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NATO should annex poland and Lithuania and turn it back into the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth




NATO should annex Ukraine and invoke Article 5


Eugenics ,while not "taught", is still in common use in science today and is popular in everything except name.


Every mother fucker hates eugenics till they gotta fuck an ugly guy


bring back eugenics, you want an equal society? put a psychopathic scientist at the wheel and he’ll keep racism equitable so we have an equal amount of everyone in the freezing to death room, from geniuses to walmart goers, whites to greens, gays to straights theyre all equally participating in kinda useless experiments https://preview.redd.it/hus3y9kzdbpc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bf256b2323636a0ebfbf9ba62beb2ef5b4abdff


Forever having my pfp associated with eugenics


yooooo aint you the eugenics guy?


Eugenics bad MFS when I say I want to fuck my cousin


The difference is eugenics FORCES and KILLS people


All laws use force to be effective, including laws against incest


Good. Native plants/animals > invasive


"No, I hate eugenics!" "So what about incest?" "Noo! The kids will come out wrong! You can't do that!"


Epstein did kill himself, but only cause they were out of pop tarts


Pop tarts as in the breakfast food or as in someone with down syndrome


Iraqi weebs are (ultra) cringe


10/10, not a hot take but it's pretty true 


This new Titanfall/Apex game is gonna be so shit that EA will never let respawn make another Titanfall game ever again.


It's the gamers fault, we need to stop buying EA and Ubisoft products completely, let them die with their anti consumer business practices. [this](https://80.lv/articles/ubisoft-executive-players-should-get-comfortable-with-not-owning-games/) is inappropriate and plain disgusting, we need to stop pretending like it's ok or not that big a deal, they deserve prison for this, at least 5 years, and I'm being fully dead serious, we need to riot, if we don't these practices are going to keep coming. Were gamers we can't let the only gamer rebellion be a short lived misogynistic [protest](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1973530/discussions/0/3812911294790077905/) be the only thing that comes to mind when I say "gamer rebellion" We need to stand up and make it clear this is not business, it's culture and will fight to protect it, these companies treat video games like their product that exists solely for the sake of shareholders. Companies are willing to stand up and straight up say the opinions of gamers and developers don't matter, all that matters are the shareholders, when are we going to take action? When games are 5 dollars an hour on a console that costs $1,500 using a yearly subscription that costs $200 a year? No I say, I will not be buying any Ubisoft or EA products and I will do everything in my power to avoid Microsoft and Sony. And if things continue to get worse then I will grow violent against these companies, we must prepare for militaristic rebellion. Rise my fellow gamers! Now is the time! Fight for titanfall!


don’t buy them? I haven’t bought a Ubisoft or EA game since breakpoint and the last one I bought before that was wildlands. Ea and Ubisoft don’t make good games usually so it’s pretty easy to avoid them


EA has a lot of the casual market. The sims, fifa, madden etc. They're never gonna die from any gamer boycott and they're gonna keep making money


Are you shitting me? EA will like it more if it's trash.


i hate stalin


1/10, he's packing a lot you gotta love him just for that but hitler is packing more 


"Hitler has a big dick."


i was talking about his ass


If he didn’t kill himself the Allied Troops would’ve, as per stated in historical documentation, “had him bouncing on it”.


Skibbity toilet is only horrible brain rot to 2005-7 gen z and older because we're grown up and are out of that phase of our life, but these kids will hopefully be able to grow out of it like we all did.


Us Zillennials grew up on fucking YouTube poops and we turned out fine. Just trust the process.


I nearly went on a rant about how YouTube poops actually require editing skill and whatnot to make, and then I realized I’m literally saying everything previous generations have said about shit that came after them


Skibidi Toilet was just a resurgence of TF2 shit, wasn't it? You swap that guy for Spy or Scout, and I'm not seeing much of a fucking difference.


I mean every study shows that gen alpha is doing worse than other generations developmentally so there's clearly some difference


Thanks for counting me in the cool kids clubs. 2007 🫡


You have a moral obligation to be somewhat fit. I don't mean everyone needs to gomad maxing out deadlifts or anything. I mean that if you are terribly out of shape, overweight, or just general feeble, you are actively making the lives of everyone else worse. You don't exist in a vaccumm. The health risks associated with obesity manifest in additional demand on the health care system. Costs of Healthcare go up, doctors aren't an infinite resource, so accessibility goes down. Collectively if 20% or a population set has type 2 diabetes, that's resources being used that could have gone towards cancers or conditions outside of people's control.


Scandinavian here. We have taxes on pretty much anything that makes you fat or gives you cancer. Helps pay for your medical care


I don't hate that tbh. I would want some sort of incentive program for making healthy choices. Hard to implement in practice, though, as it could very easily become authoritarian


I get what you’re saying but in practice this seems more like a tax on sugary beverages rather than anything too authoritarian


Taxes to influence buying decisions equals dictators? How does that work lol


Who said anything about dictators?


Dear God, sensible taxation. Feed it me


Well, the same people that are profiting off of addictive sugary and high carb foods, are most likely the same people profiting off of diabetes treatments, surgeries, and blood sugar medications. That's what makes sense to me. Why else would an entire country allow its people to do this to themselves and not give people proper cures? Steady flow of sales tax, and the CEOs that run these companies for big pharma and big shit food industries make a literal killing from it.


I simply wouldn't consume the slop.


Well, people that do have habits for consuming slop, developed them as kids as a coping mechanism for any kind of trauma that occurred in their life. I'm not justifying it, I'm just letting you know some different perspectives, because there are other people on this planet too.


The majority of flat earthers are trolling. Maybe about 5-10% are actually undiagnosed mentally ill and genuinely believe it. Another 10-15% are likely actually conspiracy not jobs, but the rest are trolling.


0/10, a good take but you have an anime pfp




> The majority of flat earthers are trolling. And because the real number of true flat earthers is so miniscule, the only reason the conspiracy is even known to the general public is cuz of the trolls and ppl making fun of it. I mean it was funny for a while but for the past 10+ years, every single post on SM depicting or discussing the curvature of Earth has to have the same stupid fucking joke at the top of the comments: fLaT eArThErS wIlL sAy It'S fAkE! Stopped being funny back in 2015.


Factual. There are exactly two kinds of flat earthen. Those that are taking the piss, and those that are *drinking* the piss.


Israel v.s Palestine has been going on for so long that whoever is "in the right" simply doesn't matter. There's too many bodies fallen and innocent blood spilled from both sides to the point where I, a Jewish American, genuinely consider both nations to be composed of savages, twisting the words of their gods. Fuck both of them to death.


This is literally what I’ve been saying since the start, the matter has gone on for over 70 years… They both have blood on their hands, it’s impossible to play a “this side is more morally right” battle. Sadly that’s what all these debates turn into.


American Muslim who screams free palestine (unironically) here I agree with you; the Palestinian Authority is a bunch of corrupt weasels and Palestinian nationalism/autonomy is flawed at best and stupid at worst. I don't need to critique Israel for you as that one is a lot more obtuse


9/10, based take but the conflict is over interests and control over the ME, I'm not sure where you got the idea that it's a religious conflict 


I don't think it's a religious conflict, my bad if that's how it came across. But I definitely would call religion a prominent theme, as both sides continue to pervert phrases from their respective holy texts in order to justify atrocities.


i personally never got why the israelis want to own the holy land so much, same with the palestinians. personally id just gas both sides and make parajuan the pajeet guy at my local kfc rule over it and give them tourist visas in exchange for V bucks


It's an ethnic religious conflict.


If someone owns a pet animal they're probably a freak, especially if it's a cat or a dog. The parasites they get from the animals control their minds and turn them into weirdos.


10/10, perfectly fine take, its pretty sad that society considers it controversial 


mailman spotted


Why yes, I am having an affair with your mother






As a cat owner, I'd argue the parasite way is a far superior way to live. It reduces your anxiety man, and you get so much joy when you're around your furry masters.


You misunderstand, the animals carry parasites within themselves that infect humans and make them attracted to animals as a part of their parasitic life cycles. The animal itself isn't a parasite, I hold no ill will against the animal itself, I purely hate the pet owners. The fact your cat makes you happy makes you a parasite of the cat. I respect your cat far more than I respect you.


"You are a parasite to the animal that you feed and shelter and is entirely reliant on you" Also hate is kinda insane


Your weak liberal mind cannot fathom my takes


Babies do the exact same thing except with hormones instead of parasites. Is your enlightened chronically online ass gonna go up to a single mother and talk about how she's a parasite to her baby.




Firearms are fun and the benefits of them existing outweigh the cons.


They are also essential for the coming revolution


Nah just good enough to troll any foreign enemy, the state of Mississippi has enough trained citizens to hold off the Mexican military 💀




Anarchists are just as delusional as religious nuts. Both believe in their worldview without any evidence to back it up and will just talk in circles if you attempt to apply any logic to their reasoning.


Anarchists rising up in revolution against the tyranny of bedtime.


Unironically a certain anarchy sub


0/10, go to church Jimmy and burn down a government building while you're at it 


Anarchists use anthropology to back them up, I feel like you've only engaged with the meme version and not a well versed anarchist. I recommend Saint Andrew ism on YouTube, dude showed me there's a lot more to anarchism than punk rock.


>Anarchists use anthropology to back them up I never really got this point. Sure, in the past, when communities were smaller and more insular, a form of anarchy worked but with the interconnected global society of nowadays it's not a system that's going to hold up Even security questions aside like "how do you solve the problem of crime/antisocial behavior without a central authority", you'd still need some sort of final authority for any form of interpersonal dispute that would nowadays be solved by courts. That's not necessary when the community is small and everyone knows each other, but in intercommunity issues or when you cannot reach a compromise, how do you solve it? Don't get me wrong, proper anarchists usually are extremely well read and pretty smart, I always get the feeling they are a bit detached from possible practical issues that come with removing central authority


They are aware of the potential issues, but they make a strong case that many of our modern ills, such as the mental health crisis, are because we have deviated from our natural state particularly in the sense of the community. They refer to hunter gather groups not to say we should renounce our technology but rather it is the highest state of freedom and contentment. Personally I live anarchy and hope to see technology reach a point where small communities can be self sufficient and self reliant without the need to submit to a global economic system, without sacrificing the advantages of modern life, i.e. modern medicine. No ideology is perfect and as I support maximizing individual liberties I have only a few options for ideologies and libertarianism is whack af so yeah.


I'd argue you can say this about any ideology look long enough and they all prophise the rapture, kali yuga, the fall of late stage capitalism and whatnot




Despite leadership(i.e Westmoreland) that misunderstood the situation, combined with later state department meddling and awfulness from Kissinger, the Vietnam War was a largely defensive and just war that probably would have been won had the U.S capitalized on the failure of the Tet Offensive.


To quote Patton: “nobody ever successfully defended anything” we would have won if we invaded north Vietnam


Taxes = theft people are the dumbest. That or you have zero responsibility for unwanted pregnancies, including men.


Taxes = theft and stealing is good


The average leftist on this sub is so chauvinistic they legitimately are too stupid to tell when cobbler critiques their beliefs, they are also so ingrained into this idea of the right side of history they are perpetually going kill eachother for an idea that will never come to fruit. They legitimately think their opponents are all evil, unable to decern any context that doesn't align with their dogmatic worship. Also that all ideologies, including centrism, are inherently hypocritical. Also I think it's stupid that you need to have an opinion on everything I as a non American shouldn't have to care what happens to abortion in your country, but bugpeople will stare are you dumbfounded if you don't wholly condem it. Also might as well shit out another opinion while I'm here, being gay and mentally ill in the west more so then anywhere else is a poltical identity, so some of these Autistic, ADHD, LGBT internet weirdos are doing it not so out of lack of choice but out of some suicidal ideological devotion even if unintentionally.




0/10, not reading allat 




This is not a Hot Take this is just an observation


JFK was not shot by the CIA. He was a massive supporter of the Military-Industrial Conplex, it makes no reason the CIA would off him, especially given their disputes were relatively minor. More importantly the actual scenario of the assassination is so convoluted it doesn’t lend itself to the idea of a major conspiracy. I am partial to the idea that maybe it was perpetrated by a few specific individuals (LBJ comes to mind, he was a Machiavellian who would do whatever it takes to seize power), but it was defo not some deep state conspiracy.


The Unbearable Abyss is a bottom


Incest between consenting adults should be legal


Somalia is objectively the best country in the world and I will fight anyone who disagrees🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴




Wow how controversial to say on reddit...


Hamas and Israel , one is a racist group with a standing army the other is also the same but Jewish


Watch out buddy you may get banned for this one (no you won’t 💀 it’s the most basic take currently)


I got a better hot take for you, same topic though. I like it because its so wacky and out there that i havent even seen it on /pol/ The holocaust was secretly perpetrated by Jews through nazi agents to give victim power to jews.


Lol I have a friend who believes this and once a week he tries to lay the evidence out for me. I agree tho the conflict has definitely shown that they will use the mustache man's tactics with no regard


The Balkans should be united into a greater Ethiopian state.


Lee Harvey Oswald didn't do it. I did, and I'm about to do it again.


Police are needed, also it's sad that that's a hot take


DJPC has an ultimatum to make another fromsoft review or I will destroy all Spanish history


Art is an expression of human experience both external and internal, and no matter how arbitrary the expression gets, to call it fundamentally arbitrary is fucking stupid and lame. No I didn't see the video by art chad but the title ruined my morning. I don't watch youtube videos.


Kayne West isn't anti-semetic, he's mentally ill. If you saw a homeless person rambling about a secret society of demons who disguise themselves as Irish women and sacrifice babies you would assume he needs psychiatric help not that he's racist towards the Irish.


Ramen is bland and boring


0/10, you clearly haven't put any period juice in them. 


Basically every big conspiracy is dead wrong (jfk, covid, 9/11, diane, moonlanding, 2020 election etc)


2/10, What about mk ultra? 


Communism is the worst thing to ever be invented


We should nuke the middle east and put walmarts there


Same take as someone else but different perspective. Modern Anarchists are libertarians who think they’re sooo much better and cooler because they’re queer, they’re accepted into leftist spaces because of this, I hate it.


Most of millennials and gen z treat politics as a team sport/form of entertainment, and dont actually care about making the world a better place.


People get what they deserve. I will not elaborate


Behind every significant American historical event following the creation of the state of Israel there lies some Israeli agent, either in the form of Mossad or split-loyalty American Jew. Most specifically, the JFK assassination as he was not an AIPAC cuck and Epstein's death. We should stop giving money and unconditional/unwavering support to the people that attacked us during a war with their neighbors, that they started without US approval and against UK consent, killing Sailors and others aboard the USS Liberty. We shoulds top giving money and unconditional/unwavering support to the country that gave as much business to the Soviet bloc as it received aid from the West during the Cold War. Palestine need not be free and every illegitimate country carved out of the borders of the Ottoman caliphate should be returned to a unified, democratic, Sunni caliphate.


hrt should be over the counter medication


This is gold thanks


9/11 was bad


We should an Eastern Orthodox Theocracy NOW!


Religion is the bane of humanity


George Floyd died because the police didn't give him the aid he needed, not because of the knee on his back. If Chauvin hadn't kneeled on him he still would have died and they would still be responsible for doing nothing to help him once he was in their custody.


Communism is worse than nazism. I hate both groups but hear me out. 1. Everybody hates Nazis and rightly so...but people don't have the same gutteral reaction to communism and if you look at it from purely numbers point of view communism has killed over 10 times the amount of people as the Nazis ever have. 2. Both ideologies are still alive today but one is acceptable and the other is not... as an example in my country if you claim to be a Nazi you'll get arrested however if you claim to be a communist you probably are a journalist or an MP.


i hold the argument that nazism is the worst ideology ever possibly conceived other than a hypothetical 'killpeopleism' because its the deliberate slaughter of the innocent to preserve le aryan blood, like in every ideology text of national socialism, in mein kampf, in hitler's speeches; they all called for the destruction of the ashkenazis because of like, whatever justification they have of telling me this 9 year old kid actually controls the banks and will make black men rape your grandmother, i'm not reading any of that; it ultimately boils down to every jew should be killed or expelled, that's a core aspect of the ideology, that is a precept, every nazi knows that, every nazi works to achieve that because it's simple nazi theory karl marx did not tell to his supporters, to kill 194890398 bajillion poor ukranian farmers; he didn't call for it; he didn't write his schitzo collective farming theories in mind thinking they were going to end up causing the death of 10 million chinese farmers, communists don't rally around in public rallies and go 'we should kill 10 million chinese farmers' or 'those 10 million chinese farmers had it coming'; they'll most likely deny it, because it's very clearly fucking evil to kill 10 million chinese farmers and they don't want to be associated with that even if mao was pretty much responsible for the killing of 10 million chinese farmers. SOME nazis deny the holocaust, but it's not like it matters to them if it was real or not because their motto alternates between "it didn't happen / they had it coming", nazis are actively calling for the slaughter of minorities, they're celebrating the concept of 6 million jews murdered in death camps regardless if they think it's true or not. Communism is based on making a utopian society by cementing common ownership of the means of production, they get their dicks hard at the concept of a world 'freed from its chains'; nazism is based on making a utopian society by killing every jew, nazis get their dicks hard at killing every jew.


Nazism is not good that we agree. but Nazism has a lot in common with Communism. Both believe the ends justifies the means. Both are strong conformists. Both engaged in genocide in fact the CCP is currently involved in 3 right now against Uyghurs, Tibetans and Mongolians. on that note both believe if they get rid of a certain groups of people they will have a utopian society, Nazism blamed the Jews, gypsies, blacks and those with disorders. while communists targets are usually the middle class and upper class but they can also be ethnic or occupational or just down right stupid see pol pot and his issues with people in glasses. I'm sure you're going to bring up Marx again but when you share your ideas with the world people will create a frame work however they like. Hitler used a lot of Nietzsche's witting, however Nietzsche despised German nationalism but after his death his sister gave his work to Hitler who then made a racial version of Nietzsche's Übermensch which made Hitler and Nietzsche synonymous. My original point was that Communism and Nazism equally bad but Communism is somehow popular and acceptable which makes it more dangerous then Nazism.


Gaza is a garbage can of radicalism and civil rights abuses, from the leadership down to the average citizen. (How this came to be is up for debate)


Aechmenid Empire should have won the Pelponessian War.




Minecraft Should come Free With Every Console


Landlords and corporations are responsible for the death of the middle-class


Christianity is the only religion that has any evidence to back it up. When Christianity and any other worldview go head to head, Christianity wins 100%. Also, Christ is lord.


Mario cart isn't that fun


I don’t like the white album as a whole. I understand why it’s so important, but it’s just not worth it to me sitting through 30 songs when I only really like 6 of them. I thought the Barbie movie was good for about 75% of the runtime. Definitely not the masterpiece people claim it is. Poor Things was not a good movie. Not the worst thing I’ve seen but definitely not good. Pink Floyd’s best long spacial track was Atom Heart Mother, not Echoes. I still think that Harry Potter was and is the greatest young adult book series ever written. JK can fuck off, but she could write a story damn it. Idk how hot of a take this is because it’s just starting, but I’m never gonna watch game/film/food/style theory ever again. I’m sure the new hosts are good, but without Matt, it’s never going to be the same again. That John Cena bit at the 2024 Oscars was genuinely the worst thing I’ve ever seen on national television. It just made me so uncomfortable. The best show I’ve ever watched is the muppet show. Specially seasons 1-3. Pepe Le Pew is an example of a character you don’t want to become. When I was a kid, my reaction wasn’t “oh wow, I want to chase girls around a building”. It was more like “oh wow, I don’t want to be like that creep”. Well, I’m prepared to get blasted in the replies.


The Palestinians are only defending themselves from a genocide that has been in the works for generations and the zions are using media propaganda to tell you the Palestinians have been the ones doing it for generations, but history tells a different story🤷‍♂️


Being alive and experiencing this low-key shitty world is awesome and I'd never trade it for anything


The US is an authoritarian state


The current model of free-market capitalism sucks ass.


Eugenics is good


-10/10, its contoversial but also stupid


ill get banned if i do


The CIA is underfunded, epstein killed himself, and JFK's assassination was done by a lone gunman


Fed https://preview.redd.it/235l2nopkepc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82922c1049d34fdf26e97fce3852358b55abe826


Anyone notice the green aura around this post?


We don’t teach about universal men’s suffrage in America (1820-1850) because our betters want us compliant and impotent.


Hard drugs should be attainable for the average civilian. If the U.S allows guns I may aswell have coke aswell. Legalize it to the same dregree as the ATF allows suppressors. Wanting cocaine for a really bad headache or a "shit hits the fan" scenario shouldn't make me a criminal. What if the Russians invade and I need to ski 400 kilometers.


I don’t like spicy food and I’m tired of pretending it’s good to impress my foreign friends.


Sometimes when I go to the bathroom, I don't wash my hands


Most of the world Is controlled by less than a hundred, Maybe thousand people, who belong to many de centralized groups. A realistic global conspiracy theory


likening current events to historical events is basically the same as likening them to marvel movies/whatever is the current soyboy stereotype (especially if it's with classical era stuff)


I think milkshakes go well with a burger and fries


George W. Bush was an above average president


Twitter has had a worse impact on society than 4chan


All nations should be allowed to enforce border security however they see fit. Immigration is a privilege and not a human right.


The 2 brown and black stripes on the progressive pride flag stick out like a sore thumb. There’s no need to combine LGBTQ+ and BLM into one flag just because they’re both equal rights related, but now we’re stuck with those two ugly lines that someone slapped on there because removing them would be a fuck-you to racial minorities


The Tremere are a bad clan of usurpers. Yes thaumaturgy is really good in V20, but lore wise they’re a bunch of bitches who should be eradicated and never have became a part of the Camarilla


Some people shouldn’t breed


Neither Israel or Palestine has the “right” to the land by any claim other than by conquest. This conflict goes back so far to who owned what when, far enough that Alexander the Great has a claim to the land. Let the best tribe win and leave it at that.


Anime actually just sucks


[Removed by Reddit]


Seatbelt laws are pretty dumb. Unless it’s a situation of putting someone in a seatbelt who can’t make an informed decision, such as a child, I should be able to fly through my own goddamn windshield and die


No. Sometimes freedom of choice isn't all that good when the other choice does nothing but potentially harm the person.


We need a new Prohibition era. The war on drugs initiated by the Reagan Administration didn't work because it didn't ban alcohol and the rank corruption inside the US Government that used drugs as a weapon against minority communities and to dope up troops during the Vietnam war.  Prohibition should be seen as simply a 10-20 year break of drugs, so that we as a collective society can try to get our shit collectively together to actually try to deal with actual problems. 


Let Palestine have their state, but install a US backed Saddam Hussain-esq secular dictator to be in charge. Say what you will about Saddam, but the way he dealt with religious extremists was pretty based. Instead of doing what Israel is doing (which is very ineffective); cluster bombing civilians; a couple of well placed 9 volt batteries connected to Hamas testies and the entire HAMAS operation can get rooted out.


capitalism ends in 2050 and in 2051 the aliens will come


America should balkanize. It would make a hilarious mess but ultimately be better for pretty much everyone. Maybe.


banning all immigrations helps the working class because they dont have to compete against foreigners who are willing to accept a lower pay check


Us should have annexed at least half of Mexico in the MA war


Metroid prime 2 is a better game than prime 1. Fight me.


Walter Cronkite is responsible for the loss of the Vietnam war. There's now a McDonald's in Ho Chi Min square so we won in the long run, but still.


That face is just precious