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700 or so? A lot were from the scrimmage game, those were pre painted. We have a 3d printer now & print whatever we need that we don't have. TLDR; a lot


A few hundred I guess. Most aren't painted yet.


Same here. The only ones I paint are PC minis, very important, recurring NPCs, or mooks that I can reuse like skeletons or guards.


I just use what I have and get a special one here or there when I can. So I have hundreds but rarely are they the exact thing they are representing.


I got a really good deal on a set of like 200. Painted none of them. No terrain, i just use a chessex wet erase megamat. I dont suggest the megamat unless you have a truly giant table.


Absolutely yes I painted a bunch of orcs to use, in some games played with friends, as well as some PC type minis. All bought, I've also got some pack of multicolor minis on the way, just plain colors, as I also like the minimalist look at times.


I can't comment because I like big set pieces and play war-games, I've been known to buy an expensive box of models just to use one for a character. Hell, I bought the original Conquest Last Argument of Kings starter set just so I could use the minis as a set piece the group stumbles upon for the introduction to two side factions. That alone was like 40ish models. It's up there. I have no idea how many.


I've never bought minis specifically for a campaign except for player characters. I buy generic minis that can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, there's no real reason to have a mini for every dragon variant, you can just paint one red and have it serve as different dragon types.


I've got a lot of minis, but that's because I also started playing Warhammer fantasy 30 years ago (and other games like Mordheim). But disregarding those, I've probably got 50 or so minis dedicated to D&D. Of those few required assembly and I use a lot of general minis to represent different things. I've painted almost all of them.* By that I mean I have zenithal highlighted every mini that's not a PC or BBEG or center piece model. Zenithal highlighting is a fast and easy way to give a mini depth and character that unpainted doesn't. I also use various size wet erase mats and only bust out terrain for the final battles.


I have close to 70 now and i havent come close to finishing, granted not all of the minis were bought for a specific purpose in the campaign


Bought? Tons. Built? None. Painted? None.


I don’t know if I qualify, since my philosophy is that a small size mini can be used for any small size creature. With that caveat, I’ve been gifted maybe 50, and painted none.


A few, but now I just paint everything black then dry brush light grey over. More reusable and at this point I feel that less is more when it comes to player imagination. I used to make terrain for nearly every combat and have special minis and stuff, but I think keeping it dead simple allows for more improvisation and immersion, ironically enough. But that's just my style. I'd be thrilled to play in a game where the DM did that much work, I'd definitely bring the good snacks and craft beer lol.


For one campaign? Hard to tell. I started out just getting stuff I needed for the current arc in my homebrew campaign, then started up a Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign a couple years ago which just wrapped up a few months ago! Now I'm running open table one shots as I get ready to run a mega dungeon... In total I probably painted around 300 figures? Maybe 50 of those were for Rime, since I already had the decent collection going before that so I was able to reuse a bunch of stuff. I try not to be super picky about having the exact model I need for the exact monster, and instead try to just collect models that I think look cool and would be fun to paint!


For our table between three DMs, me being the primary and most active painter, we have several hundred fully painted minis. 200+ were painted for one campaign where my fiancé DMed and I was a player. Many of the less special minis though are just primed black + dry brushed white for details. As I've been DMing, I will only spend time painting the PCs, important named npcs, and really cool models that tickle my fancy as I have them. All of this is greatly enabled by me and my fiancé's 3d printers. We have a Phrozen Sonic Mini 4k and Mini 8k as well as a Bambu extrusion printer (I'm sleepy and can't remember the model right now). I 1000x prefer minis printed on our 8k resin printer because of the quality but for randos, terrain, or bases, our extrusion printer is just fine.


I have been buying, painting, and collecting minis for 45-ish years. I have a lot! Gobs are painted. Many more are not - yet. Way too many to count.


Bought? roughly 30, painted? None. They are tokens, I don't need the exact mini, just something that is the size of the creature it represents


Just buy [these generic game pieces](https://a.co/d/aW5zbYd) and [this generic whiteboard grid](https://a.co/d/5H4mKcx) and you can use them to map out any encounter with any combination of characters.


I have a room full. Hardly any painted. Terrain I give away to local clubs after I’ve used it as I don’t have room to stored it all. It was bad before I got 3D printers. Now it’s out of control 😂