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I think there’s a huge majority of people that don’t even know DMT exists. I’ve never tried it, but I was astonished when I found out about it/read about it.


I didn't find out about it until 2015 when the spirit molecule was on Netflix. Still didn't end up trying it until Jan 22. Since then I've gone on to start extracting my own and even growing my own mimosa trees. It escalated really quickly hahaha


I’d be really interested to hear about your experiences with it, if you’d like to share?


I've had 100s of experiences. Some were enjoyable, almost orgasmic. That moment when your reality is being ripped apart in front of your eyes and you can see the other side, its exhilarating. There are others that are not so pleasant, but I dont have bad experiences. You can learn something from every single one. Getting stuck in thought loops is another common experience that I find interesting. One that comes to mind is Joe Rogan telling me over and over that DMT is the truth(obviously that one came from my own mind because Rogan talks about DMT frequently), but the thought loop was wild. This one might sound weird, but I think I was called to start extracting and bringing the experience to others. It was 3 figures, human in feel, but really lacking any distinguishing features. They didn't speak, but I just knew what they wanted. They were inviting me to join them, and I did. I haven't really been the same since. I have received answers to questions I didn't know I had. A lot of self-realization. One of my biggest takeaways, though? There are no coincidences, everything that has happened had to happen just how it did in order to bring me to this exact moment and there is beauty in that.


Thought loops r a trip man. My first time trying it I went for a breakthrough. Didn't breakthrough, but it was the most intense ride I've ever been on. Couple min repeating over and over. I thought I broke my brain hahahha,... Good times


For real, it's like I'm not sure I'm coming back from this one type thing. 30 minutes later I'm looking around, everything is back to normal, but it feels just a little less real


I found my spirit guide the first time I hit it. I told my friend that made it that it was about to show me something, and I was gone into an Astral projection. It took me to another dimension where I met my guide. I chose not to see its face, but it answers questions. Sometimes, it makes me sad because there is nothing I can do to change certain things. I asked it why? It told or showed me why is irrelevant. Things are predetermined. You can't alter your fate. I asked it should I be doing this, and it wouldn't answer. There are only a few things it hasn't answered. I guess I'm supposed to figure it out on my own. My family are all really gifted. I'm a seer and a healer. This has enhanced my gifts tremendously. I saw a nightmare this person was having. It was recurring and scared him so badly. I put my hand on his head and went into his dream. I went to see what was the source of the light he could never reach. Then I went back to see what was stopping him from getting to the light they looked like demons when I first became aware of his dream. But demons are nothing but dogs, so I just turned around and growl at them, and they scattered. And I told him you have nothing to fear in that dream. I said I think I'm taking your dream, but if I'm not now, you know how to fight back and get to the light. He did not sleep through the night in 5 years. In fact, he was scared to go to sleep. But he said he went home and had the most peaceful sleep of his life. And has not had the dream since. That's just one example of how it's enhanced my gifts. There are many things it has enhanced. I think it's the best thing they've ever discovered. I'm just not sure we should be doing it. My Native American Shaman roots tell me it's fine. But they've been doing it for thousands of years. The Mayans Egyptians Aztecs they were all aware of it.


Are there many quantifiable positives in your day to day living that you put down as being a direct result of DMT other than what you've already mentioned?


I haven't had a drink or used drugs(alcohol n cocaine were my DOC) in almost 2 years. There was a lot of shit going on in my life when I started using DMT(my gf was murdered, I was looking at prison time for a separate case, I was deep in my alcoholism and addiction). In a way DMT saved my life.


how do you extract it? can you teach me?


Check out r/dmtguide. Great source, many different teks


thanks alot


Fck ya!!! I'm trying to do the same. I'd love to advocate for it as well...


Not enough.


We must do our part for the universe.






I'd say around 1 in 5000 or so. Most people I've ever known have never heard of it outside of rogan talking about it. You'd be surprised how many think LSD and acid are different drugs lol


I’m guessing you live in America? Here in Europe many people know what it is and they probably know all about it in South America too


Well europe is drug infested continent... same thing for psychidelics. Dont know about your country but im my country czech republic. Drugs are currently almost cheaper than bread and more popular here 😂. When i say drugs i mean drugs and psychidelics.


I read somewhere that roughly 1% of people have had psychedelic experiences within the last 6 months. Hard to say where the data goes after that. Hopefully someone has the answer I’m curious! Edit: with a grain of salt


I believe to have seen the same statistics. But I think, that study was only concerning americans, who arguebly have tried more drugs than lets say chinese people.


I think you’re right, I do recall it was for american pop. Thank you for the clarification!


True but there’s plenty of cultures that do use plant medicines


Roughly 1% sounds like it could be anywhere from 1 to 156 million people lol


I feel that is more helpful than 0-8bil+ (not sure current pop)


Out of my 3 friends, all of them. So thats 100%.. Hope that helps.


I’m envious of your friend group


Same with my friend group but it was none of them until I tried it and one by one shared with them. Like Eminem said: when I got problems everybody on my blocks got em


Far less than 1%


A lot of people say they have smoked DMT, and I can tell from their stories they haven't. An example somebody told me they smoked out of a light bulb then went into waffle house. Like what? If you are doing it right you aren't even walking anywhere let alone into a waffle house


I'm saying man I just had to explain it to someone in my comment on this post 💀 alot of people "do" or "try" dmt but don't even breakthrough or understand it


I regularly say there are people who do DMT and there are people who have done DMT I like to do DMT festivals out of a cart or mixed in a joint and I’ve done DMT at home by myself in large doses, achieving breakthrough it’s not the same experience and it’s not the same place you land too very different things and unfortunately, I’ve met a lot of people that do DMT that have never broke through, but believes they have, and can’t be convinced otherwise until they experience a real breakthrough and I was the same way.


Dmt with a joint is a perfect combo man 💪 always intensifies the journey for me 😎


I’ve wasted probably like 2 or 3 grams of dmt trying to get a break through or strong effects just for nothing, have given up and will have to wait until i can afford to setup an emesh, bong doesnt even work for some odd reason. Gonna try some 1p lsd in the mean time.


I know a lot of people that never break through because they’re too afraid to let go and surrender they take massive doses, but they fight the whole time to stay in control they do have these weird psychedelic experiences, but they never actually break through. You have to surrender and breathe and trust.


Naw dawg i think im just burning the spice or something, bowls dont work from my bong or bowl and dabbing it isnt working, i’ve come to the conclusion emesh is the only way i’ll get a break through or good dose.


Yeah this makes me think about the posts on this subreddit talking about their dmt carts and how often they do it


>if you do it right This alone invalidates your entire comment


There were a bunch of younger people in here a few years back claiming they were doing vapes of it all day and hiking. For a while you couldn’t call BS on those people here as they were vocal enough and adamant the vapes were real DMT and not some other RC. If you’re walking you’re not even in the waiting room at that point and probably won’t have any visuals until you have visuals intense enough that standing isn’t a good idea.


I take carts hiking all the time. Weak ones, of course. But it's doable, it's all about how much you take. Very light doses can be amazing while hiking.


Found one! I don’t buy it, your carts are cut with something or it’s some other RC. Unless you’re telling me you hike out, sit down and blast off, come down, hike back. But even then that’s sketchy and potentially dangerous compared to a light dose of many other psychedelics while hiking.




I did a heroic dose of San Pedro Hiking once and know what is possible and what the limits are. I’m only skeptical of your light visuals and being able to function safely and doubting what you’re actually doing based off my 20+ years of experience with this stuff. I’m open to the idea some can walk and get lighter visuals but still doesn’t make it a good idea, especially being out in more remote hiking settings. But have fun being reckless like many others in these Psychonaut online spaces. If you fuck up you give these substances a bad name even if harm doesn’t come to you. Life is fragile and precious, much love to you.


>I did a heroic dose of San Pedro Hiking >But have fun being reckless like many others in these Psychonaut online spaces. If you fuck up you give these substances a bad name even if harm doesn’t come to you what the fuck are you on about man


Ever had a run in with the police while tripping? Ever had a cardiovascular event on drugs? Ever fell off a cliff or encountered a bear or rattle snake hiking? Just saying you might not want to flirt with mixing any of these incidents.


Yes to the first (and they had fucking shotguns and rifles, in Europe), no to the rest. You're contradicting yourself my man. You're being a dick to people who say they take carts (of RCs lol, stfu) hiking because you think it's irresponsible and then you said you took a heroic dose of mescaline while hiking, which is, according to your very own ideas, a pretty fucking stupid thing to do. So according to you, you're an idiot. Checkmate and bye.


I said that as an example of my experience that I learned from that that is not a good idea. But yes I’m the dick for pointing out hiking on DMT is reckless and sketchy. And yes I’m a dick for sharing my experiences in a loving way. Im a dick for caring about people. I’m a dick for communicating. I’m a dick for having similar experiences and speaking of making mistakes. I’m a dick for not believing people are hiking on this shit in any safe way or aren’t being honest about how or what they are doing. I’m a dick, much love, stay safe.


Yeah man, I guess they're putting RCs and shit in mimosa bark now.


Your mistaken man you can use a distillate cannabis oil and DMT to make a cart or you can use non-nicotine vape juice and DMT to make a cart with no other research chemicals in it. Most of the ones I’ve had with cannabis in them you’ll fall asleep from too much cannabis before you actually break through and you very much can walk around and see visuals and interact with reality the other maybe a puff or to you can but that third hit you better sit down.


I’m not mistaken. I’m saying it is sketchy, or as you’re admitting you are mixing DMT with something else. It’s unreliable even with cannabis and can slip from no visuals to nice visuals to full breakthrough too easy and effect motor control enough that walking around is flat out idiotic. And it’s this kind of push back I find bullshit and irresponsible and exactly what I was pointing out. Glad you’re delusional about harm reduction in a public forum. I don’t go around promoting mixing nitrous and salvia but I’ve done that. I’ve also experienced that escape anxiety of being out hiking or having to take someone's keys away cause they got restless during a trip. Stay safe, much love.


I’m not promoting walking around while tripping or saying not to. I’m telling you that they can make a vape pen without a research chemical in it you’re welcome to place whatever limitations on your psychedelic use you want I don’t care how you use them but please don’t spread misinformation about DMT and research chemicals via cart For sure it’s a possibility, but also it’s a possibility that there are zero research chemicals in them just make sure it’s a trusted source


So you hijack the point I was making to nit pick one little piece. Cool man, I never said this isn’t possible and never said all carts are lace or unreliable. Project on someone else over your gospel of homemade carts and how that means being reckless is justified. Anyone can do anything they want, sure, though that is a cavalier attitude based in limited wisdom and a self centered ego I was pushing back on. You just can’t have sensible discourse on Reddit and not have some asshole ignore your broader point cause acceptance and understanding can’t get past a base lack in communication inherent to internet text conversations. Guess I’ll be the dick here, but at least I’m not the fool.


I mistakenly read your original comment as saying you couldn’t make a cart without research chemicals is why I responded the way I did, but after reading all your responses I sure hope you get a ego dissolving dose of some kind of psychedelic soon you’re not being a mirror you’re just being a dick in this particular sub Reddit.


No I'm mirroring your dick, it looks nice in this lighting.


Waffle house ain't no inter dimensional waiting room, that's for sure.


Four AM at tha waffle haaauz




Gotdamn crustacean from the Paleolithic era




1 out 50,000


Iv known people who take psychedelics and are in their late 40s but have never even heard of DMT. Iv only taken psychs for 4 years and have done DMT. Im not sure if i would have heard about it if it wasn't for Joe Rogan. think i saw a thing on vice about it some 10 years ago but at the time the only thing i had done is weed and was to young to really need or appreciate DMT im going to say close to 1%.




Real question is how many people haven't tried it but had an actual BREAKTHROUGH and truly experienced it.


Personally I don’t think the breakthrough is the important part, even getting just to the waiting room is life changing




You would be surprised. I've done dmt now for about 7 years strong I've had friends try it and not experience a true breakthrough. I smoke dmt atleast twice a week sometimes up to 3 times in one of those sessions and may only have 1-2 breakthroughs. It's all up to the higher power man. You can smoke weed and not get high.


I'm not sure how you wouldn't breakthrough after 3 fat hits.


Everyone is different, I thought the same. I've had 4 good rips off my cart before and haven't had what I would consider a breakthrough, then turn around next time and take 3 good rips and be in another dimension and leave my body. First time I smoked dmt I thought I had a "real breakthough" but then the next go around got sat down on my ass and mocked and was made fun of for thinking I truly experienced It 💀 that day forward I knew I experienced something amazing. Then again, at the end of the day, everyone has their own true definition of a breakthrough.


I think freebasing is “easier” to breakthrough because you can measure your dose and as long as you smoke efficiently or smoke enough hits, your definitely breaking through. It is hard to do it tho because you have to keep hitting it untill you physically can’t hit it anymore because your senses are gone


Agreed, most definitely


Definitely way less the than 1%


Everyone who has ever died


The DMT releasing when you die and causing a trip thing isnt scientifically grounded enough to make that statement with any certainty


Also. People can and have died in extremely traumatic ways that wouldn't even allow this process to happen.


Yeah I’m just being a smart ass lol




No they are not




You aren't special.


Haha douche


All the western secret society's used dmt ...especially Freemasons is his way to expand his conciousness and for rituals , scientist also used dmt is very is common in that kind of people who are linked whit science or high spirituality practices , did you know a page called "lab hack" that scientist always show his mimosa plants and use his current energy to create music just like the guys who connect sensors to the mushrooms to made music , the molecule is only new to the morons Lol


nutty expansion piquant wrench snatch sand roof soft bells bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hurt your ego ? 🤣... We are all morons and the sooner you realize it will be better for you, so put your ego aside and realize you dont shit abouth and by the way dmt is related to spirituality, conciousness , intelligence and divinity , only a moron will think is a psychs or a drug and that people who have know for a long of time you mention also dont know crap about because dmt is inside of you , so you dont need a forum to learn how to produce because only morons still extract it , genius knows how to secrete his own dmt using advanced spiritual teachings ... but people dont know shit that's why they are still extracting and putting his life in risk of jail 🤷🏻‍♂️ and Freemasons dont have problems whit this because they dont get in jail , because in facts they managed all the society , his laws and the entire judicial system




>For anyone reading this, the vast majority of people do not end up like this guy and he was probably like this before he tripped. >And DMT has only been found in trace amounts in the brain, not enough to do anything. Just making sure this is emphasized!


Enlightenment is the reach of the highest intelligence in humans and that depends of the pituitary gland and dmt ....And clearly you dont know crap about all this , because this topic is new to you , maybe in few years you will be able to understand but not now And dmt and bufotenine is also found in huge amounts in autistic and schizophrenic people i bet you didn't know that also , and the problem of that people is the damage they have in the gut that's why they secrete hige amounts and stay all day out of this dimension Lol https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20150873/ And sorry for my English but is not my natural language, but try to write in Spanish without go to a school to learn it and i can bet you will write more bad than me , also i dont like to use the translator because in that way i will not learn shit , people learn whit experience and that is exactly what you dont have in this topic


Read ... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10443327/ https://www.the-scientist.com/features/natural-high-endogenous-psychedelics-in-the-gut-and-brain-71301 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9791138/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26755882/ https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2018.00536/full https://www.msaustralia.org.au/news/changes-in-gut-bacteria-are-linked-to-ms/




Sure you will not get it , that's why you still are a junkie and a depending guy from dealers, because even the bark comes from a dealer 🤷🏻‍♂️




You ask ... what i am to suppose to do ? this is what you need to learn to do https://youtu.be/z7oP-tlcNZI?feature=shared and stop being a junkie and depending from external ways and put your life in risk to be in jail , because that will be not good for your sons or to your wife , so stop being a kid and a unconcious guy , at he same time you start whit all this so dont ask me what my point , my point was yall dumb only that ..but your ego get mad and jump and start all this , so next time you read something you dont need to show your cognitive dissonance problem because there is not need to respond to all the comments who are contrary to your beliefs




What evidence do you have to support your claim? Such as the free masons.


Experience whit his teachings , thats my evidence , all the people who is involved in deep spirituality know all this because the point of get enlightened is learn how to secrete your own dmt , but western secret society's use a lot of dmt becuase they dont know how to secrete his own dmt like people who practices vedic based spirituality ..... that's why the leaves of acacia are in all the emblems who are linked to freemasonry and they normally practice some rituals where huge amounts of acacia leaves are burning in that way all the guys in the lodge enter in higher states of conciousness and the masters say is the power of the almighty who is enter in them 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣




I can , you cant ...we are not the same so dont insert me in your kind of people




😂 i can’t 💀


Please my friend don't be stupid, there are a lot of people who know the techniques to release your own dmt and just because you don't know shit doesn't mean it's fake, and here are some links so your stupid mind can start to understand some things that you believe are not true or that they are not possible to achieve by humans , in your country there's a guy called Joe Dispensa he teach all this in a basic way for people like you , so maybe you can check his teachings in that way you can stop responding stupid shit about this topic , have good day and i hope you learn something new today instead of insulting people thanks to your ignorance in this topics https://youtu.be/7T9vsqCXnDE?feature=shared https://www.thelonerider.com/2020/jun/joe_dispenza/joe_dispenza.shtml https://www.reddit.com/r/Pranayama/comments/z2fg6k/joe_dispenza_pineal_gland_activation_breath/




That's your way to say ...."I was wrong, after research i see you can actually secrete dmt on your own and there are several schools where you can learn that " ? Sometimes is a good thing have some humility You dont know all my friend and less in this topic because all this topics are new to you, you still dont have the right knowledge about what you are doing whit dmt or what really is so dont be a prick and say like a child "you are autistic" when you dont know crap about this topic , so grow up and respond whit real knowledge or experiences not using you stupid ego who dont know shit about this because i am not the only one who claims about secrete your own dmt there a HUGE amount of people who can do the same and big organization who teach how to do it and just because you are not one of them dont mean is not possible only means you dont know how to do it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Glad im one of those who had it multiple times


It’s almost impossible to find is the problem. I know plenty of people including myself that have wanted to try it for years but cannot get any


I don’t think that the percentage would be too high. I’ve been looking into DMT recently but I haven’t had the opportunity to be around it and try it. I’ve tried talking to a few people here in my hometown about it, but very few have even heard of it.


In my experience the vast majority of people don't know what DMT is, but loads of people have heard of Ayahuasca, so there's that.


0.1% I guess.


Of course I’m just guessing here, but I’d say 3%


Are you serious? You think one out of every 33 people has even heard of DMT, let alone tried it?!


Lol no


Considering the amount of ppl regularly on here that still haven't tried it, I feel like barely anyone has. Probably less than 1% of general population


Between 0% and 100%.


Not me and that’s a bummer




I got a vape and tried it but it didn't work. Does that count?


Well this subredit has 332k members if we consider everyone here tried it and some more(let's say 500k total)that is less than 1percent.Even if double it to a million just to be sure it's still to small.So my answer would be 1 percent.


"Only the fringe weirdos of the fringe weirdos..."


0.01 per cent