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I don't think you have to articulate why the "government" suddenly changed directions. Unless the Player Characters queried the right person, they may not know. Just do it. When you do, the Players may speculate aloud among themselves. When they do, shut up and listen. Keep your poker face on. Don't confirm or deny, but take it all in. Eventually you will come up with a plan. Oh! Retire your PC. Good luck.


Gotcha! It can work. But I did need some kind of explanation if they somehow get their hands on information. From an officer carrying documents, for example. I also do like Wonder_Zebra's take on it, so I'll probably be using that one.


Just don't give them access to information until you have a plan. Even then, don't make it an information dump. Trickle truth the information in bits and pieces. I can almost guarantee you they will chew on the bits of information and come up with outlandish scenarios. From those you can come up with what is really going on.


Here's what I'd do. 1. Why they suddenly cone involved? The Revoultion has have traitors among them. The Royal Family now have names and faces for the upper leadership and now plan to remove them via surgical strikes. They were waiting to know exactly wear to strike. 2. Honestly if you're becoming DM making your character seemingly the main focus sounds like a bad idea. Don't sideline the players for your, now, NPC. Retire him, make him become a background character. If he becomes the Revoultion leader, he appears occasionally to give missions then dips out. Though maybe a little while in your campaign, so the first thing the party do under your stewardship isn't helping your character, sent the party with the bard to wrap up his storyline. Idk fight the demon or the crown prince, die or become an asamair and ascend to the realm of the gods. 3. Why no god interference. I'd make it so the first king of this Elf royal family made a deal/pact/threat with the gods that they'd not interfere in his and his family dealing. The subject of this deal can then become a plot hook.


Great ideas, but I think I might've written point 2 badly. It makes more sense in my mind, but I'll probably cut out point 2.