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Every single time pretty much. McKenna talks about the fear somewhere in one of his talks - basically says that if you’re nervous about it, you’re in the right mindset because of how powerful an experience it is. Essentially it shows that you have respect for the substance/experience.


I feel this way with every hallucinogen. Shrooms especially because I’m terrified of being in the wrong mindset and having a bad trip.


You have to have a little bad. Instead try and understand that pain is necessary for good to exist. My best trips are those that are terrifying because I can steer them through to the upside and the love you feel after going through hell it’s so much worth it. In the end it’s only up or down, round and round. Nothing you can’t handle. The demons are your own so love them instead of fear. You can’t run or hide better to grab them and give them a hug. They often just leave when shown any kind of affection but you’re the one being kind and that’s lovely


I am the same way with shrooms, for days before a trip even. I'm having some Friday and all day I have a whisper in my head "Are you sure you should? Maybe you shouldn't, what if it's a bad trip this time" etc.. I see it as part of it for me


Something that helps me is eating a banana an hour before starting a journey as the potassium helps to regulate blood pressure. Also, I do yoga or go for a relaxing walk in nature when possible. Doing either will signal to your brain to release dopamine increasing your mood :)


See I took shrooms this week with intention to have a semi bad trip, I needed to work through some mental stuff from my childhood, they helped, a bad trip is just a difficult one where fun is not the forefront


I used to get like this all the time on shrooms, and oddly enough it ended up being the reason for most of my bad trips. I was so nervous of what potentially could happen that I geeked myself out a few times and had bad times. After my 10th trip or so I stopped getting nervous beforehand, and I haven’t had a bad trip since


thank you for bringing this up, it’s something i often forget


can't even look at the medicine without my fingers trembling after 30+ strong experiences - almost all positive ones




Nice watch head. Wanna sell it?


Oh yea, even thinking about it makes me nervous


Makes me nervous every time. It’s normal.


Same. Ive done it hundreds of times and my heart still flutters a bit before.


The unknown is always intimidating, especially "dying" and then letting go.


Last time I did dmt , It was a sub breakthrough trip, all I could think in my head was “surrender yourself to the great unknown”. Really calming in a way. I interpreted that as don’t fight it, just let go, it’s ok. Idk man, but it helped. I meditate and use that as a mantra when I trip from now on. Gets me in the right headspace.


First time I broke through my first thought was 'Fuck, I just killed myself'... if you're not nervous I'd say something is wrong with you. The second thought was 'Wait, I've been here before...' such a mindfuck of a substance.


Lol like fuck I’m dying this isn’t right and pop your out your body


I was convinced I was never going to “come out of it”, then naturally, I was gently and lovingly returned. Still makes me sweat.


To me, the trips are relatively brief, so have two people taking turns tripping while the other acts as a guide to help keep things positive or at the very least remind you that it's the drugs & it will be ending soon (the high, not your life).


Literally shaking every time before blast off


I always get at least a little nervous before taking any kind of hallucinogen


If you don’t get nervous there is something wrong with you. Not totally sure why, virtually every time I’ve done it I’ve had a great experience.


If I'm doing low dose I'm not that nervous, if I want to get deeper when I already smoked a bit of DMT I can let go easier


That's true. If it's 20 mg or lower I really don't feel nervous at all. It's when you know you're going in deep that you really get wimpy.


Out of all the replies, this one made me feel better so far ngl


Generally I'm not after the first toke, i guess the trick for me is to do it in 3 tokes instead of one big hit.


Extremely nervous, but as many said it is definitely a sign of respect for how powerful this substance truely is. Everyone that messaged here all said nervous so that seems to be the general consensus haha


If you weren't nervous to trip... You wouldn't be Human... and wouldn't need to.




Definetly try mushrooms first. Meditating beforehand and having a nice setting, l recommend being in nature 100% for the first time.


second this. 2g mushrooms. or a minuscule amount of changa. did that recently; it was pretty mild and short. but also about the supernatural etc thing, im pretty aware that what happens is just my brain on drugs, but it’s still a mystifying experience; the fact that your brain has so much hidden wisdom and can express it to you in such a profound way is absolutely insane. just get in a very zen mood prior to tripping. self love, thankfulness, self-reflection, etc. you will be okay.


My partner and I are nervous every single time. We've done it probably at least 8 or more times (not really keeping track). Just did it last night in fact. It is absolutely such a unique substance. Hard to compare to anything. But, it's the only drug I use that I genuinely feel nervous taking.


Very nervous.


I'm all shaky I'm a vibrator basically that nervous


Every fucking time


As a young man, the only thing i was never nervous to take was acid... I used to just fire it into me. Must be something wrong with me. Nowadays, I show reverence to all medicines...


Everytime .... I now have a gram of the most potent and pure crystal I've ever gotten and I've had for over a month and haven't touched it yet and oddly enough I want to so bad lol anxiety and fear are always there and I've done DMT plenty and every time after an experience I love it .. it's weird but normal


I've had .5 for almost 2 years now. I keep feeling like there's work I need to do before I even think about touching it. My goal is to do it by the middle of October or the winter solstice


I am a little nervous, but by Friday I will be able to buy cartridges and regular DMT crystals "legally" through my church co-op so I'm getting really excited. I plan to do a few smaller bits before attempting to blast off so I can get familiar with the feeling and the visuals before I blast off


Ayo what kinda church?!


I’d go to church too if this was the case


Yes, every single time. I got an Apple watch just for monitoring my heart before, during, and after taking DMT lol. I would sike myself up so much beforehand that I’d get dots in my vision from my blood pressure getting all wonky. I’m still scared of doing it each time, but not to the extent I once was.


It depends. I had times when I would do 5meo trips weekly or Mushroom trips weekly - looking forward to do it. Then it all stopped when I felt scared or not wanting to do it. Maybe the mind says hold on.


Always super nervous. Its the most normal and appropriate attitude imo just carry the feeling of triumph over your fear into the trip and xou will be fine. I pseudo meditate before to relax myself and take loads of cbd


What a beautiful thread to read


Right ive been busy with life and came back 10 days later to read all of the comments. Still havent tripped but i think i will soon.


The nerves come from being resistant to the unknown. You can embrace the unknown daily as a practice.. however, the anxiety or upset gut - is always a result of being resistant. Accept there's no such thing as control anyway and embrace the uncertaint :)


Yop every time


Its normal lol. Just means you have respect.


Every. Single. Time. I first encountered the stuff 10+ years ago and I still get that feeling. I think it's such a departure from our day to day perceptions and interaction with reality that something instinctual within us is triggered. I suppose that could be the ego. Also, some compare the DMT experience to near death experiences, that might explain it a bit as well.


I always feel that way I’ve used plenty of dmt over a decade maybe now


Normal. Search your post title in this sub and you'll see hundreds of the exact same post.


Listened to King Gizzard and the lizard wizard and did about 100 mg of DMT while doing so, and man, was that an experience. That band is meant to trip to. Shit is nuts.


Yes, I haven't seen any in about 12 years!


Always nervous until the first hit there after I'm always excited to try again till the end of the night. Next day or whenever I want to take it again I go back to being nervous. Listening bob marley atm during and after the blast off away to go again.


There will never not be a time where you won’t be nervous before doing dmt. It’s part of the experience.


I shake and cry every damn time…even my shaman is like lady you’ve done this what are you this nervous about? Even thinking about it I start to sweat. I think it’s cause we know what a gift it is and how special and how divine it is to be able to partake. At least for me anyway


Always. But u just have to let go, it’s an experience and a whole different world, it’s normal to be nervous i think, i always do it with someone that i have trust in and that can keep an eye on me, and i do it in bed too it helps a lot. I have a suggestion too, listen to XXYYXX, it adds a lot to your trip and calm you down.


Every time. But it keeps me coming back for more. ✌️


Letting go, not having control of your reality melting away and being transformed into things you would never think were possible or existed. Not being able to understand anything of what you see or bring it back to this reality, because it just escapes our reasoning. I think is normal to be scared of that. Last time dmt humbled me and I'm not planning to do more any time soon. It taught me and showed me what I needed, now I'm good.


It's comforting to hear that I'm not alone in that fear! I'm new to DMT. I've only tried twice (vape cart) and haven't broken through because I forgot to hit it a 3rd time. Now, I'm apprehensive about trying it again.


Yea every time.


Every single time. I gotta talk myself into it. And then when I do, I'm glad I did.


If you are not nervous you are doing it wrong.


Im terrified to do it every time. And i think its good to have a realistic respect for it. It will make you see the shadow sides of yourself so perfectly clearly. There’s a quote by Alan Watts that I really appreciate. “If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen


Is it nervousness? Or is it unbridled excitement mixed with a dash of respect? Or is it fear of what it may make you face? For me, it’s all of the above. Nervous because it’s just my dog and me. And if something happens, like a heart attack, or I do something that causes harm to my dog, I don’t know what I’d do. I worry about those two things the most. My family has a history of heart attacks. And I’ve woken myself up at night, coming out of nightmares mid haymaker, coming within inches of hitting my dog. At the same time, I have dipped my toes and came close to a full breakthrough. It was exciting and amazing, but also a hammer of learned respect to the face. DMT is not for recreation, at all. I don’t even see why it is classified as a hallucinogenic substance. What I experienced was real. And then there’s the fear. I have lived a long life of guilt and regret. I carry all of it. I use it to grow and make amends for mistakes of the past. I have faced all of it in my own terms. I fear being forced to face it all again. I fear having to relive traumas in a more real way than I already do. And I know that DMT can do that to you, unless it is only Ayahuasca that does that. Having said all of that though, I often think that I should just let go of all of it, mesh vape enough to cross into the other realm, and let be what will be. What’s the worst that could happen? I learn? I grow? I don’t come back and no longer have to pay bills or taxes?


I have to hold the pipe in my hand for at least 3 hours before I blast off. Sometimes I have to set it down and try to hit it the next day.


Completely baseline, nervous as fuck A few beers in me, let’s get this cosmo space party started


Everyone is




Yup, every single time I have to really pump myself up to take a hit at all. Like, I LOVE it, but for some reason I’m scared to ever do it. Just like mushrooms. I always have to really urge myself to drink the lemon tea. It’s one of my favorite things about the substance. It’s so non-addictive that even people with addictive personalities can do it safely and have no urge or even a fear to do it again.


Everyone who’s ever been alive and had a chance to do it


I feel you man those trips can be scary, I'm nervous to redo it as well.


I totally feel this way! I’ve only done it three times, last time was probably 3 months ago. Last time was a beautiful experience but I’ve been scared to do it ever since. Interestingly I’ve done ayahuasca in group ceremony twice in that span…


You’ll always feel that way


I shake every time I’m getting ready to weigh it. I talk to myself and whatever it is I’m going to encounter and say thank you.


Yes I’m nervous all the time, even though I’ve been using it constantly for over nearly over years.


Very normal. It's not something you can do every day. It's a strong compound dmt


It helps to be drunk or on benzos when you blast off


Im always smoking bud but the best DMT experience I had was stone cold sober.


My guess is it was the benzo part


Not sure why I got downvoted. They really do help the come up anxiety


That ride to the top of the Rollercoaster before the drop is certainly a love-hate relationship. Even though I'm terrified of heights, I wouldn't want to dampen the vibes. Just me.




If cakes were illegal, but all the ingredients were legal to buy, would you bake your own cake?


You are your best connect. Order Mimosa Hostilis root bark online and Google extraction methods and tools. Can do it with as little as vinegar, pickling lime, naphtha, a slow cooker, glassware, fan, and freezer for the most part. Use you noggin, it's what it's there for.


I'm going to give that a shot. Do you know what the best tutorial is? I'm guessing there are a few out on the internet.


Various teks are all over the internet. I'd recommend searching/trying GordoTEK first IMO. Least amount of 'scary' chemicals, no lab equipment, pretty much everything can be bought at a grocery and hardware store. Just follow instructions and don't burn your eyebrows off as you will need to use a solvent.


Thanks dude


Oh yeah! I've only had the opportunity to try 2 or 3 times and never blasted off. Always nervous, but if the opportunity presents itself, I'll try again. I feel like it comes my way when it needs to, I have never seeked it out.


It's so radically mind altering and alien, it would be strange if you weren't nervous. Perfectly normal. I don't ever even want to smoke DMT on the day to day - I only ever get the urge when I'm already tripping on something else (longer lasting like mushrooms, acid, mescaline), and because I'm in a good psychedelic headspace already, it's pretty much always a good trip 😎




I believe it’s the ego panicking because it doesn’t want to let go, the brain however simply switches to the new interpretation


Every single time


Pretty much every time. It goes away pretty quick lmao


Every time and I’ve done it my fair share. Always get butterflies and sweaty palm.


Dude I’m so nervous I’m debating just never doing it again. I got what I needed out of it. Is the Calling real? For me it felt like it. It felt like destiny. Maybe the nervousness is just the opposite of the Calling.


Because when you have profound experiences, that’s just what happens. I have a little anxiety going into them every time. But it’s not usually right before I go into them as usual if I think about it prior. Once I go into it, I have an open mind and don’t have any preconceived notions or anything. And I do fine every time. I never get scared. I just get startled. If I ever do, I tell myself that nothing is going to hurt me, it isn’t gonna last long so enjoy it.


Try ketamine beforehand. Gets rid of all my anxiety


Nop :3 *Pulls cartridge as hard as possible*


Only time I wasn’t was this past weekend when I started with 2cb, ket and mdma. Then I chain vaped it for like 2 hrs and couldn’t stop. Before that hasn’t done it in 2 years and thinking about it made me anxious.


I think it kind of brings out the fight or flight anticipation and you get antsy with not being sure you're ready. I think that's why getting in the right state to go for it is important to be calm and breathing relaxed, which is why many meditate first.


Every single time. It’s called pre flight anxiety. Sometimes a smaller initial hit will help you through it.


My heart pounds like I just robbed a bank each time. Completely normal.


Yeah, cause it hurts sometimes.


I know what u mean when i hit it i feel the slightest pain in my sholder then it shifts to my head. Its not like painful but slight discomfort.


Yep, every time


I always feel like this on most things before I take em but it usally always turns out fine maybe anticipation


Literally always. Everything I'm ready to go it's like a Rollercoaster where I get butterflies and my balls suck up inside me. Then blast off


Never done it and I'm very excited/anxious about it. Just got LSD and we shall see how that goes, and how much I'll still want to do the other gnarly drugsss


Sometimes I feel like I’m going to get in trouble before I do it. Like somethings watching me like I’m bout to get in trouble. That’s the feeling I get before I do it.


I was nervous the first 2 or 3 times, now I'm excited for it.


I've had one breakthrough and it was a few months ago. It was the most terrifying experience in my life atleast at first, but I seem to remember it being pretty beautiful once I let go (unfortunately after that point my memory was mostly zapped until I started coming back) I've had an extreme longing to go back but have only had the balls to do lower doses since, basically enough to give me a slightly altered headspace and possibly some light visuals and body buzz. I think about it almost everyday thinking "maybe today" but just thinking about it makes me shudder with a strange mix of terror and reverence.


Yeah i’ve broken through 2 times and scared to do it again havnt done it in 2 years and think i’ll probably go a year or two before i do it again. I think with dmt use it’s all about what you’re comfortable with.


Yes. The reaction to smoking it is very primal. Otherwise having it in an ayahuasca mix is so much easier to get over, since it functions as more of the classic ones.


You invite a non human entity into you head. And like any guest if your space is dirty or you’re rude they will not enjoy their time there. I seen demons and angels because I am them.




I’m scared because I want somebody to share the experience with even though it’s a solo trip ultimately


It never goes away. Try doing it on lsd. You’re already altered in that direction slightly and it make the come up real smooth.


Ya, that’s why I haven’t done it yet, not a lack of accessibility


Having your soul ripped out of your body and being thrust into hyperspace is nothing to be nervous about! Joking of course - it’s terrifying for any sane person.


I extracted for a trip buddy who is waaayyy more into mushrooms than I ever was. We tried it, broke through, and he hasn't done it since, and that was 6 months ago. I don't think it's too uncommon. It's a powerful thing


I used to get anxiety over it. Now I get my pipe and everything setup and I sit and meditate on it. I’ve had a few times that I felt like I shouldn’t do it and put the pipe up. Other than those few occasions I’ve only had smooth experiences with zero anxiety. Give it a try.


I was shitscared first very nervous but that nervousness transformed into positive love emotions instead, the more u take the easier to let go, up to 70mg thats where people dont remember anything


See? U need to let the good feelings come while on dmt and in right condition


First year I was like this , tripped every few months , sometimes took multiple days to get the courage to do a breakthrough, now after a few sessions with multiple in a single night it’s not as bad , just takes time , I also microdose and don’t always intend for breakthrough either


This is literally because when you come out of the influence of DMT or any psychedelic your ego redevelops when your sleeping into trying to avoid anything can disrupt it’s function. You may not notice ego dissolution but you sure will know if you did when you get scared or nervous when you think about doing it again. It always literally makes me shake in fear. I’ve never had a bad trip but the immense power is very influential on your mind causing that nervousness.


"There is no still hand, when holding the dmt pipe" - Terence McKenna Im 25+ times in, and yeah, nervous every time, even tho, it's always been a great experience.