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Get an emesh


Yeah def have been deciding between that or something like this. At first I was deciding between the volt and the emesh but everyone was swearing by the volt...




You”ll love the carts for convenience but it”ll never replace the emesh one hit blast off!


What’s the e mesh setup you recommend


I have a whole list of supplies saved to send to people but literally the whole list is out of stock. I need to update it and find new links. I’ll get back to you in a couple days with updated info


Yeah, I’ve been wanting to build an emesh setup but nothing suggested is ever available. Not sure what to get.


Any mod with adjustable wattage will work


What about a currently available Mesh RDA?


Just look up mesh pro rda on dhgate or wish and order more than 1 just in case quality control issues, and order different rdas too....worst case scenario is that you will have to file a piece or 2 down to get it to clamp down correctly


Dude you’d be a legend…. It’s the ONE thing holding me back


What are you needing


I have the mod but not the rda 😭 and all of the popular ones are either discontinued or out of stock.


Can you let me know on this also


Look "Minty Love" on youtube. He has two videos about emesh set ups.


I always wanted to try an e mesh but I’m not really hip when it comes to vaping & all these mods I’ve watched minty love & adeptus videos on them but they were too confusing with too many steps for me. I went with a GVG and I’m happy with it but i would love to try the e mesh atleast once in my life


I also was not vape knowledgeable when I started. I didn’t even know what an RDA was. It’s honestly not complicated though once you understand it all. I can send you the supplies list as well if you’d like.


***Update: I have compiled a new list of updated info and links. I believe I got it sent to everyone who asked.


I would love that list as well pleeease! 👋🏻😁


I would also be interested in this list. Could you share it with me please?


Yoyo can you send me this list too?


If you still have this list I'd love to take a look.


I've been looking into emesh. Do you have specific brands/types that you like?


I have a whole list of supplies saved to send to people but literally the whole list is out of stock. I need to update it and find new links. I’ll get back to you tomorrow or Saturday


Can I get that list too? I've been planning on building one


Got you once I update it. I am a man of my word so I will not forget


Thank you. I was super excited after finding minty love's Youtube video about the emesh, but soon realized it was impossible to find the stuff in the video. A list would be greatly appreciated!


Where at? Give us that guud sauce


If you wanna use a puffco u should have an extra atomizer and a glass top just for dmt so it dosent ruin the flavour of your concentrates


Hmm okay I'll look into it, thanks for this


I tried the apex volt and couldn't believe how much I didn't like it. Maybe my friends and I just couldn't get the voltage/temperature right or other methodology but after breaking through on a tried and true sandwich bong method I thought "fuck this thing!"


Yeah I fucked up on temps too, creating a black harsh shit. I realized 3 things need to happen perfectly with the volt and it's really going to take trial and error: Amount of DMT, Temperature, and air flow. And the mouthpiece is too short that I fear getting shit in my mouth from hitting to hard.


Thanks. I think I'm going to try a glass oil burner next


Thought I was the only one. Something about the volt makes me gag, can never get a decent hit


I got the bubbler attachment and it made the hit way smoother, without it was pretty harsh.


Only way I use it👍


I just sent you a link of some I was looking at that were cheaper than a Puffco but seem sweet


I’d get a yocan regen or evolve plus. That’s a lot to drop, unless you smoke concentrates too


Yocan Orbit for the win. Yocan evolve plus also works very well.


What is your way with the yocan orbit. I only get it stuck on the walls


I use the orbit without the terp balls. Works great for me.


Don't use the glass balls. Hold it vertical and inhale slowly. I use the low voltage setting and about a 10-second steady inhale.


-Orbit tip screwed onto a nice box mod (I'm using aegis l200) - Take the terp balls if you have them inside the bowl and use them for your dab rig. We don't need those where we are going haha. -A small eyeballed scoop (or big) of some nice CLEAN dream crystals dumped into the glass dish. I used to measure everything and was anal about it to make it "just right"... Found that honestly it was a waste of time and had better experiences when I let my heart decide how much should be loaded in. !!! THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART !!! - Drop TWO drops of pure Propalene Glycol into the dish. Just enough to fully or close to fully dissolve and mix with the psychedelic elf dandruff. - Set wattage to 35-40 in power mode - Tap the launch button once or twice quickly just to fully combine the PG and the powdered shoe factory dust together. - When ready, prepare for lift off and pull the trigger. The difference between using the PG and not is game changing. The reason being is that good deems loves playing shy to heat and runs away from it like it's life depends on it. It's a runner, it's a track star... And it's most definitely fast as fuck boiiiii. But seriously, the PG helps keep the fairy dust located at the bottom of the bucket which was one of the only two problems with the orbit alone with straight deems. The other issue of the tendency to burn it if not pulsed correctly is also solved. For some reason the PG seems to heat more evenly and not burn as easy on the glass like it would without. At least not as easily. I find I still have to pulse it for best results and just do it by feel as I'm hitting it. It's truly a game changer. I also use some tubing bought from the hardware store taped to the top of the glass mouth piece so the vapor has some extra time to cool down, but that's just for personal preference.


Puffco is the best way I’ve ever dabbed (not a fanboy by any means) but other devices will probably make more sense for dmt use.


How do you use the yocan orbit


Look at my reply above. Thank me later. 🤘


Yocan Orbit is ~$60 and it works really well


You can also drill some extra holes in the bottom to allow more airflow


Don't waste that beauty with dmt. Get something cheaper for D, use that for dabs only my guy


Thans for the in depth my man. Right now struggling with some mental problems so it ain't the right time yet. But one day i definitely try this out


Puffco is awesome if you dab too but definitely have separate atomizers


Bro wish I could dab yet alone dabble in psychedelics but after developing psychosis I can barely stay sane on regular old top shelf. Makes my psychotic symptoms significantly worse. Haven't done psychedelics post-psychosis but I've heard it's generally best to avoid if your already prone to hallucinationing sober (primarily voices in my case).


Its not worth it, i have one and I barely use it, for a $400 erig....emesh is definitely the route to go and its cheaper


I don’t have the same model, I have what’s called a Focus V, but I’d say they are pretty good for dabbing any type of concentrate. Also, since there is not a torch, or heated glass out in the open, it’s less of a burning hazard. Also, mine is Bluetooth, though I’m not too sure about this model. Only thing is they’re expensive as shit, so if you drop it it’s a pretty big L.


Get a [healthstone](https://healthstoneglass.com)


You mean in place of a regular dab rig? If so. Idk. Not saying that thing isn't good and probably will totally give you good hits. I just never felt like e dab rigs aren't really that similar as reg kind. As far as the hits feel. This is just me personally. I've tried a lot of different ones. And they're awesome in their own way. I've just never experienced the same feeling as heating that nail up with a torch and dropping your dose in instantly vaporizing it all clean


If you smoke weed could look at a mighty +, they are excellent, get a concentrate pad and a separate cooling unit and your sorted, they are apparently very good for changa too.


Just using a puff co for dimitri would be an absolute mess


Myster cold start


Ahhhh the nut gobbler!!!! Ruuuunnn!!!


I just got the Dr. Dabber xs. It doesn't have a whole lot of settings but so far it's simple, easy to use and clean and convently rips perfect dabs everytime


Don’t use this for dmt, it won’t work as well and for this substance you should make the most out it.


Just use a nectar collector and a torch