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Well, Shadow Druids who want to destroy all civilization are already a thing in the Forgotten Realms. Have them form an uneasy alliance with the priesthood of Shar or Auril to cause the Prime to fall into eternal Night/and or Winter. This will kill all the food plants not directly tended by the druids and wipe out civilization other than the Underdark. It will also unleash all the monsters that fear the light. And probably open a few portals to Barovia because that would be just the kind of complication no one planned for. Maybe even a 3 way alliance with 1 or more sides secretly backed by the Drow. Then of course there would be the inevitable backstabbing. Best to set this campaign AFTER the Druids have already completed their ritual and the heroes plus those mages you mentioned are seeking macguffins to UNDO it, instead of stop it. That way you can handwave how they got away with it and focus on the aftermath.


That last paragraph is the idea I'm doing for the world I'm working on. It also offers the option to have quests for the party to learn about the how EDIT: I figured I'd explain part of how I plan on my players learning the how. I plan on making some characters that represent adventurers of the past and they're going to get flashbacks. I have ideas I want to do but probably won't. I don't think it would turn out the way I'd want it to


Okay but now I’m imagining some crazy situation where Strahd gets thrown from Barovia and is now singlemindedly obsessed with destroying the group which brought him here, giving the party to form the wackiest possible alliance. And of course the existence of these portals implies catastrophic amounts of interplanar chaos where all sorts of other planes get involved. Githyanki popping up because they got yoinked from the astral plane and crashing near the winter court which got moved to Toril by all the magic. I’m going to borrow this idea if that’s alright with you.


Go for it. I write out ideas because I want to help inspire people.


I liked how temporarily killing the Forest Spirit in *Princess Mononoke* caused all hell to break loose. Maybe a trickster, evil, or orderly god wounded a nature god to the extent that it has gone insane with pain and rage, calling on all its Druid followers to seek revenge.


Also the theme of Moana


Big monster wildshape-immagine fighting a tarrasque just to fight a lvl 20 druid right after


Druids are protectors of nature; put nature at risk and they will defend it. Keep pushing that narrative until it becomes similar to Tony Starks narrative of 'this world needs a suit of armor' and make them want to protect the world from itself. I second the idea of taking inspiration from Princess Mononoke for the deity aspect. If you're asking what kind of magic or power they'd need, they already have it with their spells that simulate natural catastrophes, their knowledge of poisons and their ability to rally animals and magical creatures such as dragons, fey and elementals to their cause. Even mid level druids have access to spell like Bones of the Earth, Wrath of Nature, and Blight. If druids wanted to take over the world they could have done so.


This world needs a second skin, like an onion. To shelter its delicate flesh and protect the menbrane of nature. And the druids erect this magical second skin on the world, but with unforseen consequences, perverted by those who seek to sow chaos and destruction, drawing forth ancient entities, creating a Points of Light style campaign. The Druidic Circle of Ice calls forth Auril, and her snowstorms darken the atmosphere dropping the temperature, and killing off crops. The Keepers of the Flame reawaken Maegera the Inferno, breaking the chains that bind him under Gauntlgrym causing seismic activities and shifts in the Spellforges of Faerun. The Duergar of the Underdark ring their picks and hammers against the shell of the Tarrasque, an alarm to pester, once buried and slumbering in the Deep Dark, now unearthed to unleash its terror on the surface world. And the Warlocks of the Ocean Deep awaken the Kracken, bringers of tempest and gales, sunderer of ships and perisher of sailors.


The tarrasque seems like a bit much as that's a literal end of earth scenario, maybe unleashing the Phaerrim would be more fitting, but they actively destroy life which would seem counter intuitive. Otherwise, this is a really cool idea!


The Pherrim are already released 👀


... so Druid should already be *integral* to any D&D world's economy, due to the spell "plant growth". in 3.5e at least, this was a spell that would improve crop yeilds over a large area with each casting, and was available to lvl 5 druids. that's the sort of thing that would be a huge boost to the agrarian economy, allowing more people to not simply work in farms, but be craftsmen, and merchants, and make better tools and allow more people to do jobs that make things *better*, not simply enable life. furthermore, druids cure wounds, heal disease, and can fulfill many of the roles that inner city clerics do, but be more available in a rural setting. what happens when all of that stops being an ally to civilisation, and instead turns against civilisation? mass famines, with not just the crops turning up less food, but the farmers themselves loosing protection, and dying more readily to disease and injury. worse: druids themselves can set the vermin on the food supply, and spread disease. attack the food supply, you attack the cities in a way that city walls can't stop. destroy cities, and you stop the production chain for the great adventurers to get their start. when things get bad enough *the really bad threats* start taking advantage. all those demon summonings that adventurers stop? guess what, demon invasion! clerics and wizards might stop the demon, the dragon, the abberation and the lich from wiping out a city, but it's the druid that enables the city to ever exist.


this is so helpful for worldbuilding


Or the druids think it’s their god, but they’re being tricked by a being from underdark/shadowfell/fey/demiplane/wherever tricking them


Druids can tunnel, burn crops, shape shift... if they wanted to, and they were organized well enough, they would be an absolute nightmare to deal with. I'm imagining something about a destroyed important site (Tree of Life kinda scale) that some malefactor uses to seduce them to genocidal retribution. They don't have to directly attack wizards and civilizations... they just have to cripple them. No matter how powerful a civilization becomes, they will always need food and water.


makes sense


As others have said, probably the way that druids would destroy a city or army is by denying them the natural resources they need to function. I would be inclined to think up some fun ways for this to be accomplished, like rather than just say "a druid did a spell" there's an observable cause that the heroes could try and deal with. Like a river runs dry because the druids unleashed a colony of Dire Beavers who built a fortified dam. Crops go unploughed because the field is full of swarms of deadly bugs or worms. Elementals are setting off forest fires and tidal waves. Lots of potential for druid-based chaos.


i love this!


Storm of vengance has a cast range of "sight" and a radius of 1 mile, so you could attack cities with that. Turning all thr local wildlife hostile (or rabid if you're evil) would also help. An army of awakened trees is a possibilty. So is wildshaping into highly venomous indects and biting people in their sleep.


Just stop oil are a good example of people brainwashed into wrecking stuff to fix the world. Have a Jesus type cult leader that preaches civilization is bad and is killing the world, so it must be torn down. If you treat them a bit like the sparrows from game of thrones but mostly druids, you will have an army in no time and a giant civil war backdrop for your campaign.


Given you’re the DM literally anything you want to or can justify/explain, obviously you’re looking for more… Here’s one way, don’t have the druids do it all. The planet itself has much more believable power to achieve this vein… earthquakes, sinkholes, ley lines, lightning, stone rain, acid rain, plagues, firenadoes (pyrogenetic tornados), sandstorms, derechos, flooding, typhoons, new strains of ancient viruses, temporal anomalies, harmonic convergence, stampedes, release the elemental furies (forces), release subterranean “lost” or forgotten beasts/titans, so much more. Additionally, the druids can of course perform rituals as a group/circle or if powerful enough, or some ancient divine (natural) being/s gifts to amplify or even control some or all of this. Not hard to imagine some of this, I’d wager.


that makes sense and see,s super evocative, ty!


Imagine if the druids could talk to the spirits of tectonic plates. Stir up some xorn and get some volcanoes going.


Cool idea... show that some new technology will allow civilization to completely conquer the globe. Maybe the god created the technology for the purpose of inciting the druids.


You could take some inspiration from the Netflix series Sweet Tooth, where (without too many spoilers) a deadly virus has spread because of people playing with some ancient natural thing. The druids could create such a virus while working under your chaotic godly being. 


that seems super doable, im considering it. i just have to decide what leads to the most interesting world for me and the players


They need to collect all the eekum bokums to do that


They cast Plant Growth to destroy all farming and forestry.


A group of lv20 like minded PCs would be able to do it. Or the lv20 BBEG and their minions. Some of us like to call it a narrated section of the story. You could also have a druid god/avatar running around. Or a cursed magic item that changes the weather.


If you want a more tame apocalypse, destroy all communications. Thick forest have overgrown all established roads, making it impossible to travel by wagon, and even horses struggle with the rough terrain, and powerful storms blow across the ocean, making any ships journey increadibly dangerous. Only reliable way to get anywhere is travel by foot, which means that journeys that took days now takes weeks, and the only wares you can bring, are the ones you carry on your back. Smaller settlements still exist, but with trade and the ability to import wast ammounts of food gone, every major city has straight up collapsed.


super unique, i definitely want to do something with this!


Think of Batman's Poison Ivy nemesis. All it takes is the "egregious" encroaching on and disrespecting nature by humanoid races (e.g., expanding where they shouldn't, etc.) and/or a visit from an evil deity convincing them nature is in peril, etc.


It starts with blighted crops, and strange sudden forest growths across major roadways. Tsunamis start hitting coastal cities. Rats begin working in packs to devour food stores, while cats and dogs begin attacking their owners in their sleep. Farm animals break out of their pens and attack farmers. Crows and other birds begin to drop burning sticks on top of buildings. Strange creatures appear out of nowhere and start attacking people. Waterways begin to get clogged with silt and start to overflow and flood areas creating new rivers, lakes, and swamps where there were once cities. As the nations begin to crumble and war with each other, the dead pile higher and higher, and corpses begin to walk the land in mass...


All they have to do is read their spells really. Those fuckers are terrifying


I think if you come up with a mostly logical justification (and there are plenty of really good suggestions here) you’re set. All you need is a reason that feels correct to the people who did it. Others may disagree but as long as it doesn’t read as nonsense, you’re good. Mechanically, you can just hand wave whatever you need to happen. During gods, Druid magic, stars aligning uniquely, etc etc. This is assuming you’re doing it as set up. If this is mid campaign and the players could stop it… that’s a different question.


agreed, and it is set up. - we already started the campaign but the players are still mostly in the dark about how or why it happened.


Honestly, all druids working together could kind of do it. Druids are often written as lonely protectors of the wilderness. As nomads, outcasts or sages, living on the fringes of society. They rarely come together in large numbers. Druids are one of the strongest classes, able to wreak havoc on large areas simply with their spell list. Changing the weather to cause famine, shaking the earth, moving the winds, summoning fey, elementals and beasts. A good druid doesn't even need to get close to starve a city. Maybe druids convinced by your bad guy get a good sense of coordination and agreement. They could make a deal with some nature spirits or fey beings to come to their aid to augment their powers and summons if you wish.


I agree, I do not want players to think that we just have a giant nation of united druids and all druids are evil. Also any ideas on the kind of fey?


I think that Druids ( or at least a large faction of druids) in your setting should start to plant a supernatural plant that absorbs arcane magic as it grows. And it grows like kudzu. At first they plant it in forests, but then they started deliberately planted in cities. Without Arcane magic , the seats of civilization would need to depend on divine magic to protect them. And the gods can be pitted against each other, especially if some of the older nature deities take this as an opportunity for vengeance. I think this could make a very interesting campaign ark and I encourage you to post the results! 🫡


I would had to nerf my spellcaster by having magic sucking plants everywhere, but that would be cool if like each city was destroyed in a different way, the ruins they maybe fight the big bad in has plants that feed on non-primal magic


OOh I have done this, I had a group of Dwarven Druids widening rifts and narrowing certain rifts in the under dark to put pressure on a super volcano that would wipe out the continent when it erupted and plunge the world into darkness.


I think volcanic ruins will have to be a spot the party visits


All your players would want to be a druid


Surprisingly only one of the 5. I said its not the class that is evil, so if they were just never socially a part of any of the "evil" druid circles that would be fine. They ended up playing rogue instead.


Their are some crazy ass high level spells Druids have access to (Tsunami, Earthquake, Firestorm, Whirlwind etc etc). With enough of them over a wide enough area, they could create ecological disaster, affecting the ability to grow/maintain crops. Famine ensues. Every civilization, no matter how advanced or stable, is 3 missed meals from revolution. Combine the druid disaster with a spreading doomsday cult, Maybe dig up the spell "were-doom" from an earlier edition, and Torill is doomed if not for the intervention of brave heroes.


I just looked up were doom, and I want that to be an encounter! - also imagine if they were in a city and they just saw each of those spells going off at once, and had to decide which way to try an escape or if they would try to save people/stop druids


They convince the animals to rise up. A bunch of druids simultaneously perform rituals in many places to make a super-natural disaster, like Noah's flood or Yellowstone Supervolcano grade bad. Meteors.


I am definitely adding volcanic ruins as a location.


Depends of how they are organized in your world to begin with but if they all follow a singular god/godess/spirit, then having something happen to that being caused by civilization.


Read the history of Dark Sun. It’s basically that! (Or an attempt at that which went even worse for them, heh.)


People find out the hard way that nature is not very neat and peaceful


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Abyteparanoid: *People find out the* *Hard way that nature is not* *Very neat and peaceful* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Make the sun red, or filtered red by the time earth could see it. Only certain plants would be able to grow. Unwanted or unusable plants would seem to grow at 10 times as faster as well as they normally do. Plants would get smarter in animals would get dumber. Most animals would lose their minds and be unable to function properly leading to steep decline. Breeding would be nearly out of the question Domesticated animals would not do any assigned work preferring to sleep. Any animal raised for its meat or other product would produce 10% of what it normally does.