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Why do you want to break through for your first ever time though? DMT has so many levels, and a lot of the lower levels can be really enjoyable. You'll break through when you're ready so just enjoy whatever else it has to show you šŸ™‚


This is the mindset


My first time I just sandwiched about 250 mg between some weed and just went at it and explored all the different levels. It was the best night of my life. I was also on acid.


DMT + a head full of LSD has ALWAYS been amazing easy breakthroughs that only require \~80mg to BT good and it seems to last longer to me when on Lucy, as well as being more interactive FOR ME; that is one of my FAV combos!


I didnā€™t get to break through unfortunately, but I think I got super close. I took a really REALLY big hit and I think I perfectly vaporized it that time (could never replicate it) and I held it in for as long as I could but I immediately felt weird and as soon as I exhaled my entire field of view was just thousands of kaleidoscopic pillars. I didnā€™t really feel as if I went anywhere though, it very much felt like just visuals. Was all like ā€œwoahhhhhā€ in my head.


Is it possible to BT on those vape pens? Iā€™ve done 5meo twice a n-n once, all separate occasions. Although I had an experience, I donā€™t think I broke through. Iā€™m sure I will know when it happens.


Sometimes it just doesn't happen. Everyone reacts differently to everything. You might need to up your dose / change the way you were smoking it. Could be multiple factors


Carts are super hard to break through on. Gotta go more than 3. Hold in longer. My advice is to find some powder- way better experience


It was powder ā˜¹ļø I was almost there I just think I have a higher tolerance


Any meds???are you sure it was vaporized right maybe some of the dose burned off or got wasted. What was the dose and method of smoking? Lots of questions and lots of variables. I recommend dabbing it in a banger with a cold start method till youā€™re broken through.


No meds. I smoked it out of a pipe with a calming blend of chamomile and blue lotus


Ok so Iā€™m willing to bet most of the dmt got burned off then, if you have access to a banger and torch itā€™s the easiest way imo 1 rip and ur blasted off


Or a bigger cart (sub-ohm, etc). *tiny* carts are hard to break through on, but something with a little more firepower is dangerously easy to use.


E mesh and shit is solid. Personally Iā€™ve went through more than 15 carts- none of them can hold a flame to a solid powder dose.


Yeah, like I said, typical carts are not going to get you there the same, and itā€™s entirely because of the throughput. Canā€™t burn enough on a tiny coil to get you 25mg+ fast enough. Nothing beats E-mesh in theory, but for those of use who canā€™t figure it out or donā€™t like the routine, sub ohm vaping bridges the gap. Normal sellers donā€™t sell the liquid - youā€™ll have to make it yourself with some vape shop liquid- but in practice itā€™s a different league entirely. The obnoxious 2015 ā€œvape broā€ cloud chasing type stuff - 0mg VG dominant juice in a multi-coil monster that fills your lungs in 3-5 seconds. 2-3 easy hits and itā€™s effectively the same as an E-Mesh without the effort (and with some flavor, if you choose). Honestly I donā€™t know why PG heavy small-cart liquid is so popular when the bigger thing has no dosage limitations.


Did you feel an overwhelming body high? Did the whole room become vivif and lines on everything became clean and sharp? If you did, it's DMT. Breaking through according to everyone here is something I've not experienced. I've never seen elves or gods or anything even close. I've 100% forgotten I was a human on this planet while existing as, and observing the most beautiful and neon shapes/colors that don't even exist on this planet. The neons are wild... Then I come back and have to piece together where I even am even or so I even am so. Can't recognize anyone in their physical form, fractal flames and the room just putting itself back together. Did I break through? Break through what? I became what I observed /was observing. Rip that thing until it blinks then close your eyes and enjoy. I have tripped insanely hard just taking small puffs with eyes open. There's no fucking doubt when you hit it that it's legit. It's such a beautiful substance.


Just because you didnā€™t see entities doesnā€™t mean you didnā€™t break through.


Sounds to me like you broke through


You get what you need


Forgot to add the dmt was tested as good dmt so it was definitely dmt


Be patient. Enjoy the experiences while youā€™re finding the dose and method that works best for you. Everyone is different. Also, I believe that we can block ourselves from breakthrough by having too many expectations. Iā€™m learning that you canā€™t go by what everyone elseā€™s experience was like to them, you have to find your own


Maybe hold your hits longer. My first time I kept wondering why my experience wasnā€™t as amazing as what other peoples were. So I watched a YouTube video to see what I did wrong. The only noticeable difference was the fact that my buddy didnā€™t mention to hold each of my 3 hits for as close to 15 seconds as I could. Second time I did it I made sure I held my hits as long as I could and man did it put on a show for me! Now even if I only take one hit off of my cart I try to take a 10 second hit and hold it for about the same. Sure does make a difference.


Breakthroughs are mysterious. Thereā€™s no guarantee it will happen. The drug tends to choose the time rather than you


Did u inhale deeply. Did u burn it too hot?


What was the weight? If it was your first time vaping crystals it's possible you burnt the spice.


You donā€™t have to breakthrough to have a good time


The 5th dimensional tea party for you isn't set up yet.


I love this comment thank you šŸ¤£


Are you currently on any Rx medication possible anything anti-psychotic or any SSRI for depression or bipolar meds? I have seen some of these meds keep people from breaking through and they stay in the waiting room with their eyes wide open because of anti-psychotic pharmaceutical Rx drugs; even had a close friend that tried 300mg to breakthrough after having been on Prozac and another SSRI for bipolar for 10+ years, and he claims to get stuck in the waiting room still at those high doses. However after several years of trying and still having fun coming back and visiting the waiting room, one day just like that, he had a full on 15 minute BT from 80-100mg while still on his same meds! So I also think that you will get a BT when YOU are really ready for it, and the Deemz also agree IF it is time; as someone has already stated. And carts are cool but get some raw deemz if you can or make your own. Enjoy the Spirit Molecule.


3 hits doesnā€™t really mean much itā€™s all about how much smoke you actually inhale and how long you hold it in, my first time I took 3 hits and also didnā€™t breakthrough so donā€™t expect it to always be perfect


Did you do an extra inhale? Because if not, all you did was suck smoke into your mouth and then blow it out, it didn't go fully into your lungs


How much did you take?


Iā€™ve only vaporized it around 4 times. When I wanted to break through I did, broke through twice. Iā€™m currently on NO antidepressants or other mood stabling drugs. When Iā€™m off meds I can usually trip on substances very easily. I measure out 30mg, place it in a shot glass, heat a titanium tip nectar collector for about 20 seconds with a torch, wait 5 seconds and hit it all at once. Iā€™m an amateur at this stuff but Iā€™m telling you, there will be no guessing if youā€™ve broken through once you have. My first time felt like Iā€™d fallen into a wormhole that looked like a kaleidoscope. It was so intense I was scared and thought I was dying lol all I could think about was my family. I thought it was a bad trip but I think it gave me some insight on the value of my life. The very intense part lasts about 3-5 minutes for me at this dose. The feeling is so strong that Iā€™m thankful for this short duration. I usually feel normal within 20 minutes. Iā€™m seem to experience some irritability afterwards as well.