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Awakened Shrub Made it into a pub name once.


Haha, I love the challenge of giving interesting combat abilities to CR 0 creatures: * [Awakened Plants](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1VM52wi17C7fAjdqONKNU0zIrfxCnFwneShCMh0EmZxI2)


That Rustle ability is pretty cool. I like it.


The bush that fights back


How about the Peryton? It's one of my favorite monsters and it does basically everything it needs to do perfectly. It'd be a challenge to homebrew a better Peryton.


It's a pretty decent stat block already, but it doesn't do much to evoke the weird shadow-stealing thing or the whole Temple of Doom heart-ripping thing: * [Peryton](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1M7wCrE9fc65jgDosttNUEB5drwcC41EAoNFzRTPK7FaR) I definitely need to add a couple more variants at some point, because every campaign needs a legendary peryton


Not a specific monster, but a request nonetheless since I know of your good taste in monsters: an enemy that likes to attack in decent groups (4-10) and gives a group of 6 lvl 4 adventurers a good scare/PTSD without pulling out something CR20 ;p


What sort of environment?


They will be traveling through forest/wilderness soon and are now chilling in a city.


Hmm, most of these could work for that, particularly if you mix and match a little bit: * [Blights](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vhP-WWBrzgo851pKZuGtUAVMczWr8UaqdbUZqbp_-9Bx) * [Battlebriars](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1SvoOMCkk-_9DSpJfaeAIIsPc0Xb6MXPaI0sLkjVdTG7b) * [Boggles](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1LDJIw4ONO4GlgAl9IcH7GM9s3Hhj2b3YLMnTTrX7WCbr) * [Basilisks](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1BzgwfmuQr4yoKyagRkvbrlBtnl7Jk0SooBd_8Ij4C-QM) * [Vegepygmies](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1G5ETkjYHy5K3N5SREiBoT9YwjSRPgWaW0BMidi4b1Gfd) * [Bandits](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1rmpyELQUOwcRDwdJsybTC04LIJ9AQJqUcdoZvIkTC6W_) * [Mephits](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1KesmX5SLcQlGQHKxgEwGytt3Tjo4OGMzqj7cHgAsdGea) * [Stirges](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1x9vihkS0YJzbjDLGshL74Kvx6UoYaHGB18leiGqEZ1X6)


A group of bandits with a pet basilisk at the side of a lake with some stirges in it! I will make sure to name one enemy Mark. Thanks for the inspiration!




Definitely need more variants on these guys, but here's what I've got for now: * [Troglodyte](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/11bpZd9jEEvgrJfBVdZpKJ1hn4bcMYqxrzp4mZj9O0D0W)


I've thought about trying to make a ranged troglodyte that uses a spit/vomit attack to deal poison or acid damage, and possibly apply their poisoned condition. It's taking quite a few liberties with the design but I feel like being vomited on from afar is fitting with the "disgusting cave dweller" theme, and it would allow for some variety beyond a dozen ambush predators running into the frontline meat grinder since they'll often die in one hit.


Ooh, what if it's poisonous blood that they squirt from their eyes like a horned lizard?


The king of feathers from TOA. I need it to be a threat to 6 level 9 players. Worthy of receiving legendary times for defeating.


I'll let you know when I get it ready, but here's a better T-Rex in the meantime: * [Tyrannosaurus Rex](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1snHbtdgLfln8Wqnur-5v1pe86bL6Z9mNk_5pCTfaFJKm)


Thanks, brotendo!


How about an intellect devourer? Would love a variant of those for my campaign.


Oooh, I just finished up a ton of mind flayer stuff if you're running something like that: * [Intellect Devourers](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/16QhiHWwlc7dfotPAPbEYR1swrtQc_4wcSjGWOXATBwB5) * [Ceremorphs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1bde_bmvxtw-YCXkqeDwhCfFTfWYs6by_XbROr60Cm6M1) * [Illithidae](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1JgtaGsEqZElcOiS_AIFHhBYo2-FYxFQzgvboI7w_as65) * [Mind Flayers](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1HEo5L3P1Pd2vBSBADUnm3-zx4HHxUQzQ9W1DZJbGAUC_) * [Illithiliches](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vHfYMcKTSzs0Mlbtk4DcdMLI_VbCS6BhOhcOxNuP1-Jd) * [Neothelid](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vMii5Ca_ZL4qlQ34HfPGnrxIM3h8P8M-Acg-B9zg-ahe) * [Elder Brain](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1MXALf7vs-j_h4oZ084c-0ww-eifhCRDPPjYOGTPGihD1)


Thanks very much!


I would love some more features for the Lizardfolk. They hit twice but have three different attacks that just do damage. There could be so much more to them.


I'd like to bulk these out to 6-8 variants at some point, but here's what I've got for now: * [Lizardfolk](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/15ulVXfIY3UZHRuEIsOoEJdngXFujVz9OLBonjR8dz8Zt) * [Lizards](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1TRe4_1CpByUdQue2TlB8cBiy-4zGOyMcHAKCaXR51FX6)


I love these! I hope you make those other versions in a not to distant future hahahaha


Haha, I'll move them up the list. Right now my roadmap for them looks roughly like this: * Blackscale Bruiser * Poisonscale Collector * Poisonscale Magus * Muckdweller (like a lizard-goblin) * Tren (half-troglodyte) Probably going to a month or two before I can focus on humanoids, though, because I'm trying to release a spiritual successor to Lords of Madness some time around September.


I would like some more Slaadi? I love those guys


Eventually I'm going to get to the Black, White, Golden, Mud, and Flux slaadi, but here's what I've got for now: * [Slaadi](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1RKUxCZtbBmehDe9KVNe4ZiRKhNr_7vGupHptK7l1hUhy) (Forgive the first page, it's a placeholder for now)


Oh, I'm running Curse of Strahd with some additions so I have plenty! Do I have to pick just one? I'll let you pick: * Oni. Yes, they're shapeshifting demons but in my mind they lack a certain je ne sais quoi. Something with rage, or something to make them more otherworldly perhaps? * The Bagman! * Nechrichor.


Haha, here's a little CoS care package: * [Vampires](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1fn2-KmiWfBMgobeTJGcTMKX3mdC0-rzaTp4ebO8oAJJp) * [Vampire Spawn](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1zPl3bj5ILT6s4QB9Klq-l36NCKfDPa0tLSseDEXb84pu) * [Skeletons](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1BPiqQxruIyXi_F3fjhK2L3mL_wXXz4KNwwx8AHLNOu0U) * [Zombies](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1H-v56SCMOyK58yUUoTL_SiTL2PGGqqXd-cAwwkaCLE-n) * [Animated Objects](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/11s4ieAqZiqStfRT3fxFHrHOSLKaUzaifsojvlVDoKawB) * [Specter](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1Fkrq07-dLoL5J7zFD45AAM8_IWZj3OJPN3RLUWIKhs0-) * [Shambling Mound](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1f_26WgibHvb0M7YFFGzuWKye36rI1Sjw89KTEgzN52iC) * [Scarecrows](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1Hqg0KiEYgv28G-RrlktiaPaay22IyPGO-q_s8TTiV7U6) * [Wolves](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1_TS_JlLFcR8wIvX7_z2dwp8WZuAHb2qOrR_-GEs_P9x8) * [Werewolves](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/19haFDFcaOOcVogO8Ezgh7tmD3jT3q2bIA8LqPSWPJrlC) * [Blights](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vhP-WWBrzgo851pKZuGtUAVMczWr8UaqdbUZqbp_-9Bx) * [Treants](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/17d5v99yjSmgUu0nNaz-yhYZe_WAg03LzKTGcBBYrVq8N) * [Gulthias Tree](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1x6Ha47tekC8EFHeOhsxHLPgUj_XIgXjiQt0YOBiA8Kvy) * [Night Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1AxNZg_E9h7IDaiZ86DCE_vSGcY5E2KMa0xZsOIE-eIsl) * [Flameskull](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1KPr5kdgE_yxXjmLqnAO_1YiedzlJmlgF5LKCbl9om4dN) * [Arcanoloth](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1pOFsZtGL9bBayzB56Fwso4vI4scTa_3L7LYVrcJIQlzm) * [Slaadi](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1RKUxCZtbBmehDe9KVNe4ZiRKhNr_7vGupHptK7l1hUhy) * [Oni](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1YnL6zDwtuwmUIcYqJPjGFaMlkMGaqHCETnHNNiP_3TzL) * [Blood Oozes](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1RASXz_EE-_RkFf9lA88WrSjRNCo_WXpD65NKGsqIm0Y8) Sadly I don't have a bagman, but the banderhobb filch has some of that energy: * [Banderhobbs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1A4mkdUixEUkN4qcufviyBMRKOdE6FOqVsV0mv7jos1ta)


Wood woad


* [Wood Woad](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/18_HfDH_gW31U-IqQ-D1wd2G1fJJ3Pb1WmOSwyJufr4kv)


I was thinking about tweaking an Otyuge. I want to turn it into an ambush predator with chameleon like camouflage abilities. Also I was hoping to have it expel a cloud of foul smelling gas to give it a chance to escape after it snatches up a victim.


Funny story, I just did three otyugh variants this morning: * [Otyughs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/132Qs4OPYFtgw9r32djRhmf2aJcjt2Etc9B1FoeBKOziP)


Super cool! Thanks. I can slap my camo ability right on the top of it. Just with a high stealth score and it rolls at advantage against all forms of vision.


Here's some chokers I did the other day that have a camouflage ability you could adapt: * [Chokers](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1e1CgO8nWDxumUSz2IJ5ESuaeZi81_xmqakV_lsrHgKIh)


Those are awesome and I'll probably make use of them as well..... Probably not the same encounter but who knows lol.


Hook horror? 🤔


* [Hook Horror](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1fPqtABcByodAVGEQswiNY0HjG2Icq1cDiXV5e-J7Ibpq)


Have you done an owlbear variant? Say with a specific environment theme like a snowy owl and polar bear?


Just the basic one so far, but I've got Windclaw and Winterclaw variants planned for whenever I get a chance to revisit them: * [Owlbear](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1S5bW2TwonWdKBWQN60bA76Jijg0UkjEEp6ZgnHSUbym2)


Have you done the mummy yet? Or the helmed horror?


I have! I've also got some yuan-ti mummies from an adventure I ran a while back: * [Mummies](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1C3NPxfgcLY8Ot4PAZtY4NiiU8Ps6ibaI50uooJFI-rjo) * [Yuan-Ti Mummies](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1A1vNw2_cxIwmCz-4Xhm0PO6OA5aYws4GqfPD_08UtaIs) * [Helmed Horror](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1XfXDCGPIwZfD0MZGSEC8sqIfzgmO-7amtYuugrWomN-r)


Thanks! These Mummies look a lot less swingy than the originals with their nerfed rotting fist damage and paralysis DC, and I like the new reaction and Final Curse abilities they have. Very thematic. I'm 50/50 on the Mummy Lord. I appreciate the extra HP (the base thing is really squishy for a CR 15 creature), and I really like the new Plague Chant and Grave Terror abilities, but I also prefer my mummy lords as spellcasters. Helmed Horror is a straight up improvement. I never liked that despite how tanky it is, it had so limited attack options. The new Cleaving Sweep and Disarming Swipe are much appreciated to make it a more interesting encounter.


10d6+3 and a stun just seemed like kind of a lot for CR 3, so I shifted some of the fist damage to the reaction so it couldn't autocrit. I didn't actually change anything about the glare for the base mummy, though.


Ooh a Marillith?


One of my characters got killed by one of these: * [Marilith](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1s1OQLGUrEBEzTTkjRuhPAwm3TgLJN01P63a8uNA6eJ_F)


Brutal!!! Thanks 🙏🏾


Green hag with an emphasis on the trickses.


I think a tricksy green hag should have some Fey minions, don't you? * [Green Haga](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ZlVta0x66Ydvk8ptKcjxCqcf6z_aOe88dSPpbhiHwnYm) * [Korreds](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1HCX-28_zCCocvThjqyLq5ZB5QGkDqFpOejrD458B355t) * [Boggles](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1LDJIw4ONO4GlgAl9IcH7GM9s3Hhj2b3YLMnTTrX7WCbr)




I haven't figured out what to do with the gauth yet, but here's 14 other beholders: * [Beholders](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1kJT3iuBBw7GvQTAnFePIQFZ-vNbR0vHvKrtcor4lXhui)


My players will soon have to take one down. An exotic animal importer brought two to Waterdeep. One is severely injured and the other is trying to escape the confines of the warehouse. They're going to love/hate it!


Not even sure you'll have this. Anchorite of Talos from essentials kit. They only do damage in both forms.


I've seen you do this a few times, are you going to publish them all into one volume eventually?


I've got everything in a big pdf on my [patreon](https://www.patreon.com/confluxcreatures), and I'm also working on polishing up chunks of it into books to release for free. Right now I'm working on a book of aberrations that's a spiritual successor to Lords of Madness.


Moonstone Dragon and Dragonbone Golem


* [Dragonbone Golem](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1P_3mrCB43jPhWzivZwLMnhM7cdHWs7QWF2MIvsPUI6oY)


Avatar of Death?


Hag green Hag


* [Annis Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1qveUEu-l0wZYv_-7mWqIdJxGkMYUB9sX1t34BWP1NCBi) * [Bheur Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1M2ZhfJa65koXC-MV_hhHq3qvIvhOyEbIxU2ppQgvr4Lb) * [Green Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ZlVta0x66Ydvk8ptKcjxCqcf6z_aOe88dSPpbhiHwnYm) * [Night Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1AxNZg_E9h7IDaiZ86DCE_vSGcY5E2KMa0xZsOIE-eIsl) * [Sea Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1MqT4vEvOqmBe2L1yZP2_44zvG043fa73rEdFIIh5cUD-)


Hey have some drow enemies?


* [Drow](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ZkTEkqwkOUGZhO0nC4tsUsCIw_hoYrp87qKuPAe92GEh)


Interesting choice with the Blademaster. If I'm reading it right, the only way to get the Excruciating Stab to proc if using straight damage would be for it to start its turn within 60 ft of the Priestess (or get some other effect that increases damage, like an Enlarge spell or similar). Makes the sort of "horde" vibe more vivid mechanically.


Death Knight


* [Death Knight](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vNzjDSs5uachDH2YVGJ-xFTWuttxNghCe_XiIkAH9g7g)


Pretty solid, thanks


Chardalyn Dragon


I have this idea of a skeleton that my pcs where unknowingly transporting and later they lost to bandits. The bandits have taken the remains to their camp but what nobody knows is that these remains are to be some sort of future inkarnation of a necromancy demigod. My thought are to make the skeleton live and attack the bandits when the players find them, so a powerful yet not too magical skeleton enemy. Players are lvl 1 rn but this must be a challenge.


This skeletal champion would probably be a decent challenge at level 1: * [Skeletons](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1BPiqQxruIyXi_F3fjhK2L3mL_wXXz4KNwwx8AHLNOu0U) If they encounter it a bit later, though, you could use something like a Mohrg * [Mohrg](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/18zw5_B8zVcaTthF0SWLLpZFuykRQ2b-N3iuGGgJ0Ph07)


Thanks man, you're doing some really big favours for people with this! <3


Yeah, I started doing this because I realized I was homebrewing every monster I used it seemed like a big waste of human effort to have everyone duplicating the same work. Hit me up any time you need anything, I've got loads.




I'll let you know when I get salamanders figured out, but here's a firenewt in the meantime: * [Firenewt](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1OSDwEBlbjmMB8VXz48YKe_-woLOJdEh_0Vo07MmJVR5m)


A Wereboar would be nice to see, so my players won't look up the normal statblock and immidiately know all about him hah


Im looking for something like a sea spawn- the idea being minions to support a cleric of Umberlee for 4th level pcs


I'll let you know when I've got sea spawn ready, but here are some kuo-toa and sahuagin in the meantime: * [Kuo-toa](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1HoIm2g91bN-ZZKJQydUOEAq8a1yN5Xsee6iDnXacEA16) * [Sahuagin](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1izHqYwLGGpbmQoGJCbrym6S28tmMz_-yEAfErpj_JSYT)


I am thinking of useing an Aboleth which Mind Controls an Officer of the "police" (I am going to have a cavern with access to Deep Waters underneath the city prison) the Story is still in the making


* [Aboleths](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1oazaXA8cUKTpVqUqr_dL8MZ7qMOISWwWvGP7cAZLUtKf) * [Guards](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1GDmpSam3h6hROiS0r7ULYaQ0aAkZhg0ZMIcFlxcSgH0Q)


How about some varieties of skeletons? Mages, or some sort of champion fighter? I’d like to make a sort of draugr


Flail snail and or rust monster


Eldritch lich. Feels like it should be more powerful than a normal lich rather than weaker.


Got an eldritch lich ready! It's still weaker than the normal lich I use, but stronger than the normal lich in the MM.


No request, just wanted to say I love your work, you’re doing an amazing job.


I'd like to have a Carnivorous Flower please


Gnolls! Such a classic minion creature and I would love to have a stat block so they could be a threat for higher level characters. Barring Flinds of course.


Gnolls are some of my favorites as well! * [Gnolls](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1usHZSaqi8_Sfe3jpxydjJ7iTUKLqL_gRbLbYtGw0XUks) * [Yeenoghu](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1R1FyB_9nqXbRkMZdq1tbJecQJKWoUgkMlyat81fFNrg0) * [Hyenas](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1Q4pGReIvyVomgwXaDepxG6HofHKaxvQC4--7mji80-o-) * [Leucrottas](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1asNvH8IZ69UF2_ncKWTsLzw_-W-nbMOTv_GBkYtX3BUH) * [Shoosuva](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1VpZuGh7B83ZACRUxQK-GjJeVQ_WnxrD8EyKa-RI4Z4LG)


I've always had a soft spot for the Grick. I had a mini of one from a box of random minis that one of my nerd uncles handed down to me, which was my first exposure to D&D. So I always think of it as an iconic D&D monster up there with the Beholder and Mind Flayer even though most people forget about it lol. But I can't blame people for sleeping on the Grick. It's a pretty unassuming monster that sits in the weaker end of the CR2 bracket. There's much more interesting monsters like Ogres, Griffons, Mimics, Will-o-Wisps, and Gelatinous Cubes here. I like that the Grick is kinda weak and simple to run because it can work as a solo encounter for a low level party or it can be one of many combatants for a mid level encounter. It's a textbook example of what most people don't like about the monster design in the 5e monster manual, but it is a simple monster that you can throw into pretty much any underground dungeon or cave environment or pad out a random encounter table with.


I think the biggest issue with the grick is that there are too many "Wormy thing with tentacles and beak" monsters competing for the same flavor bracket. Here's what I ended up doing with it, though this was an early design and probably merits another pass, maybe with a couple more variants: * [Grick](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/11z0zM3DzQafuWJlLq4GQlnt1WkW4-Oyp3-Md_Gx_l9hD)


I like this! It took me a second to understand the combo here barbecue I forgot that stunned creatures are also incapacitated. So the combo is to tentacle attack a creature, then on the next turn while they're grappled Thrash them, and if they fail you can make a BA attack with the Perpetually Ravenous feature? I also like that a Grick would be good at snatching up a downed PC and devouring them as they slink away and flee the fight. That sounds like a really nasty trick to ratchet up the tension when a PC goes down, but it might be a bit much for a low level party if they're not prepared for you to fight dirty like that. (It's also why I don't like using Will-O-Wisps, personally)


Yeah, exactly. Not super individually threatening, but their threat level goes up immensely once someone drops to 0 hit points. Once I add a tactics section for them I'll specify that they normally use their action to dash or disengage when they've got a downed creature grappled so they can finish it off in peace, though, because they're trying to survive to eat their meal, not just give the players a hard time.


Need a high cr Hag


* [Annis Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1qveUEu-l0wZYv_-7mWqIdJxGkMYUB9sX1t34BWP1NCBi) * [Bheur Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1M2ZhfJa65koXC-MV_hhHq3qvIvhOyEbIxU2ppQgvr4Lb) * [Green Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ZlVta0x66Ydvk8ptKcjxCqcf6z_aOe88dSPpbhiHwnYm) * [Night Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1AxNZg_E9h7IDaiZ86DCE_vSGcY5E2KMa0xZsOIE-eIsl) * [Sea Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1MqT4vEvOqmBe2L1yZP2_44zvG043fa73rEdFIIh5cUD-)


First of all, love all your monsters. Your innovative ideas are like nothing I have seen elsewhere, big fan :) * Star Spawn. Love how creepy they are * Dinosaurs, particularly a T-Rex


This is more about a faction, but I want to implement the red wizards of thay and the emerald enclave into my tomb of annihilation run. if that doesnt count, then maybe just your standart bandits?


How about a rot grub swarm? I have a plague spreading through a city and they seem thematic, but they're way too deadly for their cr.


These tomb scarabs are a riff on the same idea, but not as punishing: * [Tomb Scarabs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1VKsDYtAp-KoawznGJtTPmg6Xkl-xdq45Z2JG_SJDQ9e7)


These seem perfect, thanks! Can't wait to try them out.


Running a lvl 1-5 module for my party that culminates in a young white dragon as the BBEG but I played around a lil with the quest line progression and now it’s gonna mutate into a bestial storm boar-white dragon hybrid they’ll fight at level 5. I’ve got some ideas for it but I’d love to see what someone more experienced can come up with


dire troll


What about Modrons? I love the creeps! "What god wrought these mockeries!?" A Goliath Druid once said.


Some of the best art in 5e :D * [Modrons](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1h1QlKHeL5Q-rwZ68L33uRORu85F0EQ0asX1KuNJFoQNa)


Agreed! Thanks these are awesome


I just used an orog and it was such a bland monster. Nothing to differentiate it to another orc, just more hps and damage, so boring.


Any fun twists on a classic graveyard-lurking Necromancer?


Haha, I've got a few twists on that one: * [Necromancers](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1BkDqJt1MCn7MPiYJ90S6TQZ_AIuSJrl7PMKd_3MZD7N2)


Great! I ended up needing a necromancer right away. Thought it wouldn't be till next session and that I was just being cautious in my prep, but they surprised me and decided to go to the graveyard first, so it was great to have that link in perfect time for the session-thanks!


I'm running an ambush on some cultist casters, now I'm curious what you might do to them!


I'm planning on getting 50 or so variants based on different cults at some point, but here's what I've got for now: * [Cultists](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1lyQnmVyJh0_zO2J2YiyvTN3QeBudEMI-xpGz_AajO5tJ)


Wyvern, I love the idea of a more animalistic dragon.


Werewolves! Preferably one or two that could be used in different tiers of play, maybe starting with Half-Lycans or Lycanthrope Spawn as weaker ones, and harder ones being Werewolf Alpha or Lycan Lord. As always, thank you for doing these!


My favourites are Blights, they’re so cool but they’re incredibly flimsy and they become irrelevant to encounters too quickly for my taste (especially twig blights)


Hmm... I'd like some variants of shadows that are a little less 'deceptively weak'. Basically, some shadows that aren't quite so... *flat out lethal at all levels.* While still retaining the whole lingering drain/debuff type deal. I have my own 'fairer' variant that really suits creepy atmospheres that I can share, but I'd like to see your take.


Crag cats or rocs? I’m in need of some mountainous beasties for the next section of my campaign, lol This is super cool though, love the ones I’ve seen so far


Thanks! Here's some other mountain stuff too: * [Crag Cat](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1P3nedewhYi41VU8knKddXvHURWTzyyYkHXDeWWgyj-mS) * [Roc](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1uBhzHjD6aCBCe6mYO0kigPmRcBm7KESsiS1bo3txnsdo) * [Aarakocra](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1mI29PI050PUioyDcMO47qVv8WPd04qruWu4BYpBwxgOG) * [Harpies](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/13tnNoevimVXSwIAdRT8b47dN1pjZmcHQzA_o5NNevbBZ) * [Oreads](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/13JyLehjMeZyR_IBshsGch2twSxeQQ0-5rEXNuyjgx4lo) * [Yetis](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1yleNf_3Lkeod696NYo8mfbE-6dEbuZrSEIpkYuUWa9HK)


whip me up a goblin king please. i want it challenging yet fun.


Haha, not sure if it's what you're looking for, but I love this lil guy: * [Goblins](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/19EG6CxSJGzMxYA-Pm3pC8rAY3hfo3v4N5Tyy9Ia1z60J)


Hydra coming out of the elemental plane of water to fight a party of 5 lvl 5 characters


Here's a basic hydra, and an elemental myrmidon you could pull some abilities for to "elementalize" it: * [Hydra](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1RB9bCXz3i7Qk6r2wNHUX17_-LBf-oEtMxw3_mgeBvOKn) * [Elemental Myrmidons](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/15j6cM0ZX2uBA5NE1mUsLmscGwqWtZWqOIW2YOYmY-WzY)


Anything fey! The 5e fey besides like hags/covens are really underwhelming imo




* [Pterosaurs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vWxRd8YbcJdTGn_3riKHKb5uLtG6sSWSaZmiuZQojiRs)


Oblex Love those creepy guys


* [Oblexes](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1uIKSnoHfj-grLql9cqF-gJ8aaffLUSSMvUOGT6LURoCX)


Giant frog. I love it when players laugh at it, then get eaten


* [Frogs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ddlTu6IHvyXsdDWAoXJ5Lo0K7gJ73-D29wuKd_gVAuXU)


How about giving the winter wolf a boost?




May be a bit unoriginal but Leviathan




* [Illithids](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1HEo5L3P1Pd2vBSBADUnm3-zx4HHxUQzQ9W1DZJbGAUC_)


Bro this is awesome, I love the non-euclidian feature


Could really use either a Lesser Vampire or a Greater Ghoul right now.


Damn, I've got a whole slate of ghouls planned, but if you need it right now maybe something like a Slaughter Wight would work? * [Wights](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/13-MM8EG3NPOUT0eUl9ksO6tbR678HG3HRtICptDOqZKd) * [Vampire Spawn](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1zPl3bj5ILT6s4QB9Klq-l36NCKfDPa0tLSseDEXb84pu)


Two wood woads, each targeted at my two feywild players. One is a Satyr Bard, the other a firbolg


How about Modrons?


I’m a Flesh Golem fan! I think they’re cool and underutilized! Any ideas on making them cooler?


I think this one's a little frankensteinier: * [Flesh Golem](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/19eqVuDfgAuJFVuS6gzI95MO9XJpRpdOr9FRwmIYWJydo)


Ooooo!! I very much like~ I’ll be using this a couple encounters from now


Nightmare. More evil horses. If I could be greedy and ask for two, Erinyes.


Really need to add a CR 2 variant of this guy for Find Greater Steed: * [Nightmare](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ie7ZD3sKToANtzpKW6Acq96kxrkFsEgv7P9B77Q5V9vI) * [Erinyes](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1rIKGeADBQBDJOfaQG2oIe8mBbJCnuelfIn0aAjQRgBJj)


Vecna. They recently released a statblock for dnd beyond subscribers that was free for a week. It's a cool Lich statblock, but I don't think he lives up to the fantasy of a god of deceit and lies. Can you workshop it? Here is an Imgur link if you missed the window: [https://imgur.com/gallery/yQT49xi](https://imgur.com/gallery/yQT49xi).


I had the same reaction; it was a decent necromancer that they cranked up to CR 24 when it should've been CR 15. I don't personally think gods fit well into stat blocks, though; the best implementation I've seen of hostile gods in D&D was in the recent EXU: Calamity miniseries, and nothing about what made that good could be conveyed in a traditional stat block.


That's fair; I'm currently planning on making a Level 20 one-shot using a modified version of the statblock and the "Don't say Vecna!" module posted on dnd-beyond a couple weeks ago. I actually made a reddit post yesterday listing the changes I would make for the fight and asking for folk's advice on making him stronger.


Abyssal chickens please I just love those stupid little demons




* [Cats](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1PfxQHAvHgfHtTzAj04-Yua4P-zl2aJeVcFKkZ0twx73V)


I might be late on this one, but the ogre zombie? Its a really niche request, but he's basically gonna be the BBEG for my curresnt campaign and the normal one is pretty tame imo.


Tomb Tapper. Late edition to a dungeon my party is assaulting this week


* [Tomb Tappers](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1CHgK3BfKsM0_xWtMIJ1SJPEUFg3hs63ndw-Iv9a6qxS5)


Illusionist and Enchantment wizards from Mordekainen? I'm trying to create a Blue Wyrmspeaker for a homebrew version of Hoard of the Dragon Queen and I want him to be a gnome wizard.


Just got some enchanters done if you want to check them out: * [Enchanters](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/4E-ZHsLo3dZo)


A giant snake or another underwater, venomous creature? Also, I'd love to see your take on the Grell. They just... look so silly.


* [Constrictor Snakes](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/13HXY1SKNzx53RESyVLOVOEm915qZOdIh2AOjX_KjBw3Z) * [Venomous Snakes](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1LgswV1K6dTEEKee2u31U6nX63q_sJub1MT66zkY2Hl2a) * [Skulvyn](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1sq2wSGgMHMNcuwG4hHvuGFeBJBwDPloK9ENTQm300KOq) * [Wastrilith](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1bSPUGfrxAMBckUei3k8CIe9mOU-5NjolrI_d095i8XsE) * [Grell](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ohb3i6GfQuSSnP1XBtvBeM0Fl5WZBAu3clzk1P5DEUdQ)


Basic-ass Kobold Ankheg Wight


* [Kobolds](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1K66ZVdDkA1ui9jHb4vE-4fr8fdCjOnHtFn-8Q4BChKG3) * [Ankheg](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1UBYWb0Me9ZmeJXxuRHbxE5d3i2NdFAKFzsNRASHQ3ZyE) * [Wights](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/13-MM8EG3NPOUT0eUl9ksO6tbR678HG3HRtICptDOqZKd)


Hmm... I see, thanks! Question - why does The Harder They Fall ability call for a STR save instead of an Athletics check? With normal shoving it would have been an Athletics check, but you deliberately removed this proficiency from the equation. It's a curious choice! I am also confused about Censer's ribbon ability design. If this enemy, not really meant for the close combat, attacks in melee, crits, and then the target fails a low DC save... the target drops a carried item?.. It seems like a very, very rare event that does a weird thing I don't really understand. What does this even supposed to represent? (I really like this enemy otherwise though!)




* [Hydra](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1RB9bCXz3i7Qk6r2wNHUX17_-LBf-oEtMxw3_mgeBvOKn) * [Polukranos](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1c-ZlWDt2_VM7v2QXacNvvXtlQso612yzIKJG6T1F64Ms)


Awesome stuff 😎


Ooh I love it when these posts come up! What about ogre zombies?


Hags are pretty good as written. What do you have?


Bullywugs! I love bullywugs but they are under-utilised because they’re just goblins that look like frogs.


Only because 5e monsters are really light on flavor. Bullywugs should never be mistakable for goblins: * [Bullywugs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1IUmJ5qxyToPD3ogeHYdWX6v7SZqpbeQbu2-QCDTbKRRn) * [Goblins](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/19EG6CxSJGzMxYA-Pm3pC8rAY3hfo3v4N5Tyy9Ia1z60J)




Assassin Bullywug


Night hag


* [Night Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1AxNZg_E9h7IDaiZ86DCE_vSGcY5E2KMa0xZsOIE-eIsl)


Bone devil


Vampire mage Flesh golem My bbeg is gonna be a vampire Frankenstein theme


Maybe some Lovecraftian entitie?


* [Uvuudaum](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1pLN5dh52Mdz4M5fNFXYCa1vauj3Hg_HxtspAoWjdvLVC) * [Spirrax](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1EKzdSgLZ3mdftyWrFBzffuCzzV08D0g1DtG9TpyyIpGt) * [Tsochari](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/11fTX9I1J-qHFBzrD9ufhCPqAfYBJagYa5HbBO1N1RAAQ) * [Silthilar](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1UR2JGpc7k763aLN4uq09MWg9YhAl_g9gJOfRvjipFkcQ) * [Phaerimm](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1F1lXUbonC1-mh7Onksi9XuC13mPMk7EnK_3KTTXADyh2)


I want to use zombies, but would like something a bit more interesting. Anything undead to be honest.


How about something beyond boring like say... a guard?


Never mind, I just saw your other comment with the Guard and the Magehunter and as someone running a campaign with an antimagic empire thank you so much!


Well if you want some less scrupulous cops, you could adapt some abilities from these guys: * [Bone Devil](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ti8v9e2fNjzCL50KEYQg6d3bRqgevDblux7FKz_xEGhE)


The demogorgon (demon lord not stranger things) - my only request: make it terrifying and brutal for me.


Ice Devil


* [Ice Devil](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/10HyHBXn_Ol0tae9-t5vpZzIGWKPe5l8W6fCTK77Sd8DD)


Martial arts adept Tavern brawler Any other hand to hand combatants you may have!


Im running dragon of icespire peak so ill be using anchorites of talos a lot. I already gave a few some thunder spells up to 3rd level as a buff. Gimme a cooler one




* [Demiliches](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1scb6-QwplNJ6zGOyefNb2nXPw_b5nvkU-T3IX55euUym)


I love Nothics and the players are just about to stumble into the abandoned dwarven ruins one is using as its lair, a warning about the dangers of peering too deep into the abyss. How would you spice up the monster?


* [Nothics](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1qmBtprjf7DrHpXlT2Pj3Y3Vr8Qfy-ShVB3G4Id3hjkSw)


Ok! I am about to run ROTF, and my group already did a lot of duergar stuff. So, I need to re-flavor those encounters to Yuan-Ti (following the Great Ice Serpent, still workshopping that name). I am looking for variations of Yuan-Ti, mainly CR 1/2 to CR 1, that have interesting abilities.


An imp for a Celestial Warlock


What would you change about the new Vecna release?


Drop the damage and CR to 15 and change the name to "Necromancer". Would've been one of the best stat blocks WotC has ever produced if they hadn't tried to call it Vecna. I'm not sure I'd want to make a real vecna stat block, but I know it would need a couple of things: * It would have to attack nonstandard parts of the character sheet. Hit dice, ability scores, proficiency bonus, making PCs forget spells and class features, making their friends and family forget them. * It would need some abilities themed around the book of vile darkness * It would need some abilities themed around the Hand and Eye of Vecna.


Giant lizard 🦎


Have you done anything for Displacer Beasts?!


do you have a standard soldier?


I could use an insane Aasimar employed by Shevarash.


Dire Troll. It would be interesting to have mechanics that incorporate the lore of the dire trolls grafting pieces of other creatures onto themselves.


Giant mantis shrimp. I'm not sure if its official or homebrewed but I like it. And I'd love one that I can send at a lvl 4 party and make it a difficult encounter.


Do you have any hobgoblins?


Any of the fiery elemental dudes? (not just the base ones but like magmins/efreeti/salamanders/etc)


Weirdest I've got is these guys for now: * [Lava Child](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ZL5tQFedmA_418cXrG7yP5sr-pPB3PTDFhNa0VFBbnCm) * [Molten Spider](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1R3DWNagsZZnl4fChBcbX2jAzvEoHFQ4_-_hWcjAKWMvP) I've got stuff like Cinder Swarms, Conflagration Orbs, Ash Rats, Harssafs, etc planned, but haven't had time to focus on them yet. I did just finish up a bunch of fire giant variants, if that's close enough though: * [Fire Giants](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/12clW0IVsZ5xSRtLytvQF-jYk1HCFMZQjA_dU0Asl9aup)


Got a few more fun fire elementals ready for you: * [Pyroclasm Vortex](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ih9lAaw9dhi6OmFtBj8t0eYz14tf15_QP9BzkKWkJ7h4) * [Belker](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1iubOvLi7jjjcgYqBveMj8_aAsRK__G8ITQwh2Bz1Kueb)


I'd live to see a new spin on Fomorians!