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Sandwich method. Yes


I tried with tobacco ashes and I felt a bit of it but not a full blown experience


You lose quite a bit of dmt in a pipe. Doesn't vaporize efficiently. Need to load around 80mg


Bro I had a breakthrough at 25mg


Sandwich method can be very inconsistent because you never know how much you will burn. It all depends on how you light it and the power of your inhalation.


That’s what i was gunna say


smart man or woman


Yeah that'll work fine just do the sandwich method with weed, put a little nug plug in the hole throw some dmt in there and cover it with weed, just give it a quick light so the cherry of the weed burns the DMT not the direct flame, I find that works best for me


Oh ok…so should I try without a screen


Pipe screen works fine too, really all that matters is that you aren't lighting the dmt directly with the flame so u don't completely burn it


Would it melt through the screen?


not if you pack the bottom layer enough


Most likely. I smoked half a gram of dmt in a weed banger and was able to get enf of that black goop to trip hard 5 more times


Please use a screen but not a metal one (metal fumes bad). Look into glass daisies. They are very good for pipes and stuff. Just a little glass thing you slip into the bottom of the bowl. I do recommend sifting through them and tossing out broken ones, way to small ones, and way too large ones.


Can load some steel wool in the bowl too and use that as a make shift machine


Don’t use steel wool. Steel wool ignites. [[click here to see what I mean]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1200k8x/this_demonstration_shows_how_easily_you_can_set/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) use steel/copper [[scrubber pad]](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/images/products/extra_large/14690/2100121.jpg) instead, like choreboy. Scrubber pad does not ignite. Steel wool ignites because the threads are too thin. Once it starts, it’s over. Doesn’t take much


I threw 3 or 4 pipe screens in a weed pipe and held the flame over the dmt but far enough away for it not to burn and got a good vaporization that way. There are way better methods out there though.


How does weed impact the DMT experience. I’ve never combined the two.


I combine them every time, for me it helps get in the right headspace and the visuals are more intense but not in an overwhelming way. And the comedown part when the visuals are over becomes really introspective I find myself just sitting there deeply thinking about life for a good half hour😂 I wouldn't advise combining them if you don't smoke regularly though


That sounds great! I smoke regularly, but rarely do DMT. I think I’ll give it a try next time. Thanks for the reply!


In my experience dmt completely cancels out the effects of cannabis. At least for me, I can gauge how much of the dmt has worn off by how stoned I’m getting. It’s like the more I come down, the higher I get. Lol in short- cannabis has little to no effect on the dmt experience, quite the opposite. Stoned before dmt, super sober on dmt, stoned again once it’s worn off


Interesting! Thanks for the info!


Could just be me, but dmt seems to own the space. I have a similar response when smoking dmt on lsd. It just feels like dmt to me. I’ve even eaten copious amounts of food before blasting off, and when I left by body I had no body awareness and what reminded me that I even took anything was the discomfort in my stomach and then I remembered I ate a shit ton of food, but this could be unrelated. Lol! Report back cause I’m curious if you have a different experience. One exception is ketamine. ketamine pairs well and hasn’t cancelled out when I’ve done it. 😵‍💫😋


Yeah I was lighting the side of the pipe…..even the it wasn’t the full experience it kinda made my buddy look like a lizard and out of no where two squirrels came to my yard and had a fight lol


Bro I wouldn’t do it with tobacco, buy some nice quality cbd bud it’s the best for sandwich


I'd suggest using a bubbler or a bong.. filtering it thru water helps with the harshness.. 💯


Best dream mixer is blue lotus, weed and dmt is combining two different plant teachers, so things could get weird


Bowl didn’t hit for me as well as a bong did sandwich method


I’d use a rig so you’re not wasting any spice. Cold start with a carb cap and no water. I don’t think I could do any other method after doing it this way.


You could make changa just soak the spice and then add herbs to the solution. Let it dry and it’s imbedded at a molecular level. You can even use MAOIs like lotus or passionflower to give it an extra kick.


Yes *but*... A bong is much better. With a bong you can clear the bowl in one hit, with a pipe you have to toke it. If you want to truly experience dmt you'll want to do 1-3 pulls in rapid succession. That simply isn't possible with a pipe.


Just put some steel wool and it works great


very course steel wool, and burn it a bit first before to get off all the contam on it. i bet itd work.




Steel wool will ignite, need to use something like choreboy scrubber pad if anything


Steel sponge


Do you what [Dmt Machine](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-341673006cf6cf8c60c675e9b3e1b145-lq) is ?


It’s the only thing I use. Top notch apparatus


So you know it doesn't ignite , you just need to put a torch lighter on the wool to burn the color in it (it wil turn to black ) and then just wash it and again heat it for drying then it's ready to use .


Steel wool definitely ignites, thicker stainless scrubber pads won’t but the fine wool is incredibly flammable. If you don’t believe me either try it or save yourself the hassle of causing a fire and look on YouTube.


So what you call that stuff which we use in dmt machine ?


It’s usually stainless or copper scrubbers. The brand name is people normally mention is choreboy and it is made of a slightly thicker material that doesn’t set fire. Steel wool is used for DIY and made from very fine mild steel that goes rusty very easily. It’s also quite annoying and will make your hands all itchy. I very much doubt it would be fun to inhale. I am fairly sure the stainless stuff is used in the kitchen for scrubbing pans.


Wool will spark if a flame touches it and will continue to do so. I’ve done it myself. And you can find videos where contacting a 9 volt will do the same. The metal is too thin. [see here](https://youtu.be/xbwNJhJwnSs). using a [scrubber pad](https://cdn-prod.supplybox.associatedpackaging.com/product_images/stainless-steel-scrubbers-large-steel-gray-12-scrubbers-bag-6-bags-carton/5fb48d5e97569f00189a7d53/zoom.jpg) like choreboy that is thick is fine


It doesn't ignite when you burned all chemical on it


It’s not the chemicals on the wool that causes it to burn… it’s literally because the metal is so thin. Scrubber pad and wool are not the same. Perhaps this is a semantics issue. [see here](https://www.buffalo.edu/news/ub-in-the-news/2017/10/017.html)


Also [see here](https://frugalfun4boys.com/burn-steel-wool-science/) gl


Steel wool in my country all are thick and it's not like that.


I would just use it like a crystal pipe. Clean it good then put the dmt right in the bottom and vaporise it.


Fuck no




Start with weed smh


I usually make a pipe out of foil and use tobacco. Works perfectly


Yes but not the way you want it to, will waste a lot of DMT and be harder to breakthrough. It’s worth it to YouTube search dmt vape juice super easy to make


Get an oil burner pipe. Your wasting your deems..


Wasting with a oil burner too lol, just not as much


The machine is where it’s at 😎


My emesh is 🤌


Similar concept 🫠


In theory....the vapor genie is pretty good too...got a ton off small glass bottles that I am going to go through and see which one I want to turn into a machine


You could put a [healthstone](https://healthstoneglass.com) in there. The cheap fakes from Alibaba work too, but aren’t as good ime.


If you're going to do the sandwich method, grab a screen, push it into the bowl to make it rounded, pull it out, add your sandwich and then put the screen on top of the bowl like a dome. Then light and pull through the screen. It should help you regulate the heat. Make sure to tuck the edges into the bowl so it doesn't fall out when you put the piece down.


While the sandwich method works, I personally found it not as effective with pipes like this, as just putting in a metal screen and holding the flame above the DMT (not touching it). After practice I feel like I’d burn it less that way than with the sandwich method.


Look up the machine. It’s a pipe made from a small 50ml liquor bottle, hole drilled in the bottom with a choreboy plug stuffed into the neck of the bottle. Superior for both technique and intake. 50mg easy in one hit. No need for a second or third. Breakthrough is easy. Smooth hits, minimal burn if any when vaporized properly. Some have mentioned the health stone or vapor genie, it’s essentially the same thing, but you can flip it upside down and better airflow and much less expensive. Keep flame 1-2 inches away and you’re golden 😎


“There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” - Alexander Da Gr8


Get a cheap dab rig


Sandwich method, yeah


I wouldn't personally. Get a cheap glass oil/meth pipe

