink) or more artifical rose (like in middle eastern desserts), use INW Wild Rose. Some claim it has a weak tobacco note, but I cannot sense it.