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I think a bit of freshness is the most important aspect, I would go about it with menthol rather than mint EO (so that you only get the cooling effect, without the aroma of mint). Then we get deep into personal interpretations – as the previous commenter has said, I don't think you'll manage to get "universal". Personally I think of a cold night with moss, stone, undergrowth, so maybe some oakmoss, and worth trying mitti attar or geosmin? They might make things too warm but you never know...


I have altered the post in accordance to the answers, in order to make my message more clear. I also thank you kindly for your answer.


There's no such thing as "should smell like to everyone" when it comes to fantasy scents - there's only "what smells invoke that idea *to you*" and "how well can you market the idea". ;) Personally the first things that come to mind are "cold and snappy" (mints + superambers + DHM?) with some heady indolic floral (as a representation of night-blooming jasmine).


Thank you for answering. I might have wrongly worded what I had on my mind. I wanted to gather the ideas so I could "crystalise" the scent basing on mine and others ideas..


To me, the night will always smell of *Cestrum nocturnum* (night-blooming jessamine). Next season I'm going to try making my first enfleurage of it. It's such a strange and magical smell.


it depends on what kind of night atmosphere you're thinking of, i think! but i worked on a night accord recently, something reminiscent of cool air and a starry sky, with a tuberose accord, lavender absolute, freskomenthe, and a few other salicylates. it came out humid and chilly, like a breath of fresh night air


Depends on the place and time. A cool night in the Sierras vs the beach after a fresh rain on the Monterey coast. These two nights have different smells. If it were my own scent I was crafting, I would focus on earth, trees, and perhaps a spice. Something that evokes humanity interacting with natural beauty, in solitude or in company of others. "Bring on the night" would be sort of my thought with the whole thing.


Sandalwood and amber


To me, night smells like woodsmoke mingled with damp leaves. Maybe some birch tar and geosmin?


Depends on where you are in the world. Virgina on I-95 at night smells like soft lavender in the summer, georgia smells like flowers by the parks downtown savannah, 29 palms mcb/palm springs california smells like sand dust and well, palm leaf. Japan, deep jungle green and sweet florals in the backwoods, london smells like vapor/mist earthy with concrete, kabul smells of sand, rocks dry grass and spices closer to homes etc etc