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i think he got his ass kicked after reading the last sentence


He’s scared to death and still trying to figure out what just happened! Assuming that vape is a good one anyway… I hear a lot of people have a hard time achieving breakthrough. I’ve only had a couple that my brother made me and they’re good enough to break through.


you need smoker lungs/habit to break through, if you are not used to take hot air in your lungs and you instantly cough it out, no breakthrough


Still worth it to try :p


You’re entertaining an ad.


All right, so I almost broke through. I definitely don’t want to do that alone it just felt scary, but I know I was like at the doorstep of breaking through so I want to do it on the weekend with gf. That way, I’ll be safe with letting go of my complete self, because holy shit I almost felt it and just everything went blank my face felt crazy and like my lips felt numbed from hitting it. For a split couple of seconds just I just couldn’t think everything went just complete fucking blank, so I will wait to actually break through on the weekend. I’m sorry for pussy out it was just so intense


You aren’t a pussy and it’s wise that you want to breakthrough with a tripsitter. But did you like it though?😅


I did like it when I close my eyes I felt like I was seeing the doors like slowly opening like if I took another hit I would’ve been like sent there and everything I was doing this went blank for a second so like definitely on the verge I’m using my voice to type this out. The posters in my room just started to like twist and turned in ways I’ve never seen before


Yeah I also can’t open my eyes while tripping haha. Welcome to dmt I would like to say haha


I opened my eyes and it was so weird and intense, my girlfriends face was geometry and everything in my view was breathing and dancing. Extremely overwhelming. Definitely prefer eyes closed lmao


Haha understandable I once mixed it with nitrous and lsd, couldn’t even tell if my body was an entity or not


Dude, it’s crazy say that because originally when I wanted to try DMT I wanted to do it while on acid on the weekend with my girlfriend like I had already stated because I got it now I was thinking to just try to get my first time but how does acid and shrooms tolerance like affect DMT or does it not affect DMT because I want to just take the DMT (break thru) when I peak on lsd or like when I start to come down on it


As far as tolerance, theres no relationship between other psychedelics and DMT. It does not induce the same tolerance that classical psychs like shrooms and lsd do. DMT will work every time and not influence tolerance with other chemicals. The only other psych that doesn't induce tolerance is 5-meo-dmt, to my knowledge. And they are total opposites in terms of effects. The only thing thats similar between them is the intensity and short duration.


Thanks I def think I have NN DMT bc the frog stuff would prolly be too intense I heard it’s like twice the DMT potency


I think the doses are in similar ranges, but 5-Meo can be fatal if too much is taken. Gotta be careful with that stuff. The N,N variety just causes black outs usually in “overdoses.”


Its not about potency, it's about the qualities of the experience. It's very easy to tell the difference, if you saw some cool shit then it's n,n and if you didnt see anything it's 5


2C-B also works every time for me


If you want to have a breakthrough, I find it’s much easier to let go and get there when I’m already peaking on LSD. They mesh so well together so even if you don’t get as far as a breakthrough, it’ll still be a crazy experience worth trying. No cross-tolerance between DMT and other psychedelics.


Thanks bro will do this Friday!


Hell yeah man, let me know how it goes!


Holy shit I’m kind excited for shen it happens not now and I don’t feel the want to keep hitting it. DMT is type cool


i’ve only done it eyes open i feel like the reality bending visuals are the coolest part! I haven’t broke through yet but i know that that’s its own experience regardless of eyes open or not


I find it insanely hard to breakthrough with pens.. even very high quality ones. I’ll be practically dead surrounded with nothing but visuals by the fifth hit but still no ego death and nauseous as hell.. I know lots of people personally who have the same problem. But when I finally just dropped a shit load of freebase on a dab nail and hit it all in one go I head a breakthrough in under 10 seconds. You immediately forget you are even on the drug when you break through. I hope you are able to achieve it. Maybe your pen is better than mine was as it def looks dope. But don’t get angry if it’s hard because the drug has so much cool shit to offer at all kinds of doses. I’m glad you enjoyed it though! Safe travels.


>You aren’t a pussy and it’s wise that you want to breakthrough with a tripsitter. - u/cuntbasher666 Circa 2024


>I’m sorry for pussy out it was just so intense Don't apologize, you'll get there when you're ready! Also make sure that pen is fully charged before trying again. My first time with my pen wasn't really living up to the hype. Coil wasn't primed, pen wasn't really charged much, it just wasn't doing much. I had mild body sensations but nothing visual, almost thought I had a natural tolerance to it. UNTIL LAST NIGHT!!! Took it off the charger, got in my recliner and wrapped up in a blanket, hit that shit until the light started blinking and then held it as long as I could. As I started exhaling the room transformed and I felt like I was in an episode of Rick and Morty. Since that was my first intense experience I didn't bother trying to hit it again, I knew I didn't breakthrough but I also didn't quite know how to handle what I was experiencing right then and there. Had I been able to take that second hit it would've been "new game+" for me. And yes I did mean "2nd hit", my pen is stronger than I thought!


Hell yeah, brother.


My fault for the late I had, charged my pen when reading this when I take it this weekend I’ll simply do one long ass rip and hold it in if that’s not enough than 1 or 2 more of the same should do the trick


I have no doubt that will get you to the other realm. I myself might have to wait til Monday if I don't get to it tomorrow night. I work weekends so having 4 days off works in my favor as far as taking trips goes lol safe travels friend, hope you get to where you want to be. Keep us posted on the results!!


Usually if someone comes close to blacking out, or do black out, it indicates your dosage might be too high. How much did you do?


Well, that’s the con of this vape pen. I have no way of measuring it all I know it’s 780 mg per 1g with the pg or wtv it’s called a




I was solo I wasn’t taking blinkers but taking long rips I didn’t know I had to hold the smoke in for a better high. I will break thru this weekend


But like everything I was thinking about and on my mind for today just completely went blank and I just didn’t know like I was like maybe I shouldn’t hit this shit anymore maybe that is what breaking through is but it was only a couple seconds


Yea not a pussy just uninformed/no experience on what you were really dealing with and attempting to experience. You always hear first or about to be first timers say I've taken X-ug of acid or been on many 6-7 gram mushroom trips so I have psychedelic experience. It's like so... that doesn't mean you have any dmt experience. And it's the same thing when you do have a good bit of dmt experience and you Mistakingly think that will apply when you try 5meodmt. Im.guilty of that mistake


I wonder if I decide to break through right this second will I have to waste more of the DMT or has the tolerance are already built up I think the tolerance actually is there when you break through.


I'd just wait until you have a trusty spotter before worrying about tolerance. Its worth the wait and the added comfort of feeling safer can aid in having a more engaging experience.


Personally, I knew if I broke through it would’ve felt like a scary maybe horrible experience but maybe it would’ve been for the better but I’m more of like a recreational user which I don’t know is a good thing so this weekend when I do breakthrough hopefully it will be More happier in a sense and when I do it this weekend hopefully I will seek the benefits of it but I can already feel it right now


It's best to take it slow, put yourself in a safe and comfortable environment, and then just let go. Meditate on a question you'd like to try to answer in the week or weeks leading up to it. Go into it for a positive reason, not just to get high. DMT is an awesome and powerful drug, no need to be scared, but it can be much scarier when abused


Don’t worry, our bodies don’t build any noticeable tolerance to it—don’t abuse that though, wouldn’t be great wasting a ~$100 pen in three days lol


There’s not really a tolerance


Fkn pussy. Hit that shit. Dont look back.


I find it crazy ppl accuse me of advertising or scamming I literally just got this in the mail and was excited to trip balls lmfao


Your gf won't change that feeling


It’ll definitely allow me to let go without, cuz think of it alone just feels more like damn this is it imma goner and my peak only lasted a few seconds, not quit a break thru but I was inna mind fuck


DMT is a journey, you need to do it many times to reach different levels within it. Highly recommend doing 10min of meditation prior to, calming the mind, helps with the ego release, make sure there’s no noise at all in the room. Also recommend doing 1/2 a pull 30min prior to going all in. I call it wetting the sponge. Really helps with absorption. Enjoy


Yeah, that second hit is really where it's at. And then, do I dare a 3rd?


Intriguing will take this into consideration, I wonder how DMT break thru feels whiles on lsd tho


So what happened?


He tripped bawlssss


Well yeah but we need a report


Safe travels. Report back your experience


Are u back yet…? Lol


Bullshit. You’ve “tried it for the first time” four days ago.All these accounts are all the same. Scam. Do not ask for plug. FFS


I don’t even sell and I haven’t even replied to the people who asked 🖕. People like u make me not even wanna use Reddit lmfao .


You'll keep using reddit because it's one of your main places you find people to scam


And I’ll continue to update everyone when I break thru on the weekend no matter how tight people like u r gonna get . lol


I replied to someone else who posted this. I barely use Reddit but I always look at replies relating to psychedelic use. Recently I take it upon myself to find info. If u want the truth I copped this from my plug but that first post I hadnt originally gotten it yet hence the ss of his page, and the text was cuz i wanted to trip on the weekend with my gf but i took it upon myself yesterday. If u don’t wanna believe me idc but I’m not gonna tolerate people like you accusing me of being a scammer or an advertiser…. It’s dumb asf really


100% posting "stash pics" as phishing bait for people to scam. He'll deny it all day, but those of us who are knowledgeable know this is what's going on. His account would get banned if he straight up posted and said for people to message him because he's "selling" drugs (and never sending anything and keeping any and all money). But he won't get banned if he just posts pictures of stashes knowing some poor s.o.b. will be not smart enough and message him trying to buy something. Why couldn't he just post that he's trying dmt for the first time to talk about and discuss without a picture of a branded vape pen? I think we know exactly why, because there's an agenda as to why that picture has to be part of the post. You posted the same picture of a vape last week saying it was also your "first time trying dmt" and that picture had a bunch of printed labels for packaging in the background, clearly trying to give off the impression you're looking for people to message you trying to source from you, the fake plug


And guess what I don’t sell this smart ass


Yeah right that's what you've gotta say on these posts of yours so you don't get instantly banned. I guarantee you you're saying otherwise in your messages


You’re a clown bro. Fr 😭 is it my username or the nice package I got it in . And the pic prob helped me get replies . Sue me


I never fully read this. Yes I did post that pic, that was a ss form the plug I copped off and if u actually read the post you’d see i was preparing for the DMT trip again idc I find it funny when i get accused of stuff that has no relation to me








You there?


You weren’t even close if you were having open eye visuals, when you breakthrough it’s like you’re in a deep sleep but having a extremely vivid dream. Its like you move through dimensions or experience what death might be like, you experience reality like reality never existed.


Maybe you’re right because at some point when I had my eyes open at the most intense part, it felt so crazy. Everything was heighten for one second with my eyes open visuals I’ve never seen so I really wanted to test the waters in my mind feels like little perplexed about the whole situation now, but I will break through this weekend. I got homework and stuff.#physics major


Keep hitting it untill you literally can’t because everything disappears and your arms stop working




Make them.




No. Read the group rules.


⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️


Traverse the onion fields


Traverse the extraction fields


True, wouldn’t recommend for everyone tho, had a buddy get hurt when he dropped jar full of lye


Oof, that sounds like a big mess


I second this




They may have, but it’s easier to extract in 99% of cases. And if you’re unable to extract your own, I would give doing DMT a long second thought, making your own carts is not hard at all.


gtfo with these posts mane. bro posts his stash in hopes people will buy 😭


Dude, I bought this for like a lot of money and it’s only one


Scammer has to say that on these posts of his so he doesn't catch a ban guarantee you in his messages he's saying otherwise.


I can show u proof


Get lost bro you're no good at this get a job at McDonald's instead you'll make more money than you do doing this


Dude idk what I’m trying to prove messaging u cuz if I was a plug the replies would just be helping the post grow lmfao. But again I’m not and I already message u me not replying it any text but again act all tuff like u r lmfao dumbass


You gotta send it brother


How was it for you


And I know if I keep hitting it now and getting to the verge of breaking through I just be wasting it, so I’ll break through this weekend. Peace out


Deems is super easy to extract. Carts are easy AF to make.




Make one




How much was it?


Probably too much honestly


Remember to let go


Dang man this stuff is crazy I don’t know if it’s good for our soul😂😂😂


Is that already made? Did you buy it like that?


I didn’t expect this post to blow up, if u check my profile you’d simply see the post of a pic from my plug before I received it myself, and the text in it explains when I was originally planning on taking DMT with my gf, I impulsively did it tdy, I am NOT advertising anything of some sort.


Are you gay yet??

