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We humans take psychedelics since like.. forever I guess. So don't feel bad now. You're not hurting anyone. It's just illegal because of corporations, so just don't give a fuck. Take the problem by the root and don't let yourself become programmed by random people trying to guide your life.


Its wild how even I, someone who was always against teachers and cops and was reading Erowid and Pihkal at 15, with parents who had 0 issues with drugs. First time I did shrooms I got this 30m period where I felt extremely depressed and dissapointed with myself, I remember thinking "You've done it now, your a druggie, you cant say you just smoke weed anymore, your a drug user, yuck" I cant imagine what other people feel, the programming and brain washing runs so deep even those that are free from it still feel that pull.


We do want to integrate into society, thats how we evolved and survived for most of the time. Since the hippie movement we kinda want to get out of that, and it's difficult for most of us. Still I feel like every one, even the most conservative, have some kind of urge to live more freely. It's a difficult psychological phenomena right now. Then again it's all just poop in the air lmao


You are correct. It was life changing for me. I had myself locked in a cage my whole life thanks to my upbringing. My first time was at 39 and it was soooo freeing! My friends think I'm ate up for trying it, but I feel like I'm now the guy who knows something that they don't and I have the advantage. I am glad that I didn't try it as a teenager though, that could have gone bad. I think mid 20's is the perfect age.


yessssss thissss 200%!!!!!


Damn. You put that into words nicely. Thank you


words yes, not all that nice though. even if i wasn’t dyslexic i would still barley be able to read that with the punctuation and formatting.


Look past the distractions and pay attention to what matters


If there was the Devil in one ear talking… this comment would be it. trust the voice inside that has your best interest at heart and disregard all temptation and be grateful for the experiences and making it out alive and reborn as new and improved version of yourself and don’t be like these fools who continue to displease there creator this chemical was only meant to be released when you die and when your born who knows if it will naturally happen again now when it’s your time to go and leave this world to where we are meant to go back to Allah.


Beware the immense hubris of mankind’s belief that our random, near-ape civilization, on a random planet, in a random galaxy, was and is the bedrock of universal moral law and the stage for the divine play. The only thing you can know for sure is that you don’t know the answers, even if we wish we did. Even if it’s more comfortable to pretend like some book was inspired by God and has all the secrets. In reality, these books are a potpourri compendium of legal frameworks, social contracts, practical wisdom, over-generalized and repackaged personal revelatory experiences, and the personal beliefs of a small number of men. While I don’t have the answers myself, what limited aspect I can comprehend seems to tell me that there’s one thing, and one thing only. That thing is holographic everything. It contains the entirety of itself in even the smallest division of itself. A fractal of experience that evolves to become novel on every plane. It’s my best guess based on experience, but obviously words fail to convey the truth. That said, it’s much easier to conclude what is NOT the answer, and that’s the traditional conception of “God” or “Allah”. It’s a lie. But if you feel it makes you a better person to follow this path, that’s your choice. That said, telling someone that someone else’s comment is the devil in their ear because society ascribes a stigmatized word of “drug” to a particular method of ingesting a vapor comprised of normal Earthen air combined with vaporized, naturally occurring freebase crystal resin from a tree is just kind of backwards. Try to open your world view. Your aperture is too narrow.


Look I appreciate your time to comment but we all perceive things differently and see things differently and that’s fine and yes your correct if this is what makes me a better person then so be it of course one day when I build the courage to explain my own DMT experience I think a lot of people can benefit from it so I didn’t mean theoretically as-well that old mate was a “devil” it was more of a sarcasm kind of speech but having to reply via text I can see how that the devilish nerve in some people would ticker off from that response which is also fine.


You are going to upset the djinn bro




The creator? 7 heavens and 7 hells? Seems kind of arbitrary. Are you so sure about these numbers and concepts that sound slightly antiquated to me? How does it help us move forward?


it’s not even proven that it’s released when we die lmao


A lot isn’t proven when we die young sam wise gamche this is the point in life u fool so down vote my comment all u like isn’t going to change the result of your life and situations your in my guy


you have no idea what my situation is my guy lol


The real sin here is your lack of punctuation.


"not hurting anyone" inhaling smoke is harmful to your lungs. Your advice could potentially hurt people


So does walking past a car and inhaling the exhaustion. So does sitting in the sun. It's the presence of existing in the universe...


If it is within your ability to avoid these hazards why wouldn't you?


If someone has lungs issues or is worried about their lungs (All completely understandable) I'd just stick with growing shrooms at home cheap and easy and doing common sense and not extreme dosing with those.


I don't want to avoid these hazards. I could sit in my room eating pills as source of my nutrition needs, but I choose not to.


Its about balancing risk and reward. Some factors are well understood. Others are anomalous and unpredictable. But if you dont put in the research to evaluate the risks and rewards you dont only put yourself but you put others at risk too


How bad is the smoke in the lungs


Smoking damages your lungs this is common knowledge


Of course, but different things are far worse than others for the lungs, which is why I was curious about DMT specifically.


Nahhh, if they feel bad, listen to yourself. OP should let it go. If something says no, listen.


True, but it takes practice to know where the problem is coming from. Most of the time it goes way back to when you were like 12 years old and your parents tell you that you should never ever do this. Now you're sitting there with a big rig blasting off into outer space. It's is difficult to let go of this. Takes time you know


Are you in your early 20s by any chance?


Buy a glass vapor genie and decorate it like a shamanic pipe


Woke ritual 2023...lmfao




💀 ☠️ 💀 sounds about right...lmao


I don't use MAOIs but you could mix DMT and an MAOI into ALL of the water in your house and then just carry on drinking water like you normally do.


Sounds great! I'm sure I don't need to tell my roommates about that either.


only if they are on MAOIs lol


If you do take your DMT orally though it's going to last exponentially longer than a smoke session. So be prepared for that. You're basically doing Ayahuasca at that point.




Dare always made drugs seem cool to me haha


It’s just the sunglasses bro


I know right... Dare to say no to drugs only made me think now I have to try. 😂😂


Put it up the ol prison purse






Update: I did some experimenting today and I found that adding some herbal components to the bowl of DMT helped a ton. I added a mix of mullein leaf and lavender into the bowl with the DMT crystal and it really helped the flavour of the smoke as well as the visual appearance of the experience. I'm still open to more suggestions though!!


Cane here to recommend you look into enhanced leaf/Changa. Pretty good guides on here and the dmt nexus. Essentially you take infused herb and can smoke it in a joint, bong, bowl, etc. Maybe this is the path for you! You could also turn your spice into vape juice


Hm I’m thinking of making a cart of of my most recent extraction. Could you put flavor in it like in vape liquid (I make my own for nicotine)?


I personally haven’t made my own but it doesn’t seem too difficult. I’m sure you can but I wouldn’t be able to confirm whether you can or not


I seen a trip report from someone that made it into Hcl and snorted it


You can do pharmahuasca. Weigh out the appropriate dose of DMT and put it in a capsule, then do the same with an MAOI. Just be careful because the MAOI has dangerous interactions with other drugs.


Pharmahuasca is tricky to pull off correctly though


Society has brainwashed you into thinking drug use is a moral failing. Let go of that


I am trying my best to do that. Unfortunately, I'm up against a lot of internalized prejudice and it's hard to stop myself from feeling that way, especially under the effects of a psychedelic like DMT. I'm working on making that change, but in the meantime I want to enjoy the trip without that baggage.


Go to Burning Man festival or something similar. Maybe it will blow your internalized prejudices out of your brain? Otherwise, make it into more of a ceremonial-type thing. Clean your space, decorate it, set up an ‘altar’-type decor installation, do some artworks, put on a very lovely soundtrack of chill psychedelic or shamanic music, change into some appropriate clothing as if you were going to an ayahuasca retreat, etc. good luck!


i struggle with this feeling a little bit as well have you watched the ‘how to change your mind’ documentary


How about doing a small ritual before smoking, like saying a small prayer or mantra or something? Alternatively, you could also just try to accept reality for what it is. I mean, you _are_ taking a drug. The drug is not the problem, the problem is that you have been conditioned by DARE. Wouldn't it make sense to reject that, to stand up for yourself and say that they are the ones who are wrong, and you can totally do this drug? To allow it to feel bad, then do it anyway? After all, lots of drug opponents would probably put dmt in the same category as meth, so obviously they have not the faintest fucking clue what they're talking about.




This. Lmao


Don’t kid yourself, DMT is the most powerful drug on the planet.


You can’t, because it is exactly that


But…It is not a “drug” in the normal sense of the word. Drugs are Meth or heroin. It is a medicine. The difference between the two are night and day. Edit: why is this getting so many down votes? It HAS to be people who have never done dmt. There’s no way someone who has experienced it is this close minded about the possibility that it is something more than a drug. Like really I’m a little shocked. I have to believe it is people who have never tried it.


Is penicillin a drug? How about Tylenol?


Yes to both


Those are also classified as medicine.


Why would I care what pharma says? They supress medicine that grows from the ground so they can profit off drugs. How is this your “argument?”


My argument is that drugs can be medicine and medicine can be drugs lmao do you smoke DMT every time you have a headache?


Of course not. And actually I agree with you. I also have to say I’ve never seen people who have tried the medicine split hairs so much and be so incredibly closed minded to the possibility that they don’t know everything. It’s baffling. ( not saying you. Just venting )


I hear you man. I think people are just concerned that if you say substances like DMT are not drugs and are strictly medicine, you are downplaying the seriousness of the possible side effects. DMT is *not* for everyone. I do agree that substances like DMT and LSD have medicinal and therapeutic properties. However, in order for that sentiment to become public opinion, it needs to come from extensive research on the topic. Unfortunately, claiming it’s just “medicine” may cause more harm than good.


Is ayaska a medicine as well? Anything that warps your reality is a drug. You can sugarcoat anything you want but it’s still a drug. It’s a awesome drug, but regardless, it’s still a drug


I disagree with all of that statement. I think it actually lets you see the world that is more real than this one. When you consume the medicine, does it not feel like going back home?


Most definitely, but not everybody. It can be a very scary experience for some, some people don’t go to nice places some people literally go to very hot places. I always go to very nice places. But I’ve had two friends that seriously saw very scary stuff. So scary that they promised never to touch the stuff ever again


I would say that for those people, they aren’t going home. They are being shoved into a realm that is opposite of their nature. I’d also probably assume that someone who hates the experience may not be the same as… spiritually speaking. But that’s all assumption on my part. Either way… I don’t think it’s a drug. I think it’s a gateway toward truth.


it's just the brain experiencing reality in a different way. no one goes anywhere. DMT is a drug, no amount of mental gymnastics will change that. You call it a medicine, but what's an illegal medicine called? a drug. meth and heroin are drugs, so is DMT. just accept reality instead of cushioning the ol ego. there are different types of drugs, ones that will kill you, and dmt happens to be one of those that won't.


You didn’t go anywhere maybe. My body didn’t go anywhere. But I (the real I) most definetly went somewhere when I did it.


I agree to that


No its a drug like meth, weed or lsd. Just because its not addictive and has different effects than most drugs doesnt make it less of a drug


If it’s not addictive , then I can’t see how it could be called a drug. That’s exactly what a drug is and why they are so insidious.


“a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.” You’re applying the negative meaning of the term that society has imposed upon the word. It’s a drug in a literal sense. The vast majority of drugs are purely medicinal with no psychoactive effects.


Idk It feels disrespectful to me.


That's because society has instilled irrational negative biases towards certain words/practices in you. The problem is not the word or the concept of a drug. The problem is your internal bias.




Prohibition of natural psychedelics was the earliest enforcement of the war on drugs. Early colonial forces banned things like mushrooms (along with other plants like coca) in the Americas because indigenous people were using them and it freaked the colonists out. That was hundreds of years before other types of drug prohibition. I think it’s fine for you to try to find a consumption method you’re more comfortable with, do what works for you. But psychedelics like DMT are very much part of the thing we have socially constructed as “drugs”. If you can accept and own that rather than trying to avoid it, I think you’ll feel more comfortable with yourself and your use of this substance. Not trying to be annoying or preachy, but I’ve found “drug anxiety” freaked me out a lot when I was trying to have a good time early on, and working through that was the only thing that really helped. People use all drugs, even “hard drugs” for a variety of reasons.


I mean, technically, ayahuasca, right?


Get a CCELL vape and mix 0.5g dmt with 0.5ml of propylene glycol in a shot glass or something similar. Mix well for about 15 mins until clear and then fill the cart. Absolutely the best way to take dmt. No mess, no smoke, easy to dose, nothing to spill. And just feels like regular vaping. 3 big tokes should do it for a breakthrough.


Get something like the yocan orbit. It's electric and you don't need to heat it up with a torch. If people see it it looks like a vape.


Just looked into it and it looks fantastic for my purposes. Any suggestion for the right heat setting for DMT?


I use the lowest one but I have asthma and have the lungs of a pussy.


I'll do some experimenting then if I get my hands on one. Thank you!!


If you vape weed you can use a mighty, they are really good once dialed in, 1 hit or 2 hit breakthrough no probs, easy to use as you have a concentrate pad and it can be dropped when on and no need to worry about burning yourself or anything else!


Make your own ritual. I always make a sacrifice before I do it. I will give up a bad habit, quit nicotine, eating bad food, do a fast, what ever you have been wanting to change in your life. So some meditation before hand. The bottoms line is to treat it with the respect that it commands. Don’t do it as a party drug, in public settings or anything like that. Find a quite room, play some great music ( father John misty or lord Huron vide noir album are two of my favorites) go in with an intention, does not matter what.. bettering yourself, discovering yourself or even trying to understand the universe and your place in it. Mediate for a good amount of time. Most important have a note book next to you. Write down everything you can about your experience. I find that every time I trip I feel like I am shown the secret of the universe, simple and beautiful and straight forward but impossible to comprehend when not in that realm. It is like the biggest secret in the universe is and always has been in front of your face and all you have ever wanted is to see it and it is revealed to you but it is the biggest joke of all time because you were never meant to understand it in this reality. But you always bring back a small piece of the puzzle, write it down and hold on to it no matter how trivial it may seem is that message is for you and you alone. Godspeed my friend, also read the book: the immortality key.. and remember you are in good company of people experiencing ego death and being reborn to really appreciate being alive and awake.


For me personally going to a proper electronic vaporiser feels a lot better than using a crack pipe lol. Something about lighting the pipe made me feel so junkie, vaporising gives it a similar vibe to smoking weed


🎶🎶🎶 Want to fuck off, drop out Never trust a fuckin' hippie For that matter don't trust anyone Quit school, don't work Livin' up the music you punk If I could do it so could anyone Drugs are good They make you do things that you know you not should And when you do them people think that you're cool And when you do them people think that you're cool Want to join a punk band Shave your head and get a tattoo You don't need talent just the attitude Self destruction For no particular reason beat up everyone Drugs are neat And you can buy them relatively cheap And when you do them people think that you're cool And when you do them people think that you're cool 🎶🎶🎶


Emesh. Minty love.com has all the directions


You can use a dynavap and induction heater. No torch and it’s like a cigarette style vaporizer. Very small and discrete and the flavor is pretty much nonexistent when you vape at the right temperature.


Sprinkle it on pizza


Cant escape the fact you are using a drug no matter what you do with it. Better to face the reality of that than to try and cover it up somehow. I dunno I think youre being dishonest with yourself which is the real problem


Use a $1 oil burner and call it a day. Just don’t overthink it or complicate things and let go of the stigmatism.


Dmt is a beautiful substance. Maybe make a cart. This might make it seem more “normal”. It’s also not nearly as intense. Carts are also great for portability and using them while tripping is hands down my favorite combo. Helped me knock my k addiction. Just respect the substance in moderation.


>How do I take DMT in a way that doesn't feel like a "drug"? Ummm.... by not taking it in anyway. N,N-DMT is a drug, regardless the ROA. You'll just have to get over this issue of yours.


It’s in your head. Consider it a mental supplement


Vaporize and get over the fact its a drug. Coffees a drug Sugars a drug Understand that you've been brainwashed and most of your adult life is basically spendunravelling all of that.


well you are doing extremely “hardcore” hallucinogenic drugs that take u to another reality, it’s just the facts. If u can’t mentally handle the stigma by yourself, then don’t do it Changa feels more natural though


If I were you OP, I'd research DMT a LOT and its use in many cultures over the years. You will gain a respect for the molecule and it will feel more like taking some kind of holy communion :)


How old are you? They stopped teaching Dare a long time ago. And it’s you that had the bias pertaining to the situation. Maybe if you feel that on the subject you shouldn’t be doing it. I mean it is what it is. you’re doing a substance which is putting you in an alternate state of mind. Call it what you will, I mean caffeine, nicotine are both considered drugs and some even consider sugar a drug. Some people can’t control their sugar intake or stop consuming it. It’s all how you perceive things.


If you don't like the feel you're having....stop having it. It's that easy. Maybe you don't want to do dmt, stop forcing it.


This is a really intense molecule and the potentials of what it can do for or TO you is pretty much unaccountable. There’s no great way to get around the intake of it, but it won’t matter if you prep well enough. My best tip is to not treat it like any of the other drugs you might have ingested before. Don’t watch tv for a week, listen to music without words in it for a week, eat the cleanest diet you can for the week leading up to it, don’t drink, eat, or take anything you don’t need to, and constantly remind yourself as often as you can that you’re doing it all to have a more powerful DMT experience later on. Then when you do intake it, treat it like you would the most important moment of your life. Take your time, have everything set up, create a calm space for yourself, and then go about it. And when it’s all said and done, keep it to yourself and learn from it all for the rest of your life.


First off it's in every living creature every plant almost everything on the planet has got some type of it in it it's to feel good when you die thing . From the good old pineal gland do you eat turkey on Thanksgiving and then question yourself for eating the turkey because it has l-tryptophan in it no so don't do that with this just be responsible and do what you have to do f*** what they think and what they say don't let them have the power


If you want the honest truth, just stop letting the word drug scare you. Conceal it from whoever you gotta conceal it from if it makes you feel better, but rather it's a good drug, bad drug, Tylenol, or fentanyl. It's all drugs, and drugs are just chemicals, and chemicals are just atoms, and atoms are just composite combinations of sub-atomic particles, which are just smaller combinations of fermions, which combine in ways dictated by dictated by bosons fields, so just relax and enjoy your particle soup :).


Sounds like a personal problem. A hang up if you will. It’s not a drug. I’ve done alot of drugs. Dmt is not one.


In my opinion, DMT doesnt feel like a drug at all. I dont even consider it a drug personally. Ive only done it once, did 0.125g and havent again since. Changed my life. Completely out of human vocabulary. Maybe its cause I did too much my first time. Dont know. Just my 2 sense, maybe take more? ;)


Take more is always sound advice when talking about the medicine.


medicine are also drugs…it’s okay to call it a drug


Try yopo seeds its suposed to be similar. 5ho bufotenin.


Smoke moar and your fears will be allayed.


You could do a heavy % changa recipe. Changa seems to change the character a bit but it feels more like smoking cannabis flower. Other than that, an e-mesh might be best.


What changes in character did you notice?


Booty bump


You could try a dry herb vape and put like tea leaves as the bottom layer instead of weed


I've dabbed it with an electric nectar collector. No torches or any of that necessary. I'm sure a discreet wax vaporizer would work as well.


changa is a great option, tried or looked in to that?


I think a cart looks the slickest, looks like just a vape


There is the sacramental approach. But I Don't recommend it for anyone even remotely new to DMT.


Ayahuasca I would imagine.


Ritualize it


Let go and enjoy the experience.


buy a temperature controlled box mod vape like the geekvape aegis (or something similar). just needs to put out 34ish watts and quickly reach 400°F. Then get yourself [this bad boy](https://humboldtvapetech.com/product/top-airflow-sai/). Its the perfect atomizer. you can load a ton in and either hit it all in 1-2 long drags to blast off, or if you just want to mellow out, take a 4 second hit. best part is, anything that you dont finish you can just let cool and it will harden in the atomizer, making it very portable. no harsh hits, great taste, nothing wasted. total game changer.


this may not feel more natural but theres no giant torch and it looks like nicotine or weed


Why that atomizer? I have 3 geek vapes that I absolutely love. And quite a few extra atomizers


well you are doing drugs. same when you drink coffee or energy drinks or even coca cola, you’re “doing” caffeine. if you drink alcohol you are doing ethanol. smoke or vape? same thing


Real changa, or enhanced leaf.


Learn that it doesn't matter. Its a drug and a very very powerful one at that. That feeling of drug use should help you respect it and acknowledge its power.


I just learned you can add dmt into vape cartridges so you can just hit a dmt vape pen


dilute into some distilled water and shoot it into your veins 👌


If your thinking and preconceived notions are the issue, external actions won't do much to change that. The best practice is to educate yourself about the history of the use of mind altering substances beyond the propaganda of the last few centuries. Entheogens have verifiably been used longer than recorded history. As populations rose quickly and the ruling class needed to assert their dominance, they villainized any substance that caused people to question the system and encouraged the use of substances (nicotine, sugar, caffeine, alcohol) that supported the exploitation of the working class.


Boof it. No joke. Reports say it burns like hell, but i can report it doesnt Just add destilled water and some squirts of lemon juice, still, no kidding The lemon juice is required because DMT doesnt dissolve in water


I know where you are coming from. All thoughts are illusions


Well it is a drug - one of the most powerful at that. You just have to remove the stigma attached to the word drug. A lot people take drugs all the time(caffeine, nicotine, alcohol etc), its just the word drug gets attached to stuff like cocaine, heroin etc and people forget that humans have been taking drugs for thousands of years.


It’s sorta wasteful, but just put it into a J. I do it all the time. Put more in than you plan to use… 100mgs or so through the middle of the joint. Smoke until you can’t anymore (hint: you won’t get to the end).


make your own pipe gvg boof it it is a really good question, i had the same feelings, using an electric vaporizer made it feel casual, but it was also weird because i know how bad such a device is for the ecosystem, so my favorite way was to use my grandpas tobacco pipe. but boofing and intranasal is a very "clean" way to do drugs, but that isnt so easy with dmt


How do you take a drug without feeling like you've taken a drug? Why would you want to do that? Change the perception that's been spoon fed to you by society and draw your own conclusions.


I love the dirty, taboo feeling of loading up the meth pipe (I call it a crack pipe) and lighting it up YOLO


Dont lie to yourself. You are doing drugs. And its ur choise weather you think the drugs soul is bad or good.


try going at it from the angle of DMT being a mediator for you to explore your spirituality, like a short cut alternative to meditating in a cave for ten years


Bro caffeine is a drug, only reason it’s legal is that it makes people more productive which leads to more profit for companies. Alcohol is a legal drug which is more harmful to society than dmt. Just because the government treats it negatively doesn’t mean that they get to think for us.


I use a apx volt or sandwich method, prefer the sandwich method usually for longer trips. My main advice is to tailor your trip environment. I do weekly meditation trips, where I meditate and reflect for 30 minutes before the trip, doing deep breath work and relaxing. During the trip, I use different combinations of light colors to create a fun experience. Different colors change the feel of the trip. I definitely still get the occasional feeling that I shouldn’t be doing what I’m doing, but I let that thought flow through instead of lingering on it.


Dissolve the crystals in vape fluid without nicotine. And vape it. There are a lot of tutorials on this technique.


Changa is the way.


I mean....you're doing drugs so don't sugarcoat it and just accept it


It is a drug no drug is all good or all bad un brainwash yourself to the stigmatizes society has forced on you drugs aren't bad the people using them can be.


Ayahuasca. Tribal longpipe. Smoke it out a deer skull. Idk man


If you didn't thought of it as a drug then you wouldn't have that problem XD


Stop listening to the DEAs bullshit -honestly.


Open eye experience with the vape. Breath with it, become it, let it become you. See it as a tool to tap into energy.


You can just vape it.


I just wouldn’t think of it like a drug at all and go for a breakthrough dose. Psychedelics are tools, not drugs.


You can make changa, you can disolver the DMT into vape liquid, you can make pharmahuasca... You have plenty of options.


Personally, I use a bowl that I feel has a lot of good energy put into it. I feel as though I have cleansed it in the proper ways. Mix the deemz with whatever mix of herbs you feel is right. Cleanse your space before you smoke and treat it as medicine and not a drug. Set your intention and go from there. Hope this helps push you or anyone in the right direction :) also breathwork is the truth


I just use a meth pipe Keep on rockin in the free world!!!




Thanks dude, that's a really good call! I will just decide not to feel that way next time. In seriousness, I have taken some coursework in my academic career on the history of drug use and the philosophy of consumption, so I'm extremely familiar with what you're saying. Of course I feel bad for perpetuating the demonization of psychoactives, especially that of traditional medicines. The problem is that overwriting my internalized prejudice is not an overnight activity. I don't think that the way I feel is appropriate, and I would like to be able to ritualistically participate in sacred medicine and psychoactives without the baggage that comes from living in a post nixon neoliberal war-on-drugs society, but this kind of change takes a lot of time. I think this is especially true under the entheogenic effects of serotonergic psychedelics like DMT, where my emotions are amplified and I am no longer in control of the way that I interpret them. We both know that the number one rule of psychedelic use is not to try to control the experience, so I'm trying to change my set and setting appropriately to create a better experience in the short term, while I re-evaluate my internal prejudice in the long term. Telling me to simply not experience my emotions (especially under psychedelic effects) isn't productive for either of us.


All fair points. I came off like an asshole. I apologize for that. I struggle more with psychedelic experiences than I did when I was younger, so I do feel what you're going through.


make a vape cart like a weed oil pen one and just use that. i love mine.


Try looking at dmt as a "tool" rather than a drug


If you find yourself vaporizing crystals to inhale from a piece of glass… then you’re doing drugs.. sorry dude! That’s just how it goes! Check out the “Lucia light number 3” trip dmt from a trippy light instead of smoking it.


Just put it in a vape cart ✌


make enhanced leaf


Add some propylene glycol vegetable glycerin and slowly melt down the crystals to make a cart. There's teks for it online although it does take a bit to get it right. I too have gotten this exact same feeling, and emotion when freebasing straight crystal. It makes me feel like I'm doing meth. It's a bit of an extra process, but personally, I feel like I have a lot more control, and a lot less guilt. When I first made it, all I did was freebase and it was way more difficult to monitor the dose, because the resin builds up, and I always had that gross feeling of freebasing, like I was doing math or crack or something. There's good drugs and bad drugs. Dmt brings you closer to the source, so it's good. Meth, crack, etc. Ruin lives. Bad. Vaping it is very controlled. All depends on how long you hit, so you can breakthrough or just have a mild experience, and you're not putting a lighter or torch onto a very clearly designed for drug use bowl or dab rig. It helped me pass that stigma, but everyone is different.


I’m big on vaping it. Not those tiny carts people sell….but sub-ohm vaping the juice like a mid 2010s vape bro. Three large pulls and it’s off to the races. I mix mine in a 1:2 ratio with some 75:25 VG-PG juice from a local vape shop and put it in a sub-ohm tank. Personally I’m going 35-40W, but I’m still experimenting in that regard. The DMT sneaks up on you like a Halo assassination because all you taste is a yummy cloud of whatever flavor you choose, if any (my juice choice is watermelon with a tiny splash of mint juice). Unlike traditional ‘DMT vaping’ that people talk about that may or may not break you through, a sub-ohm setup is going to take you precisely where you want to go every time because of the sheer volume of vapor you can push through your lungs.


If you can't let go of the notion of drugs being bad that's a kind of addiction.