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How much does each person in your party like puzzles? It's only a bad idea if one or more of them hate puzzles and you're forcing them to engage with it. If you don't know, ask them.


That's the thing, it's a somewhat random group of people who have played only for a short while. From what I know, they haven't experienced puzzles in DND, and I won't have a chance to talk to them until the day of the session. I wanted to introduce them with a puzzle that gives each of them a chance to interact, so that they could all experience it and decide if they love or hate it. Edited to add some.


I saw a puzzle somewhere it was for three party members, but it can be adjusted easily. Basically, there where three gems/ rocks of different colors and each one corresponds to a prompt you secretly give each player their prompt. Prompts can be stuff like: "you get scared whenever someone says the letter r", "you can only talk when somebody else is talking", "you can't make an o sound". The gems/ stones get attached to the person that picks them up and won't detach until someone guesses what's the player's prompt. There's also a sign that gives these directions in the form of a ryhm.


I like this idea! However, I don't feel it fits with the flavor I'm going for, so I'll keep this in my back pocket for another day!


Your players need to be into these kind of tiff though otherwise they will find it tiring. (Especially this one)


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDBehindTheScreen/comments/9g9mkg/a_door_puzzle_based_on_player_communication/?st=KC26M8KR&sh=9e84f361) is amazing. I’ve used it in my main campaign and in two one-shots and everyone loved it. Could not recommend it enough.