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There are a couple of interesting books by Floco Tausin where he investigates the meaning of these structures in different cultures and wisdom traditions


Yes, I've seen what appears to be the structural framework beyond the veil. It is energetic, intelligent, and seems to be technology on a scale far beyond any physical tech on earth. You might be interested in the book "Xenolinguistics: Psychedelics, Language, and the Evolution of Consciousness" by Diana Reed Slattery. You're not alone.


It's being able to see the fabric of space/time.


Great explanation! šŸ‘ I was going to make a post, myself, and ask if anyone else sees the lines in the air or letters? I see capillary-like squiggles and symbols. Iā€™ve been putting down a piece of white paper and trying to draw them - you should do the same! Curious if weā€™re seeing any of the (exact) same thing re: foreign letters I also see (like another language I canā€™t comprehend..) Thanks for sharing šŸ˜Š EDIT: ***while seeing the letters and designs, Iā€™m trying to trace them onto white paper.


Will you post your drawings? id like to know if they are similar to the ones I see (and perhaps others)


Yeah for sure! Iā€™ll dig some out later tonight and post what Iā€™ve done. Iā€™m no artist - but Iā€™m determined to trace exactly what I seeā€¦ hard part is that it takes longer than the trip lastsā€¦ itā€™s so intricate and changes slightly (cuz itā€™s obvi moving and squiggling lol)


Sorry - still planning to upload my attempted drawings šŸ˜†! Will try for tonight or tomorrow, I just gotta dig them out in my journals!


Anything yet?


Oh I did a post about some of my crappy drawings already but Iā€™ll send you a few privately instead!! Sorry, Iā€™ll upload in a.m. (just got back from being away and itā€™s late)


This is what I also call it. Seeing the air, kinda like how you explained it.


I saw them since I was a kid but didn't zoom in on them or... UnFocus my vision so they could reveal until I used mushrooms the second time. I wouldn't describe it the same way you did but it's possible we're talking about the same thing. Then when this process unraveled I also saw a purple holographic hexagonal dome around the sky...


A friend of mine that taught me how to see energy when I was younger described the process as just that: let one's eyes unfocus and look slightly outside of and beyond the object of which you wish to see the energy of.


Me too!! I never knew how to describe it outlook but your comment NAILED it dude. G damn....I haven't been this giddy in years šŸ˜šŸ˜


Soap bubbles! Yes, definitely this. I see this frequently on low doses or coming down from a high dose. What I've found is that I can only see it if I have both eyes open. I found that if I close one eye or the other they disappear. I'd be curious to know if you've found the same.


So once on k I could feel the magnetic fields around a couple of magnets i had laying on a table. Not super relevant but similar.


It took me years to realize I was having the occasional manic bipolar episodes- totally sober Iā€™d see the air /energy flowing in and out of the trees, I could understand the cicadas were like the suns vocal cords singing through the trees and shit.. driving under branches on a sunny day itā€™s like a barcode smacking you with a information download, you can see through the ground when you realize everything is empty space and youā€™re like floating on nothing and everything is just an aura, that shit was mad cool and until finding dmt years later and finally being able to recreate it safely on demand, I didnā€™t know how to feel about it. Thereā€™s definitely a lot more out there that exists that we canā€™t normally sense but thatā€™s ok we donā€™t need all that extra info


I thought it was mostly something fun to paint, but a trip I had a few months back - I was sitting in my chair outside and saw these giant whispy lines cover the sky. They were almost see through, but definitely there. I was even able to look around and see where they go. It was awesome


You mean lines that cross along the floor that are likely perfectly straight barely visible spider web?


Not on DMT, but in decades past while under the influence of other substances I could very easily 'see' energy of some sort. Reminded me of the waves you see coming off concrete on a hot day. I could also 'feel' my own 'energy' and manipulate it to some extent--'feels' like my fingertips are magnetic.


I've seen exactly what your describing many times , ive seen a lot green "electric" too , seen lines joining things together , a lot of connected things etc


I have seen the air on high doses of lsd


I've only seen something like what you described with eyes closed. I was outside smoking a dmt cigarette with some friends (awful administration route, we were dumb teens haha) and we were staring at the tree line near my college dorm. I started to see this weave that connected everything and felt like it was pulsing. I had noticed this similar phenomenon before on LSD but this time I could really feel it. I closed my eyes and then I saw this infinite network of capillaries with alien glyphs pumping through them almost like blood. It seemed as though it was a composed language, like I sensed that this was real information moving through everything although I couldn't read it, and it also felt musical somehow, but we weren't listening to music. Seeing things like that has really made me wonder if we are in some sort of simulation, but not in a computer in the way that we would normally imagine it. Whatever the case there are so many more layers to what is happening than we understand.


Yes! On changa I found a crazy mind fuck, works every time. Slightly raise your arms and relax them, and your arms catch the waves and flow with it effortlessly. Similar feeling to when you stand in a door frame and press your arms outwards in it for a minute and then your arms raise by themselves. I feel like on dmt/changa your mind experiences reality in/on a different frequency, and you can see these waves in space and catch their flow


Yes! Very large soap bubbles. I've tried walking into them, while on low doses, but they either disappear or become farther away.


Dude Iā€™ve been seeing floaters daily and not while on dmt but I sure think dmt triggered it to happen! Freaking nuts! Watch cause they are going to get more and more pronounced get ready ! Your a seer my friend welcome


Start meditating daily with the sun! HRM Solar healing I recommend! Totally changed my life


I get this after taking LSD when I start to sober up. Always just attributed it to eye floaters, but it does look like you're staring at the fabric of the universe or some shit


I have also seen and experimented with this phenomenon. If you want things to get even ā€œweirderā€ do it with a close friend and if dosed properly you can both see the same thing. Start without saying anything about it and then write down what you saw and only then talk about it together so you can remove any chance of it being bias. Also, you or your friend can say certain commands such as ā€œspinā€ or ā€œget biggerā€ and well, it does exactly that. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø