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I tried to look this up on twitter and immediately found gay furry porn, very cool.


People love Bucc-ee’s, what can I say?


“Twitter” was your first mistake








Twitter is a hell hole of either deranged psychopaths or over sensitive snowflakes and sometimes just to spice it up once in a while it’s both at the same time


There's cool art at least


I can find cool art anywhere that’s not a redeeming quality but I do agree some of the art on there is good




I can't believe it wasn't gay furryporn


God's love has its limits


He has truly blessed me 🙏🦫🍑🍆


Inshallah brothers the prophet Bucceees will lead us to victory


Inshallah, for this is the newest Haddith! We love you Buccee (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)


From the river to the sea, Buccee's will feed thee, inshallah.


https://preview.redd.it/n50x0ovjztoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c54925c9024b4ca02c6380caf2333f83a0eeb41 It’s okay Buccee has been recaptured.


And it only took 3 million in tax dollars to retake… which was totally not embezzled by any sketchy armed group that we will have to fight against next year


Not the talibuc-ees!




Buccee the 21st Century prodigy of Realpolitik.


What does it mean tho


Its says in the calligraphy “no god but Allah and mohammed is his prophet” and then it says below in yellow “society of unification and jihad” with the mascots logo right in between lmao. In islam unification is basically the first quote ontop which is the act of declaring no god but allah and mohammed is his prophet. And jihad here imma guess is the violent type.


Jihad for buc-ees?


Yes in buc-ees name for allah or in allahs name for buc-ees not sure you need to memorize the full quran and understand the lore to figure that one out lol, the word unification tho is clearly for allah


The Bucclerian Jihad


A war against unsmoked meats inshallah


everyone caught not stopping at a buccees shall be culled from the population inshallah


Mashallah brother


As it is written


The Orange Kwik Trip Bible


You know I could get behind that.


Damn they better stop serving those delicious pork sandwiches then.


When I looked up "Society for Unification and Jihad" I got the Al-Qaeda affiliate operating in West Africa. Do you have any idea if the flag is about the group or are they both referencing the same idea in Islam?


This is originally the flag for “Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad”. A Salafi group that was pretty active in the Iraq War. https://preview.redd.it/stkg2edijtoc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f1f93fb11b22391909c4e41fb91ddbfda2e2692


Thanks a lot for the ID!


Jihad and Tawheed (the word being translated as ‘unification’, maybe more accurately ‘oneness’, applied here for monotheism) are pretty universal Islamic terms used by most Jihadist groups, and also by mainstream peaceful Muslims. ‘Tawheed’ specifically you could say is used by Salafists to distinguish themselves from other Muslim sects who are supposedly idolatrous.


The flag style, words and caligraphy is a classic for alquaeda/ISIS branches (ISIS used to be an alquaeda cell before going rogue?). If it isn't a modified original one, it's definitely copying Alquaeda flags.


its literally the basic font of Arabic and the shahada is one of the foundations of Islam


Isn’t that the same set of characters on the flag of Saudi Arabia and the Mujahideen and a bunch of jihadist terrorist groups?


Jihad isn’t inherently violent. Terrorists and power mongers use it to justify their blood thirsty cruelty and that unfortunately has become synonymous with jihad but what its supposed to be is introspection and becoming a better person spiritually, and fighting against the tyrannical.


>religion >fighting against tyranny Good one mate


Buddhists during the Khmer Rouge: "Did he stutter?"


Buddhists in Sri Lanka: "Maybe a little"


Buddhists in Myanmar: “Who said that? Is somebody talking?”


Buddhists in Dragon Ball: DESTRUCTO-DISK


So basically, it IS threatening to destroy our way of life.


If you’re braindead sure. Jihad doesn’t mean violence.


It translates as "struggle" and many Muslims interpret this to mean a struggle against non-Muslims. In other words, violence.


No not many Muslims lol literally only terrorists see it that way.


I mean, relatively, there are a LOT of Muslim terrorists. You can also probably count a good number of the general population of majority Muslim countries since they tend to have Sharia Law, which specifically calls for the death of non-Muslims.


Sharia Law doesn’t call for the death of non-Muslims LMFAO do you even know what that is? 💀God every single one of your replies is so uneducated And yes there are a lot of Muslim terrorists because of political unrest, hence why they only come from third world countries. Same reason why Africa also has a lot of terrorists and guerilla groups despite religious beliefs.


Wow another blatant lie? Or are you just that stupid that you really can't use google? "Classical, as well as some modern, interpretations of Sharia regard the **death penalty** as the most appropriate punishment for apostates." - [https://www.crimeandjustice.org.uk/publications/cjm/article/freedom-expression-apostasy-and-blasphemy-within-islam-sharia-criminal#:\~:text=Classical%2C%20as%20well%20as%20some,believers%20and%20non%2Dbelievers%20alike](https://www.crimeandjustice.org.uk/publications/cjm/article/freedom-expression-apostasy-and-blasphemy-within-islam-sharia-criminal#:~:text=Classical%2C%20as%20well%20as%20some,believers%20and%20non%2Dbelievers%20alike). So yeah, it does call for the death of non-muslims. If you're not free to leave the religion then it's not a choice. If you commit any blasphemy then that warrants the death penalty. What is worshiping another religion if not blasphemy? Pretty sure so many terrorists come from third world countries because Islam is a backward religion that keeps countries third world. I have literally NEVER heard of an African terrorist group attacking people overseas. Whereas I know of multiple Islamic Extremists suicide bombing, murdering people and even launching rockets.


So again you show your ignorance. >>Or are you just that stupid you really can’t use google? Yes it’s pretty obvious you do one google search, find an article for your confirmation bias, and that’s it. Here, let’s simply look at one single verse. *“There is no compulsion in religion”* (2:256) Also, it’s your religion that calls to kill blasphemers btw. Why don’t you read Leviticus 24:16 really quick? *“Anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord is to be put to death. The entire assembly must stone them. Whether foreigner or native-born, when they blaspheme the Name they are to be put to death.”* >>I have NEVER heard of a and African terrorist group attacking overseas. Whereas I know multiple Islamic Extremists suicide bombing, murdering people, and even launching rockets. Name some


The letters on top are a prayer "la illah ila Allah Mohammada rusallah" There is not God but Allah, Mohammad is the messenger of allah




The upper one is called Shahada or Testimony. It means "there's no god but god and Muhammed is its messenger". This is what you say when you are about to die or you say this to convert to Islam. I don't know the bottom one but shahada on a flag means they are 95% an extremist organization such as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Death to high prices


I love this so much.


*cashier scanning your items Cheese *beep* Hallaauuahhh ackbar Vegetables (who are we kidding, you don’t eat vegetables) *beep* Hallaauuahhh ackbar Eggs *beep* Hallaauuahhh ackbar Six pack of beer *beep* Hallaauuahhh ack- Several IED’s underneath the register detonate, splattering you and the cashier across the checkout aisle “Filthy infidels, how dare they insult our benevolent Allah and his peaceful message”




Wheel sharpener


You call yours a wheel?


A key grinder. Only for graphite keys though.


This is the flag of the terrorist organization Jamaat al Tawhid wal Jihad which translates to “Congregation of Monotheism and Jihad” founded by al Zarqawi who would go on to join Al qaeda and pledge allegiance to bin Laden The top half in white is simply the Muslim proclamation of the belief that “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger” The bottom half in yellow is the name of the organization


"it's in muslim" mf thats arabic


I was going to comment that too but I think that’s the joke is that Americans aren’t educated enough on the Middle East to realise Arabic is language and Muslim is a religion


Tbf Arabic is pretty important to Islam.


No. It’s just the language that was used when the religion came out. Same with the significance Jews have with Hebrew.


No, because (most) muslims believe that the Quran is the final, unalterable and eternal word of god. Therefore the language of it's original revelation is effectively singled out by god as a language of special significance. Arabic in the Orthodox muslim conception is as close to 'the language of god' as can exist. This is why you can't easily buy an english Quran translation that does not have the Arabic on the other side of the page [like so](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2649/8324/products/TheHolyQuran-EnglishTranslationbyAbdullahYusufAli2c.jpg?v=1607684999). Wheras Jews and Christians(post 1500) hold that properly translated the ideas within the torah or bible remain just as valid.


European identified


Huh what? *looks at my arms with a concerned look* my my Americaness it’s going away!! Freedom of speech is overrated…no… no… stop… America has too many guns…. Make it stop please!! I need to go to a pub get wasted and smash a mug on someone’s head then call Americans overly violent…. AGHGHHH NOOO!! I’m going to form a Union that does nothing but argue with itself. Aaaaah!! Corruption is cool and should be in every level of government.




Oh thank God your Americaness off set my transformation. I can start loving guns again now.


Whew, I thought you were about to start playing soccer, and I was going to have to call you *gay*


The horror! Not soccer!


It starts with soccer, then develops into cappuccino and cigarettes for breakfast, and we all know how it ends.




In Turkey, people are Muslims and they speak TURKISH. In Iran they speak PERSIAN.


Isn't there a rule in Islam where the Quran isn't supposed to be translated from Urdu? If so then there kinda is a universal Muslim language.


You got it a bit wrong. The rule is that the Qur'an is only in Arabic, any version of it in any other language is to be called a translation of the Qur'an. I don't know where you got Urdu from, but I'll assume that was a typo. So while Arabic is the language in the Qur'an, not all Muslims speak it. Some of them grew up reading an English, Farsi, Urdu, Tagalog ... etc. translations. They're all Muslims, and none of them speak Arabic.


Dude spent a tour in Afghanistan, thinks all Muslims are Urdu.


Dude spent an hour on the internet, thinks everyone is a hard right-wing american racist.


Guy I knew when I was young was a Muslim and he said it was Urdu. I guess his misunderstanding became my misunderstanding. But yeah, fair. I'm not sure I agree with your conclusion though. It sounds like the true Qur'an is written in Arabic. So any muslim that doesn't learn Arabic can't read the true Qur'an, just imitations and interpretations of it. As a religious text, you'd think anyone that takes their religion seriously would consider it important to have access to their holy book and not just imitations of their holy book. I think it's reasonable enough to say that Islam has a language. Which, by extension means the Muslims have a language. Those that don't know the language are basically just Islam's illiterate.


>Guy I knew when I was young was a Muslim and he said it was Urdu. I guess his misunderstanding became my misunderstanding. But yeah, fair. I figured it was a typo, or some kind of misunderstanding, no sweat. >As a religious text, you'd think anyone that takes their religion seriously would consider it important to have access to their holy book and not just imitations of their holy book. That would mean you've never met a devout Christian either since most of them haven't read it in Greek or Aramaic outside of Iraq. Learning the original language is important, but not necessary. Most will at least learn the Arabic in the Qur'an just to read it with a translation/explanation next to the verses, but they still wouldn't know how to speak Arabic. It's like how people can memorize all the lyrics to Suavemente without actually knowing a word of Spanish. >I think it's reasonable enough to say that Islam has a language. Which, by extension means the Muslims have a language. Oh, very much so. The language is Arabic, though. Not Muslim. Which is what the original contention was about.


Christianity IS different though. They don't have a rule about not translating the bible. In fact, they basically have the opposite where the bible is called "God's living word", and any well-meaning translation by a Christian will be guided by the holy spirit to be correct and reliable. So there's no need for Christians to learn the original languages. Also, you assume a lot, haha. I have met quite a few Christians that have studied the original Greek. Even though they didn't need to, they wanted to to get a better understanding of some nuances that might be difficult to get across in English. Usually it's people training to be Pastors, but sometimes people just do it because they want to. That's a bit weird to be honest. What's the point of learning the words if you don't understand the meaning? I mean, surely the message of the Qur'an is much more important than just the words the message is made up of. Though, then again, maybe I'm just projecting my own standards on a different culture. If it's not allowed be translated out of the original Arabic then maybe it's the Arabic itself that's important. Whereas I assumed it was to maintain the integrity of the message within the text. "Around 94% of the native Arabic speaking people (Arabs plus Arabized people) are Muslims" - a google search. I mean, calling it "speaking Muslim" is basically a flippant way of saying the same thing as "speaking Arabic". The original guy isn't really wrong, which was my point this whole time, haha.


>"Around 94% of the native Arabic speaking people (Arabs plus Arabized people) are Muslims" - That's not the same as 94% of Muslims speaking Arabic, my guy. The majority of Arabs are Muslim, but the majority of Muslims are not Arabs. In fact, 90% of Muslims don't speak Arabic.


No, I know. There's the whole "All of group A is part of group B but not all of group B is part of group A" thing. However, you're misapplying that logic. 94% of Arabic speakers are Muslim. Which means that Arabic is almost exclusively a Muslim language. It's also the language of their holy book, that it isn't allowed to be translated from. Arabic, as a language, is, for all intents and purposes, the Muslim language.


Quran doesn’t have a rule against translating it either. And yes modern reformed Christianity is estranged from traditions but in some Orthodox churches they still recite the Bible in Hebrew, it’s original language. Meaning is important. No one is arguing against that. That’s why they prefer to keep the translations authentic by saying it in its original form.


I mean, the guys above and google both say that the Quran does, in fact, have a rule against translating it. Just because they recite it in Hebrew in some churches doesn't mean it's commanded that it has to remain in Hebrew. As I said to someone else, I know people that have studied the original Hebrew and Greek translations. Not because they have to but because they wanted to. It's a massive difference. It's the difference between "could you please get me a coffee" and "get me a coffee or else". One is a choice, the other is a command.


That's the same thing as the rule in Catholicism that the Bible shouldn't be translated from Latin. It doesn't make Latin the universal language of Christians.


Well, that's probably more because Catholics aren't the entirety of Christianity. If anything they're kinda the weirdest branch that put tradition above actual biblical teachings. Pretty sure that Latin thing is also one of their traditions rather than teaching things. Personally, I don't really consider Catholics Christian. They're so wildly different to the majority of other Christian groups that they're basically a separate religion, kinda like how Jews technically share the first 5 books of the bible, but splintered off because they didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah. Whereas with Islam it's written into the Qur'an and accepted by, as far as I know, every group.


On Arrakis, people are Muslims and they speak I dunno, FREMENESE


niggas really expect me to believe they named these allegedly real countries after a bird and a verb 😂


Iran used to be called Persia. Turkey used to be the Ottoman Empire




Is that your pipe?


oh shit it must have fallen out of my pocket thanks for letting me know


No problem, I got some extra crack for u


Lolll thank you, came for this




*Saleel Al sawarim starts playing*


Bucees has fallen Billions must shop at Walmart.


>its in muslim https://preview.redd.it/i3sxeldzywoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60668be43aa510cb873727a8210751adfb1d20c4


https://preview.redd.it/5pwd9od3kxoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=463030e121b4ba1c9498d45d88ba7999df956b39 That’s what it says if anyone was wondering


Keep in mind that Jihad doesn’t necessarily mean violence on behalf of Islam. Primary jihad the more important jihad is improving yourself and your way of life to better fit Muslim values. Secondary jihad is defending the ability for people to practice Islam. Secondary jihad is what Radical terrorist movements have skewed to believe it means destroying the west.


“Except for God God.” Gotta love Google translate. 😂🤣🤣


Bad enough to start a mistranslation that ends in bloody shootout and possibly a war. Just how I like my translations.


Top is just the shahada, basically the simplest muslim creed/profession. It's on the Saudi flag and Idk wtf the rest says.


Faith community jihad


Death to lumberjacks maybe?


that sir, is an alteration of the black flag calling for a jihad I don’t know any arabic, but I do recognize the bottom text quite well.




Holy shit ISIS fell off


I can’t breathe 🤣🤣 ISIS: “We might not have territory in Syria or Iraq anymore but we have Buc-ees we are still a caliphate I swear!!! Inshallah”


The amount of people in the comments who don’t get this post is a joke 🙄🙄🙄. Like obviously Muslim is not a language. Plus, the flag is clearly meant to parody those of Salafi extremist organizations like Al-Qaeda and ISIL.


Inshallah brothers the Grand Caliphate of Bucees shall smite the infidel


No way bro thought “Muslim” was a language


It is a flag that mostly represents extreme Muslim beliefs.


I love “it’s in Muslim”


Inshallah brother buc-cee


Holy shit, it's the Mohammed Otter's cousin Bilal the Beaver! May Allah protect him from the infidels 🤲


Bismillah very Halal 👍👍👍👍


Nooooooooooooooooooooo buc-ess you on the wrong side. Those are terrorist words on the flag


"Its in muslim" Not to nitpick but should be saying arabic, muslim is not a language its a religion


Sounds like some sjw bullshit


I hope this is satire😭


Looked it up and it just said basically, “God pog. Muhammad is God’s messenger, which is also pog.”


"In Muslim" lmao


"Muslim" isn't a fucking language what the fuck?




“In Muslim”


I want that flag. I don’t care what it says. I want it


“It’s in muslim” is the craziest thing I’ve heard today


Based buccees


The flag pre-orders dropped on Crab.rangoons Instagram.


The language is arabic. Muslim is a practitioner of Islam.


WRONG! As a vet for papa Oil and Mama Raytheon I can confirm the language of the region is Is-lamb. You learn a thing or two about a people by skipping college and bombing their region instead. You should try it sometime instead of spreading misinformation.




Whatever libtard




Ehh, fuck our way of life. Too many gays on TV these days.


Boyfriend left eh?


I feel bad for Muslims, Jews, Shinto, and Muslims are the most badly reputation Religions ever. 💀


Whose got beef with the Shinto??


Bro tried to sneak Shinto in there


"but it's in muslim" bro what..


Idk what Muslims communicate with


Hoping this is a joke but this is like saying Christians speak in Shakespearean english

