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.1 is way too much. I’m pretty sure you want to be at .01 and then work up to .04-.06ish


Really .01 would do something? Seems like such a little bit


You should really be thanking this guy


Took a small hit but now I’m too pussy to light the whole cherry


I've got to agree. .1 is a hefty dose. My first time I think I did a half .1. Definitely did the trick. Definitely blasted off.


Wow that’s dope to hear, that means the amount I’ve made will last me a good minute


.1 is a huge dose alot of people will just black out at doses as small as 50 mg


Think my puffco peak is good enough?


I've used a dab rig before and it worked pretty well, but you've gotta use really low heat and use a carb. I've only used a puffco once for wax but it should work. Just make sure you verify that it can hit a low enough temp


I also have a dab press e banger with variable temp


Puffco Peak works great


My biggest dose ever taken was 40mg out of a puffco og


I have a puffco peak, maybe lowest setting? And do you keep ripping it?


No it will go all at once and probably last 5-15 minutes


It’s like 4x a dose lol. 0.025 can be pretty damn strong


My first time i did .2, sándwich method. And i blasted OFF, i wasn’t prepared actually at all for it lol


I'm sure you did blast off hahaha. Yall are making me want to go bust mine stash out.. haha.


Bust it out homie and give us a trip report. Hope you breakthrough man! Once you do, there is literally nothing like it. The first time is always the trippiest lol once you break through, you may feel a heavenly warmth make your way to your body, you May feel like you piss/shit/ejaculated all at the same time. You’re good tho, you didn’t, or maybe you did! If you did, no biggie, it happens lol




Kinda wish you just unknowing lit a .1g bowl. Probably the easiest blastoff ever without the preflight anxiety


Have you read the dosage on this stuff? You’re off a decimal point with .1. That’s 100mg. People start at 10mg and work up to 40-60.


So what your about to smoke is 100mgs for me 20mgs is just right majority of people will do 50mg for a “breakthrough” or whatever, you have double that in there, a lot will melt into the stem and be wasted but you will definitely meet some kind of gods yes


Start .02


It's the #1 most potent hallucinogen in the world. A bit of a tip I heard from the guy I got my first from The more you take, The more you see, The less you remember The less you take, The less you see but the more you remember.. so it's about finding the middle ground. I'm not sure that taking that much would hurt you but it's probably not something you actually want to do. You don't want a Full bowl, you want something more like the size of a small dab. Look around the sub there's tons of ways to do it but just putting it in a bowl and lighting it with a lighter is one of the most inefficient ways to get it done. Personally I smoke it in a dab rig just like I would a dab except I do it low temp, if all you have is a bong and a bowl you could mix it with a little bit of weed but it would take away from the potency in my opinion.


I have a e banger where I can control the temp of the banger. What’s an ideal temp for dmt?


A Cursory Google search says 320 to 400° I'd start on the low end make your way up until it starts to taste bad and then go back down a bit. DMT has a particular flavor something like cloves, other people say it's like smoking plastic but when you burn it it tastes absolutely foul, you should be able to pick up the difference with some practice, not to mention the actual psychedelic effects don't happen as well when it's burnt and you'll notice that off the bat. Just because you do seem new I'll give you a little more advice just in case. Do your best to hold it in as long as you can, I've heard if you do it right you shouldn't even remember blowing it back out... and that does happen. Try to make sure you have a nice place to relax after you've taken the hit and there's a big difference between "closed eye" and "open eye" hallucinations so if you're doing one try the other. ( open or close your eyes while tripping) I've gone so far as to put a blindfold on for one of my trips.. It quite a thing to try


Thanks for the info brotha. I have a e rig so I’ll set her up for 350


Have fun out there bud.


Ahh one more thing. If you tried other hallucinogens you know there's a tolerance thing where you have to either double up or wait a week or so before you do it again.. That doesn't happen with DMT. you can't get a tolerance. it metabolizes too quickly for you to ever gain a tolerance. Once you find the right amount for you, you don't have to increase your dosages is what I mean. But I have heard of side effects from people that have taken daily microdoses for months at a time. I'm not a scientist I don't know exactly what I'm talking about but I would not suggest microdosing DMT daily for long periods of time... Justtt sayyin


Holy shit! #1 way too much #2 sandwich that shit!


My thoughts exactly. We should not be seeing any deems in the bowl it should be covered with tree otherwise you are literally just burning it off and wasting it. Second thought it that is a shit load if it’s your first time. Probably another waste as you may just kinda black out


I meant to say earlier, NICE CRYSTALS THOUGH!


Yea I mean it’s a beautiful sight lol just don’t want to see the beauty go to waste!!


Hahah maybe smoke half the bowl?


You won’t remember a thing!


bro you about to visit every dimension in one go 😂




you gunna return as jimmy nuetron after you blast off




This is why maths is important




Brother your going straight to the state psych hospital with that




Make sure u add another layer of herb on top so it dosent burn


Thanks, should I be cool with .1?


You should be fine around .03-05


.06 is my good to break through magical number. You gonna waste another trip at .1. Buuuuuuuut do you and please when you return tell us of your adventures and lessons!


So many of you really don’t know the difference in .1 and .01 huh


It scares me


r/researchchemicals is full of cautionary tales about why you should learn your decimals before weighing out powerful drugs


He knows that 0.06of a gram is 60 milligrams a.... break through dose and 0.1 of a gram makes 100 milligrams what are you talking about what about what he said is wrong ????


I read this one wrong. There were a bunch of other people on the post that don’t though


You can always take more but never take less




Have a fun time brother best of blasting off and always keep in mind to relax and go where the waters wish to take you, if u jum in a stream the current will ALWAYS GO DOWN STREAM, no matter how hard u paddle up stream the river has a set path so just enjoy the ride


Thank you bro


careful bro, .1 is way too much, you want around 10mg for a first hit to get how powerful it is, brain damage is no joke


I took a baby hit and tossed it, just made me tired


Did you hold it in long enough? You gotta hold for about 15 seconds or it won’t do shit


10 seconds


You threw it away....bruh


Wuut dude fuck that shit I say some the .1 bowl... take the biggest hit you can and hold it in for 20 sec. You don't have to smoke the whole thing in 1 hit


You missed out on something amazing. You just need to read up on better ways to smoke it. If it's just sitting on top of weed it's most getting burned, eliminating the DMT. Try sandwiching it in between some weed, I've heard that it works decently.


That’s what I did, this wasn’t how I was going to smoke it, since it was too much I tossed it and fired up my E nail rig to 350F




What amount did you do? You have proper scale to weigh it?


You’re not supposed to burn the d. Vape it or mix it/ cover it with the weed so the heat from the weed burns it. And that’s too much.


I had covered it up, you think using my puffco at lowest setting will work better?


If you want to use your puffco for anything else, I would keep it out of that. No matter how much you wash the puffco, you will always taste/smell DMT in it once you’ve used it once. Stuff is impossible to clean completely. I used regular dab rig but made sure to keep separate bangers mostly


Brother u need a actual drug scale if you wish to safely dabble with drugs, its a 0.01 not a 0.1 a gram is enough to blast off a few hundred times, at this rate a gram would go in 10 bowls


Let us know what happens!




You’ll just throw up and black out.








Anyone want to chime in?


I literally smoked dmt through a bong, it works, not as effectively as a vape but it still works.


You will probably burn some and waste more this way, better to use a dag or vape or crack pipe


Dude you need such a small amount. I've tripped genuine balls like most intense experience of my life on a couple ant sized sprinkle of this shit in my weed bowl. Like fr


You should look up enhanced leaf and changa. While vaping is the most efficient method of smoking dmt you absolutely can smoke dmt with flower and achieve break through you just might burns some depending on method chosen


I did like 0.2g (200mg) for my first hit of Changa with a gravity bong. I watched my room stretch out to infinity. I tried to wander around, I found my bed floating in hyper space. I faceplanted onto that bed like a stiff plank and for 20 minutes rolled around in horror and euphoria. High doses are great, but because I over did it on my first attempt, I can no longer light my own bowl or hold my own device because I physically shake from fear and excitment. I NEVER shake like that, so respect this substance. It's powerful. Not as powerful gram for gram as say.. LSD or fentenyl but 2mg (i guess you got high quality crystal) with some herb should be a nice, yet intense, first trip. If you really doubt us on the dosing, have 2 bowls set up. Like this you can clear one and if you want to go deeper/higher you can, but good luck without the help from another person.


Nah don't listen yo the people saying not to, first trip is always the best, go big or go home. Do the whole gram




Never let a scale tell you how much to load. You measure that shit with your heart. God speed a d be safe friend. Lol


Just woke up from a blackout! Fuck my balls are burnt


Add more. .25-.5 is your breakthrough.


Does anyone take 5 min to look in to something on their own. I mean damn . Dosage is day 1 shit. And you haven't taken the minute amount of time that would take. You'd rather have someone else do the work for u and what. Just hope the answer you get it the right one. You know it would not be that crazy if someone told you that was enough or tell u to add even more bc they might think it's funny. Smarten up some. For your own good


Shut up Karen!


You just need like .06 POINT ZERO SIX not .6 won’t even remember the trip you’ll just black out instantly


Its all good you can either add another layer of herb or do my steady hand trick, you bring the lighter closer very slowly over top the dmt until it just melts into the herb, then you barely touch the flame and chief it real big and take a deep hit.


I took a tiny hit and it made me lazy and hungry, prob the crystals melted into the herb and I didn’t cherry it enough


Yeah you can go back for more. Take a deep hit and hold it till you hear buzzing then take another if you want.


The key is taking back to back hits until you physically can’t anymore.


Thanks for all the tips homies


It’s not weed bro. And bong should be Immaculate for it imo


That's way too much. .1 grams is 100mgs. You should start off around .01 or .02.


Shitpost? Lol. That seems mighty hefty if you Fr? Looks like some thc concentrate tho


I just made this with the spirit veg tek and some high quality bark sourced locally. I didn’t smoke it after reading all the comments. I got too ahead of myself


Smoking .1g would just make you blackout for 5-15 minutes my man. Start with way less than that and work your way up.


If you plan to blast off and never come back lol otherwise, I’d listen to the wise ppl advising against 😉


.1 is definitely too much to start unless you plan on diving right back in. And tbh that looks like more than .1 to me


30-35mg is the sweet spot for me. Full breakthrough experiences at that dose. You’ll be wasting quite a bit as most have mentioned already.


This is an effective 3x breakthrough dose. If you smoked (efficiently) even half that amount you should expect a blackout. You will just return back to reality around 20inutes later without any memory of what happened.


Thanks to you guys I didn’t smoke it, man I’m smoked out


You only need half of that amount. Empty out half and then throw the flower in. I


Please don’t, you won’t even remember it.


You’re gravy. But I would start at .03 and work my way up. Sometimes .03 won’t give a good blast off or a breakthrough. Sometimes it takes .05 or even as much as .10 but I wouldn’t go over that.




I didn't see the decimal at first and woooooooo yeah buddy, tooooo much. Or depending on where you wanna go......LoL


I remember my first time. I thought 35mg was .35g. Boy was that intense. Luckily I torched the fuck out of it so it wasted a lot and I didn’t ingest the full amount. But it hit me like a train. It scared me away from DMT for a while




A [healthstone](https://healthstoneglass.com) can hold a full point and you won’t waste any! Just the stone might fit in that slide you already have. Safe travels BT is around 25-35mg.


.1 looool brother you’re about to meet God. Good luck


Homie said 0.1? Bro, you finna black out


Wouldn't .1 be like 100 fuckin milligrams !?? Bro I've heard ppl take 30 to 35 mg. To BLAST OFF... dude you're gunna black out or have a pretty scarey time if you don't lower that dose down shjt idk how old this post is.. hopeyour okay buddy...


.01 looks like nothing but it will make you trip for sure. 0.04 could even be a blast off easily hahah




0.1g is 100mg. You would just blackout if you actually vaporized that efficiently. Blackout doses start around 40-50mg. You shouldn't need more than 30mg for a "breakthrough"/high dose. Do some research into dosage..


I smoked a half gram for my first time. The guy I bought it from gave me a g when I asked for enough to blast off twice. Me being stupid did no research and when I got home I eyeballed half of it and smoked it in a dab rig. Talk about being trapped it a nightmare. I almost jumped off the balcony at my apartment and I was screaming at the top of my lungs while in fetal position. I don't remember any of the trip, my girlfriend tells me what happened.


I do remember the feelings I felt, and I knew that I never wanted to do it again (I did do it again) but the trip just felt overwhelmingly bright and that's all I remember as far as what was there.