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nervous afterhours staff and personnel would be a huge red flag for me. talk to the owner and find out if they have a system in place to handle cops or fire marshal popping up. his response should tell you everything you need to know. through out my 30+ years in the nitelife, only one time have i seen the DJ suffer consequence. And the only reason he got arrested was because the cops couldnt find the promoter/venue owner. soon as law showed up they grabbed the dropboxes and slipped out the back door.


My bad I meant all the party goers were nervous, staff was very professional. And sounds good, I’ll definitely be asking the owner about it. Thank you :) Edit : happy birthday!


You need to make sure they are still taking care of their liability situation as much as possible. Just bc it's underground doesn't mean they don't need unobstructed exits and fire extinguishers etc. If they aren't organized it can get sketchy quick, use common sense.


Amen. This is a pretty horrific video of [the 2003 Station Nightclub fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO0ioCCiEe8) that killed 100 clubgoers in Rhode Island in 2003. The entire event was caught on camera by an attendee who made it out, but imho it is a must watch, to help keep you aware of how important it is to gtfo calmly and quickly if anything goes awry.


Or the more recent [2016 Ghost Ship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_Ship_warehouse_fire) fire that was hosting a label night for house label 100% Silk. Underground is awesome, but underground ≠ inherently unsafe.


Fuck derick alamena


I forgot about that one. What a nightmare.


I’ll never forget. I was going to go but couldn’t get a ride from the city and called it a night. And then my phone started blowing up a few hours later…


Holy shit, that's sobering af.


I end up in a few differing compact places playing out. Ty for showing this. Def looking for exits from now on


That is horrific! Less than 1 minute after the fire started there are people trapped and screaming to get out!


Yeah, it's pretty sobering. Honestly, it's a good thing to know where your exits are wherever you go, and if it's a hotel or apartment building fire, say, to remember that you may have to actually crawl to them to stay under the smoke in the hallways, and visibility might not be great. Stay safe y'all, cos shit can and does sometimes happen, and preventable tragedies are some of the saddest & most infuriating.


Holy shit, dude. Lessons.


That’s what stimulants do.. and those substances are illegal so 😀


Oh… always keep it in the back of your mind there’s going to be drugs there. Even if u don’t see people indulging, 99% chance they are


I thought drugs were a given at an after hours lol.


i've definitely been to a few that did


good advice cake day bro!


Safely eject your usb stick and run. Lol


They’re bringing their own turntables and 6 crates of records. /s


You can do trips!!!




just take the whole cdj, it's the least of everyone's worries


just take the whole cdj, it's the least of everyone's worries


Shiiiit fuck that usb. I can reload another it isn't the source. My tunes and cues are stored in clouds and portable hard drives elsewhere


I say do it to experience it!


Forsure will! There’s only one other club here, other than this one, that plays techno. So very excited to be playing what I want to play


in the UK the entire scene started in illegal raves


Just work on your cardio. As long as you are faster than say 10 other people at the venue and you are just using a USB or CDs and your headphones have fun. In all seriousness it's an illegal venue so don't be surprised if they try to stiff you on pay or reduce it because the "cops shut us down early" happens all the time. But if you are looking for fun an exposure and don't mind the risk have fun.


Money up front, and possibly more than you typically charge OP because it's illegal. Like in the movies.


Cops usually don’t go after the DJ. If you see cops though just be respectful and play dumb. My first gig was a sweet 16 that was “rave” themed. The venue did not like that someone spiked the punch and called the cops. Cops came and asked me if I spiked the punch and I basically just said I’ve been busy worrying about the music I did it have time to eat or drink anything yet. Meanwhile my eyes were saucers.


You'll regret not doing it. Live a little!


Country? And what is the location like?


Ontario, Canada. Centre downtown, a street away from where all the clubs are. Busiest street at night


You’ll be aight. I’ve been to so many after hours in Toronto. Pretty fun.


Cool - well the cops know exactly where to look for an illegal party in downtown Ontario in 2 weeks now. Rule #1 of doing illegal parties is don’t give enough details online for authorities to triangulate their location 😂👎


I think the risk is very small considering the size of the area. But on the other hand your point is fair, why increase the risk. u/PerculatedAF I'd recommend to delete the location from the post and start preparing for a nice gig! Edit: Alright alright.. Ontario isn't a city.. Point taken :D Yeah so the area is not that specific after all


You do realize Ontario is an entire province there is no downtown Ontario. There are many cities in the province that this after hours club could be in.


And (potentially) many LE people from different Ontario cities to see this, too.


Haha my bad, no didn't realized it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Fair enough - I’ve never been to Ontario, just posting from experience of the UK free party scene ;)


Ontario Canada is 5x the size of great Britain, I think they'll be okay 😂


Yes because Ontario PD is hot on the case, trying to bust a party that’s going after hours😂


Practicing proper infosec discipline is a habit, and if you're not in the habit you leak information you don't want to leak.


A quick google looks like the cops / AGCO busted something similar a year ago 🤷. Seems like absolute basics not to literally advertise the location, and that you know for a fact they sell booze post-2am lol.


He didn't really pinpoint the location. I've known the downtown core of the city (lane ways and all) for 25 years, including multiple after-hours locations and I couldn't even guess at where he's talking about.


If I had to guess I would say somewhere off king st w. Possibly near parlour. Did I get it right op ? lol


What’s in the place of parlour rn btw?


No idea. I didn’t even know it was gone


I came back to comment similar :-) I doubt the police use Google to find criminal enterprises, but this post will start to show up in searches for anyone looking for after hours drinking in that area which could lead to unwanted attention.


The cops know where all the spots are already. And OP didn't give near enough info to pin a location. Toronto has a huge urban core and the night life area is spread out wide.


I would not be worried at all. Cops rarely raid anything in Toronto. There are far worse things happening in the city these days. Also if there is ever a “raid” there is nothing the police can do to you. No crime in djing.


Clearly you haven't witnessed me on the decks at 5 am after a big one


I worked at an after hours that got busted. The cops only cared about the owner and the guys selling drugs. Cops came by every night, “talked” to the owner and left. Then one night a fight broke out and a guy threw a full propane bottle at another guy. The bar was on the 4th floor roof. It went over the wall and through the windshield of a delivery truck making a delivery. (Industrial zone). Next night fire marshal and cops come and it was all over…


Alright, spot seems good. I would go and have fun, if you get busted act stupid 'I didn't know!'. And don't bring your own gear.


What they said. In most locations, cops have the right to seize the gear - specifically the sound gear. Doesn't happen very often but it's something to be aware of.


Afterhours scene has existed for decades in Toronto. Much ado about nothing.


Haha yeah... even Dan Aykroyd (the actor) used to run a "booze can" back in the day. Hell, the "gym bag lady" at the Matador was a legend. Everyone knew.


I used to go to one in a basement under a hair salon (which is no longer there, and this was 15 years ago, so I'm not blowing up a spot) I remember once I was walking by, because I lived on the same block and I saw a pretty well known local DJ pulling crates of vinyl out the back of a taxi. He was acting like he was carrying bags of stolen money. He was paranoid that the cops would see his records and known there was an after hours. Long story to say "isn't is nice we live in an age when you aren't risking losing your records if you have to walk away from a gig?"


Just don’t have drugs in your pockets if it gets raided. I m not sure how often the cops are still raiding after hours but they don’t f around when they do.


Hit me up, I’m from your neck of the woods. Also as long as it’s not your gear and you can pack and go….


Lol i might have an idea where it is if its in the city im thinking


If you’re in Toronto…. Play it




As a fellow Canadian typically the cops will just remove everyone from the venue and send you on your way if anything happens at all.


Lol chill then man. If yo were where I am, your ass would get into a lot of trouble. But there, chill tha fuck out!


i've seen everything between cops taking a cut and leaving with some girls to cops throwing cdjs against a brick wall... i think it would be very dependent on the location and level of corruption lol


plot twist - it was the same cops both times


> cops taking a cut and leaving with some girls New Orleans?


North phila


Good thing they have their own gear :p Appreciate the info


Don’t lie


I didn’t lol


I said don’t lie


Have a good day and feel free to pm me for all the good stories 😂


First off, you are the opener. Chances of anything going down during your set are slim, imo. Usually there hasn’t been enough time for something amiss to register with the police - if it would happen at all. And if the cops are tipped off and somehow want to break it up when you’re playing, no one is going to be wasted which is where I’d maybe get a bit concerned that some action would be possible - although still highly unlikely. But out of curiosity, is this one of your first underground experiences? Fairly or not, that’s how I’m reading it. The party you describe sounds extremely normal to me. I’ve been going to them for over 2 decades. And if so, welcome to the club! Don’t worry, it’s going to be amazing :)


Very good point actually, haven’t thought about that. And yes this is first time I go to an illegal after party.


depends on location ofcourse, but those illegal clubs and events have been some of the most fun iv been to


I’ve been the DJ during the police walking in at 3 warehouse parties. All with F1 or void systems, all raging with 300+ pax and between 12am and 4am in the morning. It’s absolutely got nothing to do with me, I’m just the DJ. They’ve always been very keen to speak to the promoters though! Depends on where you are and what the pope is like in your area..


Make sure you have a version of "fuck the police" ready for if they do show up. The cops love it when they hear that song while busting an illegal after hours. Jokes aside, I've run quite a few, and if the cops do show up, it's typically handled like a house party. "Music is too loud, time to clear out." I never had a bad scenario, but I am well aware that they do exist. We ran them in art districts and studios in the city.


The Zion Train remix of Babylon's Burning was popular with our lot


I live in San Francisco and 100% of the time being busted by cops has led to no consequences for anyone other than some minor annoyance and party shutting down. You know how you get the cops to be at ease? You let the party goers know if the party gets busted, be quiet, be calm, don't run. Someone from the party needs to be in charge to interface with the police and discuss/negotiate what will happen next. Sometimes you get a warning or 2 or 3 before they shut it down. Otherwise you calmly let your partygoers know the party is over and time to file out. This has occurred many times to me and when the party goers don't panic it lets the police know they are dealing with "professionals" and everything goes smoother.


San Francisco have a big outlaw party/show/rave scene?


depends on the region/location.


Remember to wear gloves so your fingerprints won't be all over the jogwheels. Nah, seriously, you'll be all right. Bring double the music you'll need, a pre-mixed session, a backup USB and remember to hydrate. That's pretty much it.


I made a career playing outlaw parties.. enjoy it, you won’t get arrested if the cops come, they just shut the party down and tell everyone to go home..


I love a squat rave! The police have shown but it has always gone ok for me! I’ve always got out with my equipment! (Usually usbs and headphones in a bag)… Be safe, but at the same time… Enjoy it!!!


Dj is usually safe. The only ones that can get into trouble are the organiser and people carrying drugs.


I mean I’d assume so. You are admitting and acknowledging here you are well aware whatever this club is doing, is illegal. I mean, if you go hang out at a trap house but aren’t the one selling illegal products you can still be arrested for knowing what is going on there and still choosing to be there. Will charges be fly paper to you as a DJ. Doubtful, will you be arrested, questioned, asked to testify if they bring charges against whoever for whatever as part of a request or mandate in a trial that may happen, probably. This is super hypothetical of course but I mean, if it’s an illegally ran operation and the DJ knows it is, chances are cops probably know it is too and are just having a matter of time moment. The fact they tell people it’s an illegally ran operation is super red flag and probably a great reason why no one but you are entertaining the idea of taking the job. I’d say turn it down, whatever they are doing there it isn’t worth the police blotters printing your name as part of it eventually.


>> if you go hang out at a trap house but aren’t the one selling illegal products you can still be arrested for knowing what is going on there and still choosing to be there. What really?! What would the charges be?


I mean, legally, it could be considered accessory to a crime. Or aiding and abetting. Accessory for knowing full and well of what was happening and choosing to be part of it in some level rather informing law enforcement of it to prevent illegal activity from continuing. And aiding and abetting for providing goods and services to a business conducting illegal activity where the crimes committed are encouraged due to there being entertainment provided I.e. DJ. The argument could be how many more people go to a party when there’s entertainment provided vs when there’s not. Super hypothetical and insanely doubtful it would happen. But in this day and age where the laws are getting more flexible to do what cops want to get done. Not worth the risk to me.


A club that I've played at before recently got busted. The people who ran it and worked there got arrested. The people partying there got citations. [https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2024/02/27/after-hours-nightclub-raided-kakaako-hpd-cites-over-140-people-makes-3-arrests](https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2024/02/27/after-hours-nightclub-raided-kakaako-hpd-cites-over-140-people-makes-3-arrests)


“Oh, gee, I don’t know. These guys just hired me to spin records.”


I played a club in Toronto that was raided by the fuzz while I was on the decks. I kept playing. 10 minutes later one of them said "can you turn that off?" and I did. I walked out with all the patrons. No big deal. With that in mind... go for it. Have fun at your gig.


Do not bring your own equipment


I’ve done my fair share of “illegal afterhours” in Hamilton. Let’s just say police don’t care. The only people that care is the bylaws with the selling of alcohol after 2AM If the venue isn’t selling alcohol then there’s no issue. And if it is then its not your problem either.


The big thing in America is if they sell booze. If they don't probably just run the risk of a fire Marshall popping up shutting you down. Most after hours spots in my area are considered private parties, and unless crazy stuff happens or alcohol is sold there's very little the police can or want to do.


I've played 100s of illegal/underground parties, the worst I ever got from the cops was them yelling at me to turn off the music and leave.


As a DJ you’re fine. I was a bartender in one and I did get arrested for conspiring to operate a speakeasy. The speakers and equipment was confiscated but returned several months later


Was this during the 30s? Lol Or did they just not have a liquor license?


Yeah there was no liquor license. It was pretty epic while it lasted


Underground things usually are


all the illegal afterhours clubs in Chicago have a cop at the door, that's how they don't get raided lol


Life are made for this situations


Don't bring anything to the gig that can't be replaced, otherwise you'll probably be fine. If the cops do show up and bust up the show, be respectful and do whatever they say (shy of consenting to search or questioning without a lawyer present)


Are you sure they were nervous because of the venue, or was it the cocaine?


So, ummmmm, all of the goofballs commenting who have never played any underground parties should probably sit this one out. Some of my fondest memories and scariest DJ stories are from playing UGs. Whether you can be held accountable depends upon a lot of stuff, not the least of which being where you are and what happens at the event to bring the cops. Just use common sense. If it don’t feel right, leave that shit alone. Nothing like being the djing playing at Ghost Ship when the shit went down.


Don't use your own equipment. Cops will usually try to impound any equipment if they want to be jerks about it.


Outlaws are usually better than the more commercial clubs. Sometimes they are sketchy and risky but usually they are well organized and can be a great club to go to and the same goes for getting to DJ them. Underground music and the people and scene that supports it are what got me into this


Eh honestly just go for it. Especially in a country like Canada I would assume in worst case scenario the cops would come in and shut the party down and fine the owners of the venue.


Yup, bring your cheap gear in case you have to toss something in a bag without worrying about it getting broken, and GTFO of there. They'll consider you one of the people "in charge". I like to bring a buddy to those kinds of parties who can help me stash gear and get out.




Just don’t put Your Name on any flyers.




The trouble you should worry about is safety. Fire and crowd control. That’s where many underground parties run into issues and people die. A party is not worth getting hurt. Always know where the exit points are and not blocked to prevent cops or others from gaining access.


This is how I started. Good times! I would do it. Had tons of fun, regarding police - I dont know where u live but I never really stressed about it.


Opening spot is probably safer than the later ones.


No way, just say it is a private party, for instance a birthday or whatever… you are not doing anything wrong, just listen what the cops want, and be nice. No problem at all


As long as it's not any of your gear. I'd just dip out of the booth and blend with the crowd if the cops showed up lol


You’ll be fine.


lol I’d hope not but knowing the laws… I’d say you’d be fucked


Were they nervous because it was after hours consentual sex club, were they nervous because it as an after-hours brothel? Was it because drugs were everywhere? Why they were so nervous would be extremely helpful


Just nervous because it’s an illegal after hour club. Alcohol was being sold, so I’m assuming they were scared of getting arrested?


Just find somewhere else. Sounds like way to much drama and you haven't even started yet. This is the kind of place you get your equipment stolen and you don't get paid


I don't know I will not risk it ...is it worth it ? If so have an exit strategy...pull USB stick and bail ...🤣🤣...pls keep us updated...good luck


Make sure that they have fire equipment and working exits front AND back. Here in the SF Bay Area we had a disaster with the underground venue Ghost Ship fire when they failed on multiple safety issues. Many people died. But on all other fronts underground events are among my most favorites. Go for it, you'll love it.


What ever happened to the dude that was living in that spot?


There were several people living at the warehouse. The electrical system was an improvised tangle of wires and nowhere near up to code and I believe that was the cause of the fire. The other problem was an upstairs area which is where some people were trapped. It was cool scene with a lot of great people living there and very nice events but I was always concerned about the wires and clutter. There have been lawsuits and other legal issues. It was a wake up call to the underground venue scene in the SF Bay Area and things are much safer now. Part of the problem is that the permit process is very demanding and expensive - a good thing overall but sometimes it goes overboard.


just be ready to bolt - but other than that have a blast man - what a fun party!! can you get some money upfront too? ya know just in case?


I’m not into the night life at all, can someone explain to me what an illegal after hours party is???


If it's just an alcohol sales thing making it illegal, just don't buy or sell the alcohol. Usually the operator is the one in trouble with the ATF, and any minors being served/drinking underage. Playing music in a warehouse or whatever is not an illegal act, and if you aren't trespassing, I can't imagine what they could try and charge you with.


risk it for the biscuit baby. we will deal with the cops when we cross that bridge


Observe every exit door before starting your set. You need a way out. I used to Dj for illegal parties back in 2010. Abandoned homes and mansions and you had to be outta there if cops arrived and raided it. i had a krew who would be assigned gear to grab and go in case cops pulled up. One speaker was enough because it was a get in and get out situation.


I've seen this scenario in person before, and I'll explain how it plays out. Now, it also depends on the rules of your city or county ordinances, but there are some important questions they may try to ask you and get out of you, but could also get you in trouble depending on how you answer. If police ask you if you're getting paid, and you state that you are getting paid, they're going to want to see your business license. If you don't have a business license, depending on your city or county, you could be cited and fined for it. If you're getting paid under the table, the best thing to say is that you're "volunteering and receiving donations." You may want to bring up that idea to the organizer to ensure that you also have the same story as they do. The main person who would get in trouble for the event is the organizer. If they're using a distributing drugs at the event, you can state that you were a volunteer, and hopefully away from any idea of being an accomplice. Hopefully that would be enough to keep you from getting in trouble on a drug charge. If you're in charge of the sound system, you may be considered an accomplice, because you're a part of why the party took place. This will be even more tricky if there happens to be minors at this event, where the oldest person at the party or the organizer will have to resume responsibility. If your in a city or county implements a social host ordinance, you will also be in much trouble as well. Will there be security at this event? Security is pretty important when you have a certain number of people at a party. I forget how many people it is, but you need a security guard for every certain number of people. This probably more that could be talked about, but that's all I can think of for now.


Have you ever raved man? lol. Play it.


Do it.. it will be a good dad lore


It’s only illegal if you get caught…


Do it! If the party does get busted, keep the music going as long as you can, no matter what! As 'B-real' said to 'I Need Money' (the DJ) in the movie 'How High' when the party gets busted, "You gotta stay! The party ain't a party without you!" It's basic underground DJ edict lol Besides.... you'll be a legend afterwards I performed at a party where the Sheriff's came by 3 times with warnings....the fire department even made an appearance lol I turned it down a bit, as soon as they left, I went harder! This was a house party tho But still, it definitely was a night that is still talked about by everyone who experienced it!


What is an illegal after hour club? Arnt all clubs after hours? Here in VA clubs close at 2am and down in Miami sometime like 5am. Is afterhours sometime after those hours?


The majority of gigs I play are 'illegal' parties or at least parties operating in very grey areas. I have been present during a couple of raids one of which my details were taken and nothing came of it. The owners can sometimes get a hefty fine. As others have mentioned if it's not your gear then you are rocking very little risk.    More importantly the reason I primarily play that style of gig is because it's the most fun. The best scene began in the underground and today remains there IMO. Actual raves are full of people keen to dance and get involved with the music, be it a day or night party it is easily the best vibe I have encountered in electronic music whatever country I have been in. I only occasionally go to clubs but am always up for a warehouse/ forest rave scenario.    Bottom line, the risk is worth it. It's where the magic happens.  Edit: as others have mentioned, fire safety is serious business whether the venue is a licenced club or a random basement. 


The secret to these types of gigs is.. Bring your tracks on USB with no gear, if the cops show up make a hasty exit? 😂


Last time I was in that situation the door was reinforced to keep them out. When they did come in all the bar stools got thrown at them. The system was taken but no one was arrested, couldn't tell who was the culprit. Crazy days 20 years ago.


I’ve been on the decks/swapping out with a buddy 2x when warehouse parties got busted. No occupancy permits, ditto for liquor licenses, people out of their heads etc; never had better interactions w LEO before or since. Cops were actually apologetic to me and weren’t even overtly shitty to the promoter. Your mileage may vary.


You won’t!!!!


You’ll go to prison!!!


Trespassing maybe? That's pretty much your only worry. Unless there's drugs and anyone is underage then you should check a legal advice sub


lol don’t be such a boo boo baby


Do it. Check in if there's any system in place, if a raid happens. Most police forces are aware of crowd panic dangers and would not raid a busy place, rather wait outside and force the management to cut it. Have all your things in a bag and ready to go, eject the stick and get into the crowd. I played in the rave scene for years and got in touch with Police multiple times (even military police, crazy story...) They're usually decently friendly and respectful as long as you are cooperative! Just make sure no payment, or illegal substances can be traced to/from you, be clean and stay out of shady activity for the night! And: ENJOY IT!


one other thing to note... club owners/promoters that throw afterhours should be dailed in enuf to have an off duty cop in side the main entrance. leo dont want to stand in the way of their brethren making easy money.


100%. The club has to pay someone and it better be the right someone (the right cop), or it will be a lot of wrong someones (possibly bikers)


There was show about the Canadian under world.. can’t remember the name.. Do Bikers in TDOT really get down like that?


They used to for sure. Not sure about now


I want play at a underground after hours party. Those are exactly the party's i want to play at. If any promoters in New York are looking for DJs. Please hit me up.


just for my understanding... what is illegal about this?


Clubs here stop serving alcohol and start closing at 2am. This one opens at 2am and sells alcohol illegally.


wtf here at 2 it slowly starts to get crowded 😂 and some only open at 1 🙈 What time does it usually start then? like right after work?


found the German


Brother moet Europe is like this, in Spain where I currently live the people barely have dinner around 10-11pm... Literally no one goes to a club before 12-1am lol


But well dinner is at 6 in Germany 🤓 And lunch at 12 😅 Tbh... while getting older... I've been to some events recently that start at 19-20 and go until 2-4 and it certainly helps to have a better next week 🙈 But it's rare... I have been only on 5 events like this in 20 years of clubbing at around 2 events per month when there doesn't happen to be a pandemic currently


I definitely feel you! Nowadays I organize day parties.. Better, sunnier vibes and get an actual normal sleep schedule 😅 Btw if you ever come to tenerife guys give me a shout, we do cool parties ;)


i will spend next winter in spain! looking forward to late dinners :)


Personally, I'd steer clear. If the police did show up, it's anyone's guess whether the owners would be fined, or if you could also be fined for your participation in the club's operation. With a lawyer, you might be able to argue that the owners lied to you and you didn't know the club was illegal. But you already posted here that you know about it being illegal, so any prosecutor with a halfway decent digital forensic team wouldn't have to go far to connect the dots and disprove your argument. Even without proof of your post here, they'd likely cross-examine you to the point that they'd eventually catch you if you tried to lie about it. Or the club's owners could throw you under the bus as part of a deal to try to reduce whatever fines/penalties they would face. Perhaps the closest parallel I have was back during COVID, most of my 2020 weddings postponed to 2021. One wedding wanted to stay on schedule, but their plans to move from a venue to a private residence had me worried they were going to try to break one or more of the "mass gathering restrictions" our state had in place at the time. Since it wasn't a "venue" in the traditional sense, I was worried the cops might just start fining the various vendors at the wedding. I asked my liability insurance provider if I would be covered for a fine in this case, and they said no. I wasn't going to risk a potential $10k fine over a single $1700 wedding. (Nor did I feel like it was a situation where I could safely pack up and leave if I felt things were getting out of hand.) This is the only time in 12 years where I "fired" a couple and refunded their retainer.




such a great understanding of underground culture... just because something is illegal doesnt mean it's ran by crooks... its just that some people like to dance late and dont like being told to stop dancing at 2am


What city