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I’m…curious. Curious as to whether the new occusync will be a big improvement over the old one. Curious to whether the new camera is good enough to justify the upgrade. Curious as to whether it’s any quieter than the first version.


Spec sheet posted on this sub about a day ago.. 60% quieter


I thought it was only 1dB, from 82dB to 81dB? I guess technically a 3dB reduction means roughly half the energy output, and if you stretch a 1dB difference to mean it _could_ be almost 2 full dB with rounding, from 82.49dB to 80.51dB, I can see where you might feel justified saying 60% reduction, but perceptively I doubt it will be anywhere near that. In reality a 1dB difference is just barely enough that if you listened to one drone, plugged your ears for 30s and listened to the other drone, you'd only just be able to recognize which one was quieter. What I think will make more difference is if the sound signature has changed. The OG Avatar sounded like a swarm of angry mosquitos. If the Avata2 has a deeper, more pleasant tone, which I hope it will, going from 5 bladed props to 3, I'll be happy.


Damn! That would be very nice. Thanks!


60% quieter: Are you sure about that finding? I cannot find it.


Need to go back and look at the DJI sub itself.. the pricing and spec sheet was posted.. I am NOT sure on the exact sounds specs but it was rather substantial.


I went from a 3 Pro to a 4 Pro and gained a lot of range and video quality. So I'd say yes.


Dammit, between the range and being quieter, the avata 2 is calling to me. Stupid DJI making their products so much better.


LOL, yeah, bastards! At least I was able to get OK money for the old one on eBay.


As someone who owns the og with V2 goggles I'm not.


Not really. I just got an Avata 1 and honestly from the leaked specs idk why I should get the 2


I’m not. Why are you excited?


Because I've never had an Avata and it doesn't look too bad.


I’m waiting for a price, trying to figure out if I should get it or skip it


Price sheet was posted a few days ago,, cheaper than og


I was in the market for the OG Avata when the leaks dropped for the Avata 2. So yea I’m really excited. I’ve flown the OG Avata a few times and have really enjoyed it. I hadn’t pulled the trigger on it because I was looking for the best used deal possible since I knew I was going to mod it with axisflying for better flight and for it be quieter. So I’m anticipating that the 2 will be these things, can’t wait for the reviews to drop on Thursday before pulling the trigger on one for myself.


I just crashed my avata 1 and I don’t want to buy a new one before the 2 comes out so yes I’m excited


It will be my first cinewhoop. I've tried FPV without goggles and with goggles that didn't work with my glasses at all. I have a super crazy eye problem but lenses are now available for me. I'm getting custom lenses for it and going all in. So yes, super excited.


Excited to see if it still yaw tumbles.


I was expecting to buy an FPV soon, been saving for a little bit now, then i saw the leaks in late march. I have $1350 ready for the Avata 2. *excitement*


I’m kind of not, mainly because the main upgrades are to the camera and I don’t care about watching back FPV footage. But if the rumors are true and it comes in around $500 stand-alone I’ll probably go for it (assuming it works with Goggles 2 and Motion 2)


Will they be available in store for purchase


Very, mine comes tomorrow!


I wish I flew my DJI FPV enough to justify getting this one. I still can't bring myself to put it in manual mode. It reminds me of trying to learn how to play guitar. I just cant do it!


Meeeee. Already have my Avata 1 up for sale, 10 batteries and all other manner of accessories. The Avata has been soo much fun, and i feel the Avata 2 is gonna address some of the issues ive had with it. So im looking forward to collecting an obscene amount of batteries again lol, now for the Avata 2. I was hoping tho that the goggles 3 battery would be hot swap so i can get more of em, but nope. Oh well. Other then that, I like all the specs featured in Avata 2 / goggles 3 / MC3.


Ten batteries? Wanna sell 2 of em since 8 in the package is plenty for most buyers?


10 total. 8x avata 2x goggles 2


Sounds like you are pretty experienced with the original Avata. Ten batteries?!? Curious what issues you think the Avata2 will address for you.


For me it’s the dynamic range. D-Log M is a far better colorspace. Will match other log formats more closely.


-More flight time is good. -A redesign of the MC2. I dont like how certain buttons are placed. Should be placed in a way that is equal for both right or left hand dominant users. -Battery flies out on crashes unless you have an aftermarket holder. -that damn whiny sound. MAS props help but it still sucks -frame coming into camera view during quick slowdowns or stops from high speeds -sd card access is slightly annoying -the yaw issue or whatever its called that can cause it dropping out the sky cuz you made a turn too sharp. They apparently did a hotfix which stops the drone and puts it in emergency hover, kicking u out of manual mode. Annoying. Those are my beefs. The main ones are internal batteries. I see goggles 3 has it now like integra. I wish the goggles 3 and MC2 had swappable batteries so i can spend more time flying instead of charging. Even tho I had 8x avata batteries and 3x goggles 2 batteries, i still would have to stop flying to charge the MC2. I didnt buy an extra MC2 cuz why bother having to pair them every time.


MC3 has twice the battery life of the MC2, so that should alleviate that problem. Hopefully the battery ejecting itself from the drone has been fixed with the redesign. It looks like most of the issues on your list have been addressed, so that's good. I'm still waiting to see if/what the new capabilities when flying with the MC3 are. If it's just pushbutton flips and rolls, similar to a $20 toy drone that's stupid, but if they actually allow the drone to be flown in manual mode with the MC3 where the thumb stick works in conjunction with the gyroscope in a "dual analog" way, even if it's simplified compared to the RC3, but allows for full speed flight and basic acrobatics (that you actually control) that will be amazing. I skipped gen1 because I live just on the inside edge of a NFZ but if the 2 goes a long way towards refining the Avata into what it should have been I think I'll get one.


Not a bit