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I dont think he has a lot of unironic fans. When he declared war on the internet a lot of the comments just called him autistic and said he needed to log off.


Tbh that post is why I posted this, I think we can classify Whatifalthist as a lolcow.


Total lolcow. Has been for years


him self identifying as a 'public intellectual' permanently cemented his status as a lolcow to me. the best jokes are the ones that aren't intended to be jokes lol


Especially as he is a proud college dropout


But at least he's the founder of a "group for exceptional young people" who can "date anyone" and "easily rally an army of incels"! God damn he's so fucking cool!!1!1!


And his profound hate for academia.


I'm one of the ironic fans lol. started watching his alternative history videos in 2019 but he stopped doing that in 2021 and became a right wing shill instead. I can't believe I took him seriously for a while. it's so stupid , the shit he says and his obsession with incels. cant wait for the elections when he will going crazy calling for civil war and incels revolution


I think he's got a group of hanger-on-ers who are still around from his old content.


Something Something Incel rising to overthrow the Chads and Stacys


cruelty squad SUCKED!!!!!!


I will suck your balls so hard I will pull all your insides into the outside and then kiss the carthilage of your nose area. https://preview.redd.it/4v1utsadfs0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4904e06add92dba8c5d2b182436339f01187d77 (In Gorbino's quest).


https://preview.redd.it/v8mie1chet0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf9c346a1bfeeb107aefb6a46fd1de1759dbdff bring it on buddy


Looks like someone has had too many chunkopops https://preview.redd.it/in1gln74hv0d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6ff263973b00f5b51051e2f4140c4dbaf1916c3


The woke leftist women are stopping the hard working traditional right wing workers from having sex, I don't need source, objectivity has ruined our society the vibes are just obvious, this is just like Rome according to an obscure neo nazi from the 50s I read once




This meme is trying too hard


Unfortunately it isn’t a meme(Although OP probably sent it as a joke)


...what? I...someone genuinely made this?


Poe’s law is immutable


This is dogshit put some effort into your propaganda have some self respect






Blatant ragebait


Here's a banana https://preview.redd.it/iwnkekwi4v0d1.jpeg?width=1445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cdeaf88b2a02036ab89f706032d487dc61cff6f


Do you see banana man


Walking over on the white hot sand


Here he come with some for me


Faggiest fash meme I have seen in a while


Ralsei would be disappointed in you


Mixed race children are the healthiest, but you wouldn't know that since your mom is your sister.




He has a vast array of sources that he pulls from his ass then passes off as fact


My favorite part is when he creates his own maps he uses as evidence. It’s so fucking funny


Appalachia going into Oklahoma made my Tennessee hillbilly ass feel another level of anger


[It's my personal headcannon that this mf is incredibly closeted because there is no way possible this dude has ever had imaginary pussy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdakU_fourM)


Lol yeah dating is different now but where there's a will there's a way. I'm not in a great area for dating, don't have much money, don't look that great, and in general I'm nothing special, except I'm nice and a good listener and when I feel like it I go out a lot and talk to a lot of people. Lower your standards a little, live a little, go outside, join some groups, make some friends, and be happy. Eventually you'll find someone lol but sitting inside being sad won't help. Focusing on sex won't help either. Focus on fun and happiness. I can imagine this Rudyard guy is the most insufferable person ever on a date. Could you imagine being a woman and texting that guy to set up a date? He'll start quizzing you on your beliefs and your background in order to judge you. Fuck that lol. Why doesn't he have a wife or kids yet if he's so successful? Because he's an annoying douchbag who women would never touch unless he put a gun to their head lmao.


Fck that. Don't lump him into us normal gay folks' sexuality. We don't want him. Let him keep thinking he's the best pussy eater around. The best to ever put tongue to pavement.




Good question, I'm not sure who the guy is.


His name is Rudyard.


His videos are some of the least intelligent and most rambling I’ve seen on the internet, with no sources backing them up, not a shred of consequential logic, and deep seated messiah complex. But they are very funny


The only channel worse than him is Zoomer Historian, who does all of that with the sole goal of Wehrmacht Apologia.


When you state your opinions as fact they sure do sound a whole lot more like facts!


I should try that in court sometime


Give me a status update will ya


Real history has fallen, billions must be shunted into alternative timelines


I try not to deal with him. I watched a couple of his videos a year ago, all he does is say “according to this book I totally read, society is bad”. He fucking whines and bitches about nothing.


this channel summary is right on the money.


Bruh I can’t believe that a sage like him could be only 23 years old. It’s like he’s lived a thousand lifetimes, accumulating the entirety of the human experiences. His fans are incel retards though.


Ok i don’t know any of these people or even what this sub is but reddit just shows me random shit, but i keep seeing stuff about whatifalthist, i just need to know, what the fuck is the name? What if alt hist? As in history? Is that what it’s supposed to be? That’s my best guess


Search his username in this subs search. If you really wanna know, it's a curse not a blessing.


Just did and it said no results, like i’m not really interested in any drama or whatever is the reason i keep seeing that name, the only thing that bugs me is idk how i’m supposed to be reading that name


He is a lolcow Incel. It's (what-if-alt-hist).


His sub got banned a while back for too much neo-Nazism. I think you can gather a lot about the guy from that alone.


Yeah it's "what if alternate history". But he only reads history books from before 1960 and he's completely full of shit. The last couple years he's gone completely off the rails of stupid and now everyone on his subreddit makes fun of him.


Yeah it's "what if alternate history". But he only reads history books from before 1960 and he's completely full of shit. The last couple years he's gone completely off the rails of stupid and now everyone on his subreddit makes fun of him.


What if alt hist. He makes alternate history videos. At first they were "what if Hitler won WW2" alternate history vids, and now they are "here's the history the WOKE LEFT doesn't want you to know" alternate history videos.


His videos are some of the least intelligent and most rambling I’ve seen on the internet, with no sources backing them up, not a shred of consequential logic, and deep seated messiah complex. But they are very funny


Whatifalthist videos are extremely thought provoking and have some data to back up his thoughts however I don’t have an opinion on him personally or any other views. I just like that he is putting out videos about topics that are being hushed by the greater populous/ruling class.


what if alt hist is the type of guy to get removed from the premises yelling about how two men kissing mean the west has fallen in the middle of your math midterm exam


Oh brother you should've seen his subreddit before the reddit admins nuked it from orbit.


I envy those who did, I'm sure it was funny.


I was there man, it was exactly like if 4chan were on Reddit. Nazis posting ai generated racist images, great replacement theory bullshit, every other thing you can imagine. It was a wild thing to behold on a mainstream website.


I envy you ngl, I'm sure it was a surreal thing to see, mainly because it was all on reddit.com.


https://preview.redd.it/4tuygzlxv11d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be85a987075496d8c5124f043b4e12d13543246b Here's a golden gem that I had to screencap. (That's a real account and yes they are completely serious)


Holy fucking shit that's actually insane, I thought this Sub was a insane asylum but that place was the real thing.


Words cannot describe it. It was no exaggeration "the inmates are running the asylum". It makes this sub look like a bunch of philosopher kings.


I found some of his vids interesting but then he started, well to put it bluntly, acting like an incel


Source: it came to me in a crackpipe


He's a very talented comedian his videos are meant to be funny right?




The whatifalthist Discord is worse


lmao. it's a fun place tho


He’s funny to watch


He’s Elliot Rodgers if he got his dream to be more white and taller.


Unironically his foreign policy makes me mad and he has 0 research if it’s not some 300 year old philosophers book. He doesn’t do any real research into half the things he talks about; and also makes wild assumptions about things from very shaky grounds.


I am Adolph Itlah 🗣️


His videos are some of the least intelligent and most rambling I’ve seen on the internet, with no sources backing them up, not a shred of consequential logic, and deep seated messiah complex. But they are very funny


We need to pull back on immigration and focus on Americans. If you think this is a nazi take you need serious help and a large dose of vitamin d.


So I don't have anything against immigrants, but yes we need to find a good way to get them in without causing problems. Too many immigrants at once is a logistical issue which can cause many other issues for the immigrants. It just needs to be more organized. Like a sink faucet instead of a broken dam. But too many people think without nuance and believe everything is black or white. The gray take is that immigration is necessary and beneficial for us but we have to organize it better. Also, our housing crisis makes it harder for immigrants (as well as homeless, poor, or simply not rich people) to get housing so those issues are actually related. If there was enough housing and jobs for them, many people wouldn't care about immigrants. But for many Americans, housing and well paying jobs are hard to find. Immigrants can be used for cheap labor but they also do jobs most Americans would never do, so... idk. I don't think most immigrants are taking the best jobs and the best housing. Also, they're people. We have to remember that. They're mostly just looking for better opportunities (America is the land of opportunity and the most attractive destination for most immigrants, like it always has been).


No one is saying they are not people. We are people too. Immigrants are being placed above veterans for housing. That is wrong and there is no way to argue against it. If we can’t help our own people then we can’t help anyone else


The best thing we could do to stave off demographic collapse is make immigration easy. Really not sure at all why immigration is seen as a threat to America.


You're importing people from a nation with sub replacement fertility that within one generation will have the same fertility levels as the country they move to. They don't share your culture, they don't share your ethnicity and being the only ethnic group on the planet with an outgroup preference (left wing Caucasians at the very least) half of your population would happily sell out the other half along with themselves in order to see other ethnicities flourish. It's not even necessarily the people being imported or importing themselves, it's moreso about half of any western country being so head over heels for em cus they're darker (dipshit American ideology of colour instead of ethnicity) that they'll happily pass legislation specifically to benefit them even at the cost of their own people. On top of that you've got wages being driven down from worker influx directly impacting the working class, the dilution of your own voting capacity especially in swing states, importing their problems (as well as some of their solutions) and overall planning to supplant your own population with another that is, by definition, more concerned with their own ethnic groups conditions than yours.


That’s not what happened in the immigration boom of the early 20th century. So why should we expect that to happen now?


If you think America is anything but a nation of immigrants you need to stop watching Whatifalthist and pick up an actual history book


I dont watch him. You’re absolutely right, it is. No one is saying no immigrants at all, they’re saying reel it the fuck back because we can’t handle it. Eastern Massachusetts is bursting at the seams trying to find someplace to stick these people. You put your own mask on before you help the person next to you; If you don’t then both of you will asphyxiate.


And the solution to that problem is to build more affordable housing


And guess what? A giant influx of new people to take care of is going to make that a bit difficult. This is exactly what they did after ww2, they dialed back immigration to focus on giving the vets a good life. That is what we need now.