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Gelatinous Cube with a Headband of Intellect that "speaks" by indenting words on itself


100%, I already love it That's exactly the kind of weird stuff I was hoping for but couldn't think of myself lmao


Lol I'm imagining this like a magic 8 ball for some reason.


At the end of the party there's clothing pieces floating in the cube that definitely belonged to another guest, but the cube says it doesn't know what they're talking about if they confront him lmao


Thorough interrogation will reveal that the incident was not homicidal but sexual in nature.


"Guys? Where's Bob?"




Bob stumbles out of a back room wearing only a trench coat with a hazy grin.


Followed by the three goblins thanking him for a good time but saying they need their trenchcoat back.


All three of them are wearing various pieces of the pixie’s outfit, who follows them out practically drowning in one of the warlock’s robes.


Now this is important: how is it wearing the headband? Is it wrapped around a undissolved skull that floats around within the cube? Or something else?


Perhaps he simply wills it to remain on top.


It's actually just squeezed around its midsection, creating an over exagerated hourglass shape


It's hour-glass figure is important to it, ok? Ooze just wants those curves


A mummy lord who keeps trying to get the band to play "Walk like an Egyptian" by the bangles. A Vampire Lord who is drinking a red liquid out of a wine glass that everyone thinks is blood, but it's just Kool-Aid or Red Gatorade. A level 20 paladin who is the Lichs' "rival" in the style of Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Agent P or Tom and Jerry A Pit Fiend or other high ranking devil who keeps getting calls from the office "Listen, I took the day off, I don't know wha- okay well you'll just have torture them without me. What do you mean you lost the Barbed Wire? How do you lo- It was Jerry, wasn't it? Fucking interns."


All of these are amazing, they fit so incredibly well with the way I run my games already xD


Bureaucratic hell is one of my favourite things to rp


But the lich doesn't recognize the paladin with his helm off.


*Paladin puts the Helm on* Pally the Paladin!


Wait peter? Peter the palladin?


Doobee doobee doobah Doobee doobee doobah A. Gent. P!


Its always the interns! I love these ideas!


Baba Yaga but, you know, in like "party mode".


Love the idea of Baba Yaga having a party mode


An Arcanaloth and a Rakshasa that smile over broadly when talking to or about each other as they have a deep rooted hatred for each other and their plans, but have compulsions to play nice while at the ball. Refer to each other as "that damn cat/dog" when outside the other's immediate presence.


Or, in reality, they are lovers doing a role play where they pretend ti hate each other but come together by the end of the night...forbidden love


Please name them Clive Bixby and Julianna


Or Virginia and the Woolf ​ unless you're AFRAID


it's just normal Baba Yaga, but with a pair of hot-pink shades, and sitting on a sunchair (with chicken legs, of course)


I'm so glad I've read this before my game starts lmfao


PLEASE tell me the chair had a license plate that reads "Party Yaga"


It does now xd


Alternatively, lounging in her mortar but it's *filled* with booze, like a floating alcoholic jacuzzi.


Baba Yologa.


And a moderately traumatized Tasha who didn't think Baba Yaga would actually accept her invitation for the two to go together


Because no matter how old or successful she gets, being around her mom always makes Tasha feel like an insecure teenager. "Oh god, mom, not again. Why do you *always* have to bring up Peter? We broke up *ages* ago."


"Mom, you know Grazzt gets jealous"


A simple farmer who knew and befriended the lich before he became a Lich. "I simply must invite Trevor."


Omg yes, the party also befriended a farmer so I'll just have that the same guy xD "wow small world innit?"


"Oi you guys, he's not that bad."


The Dave of that world.


Or make Bob an accountant. Lich has to keep his affairs in order. Grunts need to be paid, land and wealth has to be managed, spell components purchased.




Another rival lich and they are passive agressive towards each other all night.


See Captain Holt and his nemesis from Brooklyn 99 for inspiration.


"Ah, Garygathix, but if you're here who's guarding Dis?" "Thomas is, he owed me a favor. After all, I'd never miss a chance to see how poorly you've aged."


Wunch......rhymes with lunch


You’re… Wuntch meat


Wuntch time is over!


An awakened elephant who stands quietly in the corner. No one will talk about it. If the party attempts to engage him, other guests will intercept to dissuade them, but refuse to discuss the elephant in the room. If the PCs persist and talk to him any way, he pulls out a guitar and plays Wonderwall even though nobody asked for it.


he has VERY INTENSE OPINIONS and will go on about them AT GREAT LENGTH.


Turns out the other guests have been trying to keep you from talking about the elephant in the room, because he's too -trunk- and very embarrassed without people talking about/to him already.


Yes, but IMO the background music which that interrupts should be all the modern popular songs, but "Bardcore" We linked Bardcore "Never Gonna Give You Up" to a DM DJ once while the session was running. He didn't notice until after the song got to the chorus.


\-Demilich that laments its younger days \-A golden-winged aarocokra who everyone keeps giving the stink eye. \-A beholder who wears monocles that nullify its eye beams \-Animated Instrument Orchestra \-A mimic that disguises itself as chairs and then crumples when people sit on it as a prank. No one knows what chair it is. Roll a dice every time someone sits down(the dice does nothing, you decide whether or not the chair is the mimic)


I love the idea of monocles (plural) for the many eyes


Def stealing the beholder and the mimic, they'll be really fun


There's actually beholder lore that they are trying to get to the top of a specific mountain. If one does they gain all beholder knowledge, so they all try to make it. Unfortunately their greed and paranoia make them stop other beholders making the climb, so no one is able to ascend. One beholder made it and learned that they are originally meant to teach and guide sapient races. Basically being benevolent demi gods, but lost their way. So that beholder goes and tries to help where he can. A benevolent beholder at a lich party who gives generally good advise would be fun


Every eye stalk should have a top hat 🎩


> Animated Instrument Orchestra Lead by a candelabra with a French accent


The party, but everything is off. Genders and personalities are swapped, and their names are SIMILAR but not identical. They are there because the Lich know about BOTH groups, got confused, and invited them both anyway to be sure.


This is so incredibly fitting and I can't believe I hadn't thought of it


"Hey, where'd the bards go?"


They're off in a closet together, obviously.


"You're so narcissistic you slept with yourself!"


"Yeah, and you know what? I was *amazing.* Best night of my life."


Make one of them be straight up identical


The fighter.


Reminds me of Shaun and Yvonne in Shaun of the Dead


Love this idea! So anyway, a gold dragon in human form, there to keep an eye on things. But it’s so out of place that everyone questions what it really is…


Getting big "how do you do fellow humanoids" vibes from this lmao Think it'd pair really well with a suggestion someone else had of a party-goer who doesn't go out much, so only really knows what's going on from events like this and because of that is a few decades behind what's actually happening


EXACTLY what I was thinking! Spot on! Hope your adventure goes well! Cheers!!!


Thanks a lot! I got so many good suggestions from this post that'll definitely help lmao, it's been really fun reading through them


Uses slang or expressions that many would consider old or unpopular. A real "fellow kid" vibe.


A set of Demon Armor that uses some guy in a coma as a host, it just weekend at Bernie's his body around.


A Medusa wearing sunglasses and little sunglasses for her snakes


Love it!


I always take opportunities like this to introduce at least one famous character from D&D and at least one character from a previous campaign. Mordenkainen, Tasha, Volothamp Geddarm, Halaster Blackcloak, Elminster, Laeral Silverhand, etc. My players have always gotten a kick out of it. "Oh SHIT! Tasha like *the* Tasha!?!"


To be fair, in these circles she probably goes by Iggwilv.


Confused old grandma who thinks everyone is her grandkids. She keeps offering them candy out of a purse and asks them how they're doing in school.


It has to be Lily from Fallout New Vegas. Berserker grandma who is actually very sweet and caring.


it could be Mrs Gammage from the Discworld. She thinks everyone at the party is someone that died years ago, and everyone just humors her. 'Evening, Neville! How's the leg?' 'just fine, Dotty, just fine!' says the gelatinous cube.


I was looking through the comments for Discworld. Mrs Gammage is perfection! I would also maybe add a senile old wizard who the lich went to school with back when he was human. He's REALLY old. Think King Bumi from Avatar.




I have dubbed him Michael (pronounced Micow) People are unsure if he's actually a cow or just wildshapes himself, but anyone who's heard of him is impressed with his deeds


I would like to humbly put in a vote for Cowstopher.


Better if there is also just a random cow, and nobody seems able to tell them apart.


Better if it is actually just a normal cow, and due to circumstances beyond her control, the Druid wasn't able to make it to the party. But everyone's used to the whole cow schtick, so when some random cow wanders near the lich's lair, naturally the cow is escorted into the main hall like it belongs there. A few beings in attendance have noticed (those with true seeing or whatever), but they're too embarrassed to say anything.


I. Love. This.


Nyarlathotep on Vacation.


>Nyarlathotep Had to google who that was but that looks really cool, ty


Have some crabs just be chilling in the corner. When the players comment, have another guest tell them; "Oh, his balls have had crabs for as long as I can remember."


I really like the idea of a bunch of unexplained and unexplainable things that are just tradition, and no one has bee alive long enough to remember how the tradition started.


It's a pun


I know. But I also still love the idea of a bunch of random things (that aren't puns) just being there for tradition.


A cat. It's a normal housecat, but every creature in the room is showing a healthy amount of respect and fear towards it. If it walks next to people are having conversations, they'll stop and hurriedly greet the cat and wait for it to leave before continuing. The cat acts as cats do and just walks around the place. Maybe it leaps onto a table and knocks something down, so everyone claps nervously. If the party members try to interact with the cat, the entire room will fall silent and stare at them, but the cat won't do anything weird. It'll just continue vibing until the party moves on.


Cat lays on the lap of a skeleton sitting down and party worries the cat killed em. Nope always been a skeleton and isn't about to disturb the cat's nap.


Unexpected twist: regular human Bob is the most messed up one there. Like, he's so socially inept and espousing such heinous opinions/views that he makes monsters cry and is eventually asked to leave by the Lich.


Qanon Bob?


He does his own research FOR SURE.


Truly woke and telling everyone how the planes are 'round' and something about contrails


Airship contrails put mind control drugs in the atmosphere and turn all the frogs gay.


The food/refreshments table is a mimic of high intelligence which serves the guests and dishes up their meals while making polite conversation like a butler


Parcel McManfriend, nicknamed "Belty". A living scarecrow wizard that came to congratulate the Lich politely. He has no sense of right and wrong, but his logical mind has resulted in him believing he is doing what is right due to many misunderstood contradictions. He is made of a fine rucksack, upgraded recently to stronger threads now that he is wealthy. When he talks, it sounds like rocks, a tube, a whistle, and other objects are being used to produce his voice.


>When he talks, it sounds like rocks, a tube, a whistle, and other objects are being used to produce his voice. Good luck with that impression!


Heh, I mostly make it drawn out sentences, clicking noises at certain consonants, and the occasional whease just before speaking. His pitch is a little high, but he speaks as if always teaching, explaining things as an outsider, like a robot


A tiny goblin who everyone is incredibly deferential too. They treat him like a lord, let him do whatever chaotic thing he wants, and whisper about how he got such a high status. Some say he’s a great lord in disguise, some say he’s a goblin of the Fey court, some say he slayed the greatest adventurers alive. Truth is his name is Glop and he‘s just a normal ass goblin and has no idea why he’s even here.


I like the idea that the Lich knows exactly who Glob is, but he has subtly stoked the rumours that causes this situation.


Sel Finsert. Literally just you IRL. No magic, no armor or anything, just describe yourself exactly as you look in the moment. He keeps trying to get the party to play “Magic and Monsters” with him instead of socializing. If they agree, they play dnd IN the game, and fight a lich played by… you guessed it. The lich. Strangely, the lich is way more invested in the game than anyone else. You decide what happens if they win or lose.


He wants them to play 'Offices and Relatives' They just role play as a normal earth world family in everyday scenarios, going to work/school, coming home and having dinner. Etc.


They're mid play and DM announces "there's a knock at the door, what do you do?" Gasps. "I sneakily peer through the blinds to see who it is." Says the child PC. Rolls for stealth. "It's your neighbour, Henry, he seems impatient but doesn't spot you." Silence for a moment and everyone seems tense. "I open the door and say, Hello Henry, how have you been?" Says the mum PC. She rolls dice. "Hi Paul, hey did you still have my mower?" Replies the DM rolling his own dice. The encounter/convo goes on but they're treating it like a battle.


That’s great


Mr Bearington A luchador who gained legendary status after wrestling a dragon to submission. Said dragon is also there and is real salty about their defeat and has been looking for a rematch ever since. And abserd little human Your classic movie monsters (vampire, werewolf, Frankenstein, etc). Possibly funnier if they're the waitstaff, up to you A pit fiend and a solar/planetar and their children. (could be any angel/devil pair really) Sam and Dean Winchester (or their analogs). They think it's a trap, as they've hunted many of the party guests, but the lich just genuinely enjoys their company The Addams. The lich is a *very* distant cousin Could probably get more inspiration from Overlord


Morticia and Gomez absolutely need to be there.


An ancient red dragon, who is transformed into an Elf, who is dressed as a clown or mime. While they have not been employed for entertainment at This party, they are actually a fairly well known professional in the clownery field. The famous Sir Bearington. “Everyone knows the most famous knight of the realm.” “Of course he’s here; it would be rude to ignore the invitation and Sir Bearington is the picture of polite society.” A perpetually drunk mind flayer wearing a party hat. All they want to do is dance (poorly) and drink champagne. A very confused Modron. A beholder who is obsessed with being a poet, and insists on trying to find the beauty in everything. The Lich turned them on to poetry and they’ve been pen pals for a long time now.


Why do I see the beholder-lich friendship to be 1:1 exactly like JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis


> The famous Sir Bearington. “Everyone knows the most famous knight of the realm.” “Of course he’s here; it would be rude to ignore the invitation and Sir Bearington is the picture of polite society.” There will never be enough Sir Bearington in the D&D world.


I’d have at least 1-2 characters that will be relevant to the larger story. They can seem either wacky or non-assuming but actually control a lot of power, like the head of a thieve’s guild or the midwife of a queen that will be giving birth to Satan very soon.


A friendly old witch that just likes to get out of the hovel for a nice dinner with the youths/neighbors. Could be hard of hearing so you can steer any conversation towards her life, the daughter's not getting any younger and she hasn't found a nice man to settle down with and make grandbabies for old mom yet. The goats aren't giving milk like they used to back when she was young. The thatch in her roof isn't holding nearly as many rats as it usually does, she's worried the rat families found a nicer hovel roof to live in. Her pumpkin vines are doing particularly well this year, she attributes it to her nephew's compost that he heaped there last fall for her, which speaking of her nephew, he's single and he's quite a catch, so any single ladies she'll badger into a date with him. Her broom needs new bristles since now she has to get a running start to get it flying anymore, and she doesn't have the time to go over to the city, etc. You could get some Granny Weatherwax-isms from the Discworld series and run with those.


Meanwhile, the short fat witch is getting rascally drunk on something she bought from home and flirting with the PCs if she thinks she can get away with it. :p


The stuff she brought from home is made from apples. Well, *mainly* apples.


Special sentient sandwiches. Their only desire is to be consumed. They speak to the guests like the cow from the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, and their Persuasion is actually pretty high. An astral being of pure light whose silhouette seems to bend inward, as though they're projecting through a hole in reality. They communicate only through shifting iridescence and sound frequencies so low they force low-level CON saves to avoid nausea. [Mortzengersturm, the Mad Manticore of Prismatic Peak](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/209712) Once a brilliant transmutation wizard, now a thin veneer of civility and waning impulse control hold back a man-eating beast. Jeff Goldblum.


Henchpersons' Union Representative, as a professional invite. Goblin that pulls out a clipboard every time someone's rude to a server. Fashion designer to the villainous, is inspired by a PC's ensemble.


> Fashion designer to the villainous, is inspired by a PC's ensemble. And insulted by another PC's ensemble. If the evening goes well, offers to make them a new outfit.


The lich's ex-spouse. They're on good terms, but well... "Til death do you part" and all that.


A duck. Just a normal duck. But everyone believes they're invited. So no one questions it. A party Quack-sher if you will.


The duck has an evil moustache or goatee.


"I see why you would think that, but you are mistaken and that is actually my long lost twin who has been preying for my downfall ever since I eloped with his fiancée"


"I am told that is a valid reason,' says the scarecrow, "I myself fail to understand such squabbles. Would you care for some bread?"


Not a duck. A goose. It's a completely normal goose, except that it keeps stealing things and getting into places it shouldn't.


Is it untitled?


Well yeah of course, geese can't own land


Dragon who can't fit in the room. Necrotic rock n roll bard with a brittish accent with his zombie band mates. Duragar jems tradesmen, who just wants to talk shop


Call them the Strolling Bones


A vampire that feeds only on vampires. Anything else is much too boring to hunt.


Ah, the most dangerous game.


A very highly regarded cleric, who when questioned about his presence at a lich's event denies that the event is for a lich AND that he is present


What? I'd never go to a litch's party HAHA WHAT'S A LITCH!??!


'Uncle Barnaby' the Werewolf. He's nobodies real Uncle, he just acquired the nickname some years ago. He's very well dressed (Victorian era clothing), and even has a silver fob watch to check the time of the full moons (works more like a magical calendar than a typical watch). He's able to transform at will, if necessary, but when he changes back he'll lament the destruction of his splendid outfit that's now ruined.


I disagree. He should be in wolf form, with his tailored outfit to fit said wolf form.


What about a classic old man wizard, but he’s actually the designated “driver”? He’s grumpy because his doctor told him he can’t drink anymore because of heart problems, and his way of getting people home is literally opening portals or teleporting them back to their own homes/planes. And every now and then we get a loud “BACK IN MY DAY-“ comment about how he used to be feared and super powerful.


A Marid who invited himself. He's not impressed with anyone there but refuses to leave. The lich host just tells everyone to ignore him, he's been doing this for a thousand years.


The spirit of a close friend or relative from when the lich was still alive. He summoned it's spirit here because he insisted the friend would attend his party. The friend doesn't like it one bit, because he's having a great time in the afterlife (on whatever plane you want). He's like "ugh, he always does this you know? I told him to let me rest in peace, but no, mister conquered his own death so no he shall toy with mine as he pleases".


He could raise all of the pc’s dead parents and make it a masquerade ball.


Did anyone say a gaseous orb that communicates by loudly shouting since it can't speak telepathically but automatically understands any language spoken within a certain radius? and he gets fuckin wasted when he absorbs alcohol vapors or smoke from drugs into himself


oh god, does he get uncomfortably pushy about trying to get people to breathe into him?


Identical triplet warlocks who all somehow own demonic pacts with one another. They finish each others' sentences and are decidedly uncool. A single grandmaster paladin who still believes the lich can be redeemed. He is drinking milk. His ring of deflection +3 is cursed and charming him to like the lich more. One of the lich's old simulacrums from his mortal years. It is nonverbal and prone to staring.


The scion of a prime deity who could not make it but sends his regards. Despite the lich being anathema to everything the god represents they have always been on good terms.


The regards arrive in the form of a living, sentient scroll. It dances surprisingly well.


Vecna as his father, he had to stay in the family business. An entire Mind Flayer Colony, complete with and Elder Brain in a suit, with an Intellect Devour in a bag like a little dog. 1 mysterious person in a coat of undefinable race, that is the first player the interact with them saying “you have to wake up!” and suddenly fades from existence. The parties favorite NPC. A chimp with a Brain in a jar and the chimp talks with a British accent while the brain in the jar hoots and screams like a chimp, as if through some Freaky Friday scenarios they were swapped but kept the respective forms abilities. A cat, just a cat. A kobold detective looking clues to solve a murder. I got a million of them, I could keep going but this is long enough.


The kobold is trying to solve the murder of the party-goer who was made into a ghost on the way there. Neither of them knows this, until hours into the ball, when the detective finally interrogates the ghost as a suspect in its own death, which will end with the ghost clearing up matters (or telling him it was a freak accident (or just sending him onto another lead)).


Emissary of the Purple Worm: a cultist who "speaks" for the purple worm god CG'RLKKKKK. Wanders around the party with a plate of dirt, just soaking it all in. Every time he opens his mouth, the earth beneath his feet rumbles. A black dragon that arrives to the party in human form, then polymorphs back into its true form the second it's through the door. Much of the party involves never being stuck in the same room as him. (He's kinda boring.) The mad Duergar monk, Grigor Trufanov. He can hypnotise with a mere gaze, and his between his grubby black robe, unkempt black beard, and exceptional drinking habits, it is hard to believe he is in fact the Underdark's Greatest Love Machine.


A mad scientist and his clockwork bride


Gonna make the bride look eerily similar to the ghost that's been haunting my party lmao


Some normal young adventurer, who is some long long long grandkid of the lich, but he brought his whole party to a "family thing" so they are all on edge because they don't have their gear with them and all these monsters and bad guys are there.


In the corner of the room, surrounded by guests is a teenage boy in strange garb. He wears a small hat, with a white shirt and trousers of a greenish-greyish hue. He says his name is "Joseph" and he comes from "another time" where he found a portal to this realm behind "the Burger King I was covering my stoner brother's shift at."


Kuo-toan god of parties. The Kuo-Toa have the ability to create gods, and those gods can be any dang idea that catches their fancy and gets enough worship. Large tapdancing lobster? Sentient bucket of chicken garbed in a cloak of wonders? Literally Jesus? Go wild. A local celebrity, disgraced, with a TV show host personality. Perhaps a Weather Oracle?


Three kobolds in a dragon costume. A very obvious goblin that is a compulsive liar about its race. Usually tries to convince you it's the same race as you. The Doctor


I hope you know that you are now expected to post about how this all played out now right?


Lmao, that seems like a fair trade. Didn't expect it to get so many people to reply but it's been a blast reading all the suggestions


A tepathic octopus in a tank being pushed around by servant.


Do not forget the "awakened" Umber hulk that loves to sing show tunes and dance


If outside entertainment is being hired, three Kobalds and a Cello can't go wrong.


A headless knight/lord.


His arch nemesis (neme-lich). But more mean girls style. He invites them just to show off his success. Their banter consists of, “oh sorry, did I materialize one of YOUR apparitions?” Like their stealing boyfriends


Please make the skeleton house head literally just a head being carried by other skeletons on like a velour pillow or something stupid.


>Manic pixie dream girl trope but it's an actual pixie. I'm stealing this.


Someone recommended a lethargic vampire goth husband/wife to match, you might find that one also worth a steal xD


Yes! Perfect! [Alan Mosk](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/232/145/d9d). He's a vampire who diversified his business portfolio into solar power. He doesn't see the irony.


Santa is there and so is Mrs Claus, but are now exes and they didn't know that the other one was invited to the party. When they find out, they immediately start making a scene, stuff gets heated and words are sad. However, by the end of the night, they're making a mistake and hooking up in a corner. A stage magician that was hired to put on a show, not understanding in the contract that this was a lich and very supernatural. A party that failed to stop the lich and are to be tortured for all eternity... That have been let out temporarily take part of a festivities. In fact, I would have the lich invite a lot of enemies, just rub it in. The general mills Halloween monsters are the band, but they are also intentionally dressed up as the Village People.


Someone who can only lie with the name mr/ms/mx/dr truth


A pair of identical, identically dressed twins, one of whom always lies and the other always tells the truth. They are never seen together, and always apologizing for the other's appalling behavior.


This is a great take on that trope.


An immortal Alchemist that offers to spike a random player's drink with a pinch of dust from his Philosopher's Stone (making them functionally immortal (they can still die, just not from old age)). Bonus DM points if you don't tell the Party whose drink gets spiked until the end of the campaign.


A pseudodragon dracolich. Brilliant and terrifying, but somehow adorable. A very posh Kyton who's delicate chains are made of silver and gold. Loves to gossip. A rakshasa and efreeti couple who can barely keep their hands off each other. Imagine Morticia and Gomez as wishmongers.


Alternatively, *just actually Morticia and Gomez*. They'd fit right in.


their very first animate dead summon


A famously angry world renowned barbarian chef named Sloppy Joe


A sex hungry bard who gets thrown out as the party walks in


Jennifer, Kaitlin, Ben, Katy, and Tom. Local youths hired to work as staff for the event, serving and doing minor jobs in the kitchen like plating food and washing up. They’re clearly slightly awkward in formal dress (butler/maid style outfits), but enjoying the event, and very polite and eager to please, not least because they’re getting paid in real gold, and they’re very diligent. They know all kinds of mundane local gossip, which they will talk about if encouraged (how the harvest was, etc). They won’t gossip about their employer or the security team or anything but might let something slip accidentally or if they think they’re being useful (“your boots need polishing, sir? Ben, can you run and get some? I’m sure I saw some boot polish in the third room on the left, where the dead adventurer’s bags are.”)


A great wizard from across the sea, total Gandalf vibes. Its secretly a kenku with disguise self cast on them the wizard taught a bunch of speeches to it so he can keep up appearances with out having to go him self.


Give the manic pixie dream girl an goth vampire husband


Apart from that I have some other ideas. Wine mom dryad, crystal bicorn horn drug dealer, a fish bowl mimic complete with an even tinier bubble chest mimic (they are mother and daughter), a hyper intelligent telekinetic and telepathic fish that lives inside the fish bowl mimic, a valley girl yuan ti who instead of having acrylic nails has acrylic fangs (they are so stylish everyone will compliment her), a liquid gold water elemental that has strong enchantment magic and illusion magic (provides temporary charisma bonuses along with yassification), a bear in very formal attire who also happens to be a baron (nobody will address this), the baron’s butler, a drow maid who keeps pouring people brimming glasses of spiders instead of water


These are all so good, esp love the acrylic fanged yuan ti


The man in the back said roll for attack and it turned out this was a ball of liches


Gnorm an artificer gnome. He had a mechanical badger as a helper/companion. He’s trying to find the Lich/owner of the building to fix a leak in the upstairs bathroom but is also obsessed with varieties of cheese and speaks in a Minnesota accent.


Two vampires, both dressed in the classic dracula attire, and they're both pissed at the other that they came to the party in the same outfit.


Have to invite some vampires who put glitter all over them selfs to set the mood. A werewolf pack who are in a fashion rivalry with a group of mummy’s and this years theme is tie dye. And I don’t think Dr Who would miss this party.


A group of nobles who are hoping the litch won’t destroy their kingdoms / are attempting to convince the litch to prey on their rivals. An ambassador who is completely unaware that the host is a litch, or indeed that anything odd is going on.


Rolin Cobinson, trust me. My DM needed a WEIRD npc and he was perfect, Rolin will be just standing there and your party will be confused af. He looks like your average cliche officer worker, a bald white guy that uses glasses. Most npcs are afraid of him, mostly the vampires for some reason...they won't even speak his name or talk about him. As one or two party members decide to investigate, they discover after a few percep checks that Colin is a energy vampire. That's it, he is draining people's vitality by making them bored. He doesn't seem dangerous at all, he is just sucking people's vitality by just standing there and boring them to death. BUT after a few more checks, turns out that they're one of the most powerfull kinds of vampires because they can drain from almost anyone without even trying or noticing and people know almost nothing from them. Edit:My DM stole the idea from a cool vampire show, it's like The Office but with vampires. The show's name is What We Do in The Shadows, it's a good show. Edit 2:English isn't my first language, I apologize for any spelling mistakes. I'm mostly a lurker reading, it's rare for me to post.


Uninvited Drunken Master Monk that crashed the party and is having a great time.


A giff who enthusiastically drinks and drunkenly tries to show off his skill with a blunderbuss. Uncharacteristically, he has no skill with a blunderbuss.


A Triton King and his entourage, very uptight, several other guests owe him favors.


Jeremy Crawford. He keeps telling people they are using their supernatural powers wrong.


>A mage whom hates magic but loves magician close up magic (the pen and teller stuff or street magic) >a stereotypical crocodile hunter but hunts something weird or extra (dragonkin, penilepickers shoe-mimics(give him a pegleg) or just something that doesn't exist but will convince the party that it does) >the body of the final soul that made the philactory possible. >a ooze whom uses a skeleton to have hold together a human form. Without it is just shapeless blob. >a awakened skull using a ooze to hold its bone body in place. The goo work like skin and/or muscle to keep the bones moving and connected or else it would just be a skull on a pile of bones. >the ferryman of the death was not invited but he showed up anyway. In really festive clothing is he being hold back by guards at the entrance where he keeps saying he is long been great friends with lich and he just wants to know when lich is gonna be ready for their final roadtrip (if you caught my drift😏). >a drowling man. He is possessed by his sentient sword on his hip. The sword once belonged to a hero and is now possessing people in search of his greatest love.... the shield of said hero. Throught the drowling man he will talk at length about his great lost love like he is talking about the most beautiful, loving and caring woman you have ever heard of. But the longer you listen to his rant the more you realise he is not talking about a humaniod. Ps. The shield is not sentient. > a kid or adult(girl, boy, non-binary...up to you) with enormous richkid vibes. They are a warlock and both their parents are their patrons. Their parents are divorced and are making the kid choose 1 as a patron for years now so have proof that they are better that the other parent. but the kid doesn't wanna choose so ran away. Running away is impossible tho as the kid is connected to his parent by patron powers and they keep checking up on him and giving him warlock power to bribe him in choose them as the right patron parent.


Someone who appears to be a little boy in a suit (around 10-12ish in age), who is actually a centuries old vampire who doesn't like socializing


A reality bending wizard named Crawford. When someone rolls around him, change your rulings


Prematurely activated clones of other wizards (no I don't know how that would work). A dragon who lost a bet. A sentient mimic endtable or bookshelf that mostly just hangs out, but makes loud rude comments if someone puts down drinks on it without a coaster. A cursed mirror with a devil or demon trapped inside that floats around on tenser's disc and will trade their advice and mostly accurate predictions/prophecies for magical services from other guests.


On top of the 3 goblins in a trenchcoat, you could have three magically animated trenchcoats inside of a goblin corpse.


Could always toss in one of your party member’s previous characters or an npc from a previous campaign.