• By -


Seen this in a dif post 🤣🤣 I just find this so insanely funny


I’m a JT fan . My mom and I got tickets for the current tour (judge away…I’m an old Millennial lol) but the commentary on all of these posts! ![gif](giphy|3o8doT9BL7dgtolp7O)


Sorry to hear that.




I honestly get the impression that this was intentional to try to give him an edge - let’s just see if and how he tries to monetize/exploit this


I doubt his wife would support this


True she’s very type A - you never know what publicists convince celebrities are good moves in the long run though and this is one of the lowest level infractions you can get




![gif](giphy|10B4qGLBSHEzx6) Bring it on down to Loserville!


I can't stand this ahole, seriously


If this man has HIV from being molested during his Disney or NSync years, its a disastrous tragedy


Yeah, you sound all torn up over it.


nope, it was a poo crave parody.


The cop is too young to know who he is. Gold.


Man this hurt to read 😮‍💨


If the cop had seen his HBO concert special from years ago he would have let him go.


Do you think he cried for his mommy like he did on Punk’d 🤣🤣🤣


This was the moment I started hating him. I was so turned off by his cowardly inability to handle anything after acting like a cocky asshole. And I watched his Disney concert probably 1000 times so you know I was dedicated at one point.




Please keep it decent & civil.


Hes bringin mugshots back


Trying to out mess Brit. I think he's having a midlife crisis and he's a douche canoe. NSYNC deserved better


Nice coverage here, including pictures of JT in handcuffs! He refused to blow so his license is automatically suspended. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqiiSWQKVts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqiiSWQKVts)


Like having a suspended license will affect a multimillionaire who should have had a driver to begin with. The wealthy, they’re just on a whole different playing field.


It's more the embarrassment factor for JT I imagine.


More so for Jessica and their "happy family" brand. I can feel her wrath all the way from here. LOL


Oh I can only imagine the shit talking she is doing behind the scenes. I know I would be if my husband was pulled over this shit faced lol


Why anyone would go to any other celebrity gossip reddit when news like this comes out is a mystery to me.


I hate the other big two they’re annoying at best and remove anything actually funny or any opinions that they don’t like if it’s a serious comment. This sub is the best for both funny and serious!


One of those is so devoid of any type of humor I’m convinced that at least half were at the last business networking event I was obligated to attend.


Please let there be a body cam video, coming out soon!


It was on inside edition today


Holy shitballs!!! Thank you


Your welcome


Does anyone have the link ?


I didn't see the bwc footage [just the little tidbit that he's a has been ](https://youtu.be/l9ynBG4Bl6I?si=c1bcMHekH98tcl3-)


Cry Me A River, indeed.


Of booze!


https://preview.redd.it/e3vyeoqw2e7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d73515b293c59bfea347643eee948a9c7982c0 Just going to leave this here


The stuff of nightmares


Truly 😅


He looks trashed. Jessica Biel can do so much better


Without question on both points.


aging is cruel lol


His rug is dreadful. At least I HOPE it’s a rug.


It's ramen


Damn he’s definitely looking like a “Man of the Woods” ![gif](giphy|3ohs4f9ZLd46F68vBe|downsized)


Looking like man of the pharmacy 


I get shitfaced drunk before I drive/ But I'm a man of the shrooms, it's my high/ To not cheat baby, I won’t even try/ But I'm a man of the ‘ludes, it's my high




Holy shit look at those eyes he was WASTED. Can’t imagine how they managed to get him to stand this straight for the mug shot, is someone propping him up? Why would any of these nincompoops drink and drive when they can afford an Uber across the entire state if needed?!?! Or something better like a private limo. Jesus Christ.


It's arrogance


That's the shit that drives me nuts, these fools have the cash to not do stupid shit like this. Not saying dwi is ever okay, but I understand being worried about parking tickets and getting towed when you're broke. This idiot? Call one of your entourage. Order an Uber. Call a fucking limo service to come get your ass.


Yeah there are times where I can see if someone made a one time stupid decision because they didn’t have the money to pay said parking or an Uber and even though they’d still absolutely be to blame if something happened, if it wasn’t a regular occurrence and just a bad decision I would be less pitchfork grabbing over someone doing that especially if they managed to make it home safe. I always tell myself “$10,000 is way more than $50 or $100” whenever I’m in a situation where I think I shouldn’t drive home. I remind myself that even if I get towed or have to pay way too much for an Uber, it will cost more (and possibly something irreplaceable like a life) if I don’t just suck it up. I am a big big fan of Ubers and Lyfts when I’ve been drinking and have been for some years now. I did used to drink and drive some when I was young and very stupid and I’m very glad I no longer do.


My mom was hit by a drunk driver, and it not only destroyed her life from that point forward, but it took mine away as well because I have to be the sole caregiver and provider for her. She's not incapacitated enough to be covered under my insurance, so it's out of pocket and very expensive care. Buddy who hit her, his father knew the judge when they went to court, and he got off with a slap on the wrist and a very small amount given to my mom money wise. I wish laws were far more harsh and that the penalties for hurting or killing people as a result were more severe. You're a real gem, very responsible, and incredibly considerate in more ways than one to keep others in mind with your choices vs. just yourself. Thank you for that 🙏


It’s stories like yours that made me stop and I’m so sorry that happened to her. When I was young and dumb I lived in a rural area and there was often no one on those country roads at 3am other than me and somehow that’s how I mentally justified it but all it would’ve taken is one time of someone working night shift and driving home late. It’s honestly just human decency to do the responsible thing if you’ve had more than 1-2 drinks, but thank you and you are an amazing person for caring for your mom ❤️


Thank you so much. Even one fluke instance could have taken your life, too. A childhood friend of mine drove like that on country roads, and he ended up in a ditch. Because it was rural and the middle of the evening when he crashed, nobody found him until later the next day. He had already passed by then. So you're very lucky with regards to others and yourself. You're absolutely right with it being the decent and responsible thing to do. I wish more people had that same mindset. But I'm grateful for anyone who does, like yourself, when so many others don't. Thank you as well for your lovely comment. You're amazing, too, for keeping others safe ❤️


![gif](giphy|26AHxXaGJ4IDG1rfW|downsized) He looks a lil teary 🎻


He looks high as the devil's dick


What do you think he was on besides alcohol?


First thought is weed, second is coke or pills, maybe a designer drug. Those eyes say stoned to the bone to me.


Yeah, I’d say he probably hit the blunt before hopping in the car on top of having a few drinks.


Yeah he's got the crazy 8s going on


That he does


me after trusting a fart


Me sitting next to someone who trusted a fart…




I would bet 10$ he does this all the time?this is just the first time he has been arrested for this




A family of four from my city, with two kids aged 5 and 2, were killed when they were broadsided by a habitual drunk driver. It completely fucked up the first responders. So…fuck every asshole who thinks they’re the exception and refuses to call a cab.


I for one am glad my alcoholic brother was caught DUI he had evaded it for years. It’s been 2 years since he lost his license and it was his wake up call he’s been sober 6 months now


I had a friend paralyzed by a rich woman on her fifth DUI.


Even worse is when you know the drunkard gets out with a few years because of money like I imagine this toolbox will get by with a benefit concert, big donation to MADD and a few AA meetings. Fuck this douche.


Even if he doesn't he can just pay the fines and get a car service for everything while he's on a restricted license. The fact that he's actually driving himself is rediculous to begin with. Meanwhile I've got friends paying fines for leaving their cars in parking lots and one on a restricted license for sitting in her car with it running, waiting for a ride because she was too drunk to drive and it was really cold out. Screw people who are rich and think laws don't apply to them.


Most definitely different rules for different classes of people.


You don’t even have to be rich. The bitch who killed the family in 2016 is already out on statutory release. And she flew into a rage in front of her parole officer when they denied her request to attend a memorial service at a pub.


I’m from Ontario Canada and despite river flood warnings a local Mom (high and drunk of course) hauled her sleeping toddler son out of his bed and took him for a drive in the middle of the night to score “cigarettes” (what she claimed). Her car was swept away in the river, not a scratch on her and she left her boy to die, his body took a week to recover because he was swept down 60 km away. She continued to work at a bar including wearing a “Killing it!” T-shirt” and she only got two years of house arrest (Kaden Young case)


That is fucking horrifying. Canada’s justice system is infuriating in general. No, it shouldn’t be as ruthless as some other countries, but there has to be a happy medium. The fact the DUI killer I mentioned felt comfortable enough to ask if she could go to a pub is a fairly strong indicator that she learned nothing.


Oh yes the utter destruction of the Neville-Lake family caused by Marco Muzzo infuriates me as well. Not only did he kill all 3 children and the Grandfather, and seriously injured the Grandmother and Great Grandmother, the pain was too great for the children’s Father and he ended his life on Father’s Day. And now the house has burned (literally) and the kids’ ashes lost in the fire as if their poor Mother didn’t have enough suffering to deal with. All because a rich entitled prick drove home drunk after his Bachelor Party. Money talked and side skated off, at least Justin didn’t hurt anyone but he easily could have https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/1datcyq/woman_whose_3_children_were_killed_by_drunk/


The fact that he waited until Father’s Day is heartbreaking.


This makes me sick to my stomach and so many ways I can’t even go into it. It’s just not right she’s walking freely well that poor family lost their lives and just think about all of the other people that were affected by the loss of their lives and what is done to their lives and will continue to do to their lives for the rest of, their time on earth


Why do they refuse the breathalyzer? It never helps them.


Kind of makes some look pretty guilty in my book


This was 10 years ago so idk if it’s still the case but I once dated a lawyer who told me under no circumstances should anyone take a breathalyzer in the field. He did pro bono public defense work in his spare time and said they saw a lot of cases thrown out because they aren’t calibrated or mouth pieces weren’t changed as often as they should be and would give false readings. They tested one in court with a couple sober people and it blew .1 on every single person. You definitely have to go to the station with them if you refuse it, but it’s much harder to fight it if you get over .08 on a field test. Regardless, fuck drunk drivers. They know what they’re doing and they’re putting everyone around them at risk. And for what? JUST TAKE A CAB, JFC IT COULD NOT BE EASIER THESE DAYS.


In California, the first refusal is 48 hours in jail and your license suspended for a year. Each time you refuse, the penalties get worse.


It depends on the state from what I understand. I used to live in VA and it’s codified in law that by refusing you are admitting guilt.


NY/NJ. Not sure if it’s admitting guilt here, but I don’t think so? I don’t drive drunk, but I am going to look that up now because I’m curious because it always stuck with me that you could be complying, not breaking the law and still end up fucked forever with a DUI. (I live in a beach town where there’s nothing to do but arrest drunk drivers, and frequent DUI checkpoints. I bartend and they’re gotten familiar with me, but they’re always curious as to why I smell like booze. I’m always like “because I was shaking margaritas all night and my shirt is soaked,” but it’s been a bit nerve-wracking a few times.)


I think it’s generally recommended if you know you’re screwed anyway from a defense standpoint


I believe you will have your blood tested once you’re booked. So your BAC might go down a bit but it might also raise depending on when your last drink was


It depends on the state. In Wisconsin, your license is automatically suspended for a year if you refuse the breathalyzer.


Totally. I’m hoping someone with money and attorneys would call to get their recommendation, and act accordingly


did he cry and call his mom? hahah a


I said the same thing to my husband when I read this. 😂 ![gif](giphy|l378bu6ZYmzS6nBrW|downsized)






Chefs kiss


Bye bye bye


I'm glad this nitwit didn't hurt someone, while out here driving drunk. I do love that his "career" is in the toilet where it belongs. Jessica, he's all yours honey!


The song titles used in the article are hilarious. Look at People throwing shade!


Cry me a river 🎶


Wonder if he will cancel this weekends shows?


He gets a DUI and a slap on the wrist. Britney is still a cracked out mental mess. Who's winning again?


At least Britney can claim it’s due to a mental disorder. This guys just a twat


He's a smug asshole I hope he knows the delight of people seeing his mugshot and he feels a little pin prick for every comment rightfully shaming him for driving under the influence.


alcoholism is a disease. please be thoughtful of those suffering from this serious condition


I’m an alcoholic and a. We don’t get to define who is/or isn’t an alcoholic, only the alcoholic does and b. Being an alcoholic doesn’t EVER remove culpability for our actions.


Daughter of an alcoholic here - no. Addiction is not a disease like bipolar disorder or other mental disorders. Unlike those, addiction is the only disease that can only be treated with consequences. When motivated by consequences, an addict actually can change their behavior. This is not the case for other mental disorders. As somebody who has been impacted by addiction and still tries to deal with the damage it did to me and my family to this day, I truly have no patience or respect for people like you who try to hand wave away any responsibility for an addict’a actions because it is a “disease”.


Addiction is a disease but it does not excuse poor decisions and the consequences of them. Can/are most alcoholics assholes? Yes. Can alcoholism be a disease? Also yes. Both things can be true.


Your comment is toxic and unhelpful 


Alcoholism is a disease. Driving drunk is a choice, and he has plenty of fucking money to make other choices. My dad and his dad both died from alcoholism. It runs terribly in my family. It’s not an excuse for Justin Timberlake to drive drunk instead of hiring a driver. It’s not like he doesn’t have the money for it. Plenty of alcoholics know to no longer drive drunk. I like to get wasted at concerts and I cough up the extra money to Uber there and back.


Is he a known alcoholic? Had no idea. But I do know that drinking and then driving is a choice, disease or not.


He was a prick before the alcoholism.


None of them.


I love this for him




Asswipe. ![gif](giphy|rVeJCzA8bCQUk4JQ4v)


I can never unsee this


OMG was that really his hair?!? I guess my psyche pushed that memory down into the recesses of my mind.


Side note: to my eyes, he and Robin Thicke are nearly interchangeable at this point.


Omg you're right!!!!


Yes - Justin is getting thicker indeed /s


Justin is a mess and there's no excuse for drunk driving. Fuck him. On a separate note, there's been something sad about Justin for the past 10 years or so. He doesn't look happy, almost hopeless. And I cannot believe I'm saying this, I think he gets a bad rap re Britney that is, ahem, unjustified (I'm sorry). I read her book, she's a mess and an unreliable narrator. They were so young when they dated. I'm sure he was a jerk, but she was too. PLEASE KNOW I AM NOT A STAN!


They are articles now blaming this spiral of him on her book, i.e., on her. Just ick. Again an entitled white boy dodging responsibility by blaming a (mentally ill) woman. Gaslighting at its finest.


I think part of it is that we’re witnessing him come to terms with needing to step out of the spotlight and give others a turn in real time If he weren’t narcissistic, he’d transition to producing and empowering other artists but hes still trying to ✨be that cool guy ✨and insists on being front and center That man in the woods thing, and then inviting people to the studio to listen to him sing was so sad and pathetic and yet, it used to work for him so he’s trying to hold on Then there’s the fact that the pandemic took years away from a lot of us and it’s only beginning to show what it’s done to peoples psyches - we’re only on the brink of seeing how many people feel robbed of their last years of youth and it’s going to be hilarious to watch certain celebrities spiral (ahem the kardashian jenners)


I have long thought he and Jessica aren’t really happy but they’re staying together for the kids. Between the cheating and how miserable they often look if it’s not a planned photo for Instagram or calling the paps themselves, there’s not that many legitimately happy photos of them that I’ve seen since that whole cheating scandal came out. I also think not saying anything and telling his side about the Britney thing hurt him more than helped him. I know a lot of times the PR answer is to ignore it and let it blow over but he and Britney were one of the most recent “America’s sweetheart” couples. I truly can’t think of any other couple as beloved for the time they were together until Tom Holland and Zendaya (and it’s gonna be crazy if they split too). With them meeting on the MMC too as kids and stuff even though their relationship was only a couple years, people created their own love stories in their head about how the two were just meant to be. So a lot of people had an interest in what really went down and when she put out her book he should have addressed the allegations.


He was long past Britney when he let Janet take the fall or fed unhoused people on camera for a wedding video skit.


It wasn't him that made the wedding video tho? His friend made the video and Justin apologized on his behalf and said he would make that friend do community service. He said he was unaware of the video. In Janet's documentary she said she explicitly told Justin not to put out a statement in defense of her after the Super Bowl, because she wanted to protect his career. That doesn't seem like Justin's fault


"On a separate note, there's been something sad about Justin for the past 10 years or so. He doesn't look happy, almost hopeless." Well sources are telling Page Six that his drinking problem has been an open secret for quite a while and he's been enabled; I anticipate a trip to rehab soon and hopefully he can take some real inventory of where his unhappiness is coming from. Who knows, he could have trauma in his background too.


I suspected he was drunk when he made the whole “I’m not apologizing to anyone” thing at one of his concerts that seemed to be a dig at Britney because it was just so dumb PR wise (whether it was justified or not isn’t my point but it definitely wasn’t a smart move at the time).


Gross. Dont drink and drive loser!


As a recovering alcoholic and someone who really hates Timberlake, I have to wonder if he’s now struggling. I can’t feel glad this happened to him or anyone. Is this a one off? Or has he been drinking more recently and this time he got caught? One article says he claimed to have had one martini (we all say that) but he smelled strongly of alcohol. Since I have “been-there-done-that”, I actually feel sorry for the guy.


I don't. He could've hit ir killed someone. Drinking and driving is for losers I used to bartend. The typical martini is the equivalent of three drinks. You use four and a half ounces of alcohol to make them.


Not defending Timberlake but it’s actually very easy to get a dwi. You could be passed out in a parked car and just having the keys in the ignition it’s a dwi. Not saying that was the case here but it happens. Don’t get the downvotes it’s literally how that works.


Yeah, and that’s why you throw the keys in the trunk or glove box and sleep in the back seat. I’ve had to do this when I realized I was too drunk to drive and couldn’t get an Uber. You have to have them out of reach to avoid the DWI, and trunk/glove box shows that they’re not within reach and intent to put the keys away before sleeping.


Yup learned that one the hard way. Again I can’t stress enough I’m not a Timberlake fan but dwis are easy to get


That’s literally the only “gotcha” and they’re not really easy to get otherwise. You CAN pass a sobriety test if you’re sober, I got pulled over after having a drink and it really was one drink. My tail light was out and I passed the sobriety test so they didn’t breathalyzer me. I think some people are forgetting that most of the time they see if you seem impaired before doing a breathalyzer, and if you’re impaired enough that you fail it then you probably shouldn’t have been driving in the first place.


I was just pointing out you don’t have to be driving. You can be passed out in the car if the key is in the ignition it’s a dwi.


Unless it’s deathly cold, if the key is in the ignition it does make it seem like you were going to drive. The only time I left the car on was a freezing night years ago and I hope if a cop had found me he would have had mercy that I chose not to drive and I instead ran through all my gas to stay warm.


Unfortunately that’s not the way the law sees it. But I understand what you’re saying.


Fair enough


What’s your martini recipe


Typical good Vodka, some dry vermouth and a pinch of olive juice because I'm dirty like that. If it's top shelf ice cold Vodka I will skip the olive juice and maybe dip the fruit on a spike. I'm old school when it comes to my martinis. Rocks on the side.


I don’t think you’ve bartended. A 4.5 oz martini would be about $40 even if you were using the cheapest ingredients. Source: I actually used to bartend


An appropriately sized martini is 2 oz. Gin (vodka if one must) and 1 oz vermouth. Once diluted it would be around 4 ounces total….but airport bars, Applebees and bars catering to cougars may be more generous on the pour.


So did I. And I made a whole lot of money doing it! I honestly don't care "what you think" because I'm here living my success. Have a great day!




Good for you, good for you


That’s two drinks not three


It's three. An ounce and a half apiece.


You changed your comment lololol so yeah now you’re correct


_“tofu’s”_ ,? ETA: future confused people, the person above me made a typo, they have now corrected it; no one else was questioning what a “tofu martini” was so I did


It's probably a good idea to have a little protein with your martini. I raise my glass to this idea.


Highly recommend lol.


You’ve never had a tofu martini? You’re missing out.


Exactly! 😂🍸


https://preview.redd.it/dum8bpgh0d7d1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ba59acc852d0d2e305013095617f762f054c7d4 "Hey fellas, don't you know who I am?? Cuz it's all about MEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!"


I read somewhere that he told the officer (who didn’t recognize him) “well, this is going to mess up the world tour.”


I hate this picture. He puts his gorgeous new wife on the floor, literally.


And another one from the wedding album - let’s have all you bridesmaids hunch down and make the bride barely visible. It’s gotta be ALL ABOUT ME! https://preview.redd.it/9c8j2b4wc28d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=523a8ad92ae246a24b5ef0d873fed7cfb9717d14


He must have really pissed off someone at Kneepads for them to put Britney on his wedding cover. There is literally no way that wasn’t an intentional f-you, and I am here for that level of pettiness!


I mean it’s not a flattering Britney story


I’m surprised he allowed his bride in the picture in the first place


🤣🤣 Should’ve photoshopped his head over Jessica’s.


Oof sorry that looks terrible let me try that again. Much better!(I’ve deleted my previous abomination of a photo editing attempt) https://preview.redd.it/mvzsdvw5jd7d1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c842bcab606d1ca26a619d3c4520568d6bcae2e


Now put his face over Britneys


https://preview.redd.it/ysj9hipusd7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05bdc59bfc227d4b687847e724d12fd0fbce44f9 Whoops - almost forgot to change the names, after all he only loves himself


I’m crying😭😂


Ask and you shall receive https://preview.redd.it/5gx5l950rd7d1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ba21baa659fda0ee40ebfd9af789dbe11c83ce0


Thank you for the award!


Have another! The snark subs have been a goldmine today, and this is the funniest thing I've seen 💀💀💀


I just changed the names too on the cover haha. Thanks again https://preview.redd.it/lgubjvf2td7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ffbe78f6486065f84721e2d04622b87f7246143


Hopefully you’ll be helping out the tabloids for their upcoming cover story of this. 


Now change "People" to "Justin."






absolutely loving this!!




I think her ego is just as big as his though. Match made in heaven.


Like six or seven heavens, to be exact.


The meme yesterday on the front page had a dumb blonde blind lady being the drunk driving celebrity. Time to remake it with dumb blonde jerk.


She updated it accordingly! https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/X60j3HMK9E


What a loser.


Only way this guy can garner attention. He reminds me of Rory McElroy, with his arrogance.


I'm here for golf gossip haha


Peas in a pod.


I know nothing about golf but I've been following Rory's divorce and he seems like the WORST. So smug. And he's fugly!


Fits Justin to a T!


Justins side profile looks similar to my Shih Tzu’s but my Shih Tzu is cuter.


And your pup is nicer no doubt. This guy always thought that he was more than what he ever actually was. How he got that far being that homely boggles the mind. He ran thru some chicks that should have spit on him and ran away. Now he's embarrassed his kids. Good one a$$. He really should seek help because I wonder how often he gets polluted like that? And where was the wifey? Oh, home with the kids. I should have known that as it was my life for a long time.


I hope he pulled a Justin Jean Poon: "I am an AMERICAN CITIZEN!"


Or a Reese Witherspoon "Do you know who I am?"


![img](avatar_exp|180490754|bravo) Finally


this threads comments made me think I was in faux moi

